Dance Contract Info 14-15

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Dear Parents,

Please read through the entire contract carefully to make sure you understand all expectations and
responsibilities of the dancer and their families. If you sign this form, you are agreeing to follow all
specifications. There are several changes to this contract from last year, so returning parents,
please read carefully.
With that being said, it needs to be known that being a part of this team (family) is a full time
commitment. Our program grows each year and changes due to new demands and expectations in the
world of team competition. If your child makes the team, they will not be able to oin any other in
school acti!ity from "ept#$arch. Dancing school outside of school is definitely encouraged because
this is where their technique is strengthened, however, if you attend a competition class and this
will be a conflict, we kindly ask you to reconsider trying out for the WI dance team. In the past
we ha!e tried to make adustments and arrangements for those who ha!e this conflict, howe!er, it is
becoming more and more difficult.
!I" your child makes the team, payment of #$$%.&& for '()P, which is mandatory, will
be needed before (pril *+
. ,ur camp is a - day camp at Western 'T tate .niv from
/uly %&0%$
1 * See last page for description
%ach participant will be udged on the following&
(. 'ip 'op choreography
). "tunts and tricks
a. toe touch b. kip up c. baby free3e d. head stand hold for 4 counts
*eacher +ecommendation (points will be deducted for poor teacher e!aluations)
,-.. /.
(. ,a00 1horeography
). techni2ue
a. double pirouette b. a la second c. leap d. tilt !left or right1 e. turning disc
/. *eacher +ecommendation (points will be deducted for poor teacher e!aluations)
(. 3ick 1horeography
). techni2ue
a. kicks up close to chin b. stag 5ump c. heel stretch hold for 4 counts d. splits
e. full rotation on fan kicks f. pointed toes, no sickled feet g. double pirouette
/. *eacher +ecommendation (points will be deducted for poor teacher e!aluations)
I)P,6T(7T& If a dancer has all necessary parts, they will become a ".88 member of that
team. 9,W:;:6, if all parts are not perfected by tryouts, the dancer will be considered for an
(8T:67(T: position. This means that they have potential to grow at camp, over the summer
and even the beginning of the new school year to reach for the goal of becoming a ".88 team
member by early fall. If they do not make the necessary ad5ustments, they will remain an
alternate for the year which will give them even more time to grow for the following season.
(lternates that do not become full members still have the opportunity to dance if there is an
in5ury or an absence. They take part in all aspects of the team otherwise. Please understand and
anticipate that 5ust because you have been a full member years past, does 7,T mean that you
will be this year if the above requirements are not met. (s stated earlier, we as a team have to
change rules and e<pectations as the world of team dance grows and changes itself.
Thank you to all and good luck=
/aime ebring and /ennarose De(ngelo
Dance Team Contract 14-15
Coaches: Jaime Sebring and Jennarose DeAngelo
Practice Schedules:
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday- Mandatory conditioning for ALL 3-3:35 (until the late bus)
Monday 3:35 -5:00 i! o!
Tuesday 3:35 -5:00 "a##
Wednesday 3:00-5:00 Mandatory ALL- conditioning$ for%ation re&ie'$ and tea% bonding acti&ity
Thursday 3:35-5:00 i! o!/(ic(
)) *onditioning is %andatory+ ,t does not %atter if you ha&e other dance classes+ ,n order to be on the
tea% you %ust !artici!ate in all days of conditioning))
Sunday- -lease antici!ate a !ractice on .undays as needed fro% .e!te%ber through /ece%ber at 00:05-
0:05+ We 'ill (no' by Thursday e&ening of that 'ee( if indeed 'e 'ill be using that ti%e for a
!articular tea%+ These 'ill be %andatory and 'ill be !art of the 3 absence rule (see belo')
Alternate Description
-%ust attend all !ractices and conditioning
-'ill fill in for a !erson 'ho cannot %a(e a co%!etition/!erfor%ance gi&en they (no' the choreogra!hy
-'ill ta(e !art in all fundraising and e&ents 'e !ut on during the year+
-ill ha!e the opportunity to become a "ull member by mid season but not guaranteed# $eed to
see enough groth and dedication#
%&pectations "or students:
1&erall a&erage of * in all classes
-ositi&e beha&ior: no ,..$ no dra%a$ no co%!laints by other tea% %e%bers or
Must attend A'' !ractices
3 une2cused absences %eans cut fro% that tea%
%&ceptions: fe&er/&o%iting$ in3ury or !re-a!!ro&ed by coaches
,f a dancer can co%e sit and 'atch !ractice it 'ill not be considered an absence+
*an be benched if child %isses a !ractice the 'ee( of a co%!etition$ e&en if it4s
an e2cused absence+ Coaches ill ma(e the decision based on ho ready the
dancer is based on practices leading up to e!ent#
Must infor% 5 'ee(s in ad&ance if cannot %a(e a co%!etition or school-based
fundraiser (organi#ed by coaches)
,f absent- you learn ne' choreogra!hy fro% a ca!tain P)*+) to the ne2t !ractice
6egin in "anuary and e2tend to the beginning of March+
*T co%!etitions are on a .aturday e&ening usually
Long ,sland *o%!etitions are .unday %ornings (7a%-noon)
$ationals: January 30th - February 3
*Change from last year- if you come to nationals, you may NOT leave before
Friday !e have our last "ractice on Thursday afternoon before #e go$ %lso, if
you are "lanning to e&tend your vacation, all girls '()T be bac* in school by
Thursday 'ost li*ely, our com"etition #ill be on )unday in +ong ,sland and #e
#ould li*e to see J%-- and .,C. on that Thursday afternoon ,f your daughter is
J()T on /,0 /O0, "lease ma*e sure your flight is scheduled to come bac* before
)aturday in case of inclement #eather
,onetary +bligations:
Camp -mandatory. At /estern CT State 0ni!ersity July 11-12
# 3 221#11
Due immediately a"ter tryouts at the "irst parent meeting in April# -4

graders- you ill be slightly di""erent and ill be e&plained to you on last
All dancers must get 3111 orth o" sponsorships -4y 1
practice in
Anything o!er 111 goes D*)%CT'5 to dancer and their e&penses "or the year#
6undraisers ill be put in place by our parent committees -e&plained in ne&t section. to help
o""set costs7 but the "inal responsibility "or all costs is ith each dancer s parents#
Costs include 8a997 (ic(7 and hip hop costume7 shoes7 practice clothes7 arm-up
pants:8ac(et7 bag7 Camp7 $ationals7 transportation to e!ents and bus to airport7 coach ;
sponsor "ees7 techni<ue classes7 music7 etc# %stimate - 3=7111 per dancer#
When de!osits are due for flights to nationals$ or boo(ing your hotel$ if you decide to bac( out$
$+ D%P+S*T *S )%60$DA4'% $+ ,ATT%) />AT??????????
*6 you are in a situation here money is an issue7 please let ,s# Sebring (no ASAP# *"
you <uali"y "or help and i" proper time is alloed7 e might be able to help you#
,f you 8ualify for hel!$ this usually %eans that your child gets assistance through the school
in ter%s of lunch cost reduction and/or gi&en assistance 'ith school su!!lies$ etc+

,f you do get assistance$ you 'ill be as(ed to ha&e another fa%ily and the coaches to be
res!onsible for your child during nationals+

There are no e2ce!tions for re8uired !ay dates ('hich 'ill be gi&en out usually in the
beginning of .e!te%ber or before)+ ,f you %iss a !ay%ent$ your child 'ill not be able to
!artici!ate in 'hate&er that !ay%ent goes to'ards+
,n the !ast$ , ha&e chased do'n fa%ilies for their re8uired a%ounts+ The coaches 'ill no
longer be doing this+ We 'ill send out a re%inder the 'ee( before$ but again$ these
!ay%ents 'ill be listed on the calendar ahead of ti%e so the re%inder is not the ti%e to
let coaches (no' that you 'ill not be able to %a(e it+
There %ight be ti%es 'hen the coaches are una'are of !ay dates or co%!etition
infor%ation but as soon as they are released$ 'e 'ill send you the info and of course$ at
that !oint$ 'e 'ill be lenient 'ith the deadlines+
+ther Parent +bligations
9ach !arent is re8uired to be an acti&e %e%ber of a -arent *o%%ittee
The -arent *o%%ittee su!!orts the dance !rogra%$ coaches$ and dancers to ensure a successful year+
The !ur!ose of the -arent *o%%ittees is to conduct fundraisers to hel! offset costs$ but the final
res!onsibility for all costs is 'ith each dancer s !arents+
-arent *o%%ittees 'ill be set u! shortly after tryouts+ A %eeting 'ill be scheduled and ran by our
ca!tain4s !arents: Maria "uliano$ 9ileen :riffin$ and .andy *iaburro+
We (%y child and ,) ha&e read the follo'ing and feel that 'e can %a(e this co%%it%ent+ , agree to
these ter%s and allo' %y child to try out for the Walsh /ance Tea%+
!arent signature
student signature
date ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Parent email@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Parent phone number-s.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
/A'S> *$T%),%D*AT% DA$C%)
)%C+,,%$DAT*+$ 6+),
Please list the names of any $ teachers that you have currently. ,ne of
the teachers on the list will be given this form !we will not release the
name to you1 before the actual tryout date.
Teachers will fill out the following form and return to )rs. ebring?s
mailbo< by "riday, (pril %%, *&%-.
Dancer 'andidate>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'urrently in grade>>>>>
Please rate the student on a scale from &0+ !+ being the highest1 on the

%. (ttendance@Punctuality & % * $ - +

*. 6espect of (uthority & % * $ - +

$. Aeneral (ttitude & % * $ - +

-. 6esponsibility & % * $ - +

+. :ffort@Buality of Work & % * $ - +

C. 9onesty@Integrity & % * $ - +

D. 6espect of Peers & % * $ - +

'omments2 !Eour comments on the possible success of this student are

Camp Description
Where: Western *T .tate <ni&ersity
When: "uly 00-03
A!!ro2i%ate ti%es: /ay 0: 00:30-=:00 !%
/ay 5: =:30-=:00 !%
/ay 3: =:30-=:00 !%
/ay >: =:30-05:30 !%
*ost: ?330+00 for all inco%ing @-=
?075+00 for all inco%ing 5
All @-=
graders 'ill be staying o&ernight in the dor%s 'ith at least 5 coaches or
cha!erones+ All of their %eals are included in this !rice as 'ell+
,nco%ing 5
graders$ 'e feel$ are too young to handle the intensity of being at
ca%! all day and not seeing their !arents at night+ Aor this reason$ 'e are either
as(ing you to set u! car!ools to co%%ute daily$ 'hich the tea% has been doing for
the last se&eral years$ or %any fa%ilies decided to stay u! at a hotel to (ee! their
child u! in /anbury$ so the co%%ute is easier+ More 'ill be e2!lained at the
!arent %eeting since %ost of our fa%ilies ha&e gone this route in the !ast+
Also$ M9AL. are B1T included in this !rice and once the tea% is %ade$ , 'ill
in8uire about !ricing for a food bracelet so they can eat in the dining hall 'ith
their tea%+
/ance ca%! is the first !lace 'here our tea% gets the o!!ortunity to bond and
get to (no' each other+
They learn to trust and %a(e friendshi!s here before the season starts+ The
%ost i%!ortant !art of being in tea% dance is the connection the (ids ha&e 'ith
each other on the floor+ ,f they are not bonded$ it 'ill sho' in their !erfor%ance+
We feel that those 'ho ha&e %issed out on ca%! in !ast years ha&e %issed a
crucial !art of the tea%4s ca%araderie and this is 'hy 'e are hea&ily co%%itted
to ha&ing e&eryone go+

This is also 'here they learn 'hat is e2!ected of the% as a CAD.,TE /AB*9D
and ho' it differs fro% any other dance association+
Ainally$ this is 'here the tea% has the o!!ortunity to 8ualify for nationals+ There
is no other 'ay for us to get our bid+

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