This document is a church bulletin from Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church that provides information about church services and events for the summer of 2014. It lists the dates for Sunday services in July and August, along with any memorial services or coffee hours hosted by families. It also announces upcoming Greek festivals at other churches, lists recent graduates, offers condolences and congratulations, and wishes everyone a happy summer.
This document is a church bulletin from Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church that provides information about church services and events for the summer of 2014. It lists the dates for Sunday services in July and August, along with any memorial services or coffee hours hosted by families. It also announces upcoming Greek festivals at other churches, lists recent graduates, offers condolences and congratulations, and wishes everyone a happy summer.
This document is a church bulletin from Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church that provides information about church services and events for the summer of 2014. It lists the dates for Sunday services in July and August, along with any memorial services or coffee hours hosted by families. It also announces upcoming Greek festivals at other churches, lists recent graduates, offers condolences and congratulations, and wishes everyone a happy summer.
This document is a church bulletin from Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church that provides information about church services and events for the summer of 2014. It lists the dates for Sunday services in July and August, along with any memorial services or coffee hours hosted by families. It also announces upcoming Greek festivals at other churches, lists recent graduates, offers condolences and congratulations, and wishes everyone a happy summer.
SUNDAY, July 6 th 4 th Sunday of Mattew Orthros and Divine Liturgy..8:3a!"##:a! 40 day memorial for Francisco Rigos $o%%ee hosted &y the %a!ily o% 'ran(is(o )igos SUNDAY, July #3 th Sunday of the Holy Fathers Orthros and Divine Liturgy**8:3a!"##:a! 1 yr. memorial for Konstantinos Aivalis. May his memory e eternal. $o%%ee hosted &y the %a!ily o% +onstantinos Aivalis* SUNDAY, July , th St. !lias the "ro#het Orthros and Divine Liturgy**8:3a!"##:a! $o%%ee hosted gra(iously &y -lias .erdi/is 0 %a!ily* ')1DAY, July ,2 th $ormition of Saint Anna Orthros and Divine Liturgy**8:3a!"#:3a! SUNDAY, July ,3 th St. "anteleimon Orthros and Divine Liturgy**8:3a!"##:a! $o%%ee hosted &y YAL ')1DAY, August # st $ormition Fast %egins&"araclesis at Annunciation 'hurch***3:4! SUNDAY, August 3 rd ( th Sunday of Matthew Orthros and Divine Liturgy**8:3a!"##:a! $o%%ee hosted &y 5o4e 0 Joy 6ONDAY, August 7 th "araclesis ........................................***3:4! 8U-SDAY, August 2 th )es#er Services for Holy *ransfiguration of the +ord*3:4! 9-DN-SDAY, August 6 th Holy *ransfiguration of the +ord Orthros and Divine Liturgy****::a!"##:a! ')1DAY, August 8 th "araclesis**..........................................................................3:4! SUNDAY, August # th , th Sunday of Matthew Orthros and Divine Liturgy8:3a!"##:a! - month memorial for .ohn /oumoulis. May his memory e eternal. $o%%ee hosted &y the %a!ily o% John ;ou!&oulis 6ONDAY, August ## th "araclesis ..*3:4! 85U)SDAY, August #7 th 0reat )es#ers for the $ormition of the *heoto1os )es#er Services held at Annunciation 'hurch22222222222222.2.23400#m <es4ers =ill &e held at the $hur(h o% Dor!ition in Dan&ury****3:4! ')1DAY, August #2 th *he $ormition of the )irgin Mary Orthros and Divine Liturgy**8:3a!"#:3a! SUNDAY, August #3 th 10 th Sunday of Matthew Orthros and Divine Liturgy8:3a!"##:a! 5 year memorial for "eter Arahovitis $o%%ee hosted &y >OYA SUNDAY, August ,7 th 11 th Sunday of Matthew Orthros and Divine Liturgy*8:3a!"##:a! $o%%ee hosted &y YAL ')1DAY, August ,: th *he %eheading of St. .ohn the %a#tist Orthros and Divine Liturgy8:3a!"##:3a! SUNDAY, August 3# st 16 th Sunday of Matthew Orthros and Divine Liturgy8:3a!"##:3a! # year memorial for Athanasios Koutinas
Many *han1s *o4 All who wor1ed hard7 #re#ared7 coo1ed and served food 8souvla1i7 gyro7 hamurgers7 hot dogs7 lou1oumades7 a1lava7 sweets7 drin1s7 etc.9 for the festival. All who donated goods&materials7 medicine e:ui#ment and money7 those who wor1ed as cashiers7 the electricians7 those who sold and ought raffle tic1ets and those who #aid for the usiness signs7 and all who hel#ed in any way for another successful festival. ;"'<M=>0 '<MM;>=*? !)!>*S : ?St* >eorge $hur(h in Nor=al/, $8 has its >ree/ 'estival on the =ee/end o% August ,#",7* ?St* @ar&ara $hur(h in Orange, $8 has its >ree/ 'estival on La&or Day =ee/end August ,:"Se4te!&er #* ?5oly 8rinity $hur(h in Ne= )o(helle, NY has its >ree/ 'estival on the =ee/end o% Se4te!&er ##"#7* ?8he Ar(hangels $hur(h in Sta!%ord, $8 has its >ree/ 'estival on the =ee/end o% Se4te!&er ,2",8* '<>0RA*;+A*=<>S *< *H! F<++<@=>0 0RA$;A*!S4 Rania "a#aioannou from ;'<>>. >i1i %outsi1oudis from @esthill High School. @ill e attending Roger @illiams ;niversity in the fall. Anastas '. Kanaris from @esthill High School. @ill e attending %oston 'ollege in the fall. AleAi >i1olo#oulos from Stamford High School. @ill e attending %oston 'ollege in the fall. >ancy Scar#elli from Stamford High School. @ill e attending ;'<>> in the fall. So#hia $. /iotas from *he Harvey School. @ill e attending 'onnecticut 'ollege in the fall. So#hia Si1iotis from @esthill High School. @ill e attending S'; in the fall. DEEPEST SYMPATHY: 6rs* Joanie .hili44o4oulos, 6s* Jai!e .hili44o4oulos, 6r* -van .hili44o4oulos and %a!ily on the death o% their hus&and and %ather, Ji!!y* 6ay his !e!ory &e eternal* 6r* 0 6rs* ;a(harios )igos on the death o% his %ather, 'ran(is(o in >ree(e* 6ay his !e!ory &e eternal* CONGRATULATIONS TO: 6r* 0 6rs* 5arry A6aria +usulasB Yeterian on their =edding* 8he /ou!4aro =as 6r* .eter +usulas* 6r* 0 6rs* Daniel ALaurenB Di$i((o on the &a4tis! o% their son, 6yles Andre=* 8he >od!other =as 6s* <i(toria 'oreit* 6r* 0 6rs* John ACanthe4eB Sandalidis on the &a4tis! o% their daughter, -laina Anatoli* 8he >od%ather =as 6r* Savvas -le%theriades* 6r* 0 6rs* <asilios A-leniB Dia/ogeorgiou on the &a4tis! o% their son, >eorgios* 8he >od4arents =ere 6r* 0 6rs* Savvas AYiannaB Di!itroglou* 6iss 1liana S/rou&elos 0 6r* >eorge +atsa!anis on their engage!ent* WISHING ALL A GREAT, HEALTHY AND FUN FILLED SUMMER!!!