Saint Anne's Bulletin of 02/09/2014
Saint Anne's Bulletin of 02/09/2014
Saint Anne's Bulletin of 02/09/2014
T&e Bi0&$+=0 A++ea Y$u 7i "et 3ai %r$3 E+ar'&y1 t&at>0 3ean 7e 7i 0tart 3ay? be ne6t Sunday and t&e A++ea end0 $n /ay 5.1 )*.,. Donations for Vestment and Icon :use envelopes available on the Greeting Table
According to the y!antine tradition "e have five Saturdays for the remembrance of the departed of our families and of our friends# This year$ the % st All Souls Saturday is &ebruary ''nd # (lease use the envelope provided in your pac)et$ you "ill find them in march# (lease "rite the names of those you "ish to have remember at the (anachyda after the Divine Liturgy on these five Saturdays#
#rayer $e%uests ( O(r )ol! *at%er *ra $is' +o,e -e e.i$kt /012'o(r 3etro,olita William' o(r &o.-lo"i 4 -is%o, &eral.' *at%er C%risto,%er 5(44er' 3o si4 or &eor4e 0i.a' 3itre. 6r$%,riest Ste,%e Was%ko' 6r$%ma .rite Wesle! 17er' &re4 a . 8ia e 3e!er' 9(ra: a . E"a ;as,erek' Carmel #oe$k <i ske!' &re44 a . 8ia e 3e!er' 8ea$o Ste,%e = C%ris 0ra>el' #is$% ?amil!';at%! Slo ka' &erar.a O .a 4' 9(.! = Tom Wals% a . @%ole *amil!' <i .a = *ra k 3$;e a' -aro *amil!' S(>-8ea$o 3i$%ael 3el ik a . %is *amil!' 9o% S%e,ar.' 3ar! <(kas' 9(lie Carli S,e$ial 1 te tio s a . all St2 6 e +aris%io ers2
CONFESSIONS( O e %al? %o(r >e?ore all )ol! Ser"i$es to 10 mi (tes >e?ore t%e start o? t%e Ser"i$e2 Or >! a,,oi tme t i t%e +aris% O??i$e2 ANOINTIN: OF THE SIC@( a?ter t%e )ol! Ser"i$es i $%(r$% >e?ore %os,itali7atio 2 *or emer4e $ies' $all imme.iatel! +aris% O??i$e2 BAPTIS/ACHRIS/ATIONAEUCHARIST( m(st >e arra 4e. t%ree mo t%s i a."a $e2 CRO4NIN: OF /ARRIA:E( m(st >e arra 4e. siA mo t%s i a."a $e2 EASTERN CHRISTIAN FOR/ATION( $o ta$t +aris% O??i$e2 See -(lleti 2 LITUR:Y INTENTIONS( (se e "elo,es a"aila>le o t%e &reeti 4 Ta>le i C%(r$% $all ,aris% o??i$e or ask *at%er 3ila 2 SUNDAY COFFEE( +lease We ee. !o(r )el,2 1t o l! takes a ?e@ mi (tes to ,(t e"er!t%i 4 >a$k i' @i,e t%e ta>les a . take o(t t%e tras% >e?ore lea"i 4 t%e +aris% )all
S%&' ( )" *+# P%,-I$ & &' *+# P+ !IS#S "ebruary .th 2014
ALTAR SOCIETY( We @a t to t%a k t%e .e.i$ate. me a . @ome @%o %el, kee, o(r C%(r$% $lea a . ,ro,erl! a,,oi te. ?or t%e )ol! Ser"i$es2 4e &a!e 0e!era 7ay01 %o@ @e $a %el, o(r ,aris% >etter a$$om,lis% its missio o? >ri 4i 4 C%ristBs sa"i 4 ,rese $e to t%e $omm( it!2 O e o? t%e @a!s is o(r Et&ni' F$$d0 ,re,are. (si 4 tra.itio al Sla"i$ re$i,esC An$t&er i0 $ur B$$<1 :i%t and I'$n and :i%t S&$+. 6ll .o atio s are .e,osite. i to t%e 8e,t% re.a$tio 6$$o( t2 We %o,e !o( @ill >e a>le to sto, >! o(r $%(r$% sometime to >ro@se t%ro(4% t%e s%o,2 +lease $all a%ea. to make s(re @e are o,e 2 Donation for ulletin