Saint Anne's Bulletin of 02/09/2014

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Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!

This Weeks Liturgy Schedule

Sun. February 9 SUNDAY OF THE PUBLICAN AND THE PHARISES Otdanie ( ea!in"# $% t&e En'$unter 9()* C&$ir +ra'ti'e 9(,- T&ird H$ur TONE 5; 146-148 .*(** A/( F$r $ur Pari0&i$ner01 Friend01 2i0it$r0 and Bene%a't$r0 /$n. February .* T&e H$ y /artyr C&ara a3+a0 379-380 9(**A/( + Ester Stalter Tue0. February .. T&e H$ y /artyr B ai0e1 Bi0&$+ $% Seba0te 4ed. February .) Our H$ y Fat&er /e itiu01 Ar'&bi0&$+ $% Anti$'& 372-373 9(** A/( Castel Williams T&u. February .5 Our 2enerab e Fat&er /artinian 376-377 -(.- P/( + Erik Sto er Fri. February ., Our 2enerab e Fat&er Au6entiu0. T&e Pa00in" $% $ur 2enerab e Fat&er C$n0tantine1 7&$0e 3$na0ti' na3e i0 Cyri 1 t&e A+$0t e $% t&e S a!0 376-377 -(.- P/( S!l"ia #o$%a Sat. February .- T&e H$ y A+$0t e One0i3u0 368-369 9(** A/( 8 &loria Sto er Sun. February .9 SUNDAY OF THE PRODI:AL SON 9()* C&$ir +ra'ti'e 9(,- T&ird H$ur TONE 6' 152'216 .*(** A/( F$r $ur Pari0&i$ner01 Friend01 2i0it$r0 and Bene%a't$r0

Parish Potluck will be at 2nd March 2014 everybody is very welcome. It is

presentation of the traditional Slavic and merican food. Please Invite your !elatives and "riends. #$P Sponsored Lenten Day of Recollection:In an effort to reap the best possible benefits from
the time of the Great Fast while sharing greater fraternity among our parishes, the clergy of the Eastern Catholic Pastoral Association of Southern California invite the faithful of their parishes to a Lenten ay of !ecollection on Satur"ay, # $arch %&'() *he event is to ta+e place at Saint ,icholas of $yra -y.antine Catholic Church in Fontana, California) Starting time is '&/0& A$ an" conclusion at 1 P$) Father 2ustin !ose of the $el+ite Eparchy of ,ewton is giving two tal+s with time for 3uestions) 4is themes will inclu"e trusting in Go", repentance, awa+ening to Go"5s presence, an" the ,ew Evangeli.ation) *he "ay will inclu"e liturgical prayer, the holy mysteries of repentance an" anointing of the sic+, time for silence, an" buffet lunch an" "inner) Cost per person is 6%&)For further information, please contact me.

Message fro! "our #astor

T&e Bi0&$+=0 A++ea Y$u 7i "et 3ai %r$3 E+ar'&y1 t&at>0 3ean 7e 7i 0tart 3ay? be ne6t Sunday and t&e A++ea end0 $n /ay 5.1 )*.,. Donations for Vestment and Icon :use envelopes available on the Greeting Table
According to the y!antine tradition "e have five Saturdays for the remembrance of the departed of our families and of our friends# This year$ the % st All Souls Saturday is &ebruary ''nd # (lease use the envelope provided in your pac)et$ you "ill find them in march# (lease "rite the names of those you "ish to have remember at the (anachyda after the Divine Liturgy on these five Saturdays#
#rayer $e%uests ( O(r )ol! *at%er *ra $is' +o,e -e e.i$kt /012'o(r 3etro,olita William' o(r &o.-lo"i 4 -is%o, &eral.' *at%er C%risto,%er 5(44er' 3o si4 or &eor4e 0i.a' 3itre. 6r$%,riest Ste,%e Was%ko' 6r$%ma .rite Wesle! 17er' &re4 a . 8ia e 3e!er' 9(ra: a . E"a ;as,erek' Carmel #oe$k <i ske!' &re44 a . 8ia e 3e!er' 8ea$o Ste,%e = C%ris 0ra>el' #is$% ?amil!';at%! Slo ka' &erar.a O .a 4' 9(.! = Tom Wals% a . @%ole *amil!' <i .a = *ra k 3$;e a' -aro *amil!' S(>-8ea$o 3i$%ael 3el ik a . %is *amil!' 9o% S%e,ar.' 3ar! <(kas' 9(lie Carli S,e$ial 1 te tio s a . all St2 6 e +aris%io ers2

Last Sundays Gift to the Lord

Sunday Attendan'e( 9, Tit&e(;1 Y$ut&( ; Cand e0(; 1 Debt. Fund(; D$nati$n(;.,5 Ba<e Sa e(;1 :i%t S&$+(;

May God bless your generosity to His Church!

CONFESSIONS( O e %al? %o(r >e?ore all )ol! Ser"i$es to 10 mi (tes >e?ore t%e start o? t%e Ser"i$e2 Or >! a,,oi tme t i t%e +aris% O??i$e2 ANOINTIN: OF THE SIC@( a?ter t%e )ol! Ser"i$es i $%(r$% >e?ore %os,itali7atio 2 *or emer4e $ies' $all imme.iatel! +aris% O??i$e2 BAPTIS/ACHRIS/ATIONAEUCHARIST( m(st >e arra 4e. t%ree mo t%s i a."a $e2 CRO4NIN: OF /ARRIA:E( m(st >e arra 4e. siA mo t%s i a."a $e2 EASTERN CHRISTIAN FOR/ATION( $o ta$t +aris% O??i$e2 See -(lleti 2 LITUR:Y INTENTIONS( (se e "elo,es a"aila>le o t%e &reeti 4 Ta>le i C%(r$% $all ,aris% o??i$e or ask *at%er 3ila 2 SUNDAY COFFEE( +lease We ee. !o(r )el,2 1t o l! takes a ?e@ mi (tes to ,(t e"er!t%i 4 >a$k i' @i,e t%e ta>les a . take o(t t%e tras% >e?ore lea"i 4 t%e +aris% )all

S%&' ( )" *+# P%,-I$ & &' *+# P+ !IS#S "ebruary .th 2014

ALTAR SOCIETY( We @a t to t%a k t%e .e.i$ate. me a . @ome @%o %el, kee, o(r C%(r$% $lea a . ,ro,erl! a,,oi te. ?or t%e )ol! Ser"i$es2 4e &a!e 0e!era 7ay01 %o@ @e $a %el, o(r ,aris% >etter a$$om,lis% its missio o? >ri 4i 4 C%ristBs sa"i 4 ,rese $e to t%e $omm( it!2 O e o? t%e @a!s is o(r Et&ni' F$$d0 ,re,are. (si 4 tra.itio al Sla"i$ re$i,esC An$t&er i0 $ur B$$<1 :i%t and I'$n and :i%t S&$+. 6ll .o atio s are .e,osite. i to t%e 8e,t% re.a$tio 6$$o( t2 We %o,e !o( @ill >e a>le to sto, >! o(r $%(r$% sometime to >ro@se t%ro(4% t%e s%o,2 +lease $all a%ea. to make s(re @e are o,e 2 Donation for ulletin

St. nne ,y/antine $atholic $hurch

))) E. F$$t&i B$u e!ard San Lui0 Obi0+$1 CA 95,*Pari0& O%%i'e((B*-# -,5?BBB5 Fa6( (B*-# -,5?BB5) 777.0a0 $.$r" 777.%a'eb$$<.'$3ASaintAnneByCantineCat&$ i'C&ur'& e?3ai (0tanne0 $D"3ai .'$3 /$0t Re!erend :era d N. Din$ H$ y Pr$te'ti$n $% /ary ByCantine Cat&$ i' Bi0&$+ $% P&$eni6 Ser!ed by Re!erend /i an @a0+ere< Dea'$n E$&n Brad ey Sub?Dea'$n Seba0tian CarnaCC$

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