MT Adnah Fall 2013 Newsletter 2

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Adnah Cemetery Association

Fall 201 !e"sletter
#0$ East Broad"ay F%lton& !' 10 $( ) 1*+*(2,# -

CHECK US OUT AT OUR NEW WEBSITE: &e have moved into the modern world with our new website. &e are also on /acebook. $lease visit and let us know what you think. Comments and suggestions are welcome. 'onations can be made on the website or on the attached form.

Annual Christmas Tree

The annual tree lighting will be held on &ednesday, 'ecember !!th at () $M at the cemetery. This is done to

Veteran's Roll of Honor

This roll of honor in May was very well supported. Many veterans, deceased and alive were honored. Thank you for remembering. Check out picture on last page. ____________________________

commemorate the season and create a special way to remember loved ones. $lease send *+ for each light to be displayed on the tree. ,ll names are displayed ne-t to the tree. .veryone is welcome to add a light to the tree.

Annual Chicken BBQ

The annual chicken barbeque was a success. Moving up in 2 !" to May !#th. $re%sale tickets will be available. Thanks to all our loyal and new supporters. Check out picture on last page.

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$A%& $A% N'($ &e received news of the passing of our dear friend, 'onna &elter of 6ndiana. &e were very saddened. Mrs. &elter was a very generous supporter of Mt. ,dnah Cemetery. &e thank her for her generous donations thru the years.

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Currentl at !t" A#nah

&ork has been done in the Cremation 9arden. >enches have been added for your sitting pleasure. ,lso new stones and plants have been added to the center area and a stone walkway makes it easier to get to the center area. =ot sales have been better this year. =ot sales make up a large part of the income needed to maintain the cemetery. .arly planning is smart planning.

)eo*le of all faiths an# Beliefs are +elcome to ,e ,urie# in !t" A#nah Cemeter " Ne+sletters +ill not ,e e-maile# as there are far too man #ifferent ser.ers"

!t" A#nah Cemeter Association

6t is the >oard of Trustees responsibility to hire employees, sell lots, keep records, maintain necessary insurance, pay all e-penses, collect necessary monies, purchase and maintain equipment used in the cemetery, handle any problems at the cemetery and follow 1ew 3ork 7tate rules and regulations. 3ou must own a lot in the cemetery to be on the board.

Mt. ,dnah ,ssociation does not receive any money from the City of /ulton, 4swego County or 1ew 3ork 7tate.
&e depend on your donations to help us keep the cemetery operating. $lease give as generously as you can.

!t" A#nah Boar# of %irectors >etty Cooper 0enry 0udson 2en Myers =eonard 7now Happy Thanksgiving Marvin 8ensen $aul /oster :osemary 7cott

$lease, if you have any questions or concerns, call the cemetery office at ?!+%+@2%A??# from A) am B ?) pm. 'avid 7mith, 7uperintendent will respond to all calls.

Happy Thanksgiving Merry Christmas Happy New Year

)lease mark the attache# sheet for our #onation& an# return it in the enclose# en.elo*e" A/ain& THANK YOU so much for our su**ort! 0t is a**reciate# an# nee#e#!

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