MT Adnah Fall 2013 Newsletter 2
MT Adnah Fall 2013 Newsletter 2
MT Adnah Fall 2013 Newsletter 2
commemorate the season and create a special way to remember loved ones. $lease send *+ for each light to be displayed on the tree. ,ll names are displayed ne-t to the tree. .veryone is welcome to add a light to the tree.
T0,12 345, T0,12 345, T0,12 345 67 857T 14T .14590 T4 7,3 /4: 345: C41T615.', 9.1.:457 75$$4:T;;;
$A%& $A% N'($ &e received news of the passing of our dear friend, 'onna &elter of 6ndiana. &e were very saddened. Mrs. &elter was a very generous supporter of Mt. ,dnah Cemetery. &e thank her for her generous donations thru the years.
345 ,:. 2..$619 MT. ,'1,0 4$.:,T619 61 T0.7. <.:3 '6//6C5=T T6M.7.
)eo*le of all faiths an# Beliefs are +elcome to ,e ,urie# in !t" A#nah Cemeter " Ne+sletters +ill not ,e e-maile# as there are far too man #ifferent ser.ers"
Mt. ,dnah ,ssociation does not receive any money from the City of /ulton, 4swego County or 1ew 3ork 7tate.
&e depend on your donations to help us keep the cemetery operating. $lease give as generously as you can.
!t" A#nah Boar# of %irectors >etty Cooper 0enry 0udson 2en Myers =eonard 7now Happy Thanksgiving Marvin 8ensen $aul /oster :osemary 7cott
$lease, if you have any questions or concerns, call the cemetery office at ?!+%+@2%A??# from A) am B ?) pm. 'avid 7mith, 7uperintendent will respond to all calls.
)lease mark the attache# sheet for our #onation& an# return it in the enclose# en.elo*e" A/ain& THANK YOU so much for our su**ort! 0t is a**reciate# an# nee#e#!