Issue 10 - 1st August
Issue 10 - 1st August
Issue 10 - 1st August
Gospel Value:
1 s t A u g u s t
Birthday Wishes
July Caitlin
Cadogan 13 Years
July Meeah Bailey
8 Years
Prayer of the Week
Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the diference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as e did, this sin!u" wor"d as it is,
not as I wou"d have it;
Trusting that e wi"" make a"" things right
i! I surrender to is #i"";
That I may $e reasona$"y happy in this "i!e
and supreme"y happy with im
!orever in the ne%t.
aor! Wor"s
&p'p'( Tomorrow
Heihei ) *hicken
A huge thank you
goes out to
annah +eeves
and her ,ad !or
their contri$ution
o! wooden $ook
$o%es !or our
Li$rary. These
have $een
sanded $y some
o! the senior
chi"dren and wi""
$e painted at a "ater date, $ut !or now our story $ooks
have somewhere to $e stored.
-ia ora .arents and
#e"come $ack to Term /0
The chi"dren have
returned rested and !u"" o!
enthusiasm rearing to go0
Again, we have a $usy
term ahead o! us so
p"ease make sure you
read the news"etter when
it comes out as this wi""
contain important
in!ormation during the
course o! the term.
1unday2s reading !rom
3atthew 4/566 The
-ingdom o! eaven is a
treasure hidden in a 7e"d,
struck a rea" chord with
me. 8esus "oved imagery
and used it to disp"ay
thoughts which can $e
$etter understood i!
imagined. And so e
speaks o! God2s -ingdom
as a treasure hidden in a
7e"d, or as a merchant
"ooking !or 7ne pear"s, or
"ike a "arge net hau"ing in
7sh, and then as a
househo"der who has
things o"d and new. Each
image approaches the
idea o! God2s kingdom
!rom a diferent ang"e so
that we gain greater
insight. 9ur chi"dren, too,
are "ike hidden treasures,
which we try our $est to
mou"d to $ecome more
"ike 8esus. Let us
continue to appreciate
what they have, who they
are and what they do,
School News
Subway Tuesday 12
Fundraising If
anyone is interested in
extra fundraising for
school camp contact Toni
or the school office. All
funds raised will go to
the families who helped
Board of Trustees
the next meeting will be
held on 7
Free Piano In good
condition and great to
practice on. Contact
Miniball oth teams
are showing great form
heading in to the semi
finals next wee!. The
"uniors are coming off
two wins and will be
playing at #pm on
Tuesday for a place in
the final of the bottom #.
They need all the
support they can so it
would be great to see
you there in support.
The seniors ha$e a bye
next wee! and currently
sit in #
place on the
table after a draw and a
Congratulations to %oah
&udemans for his
selection in the 'aimate
(epresentati$e team to
play in the Timaru
and encourage them to
!o""ow in God2s !ootsteps.
A reminder to you a"" that
our ne%t !u"" schoo" mass
is ne%t 1unday, 4:
August and the !ocus wi""
$e on 3ary 3ac-i""op. As
a"ways, our ce"e$ration
mass is a compulsory
mass, which means ALL
chi"dren are e%pected to
attend and do so in !u""
schoo" uni!orm.
#e wi"" $e heading out to
1t. 8oseph2s 1choo" in
;air"ie on ;riday <
August =3ary 3ac-i""op
,ay> to spend the day
sharing and ce"e$rating
with other *atho"ic
1choo"s. The $us wi""
depart 1t. .atrick2s at
?.:: a.m. and we wi""
return $y /.:: p.m. A
sma"" morning tea and
"unch wi"" $e provided $y
1t. 8oseph2s 1choo", so I
ask that you send other
snacks@!ood and a drink
$ott"e to ensure your
chi"d does not get hungry.
#e wi"" ce"e$rate a mass
together and this wi"" $e
!o""owed $y games and a
!un a!ternoon $e!ore
returning to #aimate.
Litt"e .at2s commences
ne%t Tuesday, A
!rom ?.:: ( 44.:: a.m.
and we "ook !orward to
we"coming .aige 1mart
and Tane 3ac,ona"d into
this c"assroom ( I am very
ot "unches have $een a
success this week =I was
disappointed to have
missed 3onday2s
spaghetti $o"ognaise as I
was on a Bovopay *ourse
in *hristchurch> and we
"ook !orward to this
system continuing. A
reminder to p"ease send a
named p"ate and cut"ery
with your chi"d on the
days they wi"" $e having
hot "unches. Thank you
to *"aire Tait !or arranging
this and to those parents
who have $een co""ecting
the "unches !rom 3ain
1choo" this week.
*amp notices have $een
returned and parents
assisting with camp and
$ringing cars noti7ed. A
reminder that we have /
payment options !or
camp in order to a""eviate
as much 7nancia"
pressure as possi$"e !or
parents and caregivers.
These options are as
4. .ay in "ump sum
$y 4
C. .ay in C seperate
insta"ments ( A:D
due $y 4A
1eptem$er and
remainder $y 4
Bovem$er C:46.
/. #eek"y payments
over 46 weeks
=$eginning this
week> EF per chi"d
and E? per adu"t.
#e were very privi"eged
to have +onca""i *o""ege
come and per!orm !or us
"ast week. They sang
so"o2s, p"ayed
instruments and the
Board of Trustees
A casual vacancy has
occurred on the Board
of Trustees for an
elected parent
representative. The
Board has resolved,
under section !" of
the #ducation Act
$%$, to fill the
vacancy by selection.
&f ten percent or 'ore
of eligible voters on
the school roll as( the
board, within )% days
of this notice being
published, to hold
by*election to fill the
vacancy, then a by*
election will be held.
Any eligible voter who
wishes to as( the
Board to hold a by*
election should write
Board of Trustees St
Patric(-s School
P . Bo/ "0
1ai'ate 2$3!
The electoral role will
be available to view
at the school office.
(ates for )er' *
Friday 8
August ( Trip to ;air"ie ( 3ary 3ac-i""op ,ay
Sunday 10
August ( ;u"" 1choo" 3ass
Tuesday 12
August ( 44.:: a.m. Auditions start !or end o! year
Friday 15
August ( -a Toi Art work disp"ay
August ( Internationa" Language #eek
Tuesday 1
August ( Goung *atho"ic Leaders ,ay ( Timaru ( Gr F and
Friday 2
August ( -ids*an mu!ti day
Saturday !0
August ( 4
working $ee at schoo" ( ?./:a.m. (
Tuesday 2
Septem"er ( E" Grego 3agic show ( 3ain 1choo"
Saturday #
Septem"er ( C
working $ee at schoo" ( ?./:a.m. (
$ednesday 10
Septem"er ( 3arae Hisit
Friday 1
Septem"er ( 8ump +ope !or eart
Saturday 1!
Septem"er ( /
working $ee at schoo" ( ?./:a.m. (
Iar$er 1hop Juartet
presented some songs to
us. They were amaKing
and have "e!t some
tickets with us !or their
schoo" production in
August ( The Addams
;ami"y. The chi"dren are
current"y designing a
poster !or our production
as a competition, and the
winner o! this competition
wi"" win the tickets !or the
show at +onca""i *o""ege.
I2m hoping that this
inspired our chi"dren !or
their auditions !or our
schoo" production, The
Iossy *hristmas ;airy.
9n that note, auditions wi""
$e he"d in week 6 o! this
term and chi"dren are
current"y practising !or
this. ."ease assist your
chi"d as much as possi$"e
with the rehearsing o!
their words, songs and
I wi"" keep you posted o!
any other events that arise
during the course o! term
/. #e were schedu"ed to
have a teacher on"y day
on 3onday 4<
$ut as our programme this
term is so !u"", we are
una$"e to take this day,
which means this afects
our end o! year c"osing
date. 1choo" wi"" now
c"ose at the end o! term 6
!or the *hristmas
ho"idays on Thursday 44
,ecem$er C:46. 3ore
in!ormation on this wi"" $e
sent home during the
course o! term 6.
ave a wonder!u"
weekend ( keep warm0
Bga 3ihi,
Anne .ratt
1t .atricks, #aimate
1tudents !rom $oth the
8unior and 1enior rooms
showing of their artistic
side in these pictures.
Marvellous Muffins
The )riends at *t +ats
ha$e come across heaps
of old ,ar$ellous ,uffin
(ecipe boo!s from a
pre$ious fundraiser. They
will be selling these for -2
each at the school office.
.ere is another recipe
from this boo!.
Passionfruit ,ru'ble
/ cup mil!
1 egg
2 cups flour
101 cup honey
1 tsp ba!ing powder
/ cup passionfruit pulp
101 cup oil
23g butter
/ cup brown sugar
/ rolled oats
Thoroughly mix egg4
mil!4 oil and passionfruit
pulp together. Add flour
and ba!ing powder. *tir
to combine. Three5
6uarter fill muffin pans.
*prin!le with topping
which is made by
rubbing butter and sugar
together and mixing in
rolled oats. a!e at 173c
for 12523 minutes.
St Patr!$k% S$hool woul" l!ke to tha#k the follow!#g