NFE-301113-What Is Christmas Today 2 V2

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The 4 page 60 minute ESL British English lesson 30/11/13

What is Christmas today?

Today, lets talk about Christmas. What is it? Why is it? How do we celebrate it? What does it mean to you? Also how has it changed over the years? Some interesting uestions !or you to mull over"maybe over a glass o! #l$hwein? This #erman %re&Christmas tradition has in recent years s%read across 'uro%e to the () in the !orm o! %o%ular Christmas markets. *n +ritain %eo%le celebrate Christmas with roast turkey and all the trimmings !ollowed by Christmas %udding. ,amilies o%en their %resents that surround the Christmas tree. *n 'uro%e many %eo%le eat !ish, a good catholic tradition, !or their Christmas meal. *n Central 'uro%e they celebrate Christmas one day early on the evening o! -ecember ./. *t is also a %ublic holiday on this day in some o! these countries0 Christmas, as many know it, is actually down to one man & Charles -ickens. He invented the !amily Christmas0 (% until he did the !estivity had been waning, as %eo%le celebrated it as a community rather than as a !amily. 1ueen 2ictorias husband introduced the Christmas tree. ,ather Christmas in red was an idea that originated !rom the (SA0 These days Christmas is very commercial. We see Christmas %romoted in sho%s in 3ctober0 Has Christmas lost its actual meaning? These days it seems to be more about Santa delivering the %resents, yet the origins o! Christmas are about Christ being born. *n the %ast many %eo%le went to church to remember this. Children are taught the nativity %lay o! baby 4esus being born, o! 5ary and 4ose%h travelling to +ethlehem, o! the three )ings, the she%herds and the angel in the sky. We tend to overlook these im%ortant as%ects when o%ening our %resents.

SPEAKI ! "A#$ %P Think o! three things you know about Christmas. #o round the room swa%%ing details with others. LISTE I ! "#ITI ! & 'I(TATI) The teacher will read some lines o! the article slowly to the class. #EA'I ! Students should now read the article swa%%ing readers every %aragra%h. SPEAKI ! & % 'E#STA 'I ! 1* The arti+le Students check any unknown vocabulary or %hrases with the teacher. ,* The arti+le & Students should look through the article with the teacher. 67 What is the article about? .7 What do you think about the article? 87 Was this an easy or di!!icult article to understand? /7 Was this a boring or interesting article? 97 -iscuss the article. 3* Arti+le -ui. & Students ui: each other in %airs. Score a %oint !or each correct answer. Score hal! a %oint each time you have to look at the article !or hel%. See who can get the highest score0 Stu/ent A 67 What is very commercial? .7 Christmas, as we know it, is down to whom? 87 ;ame 1ueen 2ictorias husband. /7 What do you tend to overlook? 97 Who were 5ary and 4ose%h? Stu/ent B Who was Charles -ickens? What ty%e o! market is now %o%ular in the ()? What do +ritish %eo%le mostly eat at Christmas? What do %eo%le eat in Central 'uro%e at Christmas? Who is in red? aloud,

67 .7 87 /7 97

ote0 This is a 1re&e/ite/ lesson23 originall4 5rom ,01,6

(ategor40 (hristmas / 'e+em7er / Tra/ition Le8el0 Interme/iate / %pper interme/iate

What is Christmas today? 30th November 2013

"#ITI ! / SPEAKI ! In pairs. 3n the board write as many words as you can to do with 1Christmas6 One-two minutes. Com%are with other teams. (sing your words com%ile a short dialogue together. "#ITI ! / SPEAKI ! What is Christmas today? In pairs choose three things !rom the article. Write them below. 6 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A// three similar ideas o! your own about what you think Christmas today means. -iscuss together. 6 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The tea+her will choose some %airs to discuss their !indings in !ront o! the class.

SPEAKI ! & #)LEPLA9 1 In groups. 3ne o! you is the interviewer. The others are one o! the !ollowing %eo%le. ?ou are in the Discussion FM radio studio. Todays interview is about< hat is !hristmas to"a#$ 10 mins. 6 . 8 / ,ather Christmas=Santa Claus. @udol! the red nosed reindeer. The !airy=angel on the to% o! the tree. A hard&%ressed sho%%er0
The tea+her will choose some %airs to role%lay their interview in !ront o! the class.

SPEAKI ! & #)LEPLA9 , In pairs. ?ou are in a bar in your town=city. Start a conversation about AChristmas%. & mins. SPEAKI ! ST)#9 In pairs %re%are your version o! the nati8it4 stor4 to tell the class. & mins prep.
The teacher wi'' choose some pairs to hear their stor# in (ront o( the c'ass.

"#ITI ! / SPEAKI ! 'ither & think o! three Christmas traditions %ractised in your country, or & think o! three kinds o! !ood you eat over the !estive %eriod. How do they di!!er !rom those in 'ngland? Write down your thoughts.
The tea+her will choose some students to read out their work to the class.

SPEAKI ! & !A$E Allow 6B minutes C )s a c'ass !orm a circle. Dlay the game in a clockwise direction"
)'' I want (or !hristmas is * @e%eat the %revious things seen then add one more" ,orget one and you are eliminated0
The teacher can moderate the session.

'IS(%SSI) 67 .7 87 /7 97 E7 F7 G7 H7 6B7 Stu/ent A -uestions -id the headline make you want to read the article? What day do you celebrate Christmas? *s Christmas too commercial? Have we !orgotten the meaning o! Christmas? -o you go to church at Christmas? -o you see kids %laying the nativity %lay on their DlayStation? -o you use the internet at Christmas? Who do you talk to at Christmas? -o you have a real or arti!icial Christmas tree? Have you learnt anything today?

'IS(%SSI) 67 .7 87 /7 97 E7 F7 G7 H7 6B7 Stu/ent B -uestions What do you think about what youve read? What is Christmas? Why do we celebrate Christmas? How do we celebrate Christmas? What does Christmas mean to you? How has Christmas changed over the years? -o you drink #l$hwein? What do you eat at Christmas? Has this been a di!!icult lesson in 'nglish !or you to understand? -id you like this discussion?

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What is Christmas today? 30th November 2013

!AP :ILL0 #EA'I !

"hat is (hristmas to/a4; Today, lets talk about Christmas. What is it? Why is it? How do we I67>>>>> it? What does it mean to you? Also how has it changed over the years? Some interesting over a uestions !or you to I.7>>>>>"maybe o! #l$hwein? This #erman %re& glass

!AP :ILL0 !#A$$A#

"hat is (hristmas to/a4; Today, lets talk about Christmas. What is it? I67>> is it? How do we celebrate it? What does it mean to you? Also I.7>> has it changed over the years? Some interesting uestions !or I87>> to mull over"maybe over a glass o! #l$hwein? This #erman %re&Christmas tradition has in recent years s%read across 'uro%e to the () in the !orm o! %o%ular Christmas markets. *n +ritain %eo%le celebrate Christmas with roast turkey and all the trimmings !ollowed I/7>> Christmas %udding. ,amilies o%en their %resents that surround the Christmas tree. *n 'uro%e many %eo%le eat !ish, a good catholic tradition, I97>> their Christmas meal. *n Central 'uro%e they celebrate Christmas one day early IE7>> the evening o! -ecember ./. IF7>> is also a %ublic holiday on this day IG7>> some o! these countries0 by / in / on / it / why / you / how / for

Christmas I87>>>>> has in recent years s%read across 'uro%e to the () in the !orm o! %o%ular Christmas I/7>>>>>. *n +ritain %eo%le celebrate Christmas with roast I97>>>>> and all the trimmings !ollowed by Christmas IE7>>>>>. ,amilies o%en their %resents that IF7>>>>> the Christmas tree. *n 'uro%e many %eo%le eat !ish, a good catholic tradition, !or their IG7>>>>> meal. *n Central 'uro%e they celebrate Christmas one day early on the evening o! -ecember ./. *t is also a %ublic holiday on this day in some o! these countries0 mull over / markets / surround / turkey / pudding / celebrate / Christmas / tradition Christmas, as many know it, is actually down to one man & Charles -ickens. He invented the !amily Christmas0 rather (% until he did the I67>>>>> had been as a I.7>>>>>. 1ueen 2ictorias waning, as %eo%le celebrated it as a community than I87>>>>> introduced the Christmas tree. ,ather Christmas in red was an idea that originated !rom the (SA0 These days Christmas is very I/7>>>>>. We see Christmas %romoted in sho%s in 3ctober0 Has Christmas lost its I97>>>>>meaning? These days it seems to be more about Santa delivering the IE7>>>>>, yet the IF7>>>>> o! Christmas are about Christ being born. *n the %ast many %eo%le went to IG7>>>>> to remember this. Children are taught the nativity %lay o! baby 4esus being born, o! 5ary and 4ose%h travelling to +ethlehem, o! the three )ings, the she%herds and the angel in the sky" husband / presents / festivity / commercial / church / family / actual / origins

Christmas, as I67>> know it, is actually down to one man & Charles -ickens. He invented the !amily Christmas0 (% until he did the !estivity had been waning, as %eo%le celebrated it as a community I.7>> I87>> as a !amily. 1ueen 2ictorias husband introduced the Christmas tree. ,ather Christmas in red was an idea I/7>> originated !rom the (SA0 These days Christmas is I97>> commercial. We see Christmas %romoted in sho%s in 3ctober0 Has Christmas lost its actual meaning? These days it seems to be IE7>> about Santa delivering the %resents, IF7>> the origins o! Christmas are about Christ being born. *n the %ast many %eo%le went to church to remember IG7>>. Children are taught the nativity %lay o! baby 4esus being born, o! 5ary and 4ose%h travelling to +ethlehem, o! the three )ings, the she%herds and the angel in the sky" more / yet / rather / this / that / very / many / than

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What is Christmas today? 30th November 2013


"hat is (hristmas to/a4; Today, lets talk about Christmas. What is it? Why is it? How do we celebrate it? What does it mean to you? Also how has it changed over the years? Some interesting uestions !or o! you to mull This over">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #l$hwein?

"#ITI ! 1* )n the 7oar/ & In pairs, write as many words as you can to do with 1Christmas6 Onetwo minutes. Com%are with other teams. (sing your words com%ile a short dialogue together. ,* Senten+e starters & ,inish these sentence starters. Correct your mistakes. Com%are what other %eo%le have written. 67 Christmas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .7 Christmas trees >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 87 4esus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3* <ome=or> & Write and send a .BB word email to your teacher about< What is Christmas today? ?our email can be read out in class.
!AP :ILL A S"E#S 67 .7 87 /7 97 E7 F7 G7 SPELLI ! The teacher will ask the class individually to s%ell the !ollowing words that are in the article. A!terwards check your answers. 67 .7 87 /7 97 E7 F7 G7 H7 6B7 celebrate Christmas #l$hwein tradition %o%ular trimmings countries actually !amily know celebrate mull over tradition markets turkey %udding surround Christmas !AP :ILL A S"E#S 67 .7 87 /7 97 E7 F7 G7 SPELLI ! (se the !ollowing ratings< Pass ? 1, !oo/ ? 1@ Aer4 goo/ ? 1B EC+ellent ? ,0 667 6.7 687 6/7 697 6E7 6F7 6G7 6H7 .B7 !estivity rather until community commercial remember +ethlehem she%herds nativity overlook !estivity !amily husband commercial actual %resents origins church

#erman %re&Christmas tradition has in recent years s%read across 'uro%e to the () in the !orm o! %o%ular >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. *n +ritain %eo%le celebrate Christmas with roast turkey and all the trimmings ,amilies !ollowed their >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. o%en

%resents that surround the Christmas tree. *n 'uro%e many %eo%le eat !ish, a good catholic tradition, !or their Christmas meal. *n Central one 'uro%e day they early celebrate Christmas

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -ecember ./. *t is also a %ublic holiday on this day in some o! these countries0 Christmas, as many know it, is actually down to one man & >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. He invented the !amily Christmas0 rather (% until he did the !estivity had been than as a introduced !amily. the waning, as %eo%le celebrated it as a community >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (SA0 These days Christmas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. We see Christmas seems %romoted to be in sho%s more yet in 3ctober0 Has Santa o! Christmas lost its actual meaning? These days it about the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>, origins

Christmas tree. ,ather Christmas in red was an idea

Christmas are about Christ being born. *n the %ast many %eo%le went to church to remember this. Children are taught the nativity %lay o! baby 4esus being born, o! 5ary and 4ose%h >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>, o! the three )ings, the she%herds and the angel in the sky. We tend to overlook these im%ortant as%ects when o%ening our %resents.

Copyright David Robinson 2012 (V2)

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What is Christmas today? 30th November 2013

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