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Newsletter 052714

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Upcoming events/important dates:

May 28: PEP Book fair, please come at 8:15

June 4 and 5: Half day
June 6: Last day of school! (half-day)

ead the !ook of the "eek "ith yo#r child, follo" the i$str#ctio$s
for each $i%ht, a$d i$itial i$ the appropriate !o&' ($ additio$, "e
"ill !e se$di$% home"ork that re)ie"s skills a$d co$cepts that
"e ha)e "orked o$ i$ school' *he$ readi$% "ith yo#r child,
make s#re he or she ide$tifies each pict#re a$d talk to him or her
a!o#t "hat the o!+ect is, "hat its p#rpose is, a$d "here yo#
mi%ht see it' Pease assist your c!id in t!is work" compete
and return #y $riday% ,ha$k yo#'
,he staff of -le&a$der Eleme$tary respo$ds to all "ritte$ or oral
pare$t co$cer$s, pro!lems, recomme$datio$s, or comme$datio$s
related to the ,itle ( school pro%ram "ithi$ ./ ho#rs or !y the $e&t
school day, "hiche)er comes first' (f $eeded or re0#ested, school
officials also i$form pare$ts or other i$terested parties of the iss#e1s
dispositio$' -ll iss#es related to ,itle ( complia$ce s#!mitted !y pare$ts
or other i$terested parties are filed "ith the pri$cipal a$d "ith the
2ederal Pro%rams 3ffice'4

&&&'pecia (otes&&&
Please remem!er to read, si%$,
a$d ret#r$ yo#r child1s daily
comm#$icatio$ sheet each day'
**Please come to school on
Wednesday (May 28
) at 8:15am
for the PEP book fair. They
kindly donated books for all of
the students at Alexander! You
can help your child pick out
books to read this summer!
Ms. Toms Class
Elizabeth Toms
Beth Smoak
Paula Sumpter

Contact info:
[email protected]
Our Class Newsletter
)n t!e cassroom:

*nd o+ t!e year t!eme: 'ummer
-s the year comes to a$ e$d, "e "ill !e re)ie"i$% key math, readi$%,
a$d "riti$% co$cepts that "e ha)e lear$ed thro#%ho#t the year' ($
additio$, "e "ill !e talki$% a!o#t the seaso$ 5#mmer a$d disc#ssi$%
the cha$%es that this seaso$ !ri$%s' Like"ise, "e "ill talk a!o#t the
acti)ities that people participate i$ the s#mmer a$d the clothes that "e
(f yo#r child is participati$% i$ E&te$ded 5chool 6ear this s#mmer,
please make s#re yo# look o#t for a$y additio$al i$formatio$' 5a)e the
pare$t letter ( se$t home, it has the dates, times, a$d other importa$t
i$formatio$ a!o#t E56' (f yo# $eed a$other o$e +#st let me k$o"!
Please, make s#re to keep i$ co$tact "ith yo#r child1s E56 teacher a$d
ask for #pdates o$ their pro%ress!
(f yo#r child is $ot participati$% i$ E56, it is still )ital that they stay i$ a
ro#ti$e' ( "ill se$d s#mmer "ork "ith yo#r child, a$d please read "ith
yo#r child e)ery $i%ht'

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