Economics Syllabus 14-15

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Ms. Vessey
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 303-360-0052 ext. 234
e!site: htt":##msvesseysocialstu$ies.%ee!
The expectations from First Semester still apply! This is to refresh your memory of the late
policy, absence policy, audiovisual permission, grade percentages, and tutoring.
& %ill !e availa!le by appointment !e'ore or a'ter school on most $ays. & also ex"ect stu$ents to come in 'or hel" i'
they nee$ it throughout the school year.
Students: "lease $o not %ait until the en$ o' each (gra$ing "erio$) to !ecome concerne$ %ith your "er'ormance*
take an active role in you learning. +he key to success o' the class is to stay 'ocuse$ an$ listen to your classmates
,an$ me* o' course-. .aturity an$ res"ect %ill !e ex"ecte$.
+he 'ollo%ing are ex"ectations 'or this course:
/. $TE SS!"#ME#TS %!$$ #&T 'E ((E)TE* %!T+&,T "-*E *-&)!
0ate* means any time a'ter & have collecte$ the %ork. / stu$ent may turn in late %ork %ith an automatic $ro"
on the assignment an$ a one .ee/ .indo..
1irst 2uarter: 304 $ecrease
5econ$ 2uarter: 254 $ecrease
+hir$ an$ 1ourth 2uarter: 504 $ecrease
6. /ssignments misse$ $ue to an excuse$ a!sence are your res"onsi!ility. Please make sure you re0uest
make u" %ork.
a. &' you kno% you are going to !e gone in a$vance* "lease take it u"on yoursel' to come to me an$ get
%ork !e'ore or a'ter school. ,7ot $uring class.-
!. /ny vacations that %ill !e longer than a 'e% ,2- $ays nee$ to !e a""rove$ through the o''ice in or$er
to receive 'ull cre$it 'or %orke$ misse$.
8. #o assignments %ill !e acce"te$ 'or unexcused a!sences.
,*!&V!S,$ )E-M!SS!&#
During the course of the year in Geography and Consumer Economics TV shows, movies and other
audiovisual resources may be shown in class (more than likely we will view clips rather than entire features! The
content of these support materials are always pre screened by "s! Vessey and relevant to the content being taught
at that particular period in class! The ratings of these audiovisual recourses range from #G to #G$%&!
&t is my un$erstan$ing that 0otus $oes not necessarily su""ort all that is "ortraye$ in the movie* !ut $oes
recogni9e its e$ucational value. :ou may contact the teacher %ith any ;uestions.
6y signing the sylla!us 'orm & have given my chil$ "ermission to vie% the au$iovisual recourses relevant to
the content in this class.
/. <ra$es %ill !e organi9e$ into s"eci'ic categories an$ each category %ill !e assigne$ a s"eci'ic "ercentage.
a. Essays and )ro1ects 234
!. Exams and 5ui66es 784
c. !nteractive #oteboo/s 234
$. )articipation 734
e. Mid9term:Final 784
6. <ra$es are availa!le through 8oolsis* "lease ask the o''ice 'or an username an$ "ass%or$ i' you $o not
alrea$y have one. /lso* "rogress re"orts are sent home "erio$ically throughout the year.
A. +utoring sessions %ill !e on an as nee$e$ !asis on Monday;s a'ter school* unless other%ise announce$.
B. !ntervention< &' you 'eel you nee$ extra hel" in this course "lease noti'y me imme$iately. & %ill set u" a time
%ith you to go over the material. & %ill !e ha""y to set u" tutoring sessions or assist in any "er assignment
C. 5tu$ents %ho are 'ailing or missing multi"le assignments are remin$e$ on the 1ri$ay !e'ore tutoring an$ on
.on$ay=s o' their gra$e an$ are highly encourage$ to come to tutoring. 1ailure to sho% %ill result in
conse;uences > 6+5 "oint re$uction.
& have rea$ the a!ove in'ormation very care'ully an$ 'ully un$erstan$ %hat my res"onsi!ilities are 'or this class. & 'ully
acce"t an$ un$erstan$ the conse;uences o' my actions shoul$ & choose to violate any o' the
"roce$ures#ex"ectations liste$ a!ove.
)lease sign and return to Ms. Vessey ,Economics-.
7o text!ooks %ill !e checke$ out to stu$ents until this is signe$ an$ returne$.
??????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????
5tu$ent 7ame Parent 7ame
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5tu$ent 5ignature @ate
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Parent 5ignature @ate
Parent E-mail > This is a crucial form of communication and the best way to get a hold of me as well'

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