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Room 2 News

October 13th, 2014

OKAY families, CHANG! A"#OA$%%%%%
Reading Homework. will be done with books
from your home libraries. Please use the
Green Folder to record the rea&i'( each
'i(ht with the name of the book, 10-1
minutes. !he Green folder should li"e in
your child#s back$ack and go back and forth
with change%
& the difficulty in getting books returned to
the correct classroom
& e'$ectations will be consistent in both
first grade classrooms.
!ome s)((estio's for (oo& books*
(t. )incent
Good *ill
*alter"ille#s +'cellent ,ibrary
-ou will want to choose books that your child
en.oys, that you en.oy. /0o more !am 1at
sat on a mat2 3 4f your child can read all
the words great, if not, they can read the
ones they 150 read.
$his weeke'& + ,)rchase& -.0/00 worth
of books from 1ostco for the "ery early
readers. 4f you would like to borrow these
books for a cou$le of days, 4#d #O0 to
share2 Please e,mail me or send a note.
Rea&i'( m,hasis
1ho'emic Aware'ess- 6lending sounds
in words, rhyming words
1ho'ics !o)'&s- b, r, h, g, and the
short i sound as in igloo.
Com,rehe'sio'- 1ause and +ffect,
/*hen one e"ent causes another thing
to ha$$en.3
1om$aring the !e't /7eaning the
story3 to (elf /7eaning something in
the child#s life3, !e't to !e't
5sk your child to find the $ages in the
story that you are reading that tell
them why they think a certain e"ent
1hildren will be able to%
draw story $roblems with $ictures, 8uick
draws, and circles
identify e8ual numbers
identify un-eaual sets
begin learning the 91ounting :n; strategy
Katie Stocks
1st Grade Teacher
Walterville Elementary School
Springfield Oregon
email; [email protected].!s
"e# page; http$%%katiestocks."ee#ly.com
&ollo" my classroom on T"itter$ https$%%t"itter.com%'%katiemstocks@1stgrade"alterville
&riend me on face#ook !nder the name( kmstocks
Room 2 News
October 13th, 2014
2ost chil&re' ha3e safe shoes for 1/
Yahoo% Hiking boots, !oms and Romeos are
great shoes for kids, and good for most $lay
that young children do outside and in. 6ut,
for the 8uick turns and fast sto$s that we
do in the gym in P+ class, they are not the
most stable or fle'ible. 1hildren 0++< to
ha"e athletic shoes that tie or )elco. *hile
4 don=t want to get into arguments about
footwear, 4 do want to make sure that kids
can $lay hard, get their hearts $um$ing and
don=t want them to s$rain an ankle2 4 know
this is not High (chool )arsity 6asketball >
-3, but, we want kids to be able to be stable
while they $lay. 4=m ha$$y to su$$ort
getting some shoes if needed.
,ast !hursday afternoon all *alter"ille
teachers went to a class that will bring in
?real? trainers to su$$ort or P+ classes2 4=m
so e'cited to ha"e the kids meet (am, our
?trainer?. !he kids will lo"e him and his
ideas for e'ercise and Physical +ducation2
2o'&a45 7usic @ P+
$)es&a45 ,ibrary @ P+
6e&'es&a4- ,ibrary Return books @
$h)rs&a4- 7usic @ P+
"ri&a4- 5rt
10A1B 10 am Cog-a-thon
10A1B 1>D0 :ur !rainer comes to $lay2
10AEF 11-1E>D0 ($ecial Guest
10AEF 1$m +arly Release
10AEF G $m Fall Festi"al
10AEB-D1 6ook Fair 5ll week
10AEH 1>D0 $m H+5R! 5ssembly
11AF <ri"e your ballot to the
collection site if you ha"en#t mailed it
11AG-B 0o school for children. (tay
tuned for conference schedules.
Katie Stocks
1st Grade Teacher
Walterville Elementary School
Springfield Oregon
email; [email protected].!s
"e# page; http$%%katiestocks."ee#ly.com
&ollo" my classroom on T"itter$ https$%%t"itter.com%'%katiemstocks@1stgrade"alterville
&riend me on face#ook !nder the name( kmstocks
Room 2 News
October 13th, 2014
0ol)'teer !che&)le*
H>F0-10>1 5llie Rowe, Coy
1E>F-1>D0 Culia (o$er
H>F0-10>1 ,ana 6ennett and
1E>F-1>D0 5mber
H>F0-10>1 Can IooJer and 7egan
1E>F-1>D0 Camie Robert, and
H>F0-10>1 Cennifer 6asker"ille
1E>F-1>D0 5mber !hom$son
H>F0-10>1 6rittany (earcy and
1E>F-1>D0 Culia
Katie Stocks
1st Grade Teacher
Walterville Elementary School
Springfield Oregon
email; [email protected].!s
"e# page; http$%%katiestocks."ee#ly.com
&ollo" my classroom on T"itter$ https$%%t"itter.com%'%katiemstocks@1stgrade"alterville
&riend me on face#ook !nder the name( kmstocks

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