Name __Derek Jones___ Grade _3-5 Resource___Title: Dinosaur Art_______________ Connection to GLO(s): GLO4:QualityProducer T ea!ility to reco"ni#eand$roduce%uality$er&or'anceand%uality$roducts Enduring Understanding(s): (tudents )ill !e a!le to create t eir o)n dinosaur usin" t e t ree di&&erent !ody areas * ead+ !ody+ tail,+ and t eir s$eci&ic uses t rou" -isual art Guiding Questions: . at di&&erent uses do eac o& t e t ree !ody areas a-e and o) are you "oin" to e/$ress t e' in your art Standard !enc"mar# S$eci%ic content area standard &enc"mar# T"e $er%ormance tas# gi'es students o$$ortunit( to demonstrate #no)ledge to meet t"e &enc"mar#
0A131213 3se o!ser-ational skills in creatin" an ori"inal )ork o& art *ssessment
T"e $er%ormance tas# gi'es students o$$ortunit( to demonstrate #no)ledge to meet t"e &enc"mar#
Formati'e assessments (a$$lied a$$ro$riatel( t"roug"out lesson): (tudents s ould !e 'onitored to ensure t at t ey are di-idin" t eir $a$ers $ro$erly and la!el ead+ !ody+ and tail1 4onitor to ensure t at students are dra)in" correct !ody $art is in t e $ro$er section o& t e $a$er1 Summati'e assessment (includes c"ec#list or ru&ric): (tudents )ill turn in an ori"inal $iece o& art o& a dinosaur t at t ey created1 T e art )ill !e di-ided into 3 sections+ includin" ead+ !ody+ and tail1 T e $arts )ill a-e rele-ant sur-i-al ada$tions t at real dinosaurs ad and !e co'$letely colored1 Students )ill &e a&le to create an original $iece o% art)or#+ T"e( s"ould "a'e an original, made-u$ dinosaur di'ided into "ead, &od(, and tail+ A567 4 Informal and formal assessment 5andidate $lans a$$ro$riate &or'ati-e and su''ati-e assess'ents to "uide and assess student learnin"+ includin" scorin" criteria
*cti'ating Prior /no)ledge: (tudents $re-iously )rote a story a!out t eir o)n 'ade u$ dinosaur1 T ey a-e learned a!out o) di&&erent dinosaurs !ody $arts )ere &or di&&erent sorts o& sur-i-al *eatin"+ $rotection+ etc1,1 .e )ill look at t e $ieces o& literature as )ell as $ictures o& dinosaurs so students can !e"in to dra) t eir ori"inal creatures1 0ini Lesson: Teac er )ill a-e a $re-dra)n dinosaur to use as an e/a'$le &or t e students1 Teac er )ill t en s o) students o) to di-ide t eir $a$ers into 3 e%ual $arts and la!el t e $arts into ead+ !ody+ tail 8ust as is done on t e e/a'$le1 Teac er s ould e/$lain ) y is ead is t e )ay it is+ t e
7T63249:uelo)95o ort 424
!ody is t e )ay it is+ and ) y t e tail is t e )ay it is1 A&ter students a-e t eir $a$ers di-ided and la!eled $ro$erly+ t ey are &ree to dra) t eir dinosaurs1 1or# Time: (tudents )ill )ork inde$endently and a-e rou" ly 2 our to start t e assi"n'ent+ and anot er our t e ne/t day to co'$lete it1 Closure: (tudents )ill a-e t e o$$ortunity to $resent t eir dinosaurs to t e class and s o)case t e di&&erent t in" t ey learned a!out dinosaurs1 A567 312 Knowledge of students and community; Integration of knowledge for instruction 5andidate desi"ns learnin" acti-ities t at: < 3ses a -ariety o& instructional strate"ies < 7nte"rates kno)led"e o& students+ co''unity+ su!8ect 'atter and curricular "oals < 7ncor$orates a -ariety o& resources < 3ses tec nolo"y ) ere $ossi!le O$$ortunities o%%ered %or in2uir(, acti'e learning, indi'idual )or# and $airs small grou$ interactions: A567 314 Active engagement in learning 5andidate $lans instruction t at: 0osters student 'oti-ation and acti-e en"a"e'ent in learnin" 7ncor$orates inde$endent and $airs9s'all "rou$ learnin" =el$s students to assu'e res$onsi!ility &or t e'sel-es and ot ers+ and 'onitor t eir o)n learnin" A567 315 - Communication to foster learning 5andidate $lans instruction t at uses oral and )ritten discourse !et)een t e'sel-es and students to &oster: < Acti-e in%uiry and colla!oration Positi-e relations i$s and social interaction < >-? students@ use o& e&&ecti-e co''unication strate"ies 3i%%erentiation Plan
*da$tations connected to instructional strategies
A567 31A Adaptation to diverse students 5andidate desi"ns student-centered instructional tasks and incor$orates -aried strate"ies to ena!le all students to ac ie-e learnin" "oals+ and are a$$ro$riate to t e needs o& students ) o are culturally di-erse or a-e e/ce$tional needs1 3i%%erentiate t"e learning en'ironment, content, $rocess, or $er%ormance tas# %or indi'iduals or small grou$s (e+g+, accelerated, ELL 0LL students)+ 7nstruction )ill not !e di&&erentiated &or t is lesson 7denti&y t e ty$e o& need *e1"1+ 6LL94LL+ accelerated students+ readin" needs+ 5B4 students+ stru""lin" learners+ enric 'ent, 6LL94LL List t e ty$e o& di&&erentiation *learnin" en-iron'ent+ content+ $rocess+ or $er&or'ance task, and tell o) you )ill di&&erentiate C9A
(tru""lin" Learners Accelerated Learners 3uration: A one our sessions 0aterials: $oster !oard+ colored $encils+ crayons+ dinosaur $ictures C9A