Kelsey Totino: Cell Phone
Kelsey Totino: Cell Phone
Kelsey Totino: Cell Phone
To make significant contri utions t!at will lead to com"any "rofita ility and "ersonal career growt! w!ile s!owing t!e lo#e of $!rist.
%arketing $lasses & 'ours of (ccoutning )*el +eaders!i" $ommunication %icrosoft ,ffice
Ma y Kay Cos!eti"s %arc! -014 - .resent Individual Business Owner %anage in#entory and kee" track of all recei"ts and order forms. .ersonal deli#er to customers !omes and work "lace. /old #arious ty"es of "roducts to #arious ty"es of "eo"le. $ommunicated wit! director and recruiter wit! different ideas. 'el" multi"le ladies feel etter a out t!emsel#es wit! "roducts.
Voi"e o# t$e Ma ty s 0anuary -014 - .resent Event Coordinator Intern 'el" organi1e o#er 30 e#ents for t!e year. 2ound !otels3restaurants for staff and s"eakers .ro#ided feed ack on e#ents and "rocedures in t!e office. 4ecei#ed cas! donations and organi1ed recei#ements during conferences.
Painte% Ho se Ba & G ill/Ri' C i' Ba 'e"(e/Montana Mi)e*s 0anuary -013 - .resent Waitress/Host , taining re#enues5 issuing recei"ts5 acce"ting "ayments5 and returning t!e c!ange. 6nderstand an can communicate "roducts and ser#ices a#aila le at t!e restaurant. /uggest dis!es5 assisting an item selection5 communicate s"ecific customer needs. 7reeting customers5 assisting customers to t!eir ta le5 and !el"ing colleagues.
O)la$o!a +esleyan ,ni-e sity 2e ruary -013 - (ugust -013 Team Leader of Ministry Team $ounsel indi#iduals regarding inter"ersonal and religious "ro lems. $ouncilor of 158 girls at multi"le cam"s. 'el" re"resent t!e sc!ool and recruit students. $olla orate wit! ot!er team mem ers to make sure team was on track of set goals.
Kelsey Totino ,rgani1e su""lies suc! as T-s!irts5 roc!ures5 a""lications5 and ot!er #arious su""lies
Pa.a M( .$y*s 0anuary -00& - 0uly -011 Shift Supervisor 4ecei#e "ayments y cas!5 c!eck5 credit cards5 #ouc!ers5 or automatic de its. 7reet and assist customers y answering 9uestions5 and "ro#iding information on "olicies. $ount money in cas! draws to ensure t!at amounts are correct and t!ere is ade9uate c!ange. /u"er#ise ot!ers and "ro#ide on-t!e-:o training.