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Shivani Vakil (847) 873-5743: S V Ak Il12 @G M Ail - Co M

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Shivani Vakil

s v ak il12 @g m ail . co m
(847) 873-5743
C a reer S u m m a ry
I am a senior at DePaul University in Chicago, IL double majoring in Political Science and Economics. I have wored in customer
service, have e!tensive retail e!"erience, wor great inde"endently and in grou"s, and #inish most to all "rojects in a timely matter.
$uture goals include attending graduate school to earn my %asters in Economics and woring in the #ield o# business or within a
branch o# the government to advocate di"lomacy.
E d u c a ti o n
DePaul nive!si"# ($u!!en"l# S"u%#ing)
Cumulative &P' (.)*+,.- Dean.s List
/ o r E !" e rien ce
&cPenne# Decem'e! 2(11-P!esen"

'""lied communication sills in dealing with customer concerns and

&ained nowledge about customer service by woring as a Sales
S"ecialist and Cashier
'""lied res"onsibility sills in closing the store to core re0uirements
'ttended meetings to discuss goals and "rogress o# women1s de"artment

&ained nowledge about retail management by woring closely with

direct su"ervisor on "rojects
2es"onsible #or training new hires through the buddy system

2es"onsible #or woring with vendors to organi3e brand layouts within

the store

&ained nowledge o# retail su""ort team by woring on merchandise

Village $!eame!# ($oun"e! )eam *em'e!) *a# 2(11- +ugus" 2(12
Served as shi#t manager and dealt with any issues that arose

&ained communication and customer service e!"erience by engaging one

on one with customers
2es"onsible o# woring with the store owner to develo" core e!"ectations
o# em"loyees during closing hours
'ttended meetings that discussed em"loyee accountability
'""lied and gained service sills in assisting customers with maing ice cream selections

2es"onsible #or taing custom orders

&ained nowledge in "re"aration by leading order e!ecutions
'""lied organi3ational sills and res"onsibility sills in #ood "re"aration, inventory, o"ening and closing the store

&ained business sills with maing catering orders with individual businesses

Vec"o! ,ni-e $om.an# &une 2(1(-+ugus" 2(1(
&ained communication sills through one on one sales
Develo"ed sales networ
&ained entre"reneurial nowledge by controlling inde"endent sales goals
Customer Service
L e a ders h i" 2o les
+l.ha /i Del"a 0!a"e!ni"# *em'e!1 0oun%a"ion 2iaison1 an% *a!shall
's a #ounding member o# 'l"ha 4i Delta at DePaul University, I have "roved to be a leader. It is im"ortant #or our
colony to succeed and it is our res"onsibility to establish an outstanding "lace #or women to reali3e their "otential. 's the
$oundation Liaison, my res"onsibilities include develo"ing cha"ter donations to our Undergraduate &iving Challenge,
recommending sisters to a""ly #or scholarshi"s and awards, and maintaining a "ositive relationshi" with $raternity
2 e#e ren ces
%artin 6a"oleon7 Store Leader at 8cPenney -9:;
Phone< =>,:? ;99@>>>> e!t. ;--
Dina David 7 Su"ervisor at 8cPenney -9:;
Phone< =>,:? ;99@>>>> e!t. ;(9
%r. Aale"riso 7 Bwner at Aillage Creamery
Phone< =>,:? 9)*@9>-* =as #or %r.A?

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