Ravibabu.S: Organizational Experience
Ravibabu.S: Organizational Experience
Ravibabu.S: Organizational Experience
[email protected] Ph. +91 9000340818 / +91 9885916149
Seeking executive assignments in Business Development / Sales & Marketing with an organization of repute.
Executive umma!"#
A Gra uate with over !" #ears of experience in the areas of Business Development$ an Sales & Marketing. %resentl# working with a$o$a i$%otech & 'e!vice' at &i'a#awa a as (xecutive ) Smart phone sales across &i'a#awa a. A*ilit# to sustain a positive work environment that fosters m# performance with strong communication an relationship skills.
(!ga$i)atio$al Ex*e!ie$ce
+u!!e$tl" ,o!-i$g ,ith a$o$a .$%o/ech & 'e!vice' P0/.1/2. 3a'e4 at 0i5a"a,a4a a' a /1
P!eviou' Ex*e!ie$ce
1: "'tem "am /ele 'e!vice' 7a"89019 to a*!il813
,esponsi*le for Smartphone +arget across &i'a#awa a ,esponsi*le to achieve tra e target an irect sales target as well
>u$e89007 to 2ec819
,esponsi*le to meet in ivi ual targets. ,esponsi*le to atten service calls uring service engineer a*sence most of the times use to han le sales an service as multi task throughout m# tenure
?!ea' o% Ex*e!ti'e & t!e$gth' Strong at relationship management which will help to enhances *usiness. +arget -riente $ %assion for excellence$ har work$ pleasing an goo at communication. .an /ork for long hours to accomplish the particular task.
E4ucatio$ Bachelor of .ommerce from S,, .ollege$ &i'a#awa a 011!2 3agar'una 4niversit# 5
Pe!'o$al 2etail' 6athers 3ame Date of Birth Marital Status >anguages 8nown A ress 7 S.Gopala 8rishna 2late5 7 91:1;:9<=0 7 Single 7 +elugu$ (nglish$ an ?in i 7 @ <:A9 -pposite to railwa# station 8on apalli$ &i'a#awa a
Date 7 %lace 7