Math Lesson Plan - Peas and Carrots

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Peas and Carrots- Working with Ten Frames

Rationale: The students #ill use

manipulatives and pictures to determine the many di""erent #ays to add numbers to ma!e the sum o" 1$+ They #ill also use 1$ "rames to add numbers and e%press them in standard and e%panded "orm+

Submitted by: Rachel Hardin Grade Level: 1st Subject/Topic: Math

TS thin! about and determine di""erent #ays to add numbers to ma!e the sum o" 1$ TS use ten "rames to add numbers and e%press them in standard and e%panded "orm

)aterials*E+,i-ment: ( tub o"

*reen and oran*e cubes- chart paper- *reen and oran*e mar!ers*reen and oran*e crayonsstudentsB math journals- 1 ten "rame 'can be a ma*netic one or you can use the smart board but it must be bi* enou*h "or the #hole class to see )- assessment

Lesson Plan:

&ntroduction '(nticipatory Set/Motivation):

TE ! "chieved:

The student #ill use concrete and pictorial models to determine the sum o" a multiple o" 1$ and a one di*it number in problems up to :: ';() The student #ill use objects- picturesand e%panded and standard "orms to represent numbers up to 1<$ '<=)

& #ill tell the students that #e are *oin* do a "un math activity+ & #ill tell them that #e #ill be addin* peas and carrots today+

,rocess: ',lan ho# you #ill teach the lesson and "ollo# the lesson plan cycle:

&n"ormation Givin*- Modelin*- .hec! "or /nderstandin*- Guided ,ractice- &ndependent ,ractice- .losure/.ulminatin* (ctivity) &n"ormation Givin*: & #ill tell the students that & have a bi* tub o" peas and carrots+ & #ill sho# them the tub o" oran*e and *reen cubes+ & #ill tell them that the oran*e cubes are my carrots and the *reen cubes are my peas+ & #ill then tell the students that & have a bi* spoon 'my hand)+ My bi* spoon can only hold 1$ ve*etables at once+ & #ill dip my hand into the tub+ & #ill choose a combination o" oran*e and *reen cubes 'they must add up to 1$)+ & #ill sho# the students my cubes and as! them ho# many peas & have+ The students #ill respond+ & #ill then as! them ho# many carrots & have+ The students #ill respond+ & #ill then as! them ho# many peas and carrots do & have alto*ether 'the ans#er #ill be 1$)+ & #ill do this a "e# more times to let them practice+ ("ter *ivin* them time to practice- & #ill stic! my hand into the tub and only pull out 0 oran*e cubes+ & #ill as! them- i" & have 0 carrots on my spoon- ho# many peas do & need to ma!e 1$1 Remember- my spoon can only hold 1$ ve*etables+ & #ill call on students to ans#er '& need 2 peas to ma!e 1$)+ & #ill continue to pull out either only *reen cubes or only oran*e cubes and as! them ho# many more & need to ma!e 1$+ & #ill do this so they can practice+
34ou could also pull out more than 1$ cubes '"or e%ample- you could pull out 5 *reen cubes and 2 oran*e cubes to ma!e 11 cubes) and as! the students ho# many you #ould need to ta!e a#ay to ma!e 1$+ The cubes you have to ta!e a#ay are the le"tovers+

#loom$s Ta%onom&:

>no#led*e/Remember (nalysis .omprehension//nderstand ?valuate (pplication .reate

'i((erentiated Learning:
(uditory >inesthetic @erbal/Lin*uistic &ntrapersonal

@isual/Spatial Lo*ical/Math Musical &nterpersonal

Classroom !trategies:
.ooperative Groups Technolo*y &ndependent (ctivities .harts/Graphs/Maps ,roblem Solvin* ,eer tutorin* HandsA6n .enters Simulation Lecture holeA*roup ,airin*

C,rric,l,m .ntegration:
Music Social Studies Science ritin* Math Readin* Theatre (rt ,? Health

Modelin*: ("ter addin* the peas and carrots- & #ill tell the students that they are *oin* to thin! about all the #ays they can add peas and carrots to ma!e 1$+ There are many di""erent #ays to do this+ /sin* chart paper- & #ill sho# them some #ays to ma!e 1$ peas and carrots+ 6n the chart paper- & #ill use the *reen mar!er to dra# 0 balls 'peas)+ & #ill then as! the students ho# many carrots & need to dra# to ma!e 1$ '2)+ (bove the picture- & #ill #rite the numbers in e%panded "orm '0 7 28 1$)+ & #ill remind them that this is called e%panded "orm+ & #ill tell them that e%panded "orm is li!e a type o" math sentence+ 9ust li!e #e use sentences #hen #e #rite #ords- #e can use math sentences #hen usin* numbers+ & #ill model another #ay to ma!e 1$ peas and carrots and #rite it in e%panded "orm on the chart paper+

.hec! "or /nderstandin*: & #ill monitor and assess the studentsB ans#ers and participation durin* the activity+ & #ill remind them that #e are addin* peas and carrots to*ether to ma!e 1$+ & #ill as! them ho# many peas and carrots can "it in my spoon '1$)+ & #ill remind them that there are many di""erent #ays to add peas and carrots to*ether to ma!e 1$+ Guided ,ractice: The *uided practice is the peas and carrots activity+ The students and & #or!ed to*ether to "ind di""erent #ays to ma!e 1$ peas and carrots+

pull out more than 1$ peas and carrots+ & could then as! the students ho# many peas or carrots & need to ta!e a#ay to ma!e 1$+


=urin* the peas and carrots activity- & #ill in"ormally assess the studentsB understandin* by notin* their thin!in* and participation in the activity+ & #ill "ocus on their ans#ers and #ill evaluate their thin!in* process by as!in* them DHo# do you !no#1E or DHo# did you come up #ith your ans#er1E (s the students are #or!in* independently- & #ill observe them and ta!e a mental note on their ability to "ind di""erent #ays to ma!e 1$ peas and carrots+ =urin* the revie# o" ten "rames- & #ill observe their participation and #ill ta!e note o" #hich students understand ten "rames and #hich students need a little e%tra practice+ ("ter the ten "rames revie#- the students have a "ormal assessment+ They have a pac!et o" Cuestions about ten "rames that they must complete independently+ This assessment #ill tell me #hich students understand the concept o" ten "rames and #hich students need a reAteach or e%tra practice+

&ndependent ,ractice: The students #ill return to their des!s and ta!e out their math journals+ /sin* a *reen and oran*e crayon- they #ill thin! o" di""erent #ays to add the peas and carrots to*ether to ma!e 1$+ They #ill come up #ith as many combinations as possible+

.losure / .ulminatin* (ctivity: The students #ill return to the carpet "or a #hole *roup discussion+ e #ill share the di""erent #ays to ma!e 1$ peas and carrots+ & #ill record their ideas on the chart paper+ (t the end o" sharin*- #e #ill have a chart #ith many di""erent #ays to ma!e 1$ peas and carrots+
(dditional (ctivity: ("ter the peas and carrots lesson- & #ill revie# 1$ "rames #ith them+ & #ill use a bi* ma*netic 1$ "rame to revie# ho# to add numbers usin* a 1$ "rame+ & #ill "ocus on remindin* them that i" a 1$ "rame is "ull- #e do not need to count each individual counter on the ten "rame+ &nstead- #e count on+ & #ill also revie# ho# to #rite the number in standard "orm and e%panded "orm+ ("ter the revie#- the students #ill ta!e a "ormal assessment+ They have a pac!et o" Cuestions about ten "rames+ & #ill administer the assessment orally+ They #ill complete the assessment independently at their des!s+


=urin* the peas and carrots activity- & could

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