10-Very Important Comments

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10-very importantcomments

Someone has written these beautiful words. Must read and try to understand the deep meaning of it. They are like the ten commandments to follow in life all the time: 1. Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout. 2. A Car's !"#S$!%&# is so large ' the (ear )iew Mirror is so small* +ecause our ,AST is not as important as our -.T.(%. So/ &ook Ahead and Mo)e on. 0. -riendship is like a +112. !t takes few seconds to burn/ but it takes years to write. 3. All things in life are temporary. !f thing are going well/ en4oy it/ they will not last fore)er. !f things are going wrong/ don't worry/ they can't last long either. 5. Old Friends are Gold! ew Friends are !ia"ond! #$ you get a !ia"ond, don%t $orget the Gold! &ecause to hold a !ia"ond, you always need a &ase o$ Gold! '. O$ten when we lose hope and thin( this is the end, GO! s"iles $ro" abo)e and says, "*ela+, sweetheart, it%s ,ust a bend, not the end! 5. hen 61# sol)es your problems/ you ha)e faith in $!S abilities7 when 61# doesn't sol)e your problems $% has faith in your abilities. -. . blind person as(ed /t. .nthony0 "1an there be anything worse than losing eye sight2" 3e replied0 "4es, losing your )ision!" 5. 6hen you pray $or others, God listens to you and blesses the", and so"eti"es, when you are sa$e and happy, re"e"ber that so"eone has prayed $or you. 10. 6O**4# G does not ta(e away to"orrow%s 7*O8&9:/, it ta(es away today%s P:.1:.

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