Topic 1 Physical Appearance
Topic 1 Physical Appearance
Topic 1 Physical Appearance
1.- Conversation. Talk about the following questions with your partner. You can use the pictures to help you if you wish.
1. What is the first thing you notice about a person? 2. Are there any fashion tren s in the past you followe but think are silly looking now?
!. Which three a "ectives best escribe your personality? #. Which personal characteristics have you got inherit fro$ your parents? %. When you argue with frien s or fa$ily& what o you argue about?
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appro1i$ately 1&% $inutes without help fro$ the e1a$iner. You $ay be aske about the topic when you have finishe . 1. /hysical Appearances an Attraction. '. 2eeping -p Appearances.
!. Are to ay3s chil ren an young teens overly concerne with their physical appearance.
appro1i$ately 1&% $inutes without help fro$ the e1a$iner. You $ay be aske about the topic when you have finishe . 1. )bsession with physical appearance. '. ,enetic link an physical appearance. !. 4ow i$portant for you is physical appearance.
1. What is the first thing you notice about a person? 2. What o the clothes so$eone wears say about that person? 3. 7s there a part of your appearance 89:p;9r9ns8 that you are very prou of? 6i.e. eyes& fashion
sense& hair etc.<
4. What is the $ost interesting haircut 8:h=9k>t8 you have seen? 5. 4ave you gone through the entire 8;n:ta;9?8
ay without noticing so$ething was wrong
with your appearance 89:p;9r9ns8 ? 6i.e. $issing button& foo in your teeth<
6. What kin of things o you o to i$prove8$aintain your appearance 89:p;9r9ns8 ? 7. Are there any fashion tren s in the past you followe but think are silly looking now? 8. 4ow long oes it take you to get rea y in the $orning? 9. 4ave you ever been inti$i ate by so$eone@s appearance 89:p;9r9ns8 ? 10. Ao people in your country talk a lot about other people@s appearance 89:p;9r9ns8 ? 11. 7s it ru e to tell the person that they nee to i$prove their appearance 89:p;9r9ns8 ? 12. What is your opinion about changes in physical appearance 89:p;9r9ns8 ?
1!. 7s physical appearance 89:p;9r9ns8 really i$portant?
What o you like about your personality? What o you islike about your personality? Which three a "ectives escribes personalities that you particularly islike?
When you argue with frien s or fa$ily& what o you argue about?
ageing H:e; I;JK AALHpersonK anciano& enve"eci oM H$achinery& vehicleK anticua o& vie"o. * enve"eci$iento $& el enve"ecer& senescencia f the ageing process el proceso e enve"ecer keep up cui ar& $antener overly H:9Nv9l;K AAG e$asia o
(=wo !"d# $ "o%&$'do genetic H I;:net;kK A() *"+,t!%o ,enetic link -.+%&/o *"+,t!%o
0"!*1t o $123!%'/ '$$"' '+%" do +ot t &/2 4'5" ' $" 3o+6 !t73 w1't3 o+ t1" !+3!d" t1't %o&+t3. E-" 2o+" 31o&/d '/w'23 "4"48" t1't. R"'/ 8"'&t2 /!"3 +ot !+ t1" $123!%'/ '$$"' '+%"6 8&t !+ t1" 1"' t. R"'/ t "'3& " /!"3 +ot !+ w1't %'+ 8" 3""+6 8&t w1't %'++ot 8" 3""+. R"'/ /o-" /!"3 +ot !+ w1't !3 do+" '+d 5+ow+6 8&t !+ w1't !3 do+" 8&t +ot 5+ow+. No 4'tt" 1ow 31' $ 2o& +o3"6 +o 4'tt" 1ow 3/"+d" 2o& 9"'t1" "2"36 +o 4'tt" 1ow *ood 2o& "2" %o/o& 6 !9 2o&7 " 1'$$2 '+d 3!+%" " t1"+ t1" '& ' w!// 8"'t '// t1" *&23 o&t t1" " w1o ' " :&3t $ o&d o9 t1"! $" 9"%t $123!%'/ '$$"' '+%" 8&t !*+o " t1" 9""/!+*3. A3 '+ '%to 6 $' t!%&/' /2 8"%'&3" I74 ; I wo&/d %'// 423"/9 ' %1' '%t" '%to . I %1'+*" 42 /oo56 42 $123!%'/ '$$"' '+%" '+d 42 8od26 42 1'! %o/o& 6 42 w1't"-" '// t1" t!4" 9o ' o/". A /ot o9 wo4"+ ' " t& +"d o99 82 t1" $123!%'/ '$$"' '+%" o9 3o4" o9 t1" 9! 3t 9"4!+!3t3. I74 !+t !*&"d 82 t1" w'2 !+ w1!%1 $123!%'/ '$$"' '+%" %'+ o9t"+ d! "%t ' $" 3o+73 /!9"< t1!+*3 1'$$"+ d!99" "+t/2 9o ' 8"'&t!9&/ wo4'+ t1'+ 9o ' $/'!+ o+". Po33!8/2 8"%'&3" I * "w &$ +ot 9""/!+* -" 2 %o+9!d"+t '8o&t 42 ow+ $123!%'/ '$$"' '+%"6 I d"-"/o$"d !+t" +'/ d"-!%"3 3o t1't I %o&/d !+t"* 't" !+to 3o%!"t2. I * "w &$ !+ ' 9'4!/2 w1" " w" w" "+7t '//ow"d to t'/5 '8o&t 8"'&t2 o to $&t '+2 "4$1'3!3 o+ $123!%'/ '$$"' '+%". It !3 t &" t1't wo4"+ t"+d to 8" 4o " !d"+t!9!"d w!t1 t1"! 8od!"3 8"%'&3" !+ t1!3 % '=2 wo /d6 8ot1 4"+ '+d wo4"+ 4"'3& " wo4"+73 -'/&" '3 1&4'+ 8"!+*3 !+ "/'t!o+31!$ to t1"! $123!%'/ '$$"' '+%". Po/!t" 3t '+*" 3 o9t"+ t"// 3oot1!+* /!"3 '8o&t o& $123!%'/ '$$"' '+%" t1't $ "-"+t 4'+2 o9 &3 9 o4 9'%!+*6 d!3%&33!+* '+d 3o/-!+* o& "'/ $ o8/"43.
What is your opinion about changes in physical appearance? ,enerally speaking& 7 think that $any people are too worrie about their physical appearance an
so$eti$es they un ergo surgeries which are not only angerous but co$pletely unnecessary. *owa ays everybo y who wants to change a part of their bo y has access to surgery& an with
very few li$itations& to the e1tent that teenagers are now asking their parents for a nose reshaping as a birth ay present. 7 a$ worrie that people un ergo angerous surgeries not because they suffer fro$ a lifelong
co$ple1 about a part of their bo y that prevents the$ fro$ being absolutely happy but "ust because they want the lips of a fa$ous actress or the chin of a $o el. 7n this last case& 7 believe that surgery shoul be prevente . Why is it that people have an ifferent physical appearance? 7 know that its cuQ we are all ifferent
are like flowers in a gar en. 0ut fro$ what 7 can see& $aybe 7 a$ wrong there is so$e
Ror instance if 7 have a goo physical appearance 7 a$ $ore likely to be treate in a goo $anner by others. e.g. if 7 look goo a stranger who 7 "ust $et will likely think goo of $e cuQ 7 a$
han so$e or beautiful. Anybo y who 7 co$e across even a stranger will think better of $e an if 7 s$ile to the$6not in the se1ual sense as can be seen by the s$ile< they will probably respon better& or if ur in a classroo$& lets say ur in a gathering where everyone is new to one another& people will $ost likely want to talk or be close to the person who looks goo han so$e. An people who or beautiful or
this attraction to the person who looks pleasant to look at is not cuQ they hate on3tt look pleasant its cuQ auto$atically& unintentionally an unconsciously
There see$s to be so$e in"ustice with peoples appearance& why coul n3t it be that everyone looks ifferent but that everyone looks equally pleasant to look at.
.n tSr$inos generales& creo que $ucha gente estT e$asia o preocupa a por su aspecto fUsico y& a veces se so$eten a cirugUas que no sVlo son peligrosos& pero co$pleta$ente innecesario. 4oy en Ua to o el $un o que quiere ca$biar una parte e su cuerpo tiene acceso a la cirugUa& y
con $uy pocas li$itaciones& en la $e i a en que los a olescentes se preguntan a sus pa res por una re$o elaciVn e la nariQ co$o un regalo e cu$pleaWos. (e preocupa que las personas se so$eten a cirugUas peligrosas no porque sufren e un co$ple"o e to a la vi a e una parte e su cuerpo que les i$pi e ser absoluta$ente feliQ& pero sVlo e un $o elo. .n este Xlti$o caso&
iferentes y son co$o flores en un "ar Un. /ero por lo que pue o ver& a lo $e"or $e equivoco hay alguna in"usticia con este aspecto e la vi a. /or e"e$plo& si tengo un buen aspecto fUsico estoy $Ts probabili a es $anera buena e otros. por e"e$plo . si $e veo bien un e ser trata os e una
incluso al e1traWo pensar $e"or e $U y si yo sonrUo a ellos 6 no en el senti o se1ual & co$o pue e verse por la sonrisa < que probable$ente respon an $e"or & o si te toca en un aula& iga$os ur en una reuniVn on e to o el $un o es nuevo para sU & la gente va a querer hablar o estar cerca e la persona que se ve bien o bella o guapo. Y esta atracciVn a la persona que se ve agra able a la vista no es pri$o o ian gente que no $e"or apariencia e su pri$o auto$Ttica$ente & sin querer e inconsciente$ente las personas 6lo que significa que to os < reciben una buena i$presiVn o senti$iento cuan o $iran a alguien agra able 6 no estoy hablan o se1ual <
/arece que hay alguna in"usticia con apariencia pueblos & Ypor quS no po Ua ser que to o el $un o se ve iferente & pero que to o el $un o se ve igual e agra able a la vista .
7s physical appearance really i$portant? Rirst i$pressions are lasting i$pressions an are usually sta$pe an in a person3s $in within
secon s of $eeting. )ften ti$e3s people work towar their cover letters an
resu$es. (ost in ivi uals will also prepare for interviews but fail to
properly prepare an ensure that their appearance looks as nice an professional as their resu$e. Accor ing to *ational Association of Colleges an . ucators 6*AC.< "ob outlook C![ of the people surveye sai a can i ate3s appearance has a strong influence on the opinion of the interviewer.
+as pri$eras i$presiones son i$presiones ura eras y por lo general se esta$pan en la $ente e una persona en cuestiVn e segun os e la reuniVn. A $enu o la gente el tie$po traba"an para y se preparan para verse bien en papel con sus cartas e presentaciVn y currUculos. +a $ayorUa e las personas ta$biSn se prepararTn para las entrevistas& pero no para prepararse a ecua a$ente y asegurarse e que su apariencia se ve tan bonito y profesional co$o su curriculu$ vitae.
e e$pleo
e un can i ato tiene una fuerte influencia en la i"o que la ropa entrevista no tra icionales
e los encuesta os
Why is everyone talking about weight? 0o y i$age is a person@s i ea of what they look like. 7t@s like a picture we have in our $in of what other people see when they look at us. The picture we have of ourselves $ay be ifferent to what other people see an we $ay like or islike the way we look. Teenagers ten to be particularly
conscious of the way they look& so their bo y i$age can be closely linke the$selves as a person 6their self-estee$<.
The teenagers we spoke to felt the $ost unhappy with their appearance if they coul clothes they like or when they thought that no one fancie the$ 6see Clothes an
not wear
shopping an
Rrien s& relationships an social life<. /arents sai they foun it har to see their chil ren feeling ba about their bo ies an worrying
about how others see the$. 7t is $ost upsetting for parents to hear their chil ren saying negative things about the$selves because of their weight an siQe. /arents wante to help their chil ren
accept the$selves as they were& while encouraging an supporting the$ to have a healthier lifestyl
+a i$agen corporal es la i ea
e lo que parecen
tene$os en nuestra $ente e lo que otras personas ven cuan o $iran a nosotros. +a i$agen que tene$os e nosotros $is$os pue e ser iferente a lo que otras personas ven y nos pue e gustar
o no la for$a
e su
apariencia & por lo que su i$agen corporal pue e estar estrecha$ente liga a a cV$o se sienten acerca e sU $is$os co$o una persona 6 su autoesti$a < . +os a olescentes con los que habla$os se sentUan los $Ts escontentos con su apariencia & si no po Uan usar ropa que les gustaba o cuan o pensaban que na ie los caprichos 6ver \opa y co$erciales y a$igos & relaciones y vi a social<. +os pa res i"eron que les resultaba ifUcil ver a sus hi"os sentirse $al acerca e sus cuerpos y e preocuparse por cV$o los ven los e$Ts . .s $Ts $olesto para los pa res escuchar a sus hi"os
icien o cosas negativas sobre sU $is$os ebi o a su peso y ta$aWo . +os pa res quieren ayu ar a sus hi"os a aceptar a sU $is$os co$o eran & alentan o y apoyan o a tener una lifestyl salu able
4ow /hysical Appearance Affects /ersonality This paper proposes that physical appearance is a $a"or factor in the evelop$ent of personality& because people for$ opinions by what they see in a person physically& an respon to that person accor ingly. 7n turn& people ten to fulfill the e1pectations they believe others have for the$. literature that support this assertion& an a
e la
personali a & porque la gente se for$an opiniones por lo que ven en una persona fUsica& y respon en a esa persona en consecuencia. A su veQ& las personas tien en a cu$plir con las e1pectativas que creen que otros tienen para ellos. Garios e"e$plos se an e e1peri$entos y la literatura que apoyan esta afir$aciVn& y un $Sto o se sugiere para observar $Ts este fenV$eno e1peri$ental$ente. irecta$ente
/hysical Appearances an Attraction We all have a ]type@ of person that we@re attracte to. 7n that sense& 7 on@t think 7@$ ifferent than anyone else. What 7@$ struggling with is the type of wo$en that 7@$ usually attracte appearance an se1ual energy ten to in ter$s of physical so$eti$es "ust
ownright $ean an
nasty. 7@ve also gone out with wo$en who fall outsi e this ]type@& but while
7 recogniQe that 7@$ probably overgeneraliQing& being superficial& an causing $y suffering& nevertheless& it@s beco$e a $ental preoccupation.
it@s $y
To os tene$os un ^tipo^ e persona que nos atrae. .n ese senti o& no creo que soy iferente a los e$Ts. +o que yo estoy luchan o es el tipo e $u"er que $e atra"o por lo general en tSr$inos e
apariencia fUsica y la energUa se1ual tien en a ser inestables& no $uy $a uro& y& a veces franca$ente $alo y esagra able. 4e i o ta$biSn con las $u"eres que se que an fuera e este
\econoQco que estoy probable$ente generaliQar& es superficial& y es $i eseo que la causa e $i sufri$iento& sin e$bargo& se ha converti o en una preocupaciVn $ental.
2eeping -p Appearances .ight-to 1'-year-ol s in this country spen an teens spen $ore than _#F $illion a $onth on beauty pro ucts&
another _1FF $illion. *ew statistics fro$ the A$erican Zociety for Aesthetic on those 1D an younger have
nearly ouble over the past eca e. The society3s presi ent says& ^7 think what we3ve one is level the playing fiel & in that so$eone who $ay not have ha great e1posure to these things before-say& on a far$ in 7owa--has the sa$e options available to the$.^
e e a
belleQa y a olescentes gastan otros -Z _ 1FF $illones. *uevas esta Usticas A$ericana e CirugUa /lTstica .stStica $uestran que los proce i$ientos uplica o en la Xlti$a
e cirugUa cos$Stica e la
persona que no pue e haber teni o una gran e1posiciVn a estas cosas antes - por e"e$plo& en una gran"a en 7owa - tiene las $is$as opciones isponibles para ellos ^.
)bsession with /hysical Appearance? The worl is obsesse with physical appearance because people think that outer beauty is $ore
i$portant than the inner beauty of a person. 7t is however natural that one focuses on the physical appearance first unless one is blin to see the physical appearance. )bsession with physical
appearance causes poisonous si e effects for e1a$ple waste of ti$e an e1penses on appearance.
.l $un o estT obsesiona o con la apariencia fUsica& porque la gente piensa que la belleQa e1terior es $Ts i$portante que la belleQa interior e una persona. Zin e$bargo& es natural que uno se
centra en el aspecto fUsico pri$ero a $enos que uno es ciego para ver la apariencia fUsica. +a obsesiVn con la apariencia fUsica tiene efectos secun arios tV1icos& por e"e$plo& pSr i a tie$po y gastos en la apariencia. e
,enetic link an physical appearance? 7 was won ering if anyone knew if wo$en were at higher risk to inherit a ^cancer gene^ if they physically look like a close relative that ha cancer? (ore specifically& breast cancer. /eople who
look like their $other or father $ight have all or $ost of their genes. 0ut obviously there3s no scientific link an it3s not even a consi eration in a risk assess$ent. 7 "ust i n3t know what you all thought. 4ow i$portant for you is physical appearance (y personal appearance is i$portant to $e. 7f you care. on3t care about you& nobo y else is going to
(e preguntaba si alguien sabUa si las $u"eres se encuentran en $ayor riesgo e here ar un ^gen el cTncer^ si fUsica$ente se parecen a un pariente cercano que tenUa cTncer? (Ts especUfica$ente& el cTncer e $a$a. +as personas que se parecen a su $a re o pa re pue en
tener to os o la $ayorUa e sus genes. /ero& obvia$ente& no hay vUnculo cientUfico y ni siquiera es una consi eraciVn en la evaluaciVn e riesgos. Yo no sabUa lo que to os pensa$os.
YPuS tan i$portante es para uste el aspecto fUsico (i apariencia personal es i$portante para $U. Zi no se preocupan por ti& na ie le va a i$portar.
Why Are /eople Lu ge on /hysical Appearance? /eople are $ostly "u ge on their physical appearance because it tells people who you really are. it shows the characteristics of
in ivi uals. You shoul therefore look clean& ress appropriately& s$ile an be on ti$e
+as personas son en su $ayorUa "uQga os por su apariencia fUsica& ya que real$ente eres. +ooks que te ayu an a ser evalua o&
las caracterUsticas e los in ivi uos. /or tanto& ebe verse li$pio& vUstete a ecua a$ente& sonreUr y estar a tie$po