English Xi Ipa-Ips: Listening Section

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In this section of the test, you will have the opportunity to show how well you
understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special
instructions for each part.
Part I
Questions: 1 to 4
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in
English. The qustions and the dialogues will be repeated twice. They will not
be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what
the speakers are saying.
After you listen to the dialogue and the question, read the fve possible
answers, then decide which one would be the best answer to the queation you
have heard. ow listen to a sample question.
You will hear:
Man : We are alost out of cereal.
Woan : I know. I will go to the grocery store to !uy soe ore. I will also
get soe ilk,
!read and fruit.
Man : Would you get e soe instant noodles, please"
Woen : #ure.
Narrator: What does the an want the woan to !uy"
$. %ruit. &. Milk. '. &read. (. )oodles. E.
The !est answer to this *uestions is +)oodles,. Therefour, you should choose
answer -(..
Sampe ans!er:
A " C # E
/. $. 0oing to a cafe.
&. $sking for directions.
'. %inding a hotel to stay.
(. 0iving directions to the nearest hotel.
E. 0oing for a walk on 1alan #laet 2iyadi.
3. $. It was awful.
&. It was arvellous.
'. It was uninteresting.
(. It was tiresoe.
E. It was terri!le.
4. $. #tudying at a university.
&. Winning a copetition.
'. 2ecieving a scholarship.
(. Touring around Indonesia.
E. 0raduating fro a college.
5. $. To a greengrocer6s. (. To a !outi*ue.
&. To a souvenir stall. E. To a 7orist.
'. To a gift shop.
Part II
Questions:$ to %&
In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in
English, followed by four responses, also in English. The dialogues and the
responses will be repeated twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so
you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. !hoose
the best response to each qustion.
)ow listen to a saple *uestion.
Man : May I taste the carael pudding you 8ust ade"
Woan : 9f course you ay. :ow does it taste"
Man : . . .
)arrator: What is the ost appropiate response for the an to reply"
$. It is very e;pensive, I think.
&. It taste delicious.
'. I think I will cook it yself.
(. I don<t think I<ll coe with you.
The !est answer to the *uestionis =It taste delicious=. Therefour, you should
choose answer -&..
#aple answer:
$ & ' ( E
>. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
?. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
@. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Part III
Questions: ' to 11&
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in
English. The dilogues or monologues will be repeated twice. They will not be
printed in your test book, so you must losten carefully to understand what the
speakers are saying.
After you listen to the dialogue or monologue, look at the fve picture provided
in your test book, then decide whice one would be the most suitable for the
dialogue or monologue you have heard.
A. $. &. '.
(. E.
B. $. &.
'. (.
/C. $. &.
'. (.
//. $. &.
'. (.
Part I( Question: 1) to 1$
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will
be repeated twice.
They will not be printed in your test book, so you must losten carefully to
understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the monologue
and the questions, read the fve possible answers, then decide which one
would be the best answer the questions you have heard.
/3. $. #a!ah and #arawak
&. Tarakan unicipality.
'. The regencies of East Daliantan.
(. The Makassar #trait and #ulawesi #ea.
E. The regencies of West Dutai, East Dutai and Dutai Dertanegara.
/4. $. The governent and the People<s 'onsultative $sse!ly.
&. The :ouse of 2epresentatives -(P2. and the governent.
'. The :ouse of 'oission II for regional autonoy.
(. The inister of :oe $Eairs.
E. The unicipal councilor.
/5. $. Wakato!i as a tourist spot. (. Wakato!i as a research spot.
&. Wakato!i as a Fshing centre. E. Wakato!i as a
conservation centre.
'. Wakato!i as a regency.
/>. $. )onGproFt conservation group looking at sustaina!le developent of
Fsheries and
coral reef research.
&. The additional sources a!out the !iodiversity, conservation and local
'. Tourist and travel inforation centre a!out the Wakato!i.
(. It is part of the Wakato!i )ational Park.
E. The world<s arine touris o!8ect.
Once there was a man have a conversation with the God.
Man : God, can I ask You a question?
God : Sure
Man : Promise You won't get mad?
God : I romise
Man : !h" did You #et so much stu$$ haen to me toda"?
God : !hat do "ou want to?
Man : !e##, m" car took $orever to start.
God : Oka"
Man : %t #unch the" made m" sandwich wrong & I had to wait
God : 'hen?
Man : On the wa" home, m" hone went ()%(, *ust as I icked u a ca##
God : %## right,
Man : %nd on to o$ it a## o$$, when I got home +I *ust want to soak m" $eet in m" new
$oot massager & re#a,, -ut it wou#dn't work... /othing went right toda".
!h" did You do that?
GO( : !e##, I didn't #et "our car start -ecause there was a drunk driver on "our route
that wou#d have hit "ou i$ "ou were on the road.
Man : 0ashamed1
God : 'he $irst erson who made "our sandwich toda" was sick & I didn't want "ou to
catch what the" have, I knew "ou cou#dn't a$$ord to miss work.
Man :0em-arrassed1
God : Your hone went dead -ecause "ou wa#ked to cross the street when "ou ca##ed
someone on the hone, at the same time, there was a car. I$ "ou ca##ed someone
whi#e "ou were crossing the road, the car wi## hit "ou at that time.
Man 0so$t#"1: I see God
God : ...and that $oot massager, it had a shortage that was going to throw out a## o$ the
ower in "our house tonight. I didn't think "ou wanted to -e in the dark.
Man : I'm Sorr" God
God : (on't -e sorr", *ust #earn to 'rust Me.... in %## things , the Good & the -ad.
Man : I wi## trust You.
God : %nd don't dou-t that M" #an $or "our da" is %#wa"s 2etter than "our #an.
Man : I won't God. %nd #et me *ust te## "ou God, 'hank You $or )ver"thing toda".
34. !hat was the Man5s $ee#ing to the God at $irst?
%. %dmired 6. Greed" ). !orried
2. 7esistant (. 8urious
39. !hat is the meaning o$ this statement? Well, my car took forever to start.
%. 'he man can not turn on his car
2. 'he man traed on the tra$$ic *am
6. 'he man had his new car
(. 'he man can not turn o$$ his car
). 'he man actua##" can not drive to the road
3:. !hat was haen i$ the man can use his $oot massager at that time?
%. 7is house wi## -e $u## o$ #ight
2. 7is house wi## #ost a #ot o$ #ams
6. 'he man wi## e#ectrocute himse#$ with the too#s
(. 'he man wi## -roke his $oot massager
). 7is house wi## #ose a #ot o$ ower energ"
3;. !hat is the oosite meaning with the under#ine word <ashamed= ?
%. em-arrassed 6. -rave ). o#ite
2. scare (. con$ident
>?. 'he $o##owing is the man5s $ina##" $ee#, e,cet.....
%. 'he man adore the God so much
2. 'he man regret his attitude to the God
6. 'he man $e#t em-arrassed
(. 'he man $e#t ver" angr" to the God5s #an
). 'he man $e#t ashamed
>3. !hat is the mora# va#ue o$ the stor"?
%. !e must -e#ieve in our #an
2. I$ we do something, we must -e sure that it wi## -e success
6. God5s #an a#wa"s -etter than our #an
(. In #i$e, there are two otions : $ai#ure and success
). 'a#k #ess do more
%n :?@"ear@o#d man goes to a doctor $or a checku. 'he doctor is amaAed at his shae. <'o
what do "ou attri-ute "our remarka-#" good hea#th?=<I am a turke" hunter and that5s wh" I5m in
good shae. Get u -e$ore da"#ight, chase turke"s u and down the mountains.=
'he doctor sa"s, <!e##, I5m sure it he#s, -ut there have to -e genetic $actors. 7ow o#d was
"our dad when he died?=
<!ho sa"s m" dad5s dead?=
<You5re :? "ears o#d and "our dad5s a#ive? 7ow o#d is he?=
<(ad5s 3??. In $act, he turke" hunted with me this morning.=
<!hat a-out "our dad5s dad B how o#d was he when he died?=
<!ho sa"s m" granddad5s dead?=
<You5re :? "ears o#d and "our grand$ather5s sti## #iving? 7ow o#d is he?=
<I suose "ou5re going to te## me he went turke" hunting this morning?=
</o. 7e got married.=
'he doctor #ooks at the man in amaAement. <Got married? !h" wou#d a 33:@"ear@o#d gu"
want to get married?='he o#d@timer answers, <!ho sa"s he wanted to?=
>>. !hat does the o#d man go to the doctor $or?
%. 8or a check@u 6. 8or a $ishing ). 8or a schoo#
2. 8or a work (. 8or a stud"
>C. !h" is the o#d man in good shae?
%. 7e is a $armer 6. 7e is a turke" hunter ).7e is a doctor
2. 7e is a singer (. 7e is a driver
>D. 7ow do "ou know the hea#th o$ the o#d man5s dad sti## in good condition?
%. 7e turke" hunted with the man that night.
2. 7e turke" hunted with the woman that evening.
6. 7e turke" hunted with the unc#e that morning.
(. 7e turke" hunted with $riends that dawn.
). 7e turke" hunted with the man that morning.
>E. !hat does the word it in the c#ause <I am sure it he#s= re$er to?
%. Getting u -e$ore da"#ight, chasing turke"s u and down mountains.
2. !ake u -e$ore da"#ight, chasing turke"s u and u mountains.
6. Get u -e$ore morning.
(. !oke u a$ter da"#ight
). !ake u and down mountains.
'he nuc#ear $ami#", consisting o$ a mother, a $ather, and their chi#dren, ma" -e more an
%merican idea#than an %merican rea#it". O$ course, the so@ca##ed traditiona# %merican $ami#" was
a#wa"s more varied than we had -een #ed to -e#ieve, re$#ecting the ver" di$$erent racia#, ethnic,
c#ass, and re#igious customs among di$$erent %merican grous.
'he most reason government statistics revea# that on#" a-out one third o$ a## current
%merican $ami#ies $it the traditiona# mo#d and another third consists o$ married cou#e who either
have no chi#dren or have none sti## #iving at home. O$ the $ina# one third, a-out >? ercent o$ the
tota# num-er o$ %merican househo#ds are sing#e eo#e, usua##" women over si,t"@$ive "ear o$ age.
% sma## ercentage, a-out C ercent o$ the tota#, consist o$ unmarried eo#e who choose to #ive
together, and the rest, a-out ercent, are sing#e, usua##" divorced arents, with at #east one chi#d.
In conc#usion, toda", these varied $ami#" t"es are t"ica#, and there$ore, norma#.
%arent#", man" %merican are achieving suortive re#ationshis in $ami#" $orms other than
traditiona# one.
>4. !hat wou#d -e the -est tit#e $or this reading assage?
%. 'he traditiona# %merican $ami#"
2. 'he current %merican $ami#"
6. 'he nuc#ear $ami#"
(. 'he idea# $ami#"
). 'he modern $ami#"
>9. !hat is the main idea o$ the $irst aragrah?
%. 'he traditiona# $ami#"
2. 'he nuc#ear $ami#"
6. 'he er$ect $ami#"
(. 'he sma## $ami#"
). 'he rea# $ami#"
>:. !hich o$ the $o##owing statements is true?
%..Facia#, ethnic, and re#igious grou grous have reserved the traditiona# $ami#"
2. 'here have a#wa"s -een a wide variet" o$ $ami#" arrangements in the Gnited Sates.
6. 'he idea# %merican $ami#" is -est structure.
(. 8ewer married cou#es are having chi#dren.
). 'he current %merican $ami#" is concerned with the num-er o$ chi#dren.
>;. <H.that on#" a-out one third o$ a## current %merican $ami#ies $it the traditiona# mo#dH=
0Par >1'he word 'current' is simi#ar to H.
%. t"ica# 6. resent ). advanced
2. er$ect (. traditiona#
C?. %ccording to the assage, married cou#es whose chi#dren have -een grown or who have
nochi#dren reresent H.
%. CC,E ercent o$ househo#ds
2. >? ercent o$ househo#ds
6. 9 ercent o$ househo#ds
(. E ercent o$ househo#d
). C ercent o$ househo#ds
!hen a erson o#d enough to -e resonsi-#e $or a crime? 'his question needs to -e
investigated -ecause the current #aw is not good enough.
8irst reason is the #aw at resent rotects chi#dren aged -etween ten "ears and $our "ears
$rom -eing unished $or committing crimes. It is -e#ieved that chi#dren under $ourteen "ears are too
"oung to rea#iAe the seriousness o$ their crimes. Mr. Stehen Scar#ett, head o$ the /S! 6hi#dren5s
6ourt, descri-es how c#ever "oung o$$enders use this de$ense, sa"ing that the" are too "oung to
understand that the" have -roken the #aw. Mr. Scar#ett, an e,ert on this su-*ect, states that the age
shou#d -e droed $rom $ourteen to twe#ve "ears. I agree with this.
Second reason, teenagers these da"s are $ar more sohisticated than those in the ast. 'he
#aw shou#d recogniAe this. In a recent surve" some eo#e suggested that the age $or -eing
resonsi-#e $or a crime shou#d -e droed to eight "ears o#d. 'his, I $ee#, is too "oung. 8ourteen,
however, is too o#d. Is there an"one who -e#ieves that a $ourteen@"ear@o#d does not know that it is
against the #aw to stea# or vanda#iAe roert"? 2" the age o$ twe#ve, chi#dren are aware o$ what is
#ega# and what is not.
%s recommendation, it can -e said that u-#ic ressure creates change. It is now u to the
u-#ic to ut ressure on the government to change the age at which a erson ma" -e he#d
resonsi-#e $or a crime $rom $ourteen "ears to twe#ve "ears. Out o$ date #aws have no #ace in a
modern societ", esecia##" one that needs eo#e to -e resonsi-#e $or their actions.
C3. !hat does the te,t a-ove ta#k a-out?
%.!hen a erson is o#d enough to -e resonsi-#e $or a crime
2.!hen a erson is -eing unished $or committing crimes
6.!hen chi#dren are too "oung to -e resonsi-#e $or a crime
(.!hen a erson is too o#d to -e resonsi-#e $or a crime
).!hen do teenagers rea#iAe the seriousness o$ their crimes
C>.In what age are the chi#dren rotected -" the resent #aw $rom -eing unished $or committing
%.'en "ears o#d (.8ourteen "ears o#d
2.'en to $ourteen "ears o#d ).)ight "ears o#d
6.'we#ve "ears o#d
CC. In what aragrah do we $ind the recommendation o$ the te,t a-oveH..
%.In the $irst aragrah (.In the second aragrah
2.In the third aragrah ).In the $ourth aragrah
6.In the $i$th aragrah
CD.'he art o$ the te,t which states what ought or ought not to haen is ca##edH..
%.'hesis (.%rgument
2.)#a-oration ).Feiteration
CE.<'eenagers these da"s are $ar more sohisticated than those in the ast.'he word <those=
re$er toH..
%.(a"s (.'eenagers
2.Iaws ).6hi#dren
C4. !hat t"e o$ genre does the te,t -e#ong to?
%.%na#"tica# e,osition (.7ortator" e,osition
2.Feort ).(escrition
(avis & Feeves
34 Sa#is-ur" Foad,
'sinshatsui Jow#oon
7ong Jong'e#. 0:E>1 ?C9>3 33>3 8a,: 0:E>1 ?C9C;@DD44
(ear (r. Ii 7an
!e have received "our registration $or our annua# con$erence. In$ormation a-out hote#s and
transortation are $ound in the enc#osedcon$erence -rochure.
I$ "ou need $urther assistance in arranging "our tri, #ease ca## ourcon$erence coordinator
in 7ong Jong at 0:E>1 ?C 9>3 33>3.!e #ook $orward to seeing "ou at con$erence.
Ii Khao#ie
C9. !hat is enc#osed in the #etter?
%. % ma o$ the con$erence #ocation.
2. % -rochure a-out the con$erence.
6. %n invitation to the con$erence.
(. 'ickets $or the con$erence.
). % registration $orm.
C:. !ho shou#d (r. 7an contact i$ she has other questions?
%. 'he con$erence coordinator?
2. % hote# recetionist
6. (avis & Feeves
(. % ticket agent
). Ie Khao#ie
'o make "our shoing at Sena"an 6it" as soon as ossi-#e, "ou are invited to use our concierge
services at the 6oncierge (esk. 'he 6oncierge (esk is #ocated on themain #eve#, -eside the
Gourmet 8ood Sho. !e o$$er a range o$ shoer servicesinc#uding u-#ic transortation
schedu#es, direct #ines to ta,i services, and ackagemai#ing. !e a#so have a com#ete data-ase o$
merchandise in our stores, so that wecan direct "ou to the store that wi## -est suit "ou need. You
ma" visit the 6oncierge(esk in erson, or "ou ma" ca## $rom the direct@#ine te#ehone at an" o$
#ighteddirector" mas in the ma##.
C;. !hat is the urose o$ the te,t?
%. 'o in$orm the customers to use concierge services.
2. 'o invite the customers to sho in Sena"an 6it".
6. 'o in$orm the customers to sho.
(. 'o go shoing to Sena"an 6it".
). 'o use $aci#ities $or shoing.
D?. !hat is one wa" to get in touch with the6oncierge (esk?
%. Sto one o$ their reresentatives. (. Page them $rom a store.
2. Gse the direct hone. ). !rite a #etter.
6. Lisit direct#".
D3. %rin : <!hat a-out eating out? I don5t $ee# #ike cooking dinner=
Igo :=Ok...*ust #et me know......=
%. where do "ou want to go (. where "ou want to go
2. whether "ou want to go ). how do "ou want to go
6. wh" "ou want to go
D>. %rio : < I am #ooking $orward to........."ou ne,t week=
%. seeing 2. see 6. saw (. wi## see ). -e seen
DC. Iud" :=M" -rother, who was not used to.......a room with someone e#se was quite
unha" when he cou#dn5t have his own room in the dormitor"=
%. sharing 2. share 6. shared (. -e shared ). shares
DD. %#vina :=M" #itt#e -rother had scattered a## his to"s on m" -ed, so I had him........the
-ed -e$ore night $e##.=
%. c#ear 2. to c#ear 6. c#earing (. -e c#earing ). c#earing
% ou#ar method o$ treating e,osure to ver" co#d weather and $rosti-ite is to s#ow#"
rewarm the $ingers or toes or to ru- them with snow. 'he -est treatment.......0DE1.........is not s#ow
rewarming -ut.....0D41.......rewarming. Putting the $ingers or toes in a warm -ath, ......0D91......a
heating ad, or using a hot water -ott#e are a## good wa"s to.....0D:1.....$orst-ite. 7ot drinks to warm
the -od" $rom within are he#$u#. One must -e care$u# a-out -urning the skin, however,..........
0D;1............the a$$ected arts are..............0E?1........... 'he temerature o$ an" heat a#ied shou#d
not -e greater than DC
6 033?
DE. %. -ecause 2. whi#e 6. however (. since ). a#though
D4. %. gradua# 2. #ong 6. stead" (. e,tensive ). raid
D9. %. a#icant 2. a#ication 6. a#" (. a#ied ). a#"ing
D:. %. he# 2. survive 6. treat (. conquer ). endure
D;. %. whi#e 2. due to 6. in order that (. since ). -ut
E?. %. anesthetiAed 2. anesthetist 6. anesthesia (. anesthetic ). anesthetiAing

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