Shel Silverstein: William Shakspeare (In Hamlet)
Shel Silverstein: William Shakspeare (In Hamlet)
Shel Silverstein: William Shakspeare (In Hamlet)
Shel Silverstein My words fly up, my thoughts remain below; words without thoughts never to heaven go. I have the heart of a child. I keep it in a ar on m! shelf. Robert Bloch
William Shakspeare 1in 2amlet3 4ow I la! me down to rest* I pra! to pass tomorrows test. (! one regret in life is that I am not someone else. Woody Allen 5ife is ust one damned thing after another. Elbert Hubbard
I detest life6insurance agents7 the! alwa!s argue that I shall some da! die* which is not I"ve #een tr!ing for some time to develop a lifest!le so. Stephen Leacock that doesn"t re$uire m! presence. %ar! &rudeau 4one of us reall! understands the fairer se87 thats wh! were so captivated #! them. Lex I have a new philosoph!. I"m onl! going to dread Luthor one da! at a time. 'harles (. Schul)* 'harlie +rown in ,Peanuts, I still find each da! too short for all the thoughts I want to think* all the walks I want to take* all the #ooks I want to read* and all the friends I want to see. -ohn +urrough What is life. /n illusion* a shadow* a stor!0 for all life is a dream* and dreams themselves are onl! dreams. Pedro Calderon de la Barca Never marry but for love; but see that thou lovest what is lovely. William Penn
Listen to the MUSNTS, child. Listen to the DONTS. Listen to the SHOULDNTS, The IMPOSSIBLES, the WONTS. Listen to the NEVER HAVES, then listen close to e... An!thin" c#n h#$$en, child. An!thin" c#n %e.
I &ill not $l#! t'" o( &#). I(d )#the) $l#! h'" o( &#). Whe)e e*e)!one h'"s inste#d o+ t'"s, Whe)e e*e)!one "i""les #nd )olls on the )'", Whe)e e*e)!one ,isses, #nd e*e)!one ")ins, #nd e*e)!one c'ddles, #nd e*e)!one &ins. -In*it#tion. I+ !o' #)e # d)e# e),co e in. I+ !o' #)e # d)e# e), # &ishe), # li#), A ho$e), # $)#!e), # #"ic/%e#n/%'!e)0 I+ !o'()e # $)etende), co e sit %! ! +i)e, 1o) &e h#*e so e +l#2/"olden t#les to s$in. 3o e in4 3o e in4
This above all: to thine own self be true Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me. One woe doth tread upon anothers heel, so fast they follow. No place indeed should murder sanctuarize; He &#s #l ost the)e, &hen...S #sh4 3)#sh4 revenge should have no bounds. B#sh4 He slid do&n #nd #shed into en"ine Our indiscretion sometime serves us well. When our h#sh the little en"ine th#t #l ost co'ld. deep plots do pall; and that should learn us. There s a divinity that shapes our ends, !ough"hew them how we A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when will # they're not so good, and sympathizes with your Sweets to the sweet, farewell!
Friedrich Nietzsche 5Bec#'se I co'ld not sto$ +o) De#th // He ,indl! sto$$ed +o) e // The c#))i#"e held %'t 7'st o')sel*es And i o)t#lit!.5 Emily Dickinson
Sick I cannot go to school toda!*, Said little Pegg! /nn (c9a!. ,I have the measles and the mumps* / gash* a rash and purple #umps. (! mouth is wet* m! throat is dr!* I"m going #lind in m! right e!e. (! tonsils are as #ig as rocks* I"ve counted si8teen chicken po8 /nd there"s one more6that"s seventeen* and don"t !ou think m! face looks green. (! leg is cut* m! e!es are #lue6 It might #e instamatic flu. I cough and snee)e and gasp and choke* I"m sure that m! left leg is #roke6 (! hip hurts when I move m! chin* (! #ell! #utton"s caving in* (! #ack is wrenched* m! ankle"s sprained* (! "pendi8 pains each time it rains. (! nose is cold* m! toes are num#* I have a sliver in m! thum#. (! neck is stiff* m! voice is weak* I hardl! whisper when I speak. (! tongue is filling up m! mouth* I think m! hair is falling out. (! el#ow"s #ent* m! spine ain"t straight* (! temperature is one6o6eight. (! #rain is shrunk* I cannot hear* &here is a hole inside m! ear. I have a hangnail* and m! heart is66what. What"s that. What"s that !ou sa!. :ou sa! toda! is...Saturda!. %"#!e* I"m going out to pla!;,
5Pe)h#$s I ,no& &h! it is #n #lone &ho l#'"hs6 He #lone s'++e)s so dee$l! th#t he h#d to in*ent l#'"hte).5
Reflection <ach time I see the =pside6>own (an Standing in the water* I look at him and start to laugh* /lthough I shouldn"t ought to. ?or ma!#e in another world /nother time /nother town* (a!#e 2< is right side up /nd I am upside down.
,i&ture ,u--le ,ie&e ne $i&ture $u--le $ie&e Lyin) on the sidewal+, ne $i&ture $u--le $ie&e Soa+in) in the rain. #t mi%ht be a button of blue ne the &oat of the woman .ho lived in a shoe. #t mi%ht be a ma%i&al bean, r a fold in the red /elvet robe of a 0ueen. #t mi%ht be the one little bite f the a$$le her ste$mother 'ave to Snow .hite. #t mi%ht be a small tuft of hair n the bi% boun&y belly f Bobo the Bear. #t mi%ht be a bit of the &loa+ f the .it&h of the .est *s she melted to smo+e. #t mi%ht be a shadowy tra&e f a tear that runs down an an%el)s fa&e. Nothin% has more $ossibilities Than one old wet $i&ture $u--le $ie&e. Tell Me
&ell me I"m clever* &ell me I"m kind* &ell me I"m talented* &ell me I"m cute* &ell me I"m sensitive* %raceful and wise*
A friend is a person who knows all about you, and still likes you. ~Elbert Hubbard
Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart. ~Elisabeth Foley
.omen are li+e a$$les on trees. The best ones are at the to$ of the tree. The men don)t want to rea&h for the %ood ones be&ause they are afraid of fallin% and %ettin% hurt. #nstead, they 6ust %et the rotten a$$les from the %round that aren)t as %ood, but easy. So the a$$les at the to$ thin+ somethin% is wron% with them, when in reality, T374)87 ama-in%. They 6ust have to wait for the ri%ht man to &ome alon%, the one who)s brave enou%h to &limb all the way to the to$ of the tree 2ave !ou ever felt like no#od!. -ust a tin! speck of air. When ever!ones around !ou* /nd !ou are ust not there. Down the alley Up the street Around the corner Is where Ill be. It(s not &h#t the &o)ld holds +o) !o'. It(s &h#t !o' %)in" to it.
"#S# Eliot
5He)e #t l#st We sh#ll %e +)ee8 the Al i"ht! h#th not %'ilt He)e +o) his en*!, &ill not d)i*e 's hence6 He)e &e #! )ei"n sec')e, #nd in ! choice To )ei"n is &o)th # %ition tho'"h in Hell6 Bette) to )ei"n in Hell, th#n se)*e in He#*en.5
$ohn %ilton& 'Paradise Lost( ,<n o! life. &here"s plent! of time to #e dead., /ll things #right and #eautiful* /ll creatures great and small. /ll things wise and wonderful* @ur 5ord %od made them all.
5Hold +#st to d)e# s, +o) i+ d)e# s die, li+e is # %)o,en &in"ed %i)d th#t c#nnot +l!.5
Lan)ston Hu)hes
It(s h#)d to %e h' %le, &hen !o'()e #s ")e#t #s I # .
%uhammad Ali
5This is ! si $le )eli"ion. The)e is no need +o) te $les8 no need +o) co $lic#ted $hiloso$h!. O') o&n %)#in, o') o&n he#)t is o') te $le8 the $hiloso$h! is ,indness.5 /Dalai Lama
Be still& sad heart& and cease repinin)* Behind the clouds the sun is shinin)* "hy +ate is the common +ate o+ all& ,nto each li+e some rain must +all& Some days must be dark and dreary# -Lon).ello/
/ Poison &ree +!A William +lake
I was angr! with m! friendA I told m! wrath* m! wrath did end. I was angr! with m! foeA I told it not* m! wrath did grow. /nd I watered it in fears 4ight and morning with m! tears* /nd I sunned it with smiles /nd with soft deceitful wiles. /nd it grew #oth da! and night* &ill it #ore an apple #right* /nd m! foe #eheld it shine* /nd he knew that it was mine 6
"1ear is the $ath to the 2ar+ Side! 1ear leads to an%er, an%er leads to hate. 3ate leads to sufferin%." (( 4 2* Beware of the 2ar+ Side, Lu+e. 54 2*
/nd into m! garden stole When the night had veiled the pole7
In the morning* glad* I see (! foe outstretched #eneath the tree. Give me a iss, Give me the world, Give me your heart, !"ll be your girl. Give me your smile, Give me your time, Give me your love, !"ll give you mine. #omewhere there"s someone who dreams of your smile and finds your presence in life worthwhile. #o when you are lonely remember it"s true somebody somewhere is thin ing of you.
#f you are still tal+in% about what you did yesterday, you haven9t done mu&h today.
The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
Mark Twain
I used to have a handle on life* #ut then it #roke. There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want. !ill "atterson,
Calvin and Hobbes
! climbed the door and shut the stairs, ! said my pa$amas and put on my prayers, ! shut off my sheets and got under the light %ll because you issed me good night &hen you love someone, it"s something. &hen someone loves you, it"s another thing. &hen you love the person who loves you bac , it"s everything. # wrote your it away, # wrote your ne:t day, # wrote your away, # wrote your stay. name in the sand but the waves washed name on my hand but # washed it the name on $a$er but # a&&identally threw it name in my heart, ... and forever it will
Love is like the wind...We can't see it, but we can feel it.
Never say ! love you, if it isn"t really there Never tal about feelings, if you really don"t care Never hold my hand, if you"re gonna brea my heart Never say you will, if you don"t plan to start Never loo into my eyes and tell me a lie Never say hello if you really mean goodbye !f you really mean forever, 'hen please say you"ll try... Never say forever( )ecause forever ma es me cry... !"m not supposed to love you, !"m not supposed to care !"m not supposed to live my life, wishing you were there. !"m not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do, !"m sorry ! $ust can"t help myself, ! fell in love with you.
*on"t tell me you love me unless you really mean it because ! might do something crazy li e believe it
To the world you may be one $erson, but to one $erson you may be the world.
Love isn)t findin% the $erfe&t $erson, it is findin% the im$erfe&t $erson and seein% how they are $erfe&t.
2on)t fall in love with someone you &an live with, fall in love with someone you &an)t live without.
'he best and most beautiful things in the world cant be seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart. #ome people come into our lives and +uic ly go...while others stay awhile and leave footprints in our hearts and we are never +uite the same...
# love you not be&ause of who you are but be&ause of who # am when # am with you.
Re#l lo*e is +eelin" li,e %ein" # $#)t o+ th#t $e)son(s li+e #l ost isn(t eno'"h. It(s o)e li,e # +eelin" th#t !o' &o'ld li*e in the s# e s,in &ith the $e)son i+ !o' co'ld #nd sh#)e e*e)! tho'"ht, he#)t%e#t, #nd e otion #s one. / Rod 3#nnon 9 *s you %row older, you9ll find the only thin%s you re%ret are the thin%s you didn9t do.
Zachary Scott &hen ! do right, no one ever remembers. &hen ! do wrong, no one ever forgets.
And in the end, its not the years in your life that count. Its the life in your years.
Abraham Lincoln
,...&hese people who contri#uted to who I am* the! are with me wherever I go* and as histor! gets rewritten in small wa!s with each passing da!* m! love for them onl! grows. +ecause the truth is... it was the #est of times. (istakes were made* hearts were #roken* harsh lessons learned* #ut all of that has receded into fond memor! now. 2ow does it happen. Wh! are we so $uick to forget the #ad and romantici)e the good. (a!#e it"s #ecause we need to #elieve that the time we spent together actuall! meant something* that we were there for each other in a time in our lives that defined us all* a time in our lives that we will never forget. I can"t swear this is e8actl! how it happened. +ut this is how it felt., 66-oe!* from !a/son0s Creek Women are like apples on trees. &he #est ones are at the top of the tree. (ost men dont want to reach for the good ones #ecause the! are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead the! ust get the rotten apples from the ground that aren"t as good #ut eas!. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them when in realit! the!"re ama)ing &he! ust have to wait for the right man to come along the one who"s #rave enough to clim# all the wa! to the top of the tree. (en are like a fine wine. &he! start out as grapes* and it"s up to women to stomp the shit out of them until the! turn into something accepta#le to have dinner with.
)e careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. )e careful of your words, for your words become your actions. )e careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits. )e careful of your habits, for your habits become your character. )e careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny. 1!"#orea"$irl.asf <ver! man dies. 4ot ever! man reall! lives. We learnA BCD of what we read ECD of what we hear FCD of what we see GCD of what we see and hear HCD of what we discuss with others ICD of what we e8perience JGD of what we teach to someone else 6William %lasser
"he movie& Braveheart
?igure out who !ou are #efore !ou tr! to figure out where !ou fit in. :ou ma! fall right into place* !ou ma! have to force !our wa! in* or !ou ma! ver! well find a place !et unknown to call !our own7 #ut until !ou know who !ou are and who !ou want to #ecome* !ou will wander. / true friend is someone who reaches for !our hand and touches !our heart. @4<. %ive people more than the! e8pect and do it cheerfull!. &W@. (arr! a manKwoman !ou love to talk to. /s !ou get older* their conversational skills will #e as important as an! other. &2R<<. >on"t #elieve all !ou hear* spend all !ou have or sleep all !ou want. ?@=R. When !ou sa!* ,I love !ou*, mean it. ?IL<. When !ou sa!* ,I"m sorr!*, look the person in the e!e. SIM. +e engaged at least si8 months #efore !ou get married. S<L<4. +elieve in love at first sight. <I%2&. 4ever laugh at an!one"s dreams. People who don"t have dreams don"t have much. 4I4<. 5ove deepl! and passionatel!. :ou might get hurt #ut it"s the onl! wa! to live life completel!. &<4. In disagreements* fight fairl!. 4o name6calling. <5<L<4. >on"t udge people #! their relatives. &W<5L<. &alk slowl! #ut think $uickl!. &2IR&<<4. When someone asks !ou a $uestion !ou don"t want to answer* smile and ask* ,Wh! do !ou want to know., ?@=R&<<4. Remem#er that great love and great achievements involve great risk. ?I?&<<4. Sa! ,#less !ou, when !ou hear someone snee)e. SIM&<<4. When !ou lose* don"t lose the lesson S<L<4&<<4. Remem#er the three R"sA Respect for self7 Respect for others7 and responsi#ilit! for all !our actions. <I%2&<<4. >on"t let a little dispute in ure a great friendship.
4I4<&<<4. When !ou reali)e !ou"ve made a mistake* take immediate steps to correct it. &W<4&:. Smile when picking up the phone. &he caller will hear it in !our voice. friends are the family you ma#e ... and family are friends that last fore%er.