Literature Review On Employee Motivation and Retention
Literature Review On Employee Motivation and Retention
Literature Review On Employee Motivation and Retention
Welcome to our comprehensive literature review on employee motivation and retention. In today's
competitive business environment, maintaining a motivated and engaged workforce is crucial for
organizational success. This review aims to explore various theories, studies, and best practices
related to employee motivation and retention.
Writing a literature review on such a complex and multifaceted topic can be a daunting task. It
requires extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of information from a wide range of
scholarly sources. Additionally, keeping up with the latest developments and trends in the field adds
another layer of challenge.
From examining classical theories such as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg's Two-Factor
Theory to exploring contemporary approaches like self-determination theory and job crafting, this
literature review delves into the diverse factors that influence employee motivation and retention.
We also explore the role of organizational culture, leadership styles, compensation and benefits,
work-life balance initiatives, and employee engagement strategies in fostering a motivating work
environment and enhancing employee retention.
Understanding the intricate relationship between motivation and retention is essential for
organizations striving to attract, retain, and develop top talent. By synthesizing the latest research
findings and practical insights, this literature review serves as a valuable resource for academics,
practitioners, and HR professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of this critical area.
For those seeking assistance in crafting a literature review or conducting research on employee
motivation and retention, we recommend reaching out to the experts at ⇒ ⇔. With
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motivation and retention, and take the first step towards creating a more motivated and engaged
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The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Motivation according to Reeve (2001)
refers to the excitement level, the determination and the way a person works hard at his work
setting. If, on the other hand, the chosen form of motivation does not satisfy the needs of the
employee, the benefit decreases. The latter concept, on the other hand, is of the view that if the body
lacks some chemical, the individual will tend (in an imperfect way) to develop a specific appetite or
partial hunger for that missing food element. Nobutoshi M. Metacognition and reflective teaching: a
Synergistic Approach to fostering critical thinking skills. International Journal of Human Resource
Management, 14(7), 1246-1266. In addition to individual-level antecedents, the social context has
also been regarded to have implications for work motivation. Methods: Using a predetermined
search strategy, a systematic search yielded 1,635 documents of which 17 were selected. Group “B”
is the solid performing employees who keep the business running day by day, always fulfilling the
required tasks but they have little willpower to progress. They demonstrate that both measures
accurately capture participants’ skill in writing and the quality of their written work. The scores for
each item were reverse coded, and the mean scores were computed so that higher scores indicate
greater work motivation. 3.3. Independent Variables The independent variables of this study include
individuals’ competence, autonomy, and social relatedness. It means that the other factors should be
also considered important that managers should take a flexible approach. The current study seek to
address this question by examining the existing literature on changes in motivation across tasks in
different fields of research through the method of meta-narrative review. Miller et al.’s ( 2001 )
empirical findings suggest a significant positive correlation between sense of place and motivation. A
systematic review of language-focused interventions for young children from culturally and
linguistically diverse backgrounds. We will then show how the researchers conceptualized the
relationship between those influences and job motivation. 4.2 Types of workplace technologies
Different authors provide different understandings of the influencing technologies—the terms used
vary greatly. Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article. Forson, J.A., Ofosu-
Dwamena, E., Opoku, R.A. et al. Employee motivation and job performance: a study of basic school
teachers in Ghana. In this study, we examine the relationship between job motivation factors and
performance among teachers of basic schools in Ghana. In the case of the study by Shin and Grant
(2019), the contrasting effect causes the subsequent activity to feel less interesting because the
previous task was too interesting. Such a contrast effect entails a comparison between two
conditions, where the second condition is markedly different from the first, and the effect of this
condition is that the difference between conditions is exaggerated ( Zentall, 2005 ). These job
motivation factors were significant predictors on job performance. Comprehensive Analysis of ETA
Engineering's Organizational Culture in 2012: A. The first phase was the comprehensive search
phase, where all articles with relevance to search terms were exported to Endnote X9 for further
screening. Greenberg J (1988) Equity and workplace status: a field experiment. The nature and
amount of work performed by them have a direct impact on the productivity of an organization. A
Pearson Education Company Rosser VJ (2005) Measuring the change in faculty perceptions over
time: An examination of their work life and satisfaction. The existing systematic literature review
illustrates the importance of the performance appraisal fairness on employee's motivation, which is
affected by other important factors. The ease of use is determined by—among other factors—an
intuitive interface. 5 Discussion We examined publications from the fields of psychology,
management, educational sciences, and facility management. One possibility for ensuring both a
comprehensive understanding of and a focus on technological aspects of the workplace is to classify
them in a taxonomy. The problem of upward communication distortion was the focus Present
research study assesses empirically the effect of employee's motivation on organizational
The study approach being presented emphasizes the complex and varied nature of motivation,
acknowledging its multiple origins and effects on the writing skills of EFL learners. Human resource
development professionals serve many diverse populations of learners in the workplace. By taking a
diary approach, Lazar et al. ( 2006 ) examined frustrating effects when using computers. Issues
concerning outliers (i.e., very high and low scores) was dealt with given the fact that multiple
regression is sensitive to them. Research into basic psychological need fulfillment that predicts
motivation, and motivational processes in general, over the past 20 years, have shown that these
concepts do not vary solely between individuals; there is also an in-person day-to-day variation. Reis
et al. (2000) found that the need satisfaction of the basic needs of autonomy, competence, and
relatedness vary on a day-to-day basis, while van Hooff and van Hooft (2017) found similar results
for motivational processes. In: Zedeck S (ed) APA handbook of industrial and organizational
psychology, Volume 3: Maintaining, expanding, and contracting the organization, 1st edn. In: Snow
RE, Farr MJ (eds) Aptitude, learning, and instruction: Vol 3. At the preparatory stage, the
questionnaires designed were tested to make sure participants understood the demands of the
questions in the questionnaires. Soon after Hackman and Oldham published the Job Characteristics
Model, Denise M Rousseau analyzed the Job Characteristics (2 Task Identity, 3 Skill Variety, 4 Task
Significance, 5 Feedback, 6 Autonomy) and how they interact with the (technological) environment
(Rousseau 1977, 1978 ). The amalgamation of these scholarly discoveries highlights the complex and
diverse characteristics of self-efficacy in the context of learning, emphasizing its crucial influence on
language acquisition achievements, specifically in the domain of writing skills. To identify the key
publications on the topic, we followed the four steps as outlined below. In the present competitive
world if any business organization has to survive, it needs to keep an eye on the distinct needs of
employees as well as the factors that motivate them well. We're Hiring! Help Center Employees
Motivation in Organizations: An integrative literature review Related Papers shwet goswami Global
Business Perspectives Manoj Patwardhan Afshan Yousaf ashwini gorde Femi Praise MOYIN P R A
I S E FEMI One of the most important functions of management is to ensure that employee work is
more satisfying and to reconcile employee motivation with organizational goals. In others word, the
causes of dissatisfaction that were referred to by Herzberg as “hygiene” factors would be eliminated
as the result in a neutral state, not the result in a satisfaction state. Therefore, there are substantial
gaps in the knowledge concerning fluctuations of motivation through the workday and how
employee motivation can be optimized from a temporal perspective ( Oldham and Hackman, 2010;
Deci et al., 2017 ). In the modern work environment, employees have jobs consisting of multiple
tasks that they have to balance ( Ilgen and Hollenbeck, 1991; Raziq and Maulabakhsh, 2015 ). The
current study, therefore, aims to review and discuss the employee retention strategies in the
hospitality industry in order to keep talented employees for a longer period of time. On the other
hand, James D Thompson’s technological classification applied by Rousseau ( 1977, 1978 ) and
Pierce et al. ( 1984 ) focuses on the way technology influences processes and tasks. When analyzing
Perfectionism, it is seen that the Multidimensional Scale (MS) and Personal Standards (PS)
indicators have significant factor loadings, ranging from 0.85 to 0.90, respectively. The substantial
factor loadings highlight a strong correlation between the underlying concept of Perfectionism and
the observable indicators, thereby emphasizing their significant contributions to its assessment.
Wider consultative meetings were held with stakeholders in the teaching fraternity and the outcome
and the panacea was the introduction of a uniform pay structure based on qualification. Empirical
data on different use cases is necessary. 6 Conclusions In this paper, we developed a research agenda
to include workplace technology in motivation research. Other data collection methods include
experiments or diary surveys; the critical incidents-method is a specific approach that is mostly used
when reproducing data based on Herzberg’s Two Factor Model (Knight and Westbrook 2015 ).
Factors Affecting Employee Retention: A Comparative Analysis of two Keywords: Retention
Strategies, Employee Retention, Retention Management 1. It helps employees know the true results
of their work. Therefore, prosocial behaviors and values may enhance the positive impact of
individuals’ basic psychological needs, including competence, autonomy, and social relatedness, on
work motivation. 2.3. Moderating Effects 2.3.1. religious affiliation. The authors use an example to
show that this classification is not necessarily distinctive. Samani SA, Eskandari A, Zadeh FO,
Samani JE (2018) The impact of environmental design on employee performance at PNPI Group.
Controlling for job design and environment shows a significant drop in the coefficient of
compensation package from 0.73 to 0.53 although highly significant. The identification of cultural
and psychological elements that impact EFL writing skills provides a basis for the creation of
focused treatments that cater to the particular requirements of Chinese learners. Here, it is not the
functionality of the furniture, but its symbolism that influences perceived fairness and extrinsic
motivation (Vilnai-Yavetz et al. 2005 ). Elsewhere, using technology as rewards is mostly based on
managerial recommendations, the scientific value of which is low (DeVoe and Prencipe 2001;
O’Donovan 2002; Sidler 1984 ). To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
With the existence of numerous factors that relate to work motivation, this paper mainly focuses on
intrinsic motivation. A limitation of the study is its inability to treat job motivation as a mediatory
variable as captured in the framework. Which aspects of new technology influence the individual
work organization and how. In the case of the study by Shin and Grant (2019), the contrasting effect
causes the subsequent activity to feel less interesting because the previous task was too interesting.
This helps not onlydefine your work, it brings you into contact with other people whohave already
conducted research on the same or a similar topic. Using the critical incidents method, he identified
context factors as a hygiene factor, which leads to dissatisfaction when absent or unfavorably
designed. The ease of use is determined by—among other factors—an intuitive interface. 5
Discussion We examined publications from the fields of psychology, management, educational
sciences, and facility management. Also, more emphasis will be put on the factors such as leadership
style of superiors, ability to exercise control with respect to decision-making and problem-solving,
desire for career advancement and skills development, flexible working and ever increasing
aspiration on retention of key employees. The correlation between perfectionism and writing skills is
of notable importance within the context of language acquisition. The study reached the conclusion
that further investigations need to be conducted regarding employee retention to better comprehend
this complex field of human resource management. Researchers interpreted the results as
mechanisms inherent in the individual and group structures affecting employee motivation. A
national debate ensued on the significant role played by teachers in nation building and the need to
address the shortfall in the condition of service of teachers to motivate them to perform. Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) is utilized for analysis, enabling the creation of a metric set to explore
intangibles such as perfectionism, learning self-efficacy, motivation, study habits, cultural influences,
and introspection. By this Kahn implied that an employee has to be present both physically and
psychologically when performing organizational roles. A study stated that a study on factors of
employee engagement in food industry in Jordan hotel. As you write your Review of Literature,
you'll want to make sure that you include as much relevant math as you understand. Keywords:
Retention Strategies, Employee Retention, Retention Management 1 The list of retention factors and
literature review is not meant to be. Their results show increased satisfaction and motivation. With a
brief introduction of the concept of job satisfaction, the paper moves on to throw light on
occupational fulfillment for human involvement, job satisfaction traits and performances, job
satisfaction and employee turnover, HR initiatives and job satisfaction, job satisfaction in relation to
recruitment and retention, organizational culture and citizenship behavior and job satisfaction, job
satisfaction as an indicator of employee cont. Amabile on creativity and intrinsic motivation had an
undeniable effect on motivation research in the 1990s. According to (Herman, 2005) cited on
(Kossivi, 2016), there is a direct correlation between career development or opportunities for growth
and job retention. The study finds compensation package, job design and environment and
performance management system to be positively significant factors in explaining teacher’s
motivation in the municipality. While it is generally agreed that introspection is crucial to learning a
new language, additional research into the cultural differences in how this is seen is required. The
snowball effect of this phenomenon is the reduction in absenteeism with a corresponding curb on
teachers’ turnover. One possible interpretation of this opposite result is that, when the majority of the
organization members recognize individuals’ competence, these individuals may perceive that it is
not necessary to devote most of their time and energy to work anymore. The present study aims to
fill this research vacuum by examining the mediating effect of self-reflection on the associations
between psychological characteristics and writing competence. This lack of unity reveals a further
need for research. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the amount and
helpfulness of entry training and work outcomes for newcomers during organizational socialization.
As China gains prominence, the demand for English skills rises beyond communication to include
academic and business success. If, on the other hand, the chosen form of motivation does not satisfy
the needs of the employee, the benefit decreases.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the amount and helpfulness of
entry training and work outcomes for newcomers during organizational socialization. CRC Press,
Boca Raton Hartog L, Weijs-Perree M, Appel-Meulenbroek R (2017) The influence of personality on
user satisfaction: multi-tenant offices. It is generally believe that employees and manger strong
relationship leads the effectiveness of the performance of a bank. At the preparatory stage, the
questionnaires designed were tested to make sure participants understood the demands of the
questions in the questionnaires. Moreover, the examination of particular cultural features and the
exploration of therapies aimed at mitigating the possible adverse effects of perfectionism on
language acquisition provide attractive areas for future research. Conscious technology
implementation: Modern technologies offer great potential for new processes and interactions. The
use of secondary data represents the fact that the data collection process was beyond the authors’
control. In The Talent ManagementHandbook (pp. 3-21). New York: McGraw-Hill. Steven Wallach
Exploring the Relationship between HR Practices and Employee Retention: A Stu. The study
investigates, measures, and evaluates the motivational activities of any organization from the
reflection light of employee's perceptions. You can download the paper by clicking the button above.
A comprehensive literature review on the impact of workplace technologies. Cultural influences, as
measured by the Cultural Values Scale (CVS) and Cultural Background Impact (CBI), show factor
loadings ranging from 0.75 to 0.88. Both variables provide substantial contributions to the
measurement of Cultural Influences, highlighting the influence of cultural values and background on
the psychological constructs of individuals. Retaining skilled employees is vital to the success of HR
Professional. Therefore, autonomy motivates individuals to work harder and overcome difficulties to
achieve their objectives. Data availability Data will be made available upon request to corresponding
author. Safari P. A critical reflection on (re) construction of my identity as an English language
learner and English teacher. The research that has been conducted up until this point has focused
mainly on intrinsic motivation, and so studies looking at other types of motivation, for example
extrinsic motivation, could contribute new information to a quite sparsely researched field. The
significance of self-reflection in language acquisition is well acknowledged; nonetheless, there exists
a need for comprehension of the mechanisms via which self-reflection functions within various
cultural settings. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.
The present study reviews literature and research work carried out on employee retention and the
factors affecting employee retention and job satisfaction in various industry or sector. A conceptual
model was developed with the necessary hypotheses formulated. Literature review In a complex and
dynamic environment, leader of the organization used to create the environment in which employee
feel trusted and are empowered to take decisions in the organization which leads to enhance
motivation level of employee and ultimately organizational performance are enhanced. As said by
Cappelliit’s not about managing a dam but. The thesis is a literature research and thus a review by the
work of others. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's
Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Therefore, the
authors only performed Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) for social relatedness and work
motivation. So, the researcher conducted this study using academic leaders in the universities took as
a sample. Factors Affecting Satisfaction and Turnover of Information Technology Workers. Job
satisfaction is a topic which is concerned by both the people, those who are working in organizations
and for the people who study them. Thus, motivating employees adequately is a challenge as it has
what it takes to define employee satisfaction at the workplace.