3550 Unit Plan Buckner

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Teacher Candidate: Leslie Vasquez Content: Social Studies The Colors of Culture
Step 1 DESIRED RESULTS A. Utah State Core Curriculum Standard

Students will recognize and describe how individuals and families are both similar and different. Core Social Studies K: Standard 1: Objective 1 a-d
B. Enduring Understanding Big !dea

Peo le come in all sha es! sizes! and colors. "nimals come in all sha es! sizes! and colors. #e have a beautiful and colorful classroom culture. Students will build initial understandings of the s ecific factors which create h$sical similarities and differences. Students will develo an em athetic awareness and a reciation for the differences the$ find in others.
C. Conce"ts

C1. %.K.&. #ith rom ting and su ort! retell familiar stories! including 'e$ details. C2. (escribe factors that influence relationshi s with famil$ and friends. C3. )dentif$ wa$s individuals are ali'e and different.

#. S$ills

S1. (escribe and com are characteristics of self and others. (ifferences in gender! height! language! beliefs! and color of s'in. S2. #.K.&. *se a combination of drawing! dictating! and writing to com ose informative+e, lanator$ te,ts in which the$ name what the$ are writing about and su some information about the to ic. l$

S3. S-.K... (escribe familiar eo le! laces! things! and events and! with rom ting and su ort! rovide additional detail. S4. R.K.10. "ctivel$ engage in grou reading activities with ur ose and understanding. S5. (escribe the arts of living things. Com are the arts of different animals! e.g.! s'in! fur! feathers! scales/ hand! wing! fli er! fin. S6. 0.K.1. Students will understand basic geometr$ and measurement conce ts as well as collect and organize data.

E. Essential %uestions &uiding %uestions

#hat are some things we all have in common2 #hat ma'es us different and uni3ue2 4ow are the colors in a cra$on bo, different2 4ow are the$ ali'e2 #hat t$ e of classroom culture do we have2 4ow are we ali'e2 4ow are we different2 4ow are animals different from humans2 4ow are animals different from other animals2 #hat elements should $ou use to retell a stor$2 4ow can $ou collect and organize data2 #hat does our classroom culture loo' li'e2


C1. Sentence stri s with ictures or words laced in se3uential to guide students to orall$ retell a stor$. C2. "ll "bout 0e 5oo's C3. 5o, of Cra$ons ictures S1. "ll "bout 0e 5oo's 6 5o, of Cra$ons artwor' S2. Students7 learning will be observed as the$ interact with their eers! and comment on the de ictions of themselves and others. S3. 8he children will draw a icture in their journals! illustrating an a ro riate res onse to someone who is different than them. S4. Sentence stri s with ictures or words laced in se3uential to guide students to orall$ retell a stor$! S5. 8he children will draw a icture in their journals! illustrating differences in two different t$ es of animals. 9fli ers! aws! wings! etc.: S6. Students will show evidence of understanding b$ collecting data and using icture gra hs and bar gra hs to trac' their data.

%eading ;8he Cra$on 5o, 8hat 8al'ed< and then grou discussion about the similarities and differences we have within our classroom using a gra h. #rite an ;"ll "bout 0e< to draw and write about who the$ are! their hair color! language! beliefs! color of their s'in. %etelling stories with buddies =ra hic organizers to organize ideas on how to retell a stor$. %esearching different t$ es of animals Collecting data about our classroom culture. (raw ictures of ourselves for our classroom ;bo, of cra$ons< Classroom discussions about diversit$ and culture

Ada"ted from: 'cTighe( ).( * +iggins( &. ,-../0. Understanding by design, 2nd ed. Ale1andria( VA: ASC#.2 Ains3orth( L. ,-..40. Unwrapping the standards: A simple process to make standards manageable. #en5er( C6: Ad5anced Learning 7res

Step 1 DESIRED RESULTS A. Utah State Core Curriculum Standard
7ro5ide the core standard as 3ritten 89 US6E

B. Enduring Understanding Big !dea

Aligned 3ith the Utah State core standard. !s 3ritten in student:friendl9 language ,can the students understand it;0. The $e9 generalization or enduring understanding students 3ill ta$e 3ith them. !dentifies the larger conce"ts 9ou 3ant students to 3restle 3ith and understand at a dee" le5el across time and cultures. !s 8rief ,/:<. 3ords is 8est0. !s conce"tual.

C. Conce"ts
Based u"on the Utah State Core standard( 3hat do students need to know;

#. S$ills
Based u"on the Utah State Core standard( 3hat 3ill students 8e a8le to do;

E. Essential %uestions &uiding %uestions

Are used to guide assessments and instruction. !n5ite students into the learning "rocess. Are o"en:ended( 9et focus inquir9 into a s"ecific to"ic. =on:>udgmental( 8ut ans3ering them requires high:le5el cogniti5e 3or$. Succinct a fe3 3ords that demand a lot. Contain ?emoti5e force@ and ?intellectual 8ite@ ,e.g.( Whose America is it? When are laws fair? 0


Are listed according to conce"ts and s$ills. Aocus on assessments that require students to demonstrate their understanding. 'ust align 3ith enduring understanding 8ig idea. !nclude scoring guides ru8rics for "erformance assessments.

Utilize the Si1 Aacets of Understanding ,e1"lanation( inter"retation( a""lication( "ers"ecti5e( em"ath9( * self:$no3ledge0. Utilize e1"ositor9 "ersuasi5e 3riting and oral communication ,s"eech( de8ate( "resentation( etc.0 Are de5elo"mentall9 age a""ro"riate.


Using each conce"t and s$ill( list the instructional strategies and learning acti5ities that 3ill "ro5ide students 3ith the information and acti5ities that 3ill allo3 them to "roficientl9 understand the enduring understanding 8ig idea and are aligned 3ith the standards:8ased assessments. Are de5elo"mentall9 a""ro"riate for the age and grade:le5el. Utilize research:8ased strategies that "roduce high:9ield results. Utilize the Si1 Aacets of Understanding ,e1"lanation( inter"retation( a""lication( "ers"ecti5e( em"ath9( * self:$no3ledge0. Utilize e1"ositor9 and "ersuasi5e 3riting. Aocus on strategies and learning acti5ities that ha5e the students do the content

Ada"ted from: 'cTighe( ).( * +iggins( &. ,-../0. Understanding by design, 2nd ed. Ale1andria( VA: ASC#.2 Ains3orth( L. ,-..40. Unwrapping the standards: A simple process to make standards manageable. #en5er( C6: Ad5anced Learning 7ress.

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