Pacing Guide English 12b Complete

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Pacing Guide English 12 B Death of Salesman Weeks 1-6

Focus on the themes family dynamics, The American Dream, money and work Lots of journals relating the topics in the play to real life and the themes Finding and using textual evidence Comparing seeing the play compared to reading the play Assigning character roles and reading aloud Discussion focused on characters, plot, theme, and tone sing writing as a tool to understand the play and character motivation!especially through "uotes and monologues #dentifying the tone at different points in the play as the tones change $oca% words used in the play $oca% &ui' Assessment( )ewriting the ending of the play in script form to understand narrative and script form* #nclude a paragraph explaining the tone and theme represented in their new ending +atch +hat,s -ating .il%ert .rape to compare the theme of dysfunctional family to the play Assessment( -ssay comparing the .rape family and Loeman family dysfunction

Writing Unit-Social Issues Weeks 7-12

Three mini units focusing on gender, technology, and education

ender! "ead articles, #atch an e$isode of scru%s, #atch T& commercials, read the short story ' ( ), and the $oem *ranges to address gender and ho# it is $ortrayed Discuss ho# males and females are $ortrayed in society and if these stereoty$es are true +ook at ho# moms and dads are $ortrayed ,o# males and females should act Write -ournals relating the to$ics to and #hat their e/$eriences #ith gender are 'ssessment! Discussion and end of unit 0uestions Technology! "ead technology articles, #atch si/th sense TedTalk, read the short story It1s Such a 2eautiful Day %y Isaac 'simo., and #atch The Truman Sho# Discuss our o#n technology use and our de$endence u$on it3 Is it a good thing4 're #e too de$endent4 Write -ournals a%out our o#n technology use-es$ecially #hat technology #e constantly use and ho# often #e use it 5om$are the short story, articles, .ideos, and to our o#n technology use and issues 'ssessment! rou$ $ro-ect-5reate a children1s story %ook a%out our de$endence on technology and ho# it could hurt us 'ssessment! Write an in-class essay com$aring The Truman Sho#1s use of technology to that of 'simo.1s story and our o#n technology use 6ducation! "ead articles, #atch Sir 7en "o%inson .ideo, and #atch

'ssessment! 8inal Unit assessment! 5hoose one of the three to$ics 9gender, technology, or education: and #rite an argumentati.e $a$er 9at least ; $ages: in <+' format a%out #hether these $ro%lems are im$ortant to society and #here #e see them3 Students must use at least 2 resources from class, another online resource, and their o#n o$inion in the $a$er3
8inal e/am-multi$le choice for Death of a Salesman and #riting section on social issues

8inal Week Wra$ U$

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