RPT Year 6
RPT Year 6
RPT Year 6
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : i) talk, read and write about parts of body, feelings and physically challenged people. ii) read and write descriptions of people. iii) read a story and answer comprehension questions. iv) use prefixes and suffixes correctly. v) Listen to and say words with the sound ou as in mouth and ai as in stair.
SKILLS . !sk questions politely to obtain information and clarification ." #alk about the people, places and moral values of the stories heard, read and viewed in simple language $. !cquire key words at various stages of development $.$ %ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole text $.& %ead and understand simple factual text for main ideas, supporting details, sequence, and cause and effect relationship '.( )rite at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph level in clear, legible print and cursive writing '.$ *onstruct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently '.' )rite simple informal letters to friends, parents, other family members and pen+pals in a social context '.(, -unctuate meaningfully
SPECIFICATIONS . .( !sk .)h/ questions to seek information . . !sk question to seek in formations and clarification . .$ !sk questions with question tags . .' %esponding to such questions $. .( %ecognise and read aloud words with prefixes and suffixes $.$.$ %ead and understand simple paragraphs by: - !nswering comprehension questions - *ompleting info transfer diagrams $.&.( %ead and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, notices, labels, messages, letters, passages, recounts, description $.&. 0can for specific information in text '.(.( )rite words, phrases and sentences in clear, legible cursive writing '.$. *onstruct simple sentences and compound sentences based on - )ords and phrases given, and - 1n a picture stimulus '.'.( )rite simple guided letters to friends and2or family members
NOTES (VOCABS) 1) Singular 2) Plural 3) !ll"#ti$" n!un% &) !unta'l" un#!unta'l" n!un% Pr!n!un% - P"r%!nal Pr!n!un% - P!%%"%%i$" Pr!n!un% -R")l"*i$" Pr!n!un%
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : i) talk,read and write about being 4alaysian. ii) read an email and answer comprehension questions iii) read a story and answer comprehension questions. iv) read and write a description of an event. v) *ompare and contrast different types of schools. 5i) %ead and respond to a story vii) use apostrophes to show possession viii) Listen to and say compound words with correct intonation and stress
SKILLS (.$ !cquire vocabulary and understand the meaning of words and phrases in context .( 0peak clearly by pronouncing words accurately and speaking with the correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. .$ 6ive relevant information politely in response to enquiries made: to identify, to refute, to make comparisons, to state $.( !cquire word recognition and word attack skills to recognise words on sight $.$ %ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole text $.' %ead aloud expressively and fluently pronouncing words correctly and observing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm $.7 !cquire a wide range of vocabulary $.& %ead and understand simple factual text for main ideas, supporting details, sequence, and cause and effect relationship
SPECIFICATIONS (.$.$ Listen to and understand phrases in stories, recounts and description heard .(.$ 0ay aloud phrases, expressions and exclamations with the correct stress and intonation .$.( 8ame or identify things, persons, buildings, etc $.(. read aloud words with the letters listed in $.(.( above $.$.( %ead and understand phrases by matching phrases to pictures $.$.$ %ead and understand simple paragraphs by: - !nswering comprehension questions - *ompleting info transfer diagrams $.'.( %ead aloud phrases and sentences, pronouncing them correctly $.'. %ead aloud sentences in texts observing correct stress and intonation $.7. 6ive words similar in meaning $.&.( %ead and understand different texts such as instructions, directions, notices, labels, messages, letters, passages, recounts, description $.&. 0can for specific information in text '.'.( )rite simple guided
NOTES (VOCABS) 1) -"r'% 2) A(."#ti$"% 3) A($"r'% &) Arti#l"% /) Pr"0!%iti!n Pr!n!un% - P"r%!nal Pr!n!un% - P!%%"%%i$" Pr!n!un% -R")l"*i$" Pr!n!un%
'.( )rite at word, phrase, sentence and paragraph level in clear, legible print and cursive
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : i) talk, read and write about musical instruments, how a song is recorded and the 9istory of the 8ational !ntherm ii) read an write description of musical instruments and words used in music iii) read a text and answer comprehension questions. iv) used words with same meanings and different meaning correctly v) 3se the articles a, an and the correctly vi) Listen to and say words with u as in :ungle and a as in that.
SKILLS (.(Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the ;nglish language (. Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences . !sk questions politely to obtain information and clarification .$ 6ive relevant information politely in response to enquiries made: to identify, to refute, to make comparisons, to state .< -erform a variety of functions in a social context $.( !cquire word recognition and word attack skills to recognise words on sight $.$ %ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole text $.' %ead aloud expressively and fluently pronouncing words correctly and observing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm $.= %ead and
SPECIFICATIONS (.(. Listen to and group words according to the same beginning, middle or ending sounds (. . Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions (. .$ Listen to and repeat chants, poems, rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly . .( !sk .)h/ questions to seek information . . !sk question to seek in formations and clarification . .$ !sk questions with question tags . .' %esponding to such questions .$.' #o make comparisons .7.( %ecite simple poems and :a>> chants with expression and appropriate gestures
NOTES (VOCABS) 1) -"r'% 2) A(."#ti$"% 3) A($"r'% &) Arti#l"% /) Pr"0!%iti!n Pr!n!un% - P"r%!nal Pr!n!un% - P!%%"%%i$" Pr!n!un% -R")l"*i$" Pr!n!un%
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : i) talk, read and write about colors and how they relate to people and animals ii) read a text and answer comprehension questions. iii) read and write a story using the notes given. v) %ead and respond to a story vi) 3se similes correctly vi) Listen to and say words with the sound o as in top and torn
$.(.( Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds: i) short and long vowel sounds ii) double consonant iii) diphthongs iv) 0ilent letters v) ?nitial blends vi) @inal blends vii) 5oiced and voiceless .th/ $.$.$ %ead and understand
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : i) talk, read and write about buildings, places and surronudings ii) describe buildings, places and surronudings iii) read a diary entry and answer comprehension questions iv) ask for, listen to and give location of places
SKILLS (. Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences (.' Listen to and follow simple instructions and directions accurately .$ 6ive relevant information politely in response to enquiries made: to identify, to refute, to make comparisons, to state .7 #ell stories based on pictures and other stimuli and recite poems $.( !cquire word recognition and word attack skills to recognise words on sight $. !cquire key words at various stages of development $.$ %ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole text $.' %ead aloud expressively and fluently pronouncing words correctly and observing correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm '.( )rite at word, phrase, sentence and
SPECIFICATIONS (. . Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions (. .$ Listen to and repeat chants, poems, rhymes and songs paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly (.'.( Listen to and follow simple instructions on how to complete a given task .$.( 8ame or identify things, persons, buildings, etc .<.$ #o express pleasure 2 happiness $.(.( Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds: viii) short and long vowel sounds ix) double consonant x) diphthongs xi) 0ilent letters xii) ?nitial blends xiii) @inal blends xiv) 5oiced and voiceless .th/ $.(. read aloud words with the letters listed in $.(.( above $.$.( %ead and understand phrases by matching phrases to pictures $.$.$ %ead and understand simple paragraphs by: - !nswering comprehension questions - *ompleting info transfer diagrams $.'.( %ead aloud phrases and sentences, pronouncing them correctly
NOTES (VOCABS) 1) -"r'% 2) A(."#ti$"% 3) A($"r'% &) Arti#l"% /) Pr"0!%iti!n 1) !n.un#ti!n% 2) I(i!4% Pr!n!un% - P"r%!nal Pr!n!un% - P!%%"%%i$" Pr!n!un% -R")l"*i$" Pr!n!un%
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : i) talk, read and write about environmental issues ii) read a text on the ecosystem and answer comprehension questions iii) transfer information from texts to mind maps and diagrams
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : i) talk, read and write about human and animals communication ii) read an article and answer comprehension questions iii) write on advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones
SKILLS (. Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences (.= 1btain information from texts, listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details, sequence, and cause+ effect relationship .$ 6ive relevant information politely in response to enquiries made: to identify, to refute, to make comparisons, to state ." #alk about the people, places and moral values of the stories heard, read and viewed in simple language $.( !cquire word recognition and word attack skills to recognise words on sight $. !cquire key words at various stages of development $.$ %ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole text $.' %ead aloud expressively and fluently pronouncing words correctly and observing correct stress and intonation and
SPECIFICATIONS (. . Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions (.=. Listen to simple descriptions, recounts, news reports and factual texts and give the main ideas and supporting details .$.( 8ame or identify things, persons, buildings, etc .". #alk about the place in a story .".$ #alk about the events in a story $.(.( Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds: xv) short and long vowel sounds xvi) double consonant xvii) diphthongs xviii) 0ilent letters xix) ?nitial blends xx) @inal blends xxi) 5oiced and voiceless .th/ $.(. read aloud words with the letters listed in $.(.( above $.$.( %ead and understand phrases by matching phrases to pictures $.$.$ %ead and understand simple paragraphs by: - !nswering comprehension questions - *ompleting info transfer diagrams $.'.( %ead aloud phrases and sentences, pronouncing them correctly $.'. %ead aloud sentences in
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : i) talk about a person/s life, contributions and achievements ii) describe a person/s life and achievements information from texts to mind maps and diagrams iii) read a biography and answer comprehension questions
LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : i) talk, read and write about the right values ii) sing a song and pick out the values of the songs iii) read a story and answer comprehension questions
SKILLS (.(Listen to and discriminate similar and different sounds of the ;nglish language (. Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, and the correct intonation and word stress in phrases, expressions and sentences .( 0peak clearly by pronouncing words accurately and speaking with the correct stress and intonation and sentence rhythm. . !sk questions politely to obtain information and clarification
SPECIFICATIONS (.(.(Listen to and repeat words that contain the following sounds : i) silent letter (. . Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions .(. -ronounce $+ and '+ syllable words correctly . .( !sk .)h/ questions to seek information . . !sk question to seek in formations and clarification .7.( %ecite simple poems and :a>> chants with expression and appropriate gestures .". #alk about the place in a story .".$ #alk about the events in a story $. . %ead and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught $.$.( %ead and understand phrases by matching phrases to pictures $.$.$ %ead and understand simple paragraphs by: - !nswering comprehension questions - *ompleting info transfer diagrams $.'.( %ead aloud phrases and sentences, pronouncing them correctly $.'. %ead aloud sentences in texts observing correct stress and intonation
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : i) talk, read and answer questions based on various stimuli ii) use different language functions iii) answer comprehension questions based on poster
.7 #ell stories based on pictures and other stimuli and recite poems ." #alk about the people, places and moral values of the stories heard, read and viewed in simple language $. !cquire key words at various stages of development $.$ %ead and understand phrases, sentences, paragraphs and whole text $.' %ead aloud
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