Lockie Leonard Unit Planner

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The document outlines a unit planner for a literacy unit focused on the novel 'Lockie Leonard'. The unit will explore themes of identity and belonging through tasks like character analysis and writing an expository essay.

The unit planner template provides details on the subject, year level, duration and overview of the unit which will involve students reading and analyzing the novel 'Lockie Leonard'.

Some of the learning intentions covered include understanding how one's identity and sense of belonging can change, exploring influences like environment and experiences, and recognizing different text features and styles.

Mount Ridley College

Unit planner template

Unit title: Lockie Leonard Text Study Subject: Literacy Year level(s): 7 and 8 Duration of unit:8 eeks
Identify curriculum
Unit Overview Learning Intentions
Knowledge Skills Understanding
!n identity is "o or "at a #erson or t"in$ is% Your identity defines "o you are% &t is a self'
re#resentation of your interests( relations"i#s( social activity and )uc" )ore% *ur sense of identity
and belon$in$ is i)#acted by various factors( includin$ our ex#eriences( relations"i#s( and our
environ)ent% T"e journey to find identity and belon$in$ can often be a stru$$le( since e ask
ourselves( +"o a) &,- vs% +"o do ot"ers ant )e to be,- and +"ere do & belon$, ."ere do & fit
in,- T"is #oint in our lives is co)#letely subjective( )eanin$ t"at it is our #ersonal vie t"at
influences our decisions% T"e issue of identity and belon$in$ "as enco)#assed "u)ans for )any
$enerations( and ill re)ain a key turnin$ #oint for )any to co)e%
&n t"is unit students ill be readin$ an assi$ned text( /Lockie Leonard0% T"ey
ill be co)#letin$ a variety of tasks before readin$ $ettin$ t"e) to t"ink
about !ut"ors context and t"e context of t"e society t"at Lockie Leonard is
based% Students ill deconstruct t"e novel focusin$ on "o Lockie-s identify
c"an$es t"rou$"out t"e text% 1inally students ill be able to rite an
ex#ository text%
'T"e features of an ex#ository text
'!n understandin$ of !ustralian slan$
'T"e i)#ortance of your surroundin$s on t"e ay you
/identify0 it" yourself%
'2o to rite ex#ository texts
' to be able to identify and use si)ilies and
)eta#"ors in ritin$
' 2o to use 3uotes fro) t"e text to su##ort ideas
' be able to reco$ni4e "o /aut"or-s context0
influences ritin$%
' 5an & be so)eone different t"an
"o )y environ)ent sees )e,
' ."o are t"e factors in )y life
t"at s"a#e "o & see )yself and
"ere & belon$,
Standards of Learning (ustralian Curriculum!
use #rior knoled$e and text #rocessin$ strate$ies to inter#ret a ran$e of ty#es of texts (!56LY7788 9eadin$ #rocesses)
reco$nise and analyse t"e ays t"at c"aracterisation( events and settin$s are co)bined in narratives (!56LT7:88 1eatures of literary texts)
co)#are attitudes and ideas in texts dran fro) contexts t"at are different to students- on (!56LT7:8: 2o texts reflect t"e context of culture and situation in "ic" t"ey are created)
6x#lore t"e ays t"at ideas and vie#oints in literary texts dran fro) different "istorical( social and cultural contexts )ay reflect or c"allen$e t"e values of individuals and $rou#s analyse "o vocabulary c"oices contribute to t"e
s#ecificity( abstraction and style of texts( includin$ no)inalisation (!56L!7;<7 =ocabulary)
5o)#are t"e ays t"at lan$ua$e and i)a$es are used to create c"aracter( and to influence e)otions and o#inions in different ty#es of texts
Understand "o accents( styles of s#eec" and idio)s ex#ress and create #ersonal and social identities
6x#lore t"e ays t"at ideas and vie#oints in literary texts dran fro) different "istorical( social and cultural contexts )ay reflect or c"allen$e t"e values of individuals and $rou#s
>a$e 7 of 8
Mount Ridley College
"rior Knowledge #ormative ssessment Summative ssessment
>reviously co)#leted a text study in 8?7<
Students are fa)iliar it" ty#es of @enres
Students can rite narratives
Students ill co)#lete readin$ conferences
Students ill be scaffolded on t"e #ur#ose of an ex#ository text
Students ill co)#lete dicussions around t"e to#ic of identify
before ritin$ #ractice%
6x#ository text%
Students ill #eer edit and could co)#lete a ritin$ conference
it" teac"er #rior to sub)ission%
Key $lements
Sc%ool "riorities IC& 'OC(ULR)
At Mount Ridley P-12 College the non-negotiable for the
teaching & learning program are:
Team teaching
Differentiate learning
Data drien
!ffectie feedbac"
Clear learning ob#ectie$
%tudent focu$ed learning
Students can read Lockie Leonard on t"eir i>ad%
Students can listen to Lockie Leonard audio book on t"eir i>ad
5o)#uters for co)#letin$ final draft
>a$e 8 of 8
Mount Ridley College
($#OR$ Learning Intentions Suggested learning
#ormative ssessment Link to us'$LS
To develo# vocabulary around text
To )ake #redictions about a text%
Text studies ord all
5riti3ue t"e front cover of a book%
& can list vocabulary relatin$ to text studies%
& can )ake #redictions of a text by lookin$ at
t"e front cover%
;: ex#lain t"e use of vocabulary to
ex#ress $reater #recision of )eanin$(
and knos t"at ords can "ave
different )eanin$s in different contexts%
;: use vocabulary( includin$ tec"nical
vocabulary( a##ro#riate to #ur#ose and
;: navi$ate and read texts for s#ecific
#ur#oses and a##ly a##ro#riate text
#rocessin$ strate$iesB for exa)#le(
#redictin$ and confir)in$( )onitorin$
)eanin$( ski))in$ and scannin$%
;%;: use a variety of co)#re"ension
strate$ies to inter#ret and analyse
infor)ation and ideasB for exa)#le(
reviein$( su))arisin$( askin$
3uestions or #redictin$%
To develo# an understandin$ of t"e
context of t"e text% !C 19*D @D
& can define context%
& can ex#lain context of t"e text%
;: identify as#ects of literary texts t"at
convey details or infor)ation about
#articular social( cultural and "istorical
:: analyse strate$ies aut"ors use to
influence readers%
6x#lore t"e ays t"at ideas and vie#oints in
literary texts dran fro) different "istorical(
social and cultural contexts )ay reflect or
c"allen$e t"e values of individuals and $rou#s
To understand "o an aut"ors- life
ex#erience can influence "at and
"o "eEs"e rites%
& can understand t"at life ex#eriences can
affect #eo#le in )any different ays%
& can understand t"at aut"ors )ay use life
ex#eriences to rite narratives%
;: exa)ine texts ritten fro) different
narrative #oints of vie and discuss
"y an aut"or )i$"t c"oose a
#articular narrative #oint of vie%
:: ex#lain "o aut"ors often innovate
>a$e F of 8
Mount Ridley College
on text structures and #lay it"
lan$ua$e features to ac"ieve #articular
aest"etic( "u)orous and #ersuasive
#ur#oses and effects%
:: identify( describe( and discuss
si)ilarities and differences beteen
texts( includin$ t"ose by t"e sa)e
aut"or or illustrator( and evaluate
c"aracteristics t"at define an aut"or-s
individual style%
&e$$on *
&e$$on +
To understand the different types of narrator
point of view
To understand why the author writes in a
chosen point of view
>oer#oint of ty#es of >oint of
5o)#letin$ #ractice exercises
identifyin( s#eakin$ and ritin$ in
different #oint of vies%
I will be able to explain the different points of view
I will be able to identify different points of view
identify how language choice builds emotional
connection and engagement with the story or
identify and explain differences between ideas and
points of view in texts
&e$$on ,
To gain and understanding of what a simile
and metaphor are and how to create them.
Son$ lyrics identifyin$ si)iles and
.ritin$ c"aracter descri
I will be able to identify similes and metaphors within a
text as well as create my own.
6.5: use of a range of strategies to edit
for meaning, for example removing
repetition, refning ideas, reordering
sentences words for impact.
6.5: use a selection of modal verbs,
adverbs, adjectives and nouns to
achieve a sense of certainty, probability
and obligation.
7.: understand how the selection of a
variety of language features can
in!uence an audience.
7.: when creating and editing texts
demonstrate understanding of grammar
&e$$on - To develop an understanding of Australian
Slang language.
Dake a $lossary of !ussie slan$
fro) students #rior knoled$e%
@ive exa)#les of !ustralian slan$
and "ave students $uess t"e
& ill be able to ex#lain and $ive exa)#les of
!ustralian slan$
&e$$on . !C fro) @D
&e$$on /
!C fro) @D
>a$e < of 8
Mount Ridley College
10 LS
11 LS
"o be able to analyse and discuss
the character development and
relationships of the novel #$oc%ie
$eonard: &cumbuster'.
S! Students will be able to discuss and analyse pivotal
moments/events from the novel to illustrate how the
characters and relationships of the novel are continually
growing and changing.
"o be able to analyse and discuss
the development of plot (con!ict)
and themes in #$oc%ie $eonard:
S! Students will be able to chronologically order the events
from the novel thus far and label these according to
Freytags yramid.
Students will be able to identify and describe the main
conflict for this section of the novel as well as describe
and discuss the themes that are emerging.
"o deepen %nowledge about the text*s
theme of +nvironmentalism and
understand its importance in plot se,uence
and character development.
-ommon and uncommon words from the
.roup discussion ,uestions
& ill be able to $ive )y #oint of vie about
7: describe et"ical issues in literary texts and dra
on a ran$e of exa)#les fro) t"e texts to illustrate
and substantiate t"e vies ex#ressed%
"o understand how the writer*s craft / use
of language and characterisation / changes
throughout the novel.
S#ell ords fro) unco))on and
co))on list
@rou# discussion 3uestions
& ill be able to ex#lain "o t"e lan$ua$e
c"an$es t"rou$"out t"e text%
7: reco$nise and analyse t"e ays t"at
c"aracterisation( events and settin$s
are co)bined in narratives and discuss
t"e #ur#oses and a##eal of different
7:co)#are t"e ays t"at lan$ua$e and
i)a$es are used to create c"aracter
and influence e)otions and o#inions in
different ty#es of texts%
To understand and be able to
ex#lain t"e features of an
ex#ository text%
&e*t &ypes Mi* and Matc%
LO,+ >rovide students it" #rinted
res#onses for t"e) to cut and
#aste into orkbooks' ork t"rou$"
res#onses it" t"e) in s)all focus
M$-IUM+ .rite eac" of t"e
sentences on t"e board and allo
inde#endent ork( assistin$ only
& can list and ex#lain t"e features of an
ex#ository essay%
7: use #rior knoled$e and text
#rocessin$ strate$ies to inter#ret a
ran$e of text ty#es%
>a$e ; of 8
Mount Ridley College
t"ose "o are stru$$lin$%
.I/.+ 2ave students atte)#t to
rite a sentence about +structure-(
+feature-( +#ur#ose- and +exa)#le of
title- under eac" of t"e four
"eadin$s% *nce t"ey "ave
atte)#ted t"is( you can t"en
#rovide t"e) it" t"e su##lied
state)ents to add to t"eir tables%
#our &e*t &ype $*amples
T"e exa)#les #rovided ould be
ai)ed at a loE)ediu) ability
co"ort (it" t"e exce#tion of t"e
ex#ository essay)% You )ay c"oose
to select si)#ler or )ore co)#lex
tasks to suit your class%
To understand "o to +un#ack- an
ex#ository ritin$ #ro)#t%
T"is lesson is #redo)inantly
teac"er'led and ill be suitable for
loE)ediu) students% &f you "ave a
"i$"er ability $rou#( you )ay like to
"ave students co)#lete t"is ork
inde#endently or in s)all $rou#s%
2i$" $rou#s )i$"t #refer to anser
/Does Lockie Leonard: Scu)buster
de#ict an overly si)#listic vie of
"at it-s like to live in !ustralia,0
& can select key ords fro) a ritin$ #ro)#t
and use t"ese key ords to be$in to
for)ulate a res#onse%
7: ex#eri)ent it" text structures and
lan$ua$e features and t"eir effects in
creatin$ literary texts%
To understand "o to include
evidence and 3uotes in an
.ow to Use 0uotes in $*pository
Arief activity( on-t need
$*pository $ssay &emplate+
LO,1 students are told exactly
"ic" #a$e nu)bers to c"eck for
3uotes and are su##lied it" to#ic
M$-IUM1 students are told "ic"
#a$e nu)bers t"ey can find 3uotes
on but )ust rite t"eir on to#ic
."en $iven a to#ic( & ill be able to find
relevant 3uotes fro) Lockie Leonard%
& ill be able to include 3uotes fro) a text in
)y on ritin$%
7: de)onstrate an understandin$ of
"o lan$ua$e is used to evaluate texts
and "o evaluations about a text can
be substantiated by reference to t"e
text and ot"er sources%
7: co)#are t"e ays t"at lan$ua$e and
i)a$es are used to create c"aracter
and influence e)otions and o#inions in
different ty#es of texts%
>a$e : of 8
Mount Ridley College
.I/.1 very li)ited infor)ation is
su##lied for students%
To understand t"e auto correct
function and ays to better )y
.ritin$ conferences and draftin$ & ill be able to use auto correct to c"oose
t"e correct re#lace)ent ords%
To understand "en a #ara$ra#"
break is needed
.ritin$ conferences and draftin$ & ill be able to #ut #ara$ra#"s into )y
To understand t"e ste#s of #eer
@o t"rou$" t"e #oer#oint and
#ractice on your on ork
.ork on your on on a #eers #iece
of ritin$
& ill be able to $ive a co)#li)ent( criticis)
and su$$estion about a #iece of ritin$
To be able to use a dictionary to
c"eck s#ellin$
To be able to reread for )eanin$
>ublis"in$ final draft & ill be able to use s#ell c"eck to correctly
s#ell ords
& ill be able to )ake c"an$es to )y ork to
i)#rove #unctuation and $ra))ar%
t t%e completion of t%e unit students will+
Ae able to rite an ex#ository essay based on a #ro)#t related to Lockie
Understand t"e features of ex#ository ritin$%
Summative ssessment
6x#ository essay
>a$e 7 of 8
Mount Ridley College

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