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Seton Hill University

Greensburg, PA 15601

Daily Lesson Plan for Student Teachers

Lauren Mariano Rebecca Portillo Steven Stark atrina lunk &&'()'&( Time:

Name: Date:

Sub!ect: *:++ PM

"LL "n#lish Lan#ua#e Plan a,,roved by:



-ehavioral .b!ective/s0: S121-131T Learn to reco#ni4e rhymin# 5ords in ,rint 3naly4e ho5 rhymin# 5ords sound the same at the end of the 5ord structure Learn to reco#ni4e rhymin# 5ords by ho5 they sound Pennsylvania State 3cademic Standard/s0:

R%131(1&1(: Identify and/or interpret meaning of content-specific words used in text

R5.A.2.2.1: Identify how the meaning of a word is changed when an affix is added; identify the meaning of a word from the text with an affix.

R%131&1%1&: ummari!e t"e #ey detai$s and e%ents of a fictiona$ text as a w"o$e&
R5.A.1.4.1: Identify and/or explain stated or implied main ideas and relevant supporting details from text.

Materials and'or "6ui,ment: "ach Peach Pear Plum by: 7anet and 3llan 3hlber# 8lash cards 5ith rhymin# 5ords on them 9halkboard 5ith chalk

Modifications for :ndividual Differences:

May add ,ictures to rhymin# 5ord to the matchin# cards if needed1

3ntici,atory Set: 3sk the students if they;ve ever seen a cat 5earin# a hat1 Ho,efully this i#nites lau#hter from such a silly conce,t1 3sk the students 5hat they 5ould do if a cat 5earin# a hat knocked on their door1 List the ideas on the board1 "<,lain to the kids that in the book that 5ill be read= the cat in the hat visits t5o youn# children1 :ntroduce the conce,t of rhymin# and tell the kids this book is a #reat e<am,le of rhymin# 5ords1

Lesson Se6uence: Read the 3hlber# book1 Have the students #ive e<am,le of 5ords that sounded the same to them that they heard 5hile readin# the book= and 5rite them on the board1 Read the book a#ain= and have the students indicate other rhymin# ,airs they missed the first time1 2rite them on the board too1 Pass out the matchin# 5orksheet on rhymin# to the students and as a class= com,lete the 5orksheet1 Matchin# activity: Pass out an inde< card to each student in the class1 Have the student find the other student that has a 5ord on their card that rhymes 5ith the one they have1 3fter5ards= the students 5ill share their matches 5ith the class1




Student Teacher Reflection:

9oo,eratin# Teacher Reflection:

Draw a line from each word in the first column to its rhyming word in the second column.

flea bee glasses broom goose rat clock goat

dock cat caboose knee molasses coat room tree

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