Ell Lesson
Ell Lesson
Ell Lesson
Greensburg, PA 15601
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Sub!ect: *:++ PM
-ehavioral .b!ective/s0: S121-131T Learn to reco#ni4e rhymin# 5ords in ,rint 3naly4e ho5 rhymin# 5ords sound the same at the end of the 5ord structure Learn to reco#ni4e rhymin# 5ords by ho5 they sound Pennsylvania State 3cademic Standard/s0:
R%131&1%1&: ummari!e t"e #ey detai$s and e%ents of a fictiona$ text as a w"o$e&
R5.A.1.4.1: Identify and/or explain stated or implied main ideas and relevant supporting details from text.
Materials and'or "6ui,ment: "ach Peach Pear Plum by: 7anet and 3llan 3hlber# 8lash cards 5ith rhymin# 5ords on them 9halkboard 5ith chalk
3ntici,atory Set: 3sk the students if they;ve ever seen a cat 5earin# a hat1 Ho,efully this i#nites lau#hter from such a silly conce,t1 3sk the students 5hat they 5ould do if a cat 5earin# a hat knocked on their door1 List the ideas on the board1 "<,lain to the kids that in the book that 5ill be read= the cat in the hat visits t5o youn# children1 :ntroduce the conce,t of rhymin# and tell the kids this book is a #reat e<am,le of rhymin# 5ords1
Lesson Se6uence: Read the 3hlber# book1 Have the students #ive e<am,le of 5ords that sounded the same to them that they heard 5hile readin# the book= and 5rite them on the board1 Read the book a#ain= and have the students indicate other rhymin# ,airs they missed the first time1 2rite them on the board too1 Pass out the matchin# 5orksheet on rhymin# to the students and as a class= com,lete the 5orksheet1 Matchin# activity: Pass out an inde< card to each student in the class1 Have the student find the other student that has a 5ord on their card that rhymes 5ith the one they have1 3fter5ards= the students 5ill share their matches 5ith the class1
Draw a line from each word in the first column to its rhyming word in the second column.