EP1 Sunny Week15 Term2

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Sitapatr School Anuban Weekly Outline

Teacher: Lala Class: EP1 Sunny Week: 15 Dates: 10/02/14 14/02/14

This week we are learning:

Circle Time Review
This week we will review the vocabulary the students learnt already last week ro! little creatures" Monday duck# duck# $oose % All students sit in a circle on the floor. A student stands up and taps the head of each student whilst saying a vocabulary word then tap someones head and say the word then the other student jumps up and tries to sit in their place. Wednesday &orksheet activity Thursday - Empty cup % 'ive each student an e!(ty cu(" )ake the! stand u( and balance the cu( on their head u(side down" *ave the! do actions or TP+ o any insect" The last (erson to re!ain with the cu( still on their head is the winner

Little creatures 2
Activity Time

This week we will continue to review irst letter sounds"

Vocabulary: ,nsect# ly# ladybird# bu!ble bee# $rassho((er# ant# s(ider# cater(illar# butter ly# dra$on ly# snail# wor!# centi(ede" Sentence Structures: lies/crawls - is .i$/s!all "" is /colour0 Song(s : Ladybird# ladybird ly away ho!e Two little ire lies 1u22y wu22y cater(illar Activities!: ire flies " The students will be creatin$ ire lies usin$ (lastic s(oons and black card and 3%ti(s to create antastic ire lies that the students can take ho!e4 #ames: !rossing the la"e % Lay out lashcards as ste((in$ stones" *ave the students start on one side o the 5lake6 and take turns to cross to the other side" &hen they ste( on a card they !ust say the vocabulary" , they can6t then they 5 all into the lake6 and have to start a$ain" 7r we create a story o sharks and crocodiles lurkin$ in the water" our corners % Put a lashcard in each corner o the roo! " 'et all students into the !iddle o the classroo! in a huddle" &hen you call out a word they !ust race by crawlin$# ho((in$# ro$ lea(in$# ski((in$# dancin$ or doin$ any other action to the correct card and shout out the vocabulary" #lind folded four corners % 8nother variation to this $a!e is to have one child blind olded whilst the other students scatter to a corner/ lashcard o their choice and the blind olded child calls out a lashcard# the students at this corner are out" 9ontinue until 1 child re!ains"

$ew (letters%soun&s%vocabulary
This week the students will continue to write in their (honics book" This book is a $rou( activity book that is done as a class but the answer is de(endin$ on the student" This week the students will circle the be$innin$ letters o a noun" Lesson 1: !i;ed letters Lesson 2: !i;ed letters Lesson <: )i;ed letters Lesson 4: )i;ed letters" Lesson 5: Letter ( sounds like b so the students will listen and circle to the sound they hear at the be$innin$ o each word"

Writing 'ractice
This is a (art o the ho!ework until urther notice"

Sight Wor&s
Si$ht words are no lon$er in the curriculu!"

'arent (ollow )* % )se+ul Websites % ,omework:

*ello Parents4 This week is a 4 day week as 1riday is )acabucha =ay4 This week6s new son$ is 5Ladybird ladybird ly away ho!e6 >ou will ind this son$ on htt(://www"youtube"co!/watch?v@w&412!*yv>4 *ave a $reat week4

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