November Newsletter
November Newsletter
November Newsletter
November Newsletter
E-mail: [email protected]
Class Website:
What Were Readin
With this unit we are beinnin to work on readin
inde!endently usin the hih fre"uency words we
are learnin# and !ictures for the words we do not
know. $ will be sendin home co!ies of these
books. $f your child reads them to you# a !et# or a
family member and brins it back with a list of
those three !eo!le %or animals& '(&# they will et a
sticker on their hand and a sticker on their book.
)ere is a list of some books that the children will
be !racticin to read inde!endently*
1. My Dad
2. Dan Can Build
+. My Mm Book
,. My Ee Book
-. My Nn Book
.uesday# November ,
.uesday# November 11
Family Proe!t " #urkey$s Due
Wednesday# November 12
Wilbur Winners %ssembly
Friday# November 1,
Book Fair
November 1/
0November 21
NO SCHOOL " Parent & #ea!'er
November 2,
0 November 2-
NO SCHOOL )#'anks*i+in* Break
November 2,
( November 21
2heck and clean out your childs
blue folder each day.
3arent conferences are comin
u! 0 have you scheduled yours
$t is ettin colder outside make
sure your child is wearin a
67tra thins to !ractice at home*
tyin shoes and 8i!!erin coats.
2reated by 9shley Maee :ra!hics ;
S!'ool: Wilbur 6lementary
S!'ool %ddress: ,=-= Wranle )ill Rd. >ear# <6 1?/=1
S!'ool P'one Number: %+=2&1+2(@++= ,oom Number: >(1
Class Website:
#'ank -ou!
In our classroom we are learning
so much! Thank you for checking
your childs folders, and for helping
with their homework. Also thank you
very much for all the help with our
field trip to Milburn rchards. ur
chaperones were ama!ing, and the
kids had a great time! I also wanted
to thank all of the grandparents for
coming to our class on
"randparents #ay. It was a pleasure
meeting them all!
In other updates, please continue
to log$in to class do%o on a regular
basis, and please check out our class
website for pictures of our fun
activities! It also has some great
resources for you to use with your
child. If you ever have any
&uestions, please dont hesitate to
contact me!
Letters We %re Learnin*
'ach week we learn a new letters sound and learn to
identify it when we see it in print. (our child should be
able to name the letters, give you the sound, and produce
a word that starts with that letter at a fairly &uick pace.
)urrently we have learned the following letters*
#'is Mont'$s Hi*'li*'ts
Lan*ua*e %rts
We will be continuin our study on rhymin words and
will be s!endin time on word families. .hese are cvc
%three(letter& words that have the same endin. Aearnin
word families is im!ortant because it will !rovide children
with strateies to decode words and become more Buent
readers by sim!ly chanin the Crst sound. We will also
be sementin sounds in words# focusin on readin and
writin our hih(fre"uency words and !uttin them into
sentences# and se"uencin stories focusin on the
beinnin# middle# and end. Aastly# we will be focusin
on the story elements of the books we read* characters#
settin# !roblem# solution# etc.
$n math we are continuin our unit on measurement. .he
students will be takin what they know about measurin
accurately# as well as what they know about com!arin
two "uantities# and e7tendin them into a combination of
both for new measurement tasks. .he students have
already measured and com!ared their names' now they
are oin to measure and com!are their shoesD We will
be continuin to focus on nonstandard units of measure
in order to !ractice how to measure accurately.
We are continuin our unit on trees throuh the end of
the month. Eur newest investiation is focusin on
leaves 0 identifyin trees based on what their leaves look
like# as well as matchin the sha!es# and classifyin them
as deciduous or conifer.
So!ial Studies
$n Focial Ftudies# we will bein a new unit in
<ecember called G)olidays 9round the WorldH.
Word Wall Words
We bean the year by learnin
how to write and reconi8e
certain words that are commonly
seen in the 6nlish lanuae. $n
each newsletter $ will include the
words we are learnin.
./ a
0/ and
1/ can
2/ o
3/ $
4/ in
5/ is
6/ like
7/ me
.8/ my
../ of
.0. the
.2. et
.3. have
./ 9a
0/ >b
1/ <d
2/ Ff
3/ :
4/ )h
5/ I5
6/ Al
9/ Mm
.8/ 6e