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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor o B!"#$e"" A%&#$#"'ra'#o$ (BBA)

A #l#a'e% To

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

Guide: Guide Name

Submitted by: Student Name Roll No.:

I$"'#'!'e o I$ or&a'#o$ Tech$olo*+ , Ma$a*e&e$' New Delhi !! " Ba'ch (-../0-.1-)

I, #r.$#s.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%, Roll No. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &erti'y that the Summer (raining Report )*aper +ode,,,,,,,- entitled ./nalysis o' +ustomer Satis'a&tion in 0an1ing Se&tor o' 2ammu 3 4ashmir 0an15 is done by me and it is an authenti& wor1 &arried out by me at %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% )Name o' the 'irm or &ompany-. (he matter embodied in this has not been submitted earlier 'or the award o' any degree or diploma to the best o' my 1nowledge and belie'.

Signature o' the Student Date:

+erti'ied that the Summer (raining Report )*aper +ode,,,,,,,- entitled .%%%%%%%%%%%%5 done by #r.$#s.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%, Roll No. %%%%%%%%%%%, is &ompleted under my guidan&e.

Signature o' the Guide Date: Name o' the Guide: Designation:

Co!$'er"#*$e% *ro'. 6.. D#rec'or

(he present wor1 is an e''ort to throw some light on A$al+"#" o C!"'o&er Sa'#" ac'#o$ #$ Ba$3#$* Sec'or o HDFC Ba$3. (he wor1 would not have been possible to &ome to the present shape without the able guidan&e, supervision and help to me by number o' people, 66666666... 7ith an overwhelming sense o' gratitude, I a&1nowledge the valuable guidan&e and &onsistent en&ouragement e8tended to me by our 1nowledgeable 'a&ulty members li1e 66666666 with whose guidan&e, I am able to a&&omplish this endeavor. (heir te&hni&al a&umen and years o' e8perien&e have provided me with &ru&ial inputs at a &riti&al stage. I also e8tend my heart'elt than1s to my 'amily and 'riends 'or their support dire&tly or indire&tly provided to me.

4444444 enrollment no.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

In the present age, the &orporate world has be&ome highly &ompetitive. 9en&e, only that servi&e &ompany &an sustain whi&h en:oys a &ompetitive edge over the others. (his re;uires the 'ormulation o' poli&ies and strategies 1eeping in view the e8isting 'inan&ial position, but 'ormulation o' these strategies is only possible when the &ompany en:oy a strong 1nowledge base o' the environment prevailing. /ssessments o' environmental position$&ondition o' an industry$a &ompany on the part o' management trainee$management re;uire &oupling his$her theoreti&al 1nowledge with some pra&ti&al e8posure and e8perien&e. (he pro:e&t is an attempt to 'ind out the ways o' &ustomer satis'a&tion adopted by the ban1s in the real world. So that it would be use'ul 'or a manager and sta'' in the real business when he will have the responsibility to do the same. (he resear&h methodology in this pro:e&t is o' des&riptive nature. / &omprehensive study was done to gather the primary data by &ondu&ting personal interview. <or any ban1, whi&h e8ists, the prime motive is that it should be &on&erned with the &ustomer satis'a&tion. In today=s &ompetitive s&enario where there is a lot o' &ompetition, the emphasis was to study the use'ulness o' the &urrent s&hemes and servi&es o' the 9D<+ 0an1 >td. and also to study the wor1ing result so as to 'ind out what is still re;uired in the ban1ing industry to 'a&e &ompetition at all levels. (he pro:e&t was a great sour&e o' learning and a good e8perien&e as it made us aware o' pro'essional &ulture and &ondu&t that e8ist in the organi?ation.

S.No. 1 9 ; < = ? @ / 1. 11 1To7#c Cer'# #ca'e (") Ac3$o8le%*e&e$'" L#"' o Ta:le" L#"' o F#*!re" L#"' o S+&:ol" L#"' o A::re>#a'#o$" Cha7'er, : *ro'ile o' the <irm$+ompany +hapter,@: S7A( /nalysis o' the +ompany +hapter,B: /nalysis o' <inan&ial Reports o' the +ompany +hapter,C: >essons >earnt Re'eren&es$0ibliography /ppendi&es LIST OF TABLES Ta:le No. @ B C LIST OF FIGURES F#*!re No. 1. @. 9. ;. <. =. ?. @. /. 1.. T#'le Pa*e No. T#'le Pa*e No. Pa*e No. 0 0 0 0 0 0

LIST OF ABBRE6IATIONS S.No. A::re>#a'e% Na&e +R# @ D*S B +S C Int E D/ F R$0 G #R4 " (+ H 9D<+ F!ll Na&e +ustomer Relationship #anagement Darning *er Share +ustomer Satis'a&tion Introdu&tion Data /nalysis Re'eren&e 3 0ibliography #ar1eting (able o' +ontent 9ousing Development <inan&e +orporation



INTRODUCTION 2ha' #" a :a$3A 0an1 is de'ined as an institution 'or the 1eeping, landing and e8&hanging et&. o' money. D&onomists have also de'ined a ban1 highlighting its various 'un&tions. /&&ording to +rowther, the ban1er business is to ta1e the debt o' other people to o''er his own in e8&hange and thereby &reate money.5 (hus a ban1 is an institution that a&&epts deposits 'rom the publi& in turn advan&es loans by &reating &redit.

It is di''erent 'rom other 'inan&ial institutions in that they &annot &reate &redit though they may be a&&epting deposits and ma1ing advan&es. T+7e" o :a$3"B Co&&erc#al :a$3": are those ban1s whi&h per'orm all 1inds o' ban1ing 'un&tional su&h as a&&epting deposits, advan&ing loan, &r.&reation and agen&y 'un&tions. (hey are also &alled :oint sto&1 ban1s as they are organi?ed in the same manner as :oint sto&1 &ompanies. (hey usually advan&e short term loans to &ustomers some o' &ommer&ial ban1s in India are /ndhra 0an1, +anara 0an1, Indian 0an1, *N0 et&. ECcha$*e :a$3"B are those ban1s, whi&h deal in 'oreign e8&hange and spe&iali?e in 'inan&ing trade. (hey are &alled 'oreign e8&hange ban1s. In India these e8&hange ban1s have their head o''i&es lo&ated outside India. (hese ban1s also render other servi&es su&h as &olle&ting and supplying in'ormation about the 'oreign &ustomers providing remittan&e 'a&ilities et&. su&h as &hartered ban1, Gridlays ban1. I$%!"'r#al :a$3": are those ban1s, whi&h provide medium term and long,term 'inan&e 'or industries 'or the pur&hase o' land, ma&hinery, et&. (hey underwrite the debenture and shares o' industries and also subs&ribe to them su&h as industrial development ban1 o' India, industrial 'inan&e &orporation o' India et&. A*r#c!l'!ral :a$3"B are those ban1s, whi&h provide &r. (o 'armers 'or short term, medium term and long term needs. In India, &ommer&ial ban1s, regional rural ban1s and agri&ultural &o, operative ban1s provide short,term loans to 'armers. Su&h as national ban1 'or agri&ulture and rural development, N/0/RD.

Coo7era'#>e :a$3": are those 'inan&ial institutions, whi&h are organi?ed on the prin&iple o' &ooperation. (hey provide short term, medium term loans to their members. In rural area there are agri&ulture &ooperative ban1s, whi&h are also &ooperative ban1s, whi&h per'orm the 'un&tion o' ordinary &ommer&ial ban1s but give loan to their members only. (hey also get 'unds 'rom the R0I. (here is a state &ooperative ban1 in every state o' India with its bran&hes at the distri&t level 1nown as the &entral &ooperative ban1s. Sa>#$* :a$3"B help promote small saving and mobili?e them. (hey have been very su&&ess'ul in 2apan and Germany. In India post o''i&e a&t as saving ban1. Ce$'ral :a$3": is the ape8 ban1, in a &ountry, whi&h &ontrols its monetary, and ban1ing stru&ture. It is owned by the govt. o' the &ountry and operates in national interest. It regulates and issues &urren&y, per'orms ban1ing and a agen&y servi&es 'or the state, 1eeps &ash reserves o' &ommer&ial ban1s, 1eeps and manages international &urren&y, a&t as the lender o' the last resort, a&ts as the &learing house and &ontrols o' &redit. (he R0I is the &entral ban1 in India. Ba$3#$* "+"'e& (he ban1ing system is an integral sub,system o' the 'inan&ial system. It represents an important &hannel o' &olle&ting small saving 'rom the households and lending it to the &orporate se&tor. (he Indian ban1ing system has the R0I as the ape8 body 'or all matters relating to the ban1ing system. It is the I&entral ban1= o' India. It is the ban1ers to all other ban1s. <un&tions o' R0I: . +urren&y issuing authority. @. 0an1er to the government.

B. 0an1er to other ban1s. C. <raming o' monetary poli&y. E. D8&hange &ontrol. F. +ustodian to 'oreign e8&hange and gold reserves. G. Development a&tivities. ". Resear&h and development in the ban1ing se&tor.

1.1. Co&7a$+ 7ro #le o 'he or*a$#Da'#o$ BACKGROUNDB (he 9ousing Development <inan&e +orporation >imited )9D<+- was amongst the 'irst to re&eive an in prin&iple approval 'rom the Reserve 0an1 o' India )R0I- to set up a ban1 in the private se&tor, as part o' the R0Is liberali?ation o' Indian 0an1ing Industry. (he ban1 was in&orporated in /ugust HHC in the name o' 9D<+ 0an1 >imited, with its registered o''i&e in #umbai, India. (he ban1 &ommen&ed operations as a S&heduled +ommer&ial ban1 in 2anuary b HHE.

Pro&o'er B
9D<+ is India=s premier housing 'inan&e &ompany and en:oys an impe&&able tra&1 re&ord in India as well as in international mar1ets. Sin&e its in&eption in HGG, the +orporation has maintained a &onsistent and healthy growth in its operations to remain the &lear mar1et leader in mortgages and ban1ing servi&es in India. Its outstanding loan port'olio &overs over a million dwelling units. 9D<+ has developed signi'i&ant e8pertise in retail mortgage loans to di''erent mar1ets segments and also was a large &orporate 9D<+ 0an1=s business philosophy is based on 'our &ore values: Aperational D8&ellen&e, +ustomer <o&us, *rodu&t >eadership and *eople. (he 0an1 signed a strategi& business &ollaboration agreement with +hase #anhattan 0an1 in <ebruary HHH.*lus $+irrus and /meri&an D8press +redit $ +harges &ardholders. It is the only ban1 in India whi&h provides a&&ess to all the B ma:or International +ard Networ1s on its /(# networ1. D#"'r#:!'#o$ Ne'8or3 9D<+ 0an1 is head;uartered in #umbai. (he 0an1 o' present has an enviable networ1 o' over @C bran&hes spread over @H &ities all a&ross the &ountry. /ll bran&hes are lin1ed on an online real time basis. +ustomers in BH lo&ations are also servi&ed through (elephone 0an1ing. (he 0an1s e8pansion plans ta1e into a&&ount the need to have a presen&e in all ma:or industrial and &ommer&ial &enters where its &orporate &ustomers are lo&ated as well as the need to build a strong retail &ustomer base. 0eing a &learing$settlement ban1 to various leading sto&1 e8&hanges, the 0an1 has bran&hes in the &enters where the NSD$0SD have a strong and a&tive member base.

(he 0an1 also has a networ1 o' alamost over GGE networ1ed /(#s a&ross these &ities. #oreover, 9D<+ 0an1s /(# networ1 &an be a&&essed by all domesti& and international Jisa$#aster +ard, Jisa Dle&tron$#aestro, Ca7#'al S'r!c'!reB (he authori?ed &apital o' 9D<+ 0an1 is Rs. CE! &rores. (he paid up &apital is Rs. @" .@ &rores. (he 9D<+ Group holds @C.EK o' the ban1=s e;uity while about B.BK o' the e;uity is held by the depository in respe&t o'teh ban1s issue o' /meri&an Depository Shares )/DS$/DR Issue-. (he Indian *rivate D;uity <und, #auritius )I*D<- and Indo&ean <inan&ial 9oldings >td., #auritius )I<9>- )both 'unds advised by 2* #organ *artners, 'ormerly +hase +apital *artnerstogether hold about .FK o' the ban1s e;uity. Roughly "K o' the e;uity is held by <IIs, NRIs$A+0s while the balan&e is widely held by about B!!,!!! shareholders. (he shares are listed on the (he Sto&1 D8&hange, #umbai and the National Sto&1 D8&hange. (he 0an1=s /meri&an Depository Shares are listed on the New Lor1 Sto&1 D8&hange under the symbol .9D05. In a milestone transa&tion in the Indian ban1ing industry, times 0an1 >imited )another new private se&tor ban1 promoted by 0ennett, +oleman 3 +o. $(imes Group- was merged with 9D<+ 0an1 >td. e''e&tive <ebruary @F, @!!!. as per the s&heme o' amalgamation approved by the shareholders o' both ban1s and the Reserve 0an1 o' India, share holders o' M#""#o$ a$% 6#"#o$B 9D<+ 0an1 is a young and dynami& ban1, with a youth'ul and enthusiasti& team determined to a&&omplish the vision o' be&oming a world,&lass Indian ban1 ben&hmar1ing ourselves against international standards and best pra&ti&es in terms o' produ&t o''erings, te&hnology, servi&e levels, ris1 management and build sound &ustomer 'ran&hises a&ross distin&t businesses so as to be a pre'erred provider o' ban1ing servi&es 'or target retail and wholesale &ustomer segments and to a&hieve a healthy growth in pro'itability, &onsistent with the 0an1=s ris1 appetite. 7e are &ommitted to do this ensuring the highest levels o' ethi&al standards, pro'essional integrity and regulatory &omplian&e.

0usiness strategy emphasi?es the 'ollowings: In&rease our mar1et share in India=s e8panding ban1ing and 'inan&ial servi&es industry by 'ollowing a dis&iplined growth strategy and delivering high ;uality &ustomer servi&eM >everage our te&hnology plat'orm and open, s&aleable systems to deliver more produ&ts to more &ustomers and to &ontrol operating &ostM #aintain our &urrent high standards 'or asset ;uality through dis&ipline &redit ris1 managementM Develop innovative produ&ts and servi&es that attra&t our targeted &ustomers and address ine''i&ien&ies in the Indian 'inan&ial se&torM +ontinue to develop produ&ts and servi&es that redu&e our &ost o' 'undsM and <o&us on high earnings growth with low volatility.

A8ar%" a$% Accola%e" 9D<+ 0an1 began operations in HHE with a simple mission: to be a .7orld +lass Indian 0an15. 7e reali?ed that only a single minded 'o&us on produ&t ;uality and servi&es e8&ellen&e would help us get there. (oday, we are proud to say that we are well on our way towards that goal. It is e8tremely grati'ying that our e''orts towards providing &ustomer &onvenien&e have been re&ogni?ed both nationally and internationally. In the year @!!!, leading 'inan&ial maga?ine <orbes Global named us it list o' .(he B!! 0est Small +ompanies5 in the world and as one o' the .@! 'or @!! 5 best small &ompanies in the world. (here have been some other proud moments as well. >ondon 0ased Euromoney maga?ine gave us the award 'or .Be"' Ba$3 I$%#a in HHH, Be"' Do&e"'#c Ba$3 in India in @!!!, and .Be"' Ba$3 #$ I$%#a in @!! and @!!@. 9ong 4ong based Finance Asia #aga?ine rated us Best Domestic Commercial Bank in India in HHH, @!!! and @!! respe&tively and .Be"' Local Ba$3 #$ I$%#a in @!!@. /siamoney maga?ine has named us Be"' Co&&erc#al Ba$3 #$ I$%#a @!!@5. The Economic Times has &on'erred on us (he D&onomi& (imes /wards 'or +orporate D8&ellen&e as the E&er*#$* Co&7a$+ o 'he Year -...0.1. >eading Indian business maga?ines Business India named us I$%#aE" Be"' Ba$3 in @!!!. /nother leading Indian business maga?ine Business Today in a survey rated us Be"' Pr#>a'e Sec'or Ba$3 in India in HHH.

<or our use o' in'ormation te&hnology we have been re&ogni?ed as a Co&7!'er8orl Ho$or" La!rea'e and awar8ded the @

+entury /&hievement /ward in @!!@ 'or

<inan&e, Insuran&e 3 Real Dstate &ategory by +omputerworld, In&., US/. Aur te&hnology initiative has been in&luded as a &ase study in their online global ar&hieves. N/SS+A# and e&onomi&times. +om have named us the I0est I( User in 0an1ing= at the I( Users /wards @!!B. 7e are aware that all these awards are mere milestones in the &ontinuing, never ending :ourney o' providing e8&ellent servi&e tour &ustomers. 7e are &on'ident, however, that with your 'eedba&1 and support, we will be able to maintain and improve our servi&es. Pro%!c' Ra$*eB Savings, <i8ed Deposits, +urrent and Demat /&&ounts Savings /&&ounts: /part 'rom the usual 'a&ilities, you get a 'ree /(# +ard, Interbran&h ban1ing, Net0an1ing, 0ill pay, *hone 0an1ing, Debit +ard and #obile 0an1ing, among others. HDFC Ba$3 Pre erre%B / pre'erential Savings /&&ount where you are assigned a dedi&ated Relationship #anager, who is your one point &onta&t. Lou also get privileges li1e 'ee waivers, enhan&ed /(# withdrawal limit, priority lo&1er allotment, 'ree Demat /&&ount and lower interest rates on loans, to name a Sweep,In /&&ount: / 'i8ed deposit lin1ed to your Savings /&&ount. So, even your Savings /&&ount runs a bit short, you &an issue a &he;ue )or use your /(# +ard-. (he money is automati&ally swept in 'rom your 'i8ed deposit into your Savings /&&ount. S!7er Sa>er Acco!$'B Gives you an overdra't 'a&ility up to GEK o' your <i8ed Deposit. In an emergen&y, you &an a&&ess your 'unds while your <i8ed Deposit &ontinues to earn high interest. HDFC Ba$3 Pl!"B /part 'rom Regular and *remium +urrent a&&ounts we also have 9D<+ 0an1 *lus, a +urrent /&&ount and then some more. Lou &an trans'er up to Rs. E! la1h per month at no e8tra &harge, between the 'our metros. Lou &an also avail o' &he;ue &learing between the 'our metros, get &ash delivery$pi&1up upto Rs. @E,!!!$, home delivery op' Demand Dra'ts, at par &he;ues, outstation &he;ue &learan&e 'a&ility, et&.

De&a' Acco!$'B +ondu&t hassle 'ree transa&tions on your shares. Lou &an also a&&ess your Demat /&&ount on the Internet. Pho$e Ba$3#$*B @C hour automated ban1ing servi&es with BH *hone0an1ing numbers available. /(# @C hour ban1ing: /part 'rom routine transa&tions, you &an also pay your utility bills and trans'er 'unds, at any o' our /(#s a&ross the &ountry all year round. Inter&ity$ Interbran&h 0an1ing: /&&ess your a&&ount 'rom any o' our @C bran&hes in @H &ities. Ne' Ba$3#$*B /&&ess your ban1 a&&ount 'rom anywhere in the world, atanytime, at your own &onvenien&e. Lou &an also view your Demat /&&ount through Net0an1ing. I$'er$a'#o$al De:#' Car%B /n /(# &ard you &an shop with all over the &ountry and in over C! &ountries with. Lou &an spend in any &urren&y, and pay in Rupees. Mo:#le Ba$3#$*B /&&ess your a&&ount on your mobile phone s&reen at no airtime &ost. Use S#S te&hnology to &ondu&t your ban1ing transa&tions 'rom your &ellphone. B#ll Pa+B *ay your telephone, ele&tri&ity and mobile phone bills through our /(#, Internet, *hone or mobile phone. No more standing in long ;ueues or writing &he;ues. Loa$"B Per"o$al Loa$"B (a1e a loan o' up to Rs. B la1h 'or a wedding, edu&ation, pur&hase o' a &omputer or an e8&iting holiday. Ne8 Car Loa$" a$% U"e% Car Loa$"B <inan&e up to H!K o' the &ost o' &ar, new or usedN /nd the loans &ome to you with easy do&umentation and speedy pro&essing at attra&tive interest rates. Loa$" A*a#$"' Share"B Get an overdra't up to Rs. ! la1h at an attra&tive interest rate against physi&al shares, up to E!K o' the mar1et value o' your shares. In &ase o' Demat Shares, you &an get a >oans /gainst Shares o' up to FEK o' the mar1et value o' your shares, till Rs. @! la1h. T8o 2heeler , Co$"!&er Loa$"B (o help you buy the best durables 'or your home. Lou are responsible 'or regularly reviewing these terms adn&onditions. +ontinued use o' the site a'ter any su&h &hanges shall &onstitute your &onsent to su&h &hanges.

C. +opy right: /ll in'ormation, &ontent, materials, produ&ts )in&luding but not limited to te8t, &ontent, photographs, graphi&s, video and audio &ontent- is prote&ted by &opyright in the 'avor o' 9D<+ 0an1 under appli&able &opyright laws and is also prote&ted otherwise under general intelle&tual property law. /ll in'ormation submitted to 9D<+ 0an1 through this Site shall be deemed to be the property o' 9D<+ 0an1, and 9D<+ 0an1 shall be 'ree to use any ideas, &on&epts 1now how or te&hni;ues provided by a visitor at this Site, in any manner whatsoever 9D<+ 0an1 is not bound by the obligation o' &on'identiality regarding submitted in'ormation unless the visitor has a dire&t &ustomer relationship with the ban1 or unless spe&i'i&ally agreed or re;uired by law. E. *ersonal and Non &ommer&ial use restri&tion: Lou may not &opy, reprodu&e, sell, redistribute, publi&sh, enter into a database, display, per'orm, modi'y, transmit, li&ense, &reate derivatives 'rom, trans'er or in any way e8ploit any part o' any in'ormation, &ontent, materials, servi&es available 'rom or through the Site, e8&ept that you may download material 'rom this Servi&e 'or your own personal, non&ommer&ial use. F. >iability Dis&laimer: )a- 9D<+ 0an1 does not warrant that the servi&es and produ&ts o''ered by the Site will be uninterrupted or error 'ree. (here may be delays, omissions, interruptions and ina&&ura&ies in the produ&ts, servi&es, in'ormation or other materials available on this site. 9D<+ 0an1 is also not responsible 'or the availability or &ontent o' other servi&es that may be lin1ed to this Site. 9yperlin1s to other internet sites are at your own ris1, the &ontent, a&&ura&y, opinions e8pressed, and other lin1s provided by these sites are not veri'ied, monitored or endorsed by 9D<+ 0an1 does notma1e any warranties, and e8press or implied, in&luding without limitation, those o' mer&hantability and 'itness 'or a parti&ular purpose, title or non in'ringement with respe&t to any in'ormation or servi&es or produ&ts that are available or advertised or sold through this Site. 9D<+ 0an1 does not ma1e any representations, nor do we we endorse the a&&ura&y, &ompleteness, timeliness or reliability o' any advi&e, opinion, statement or other material or database displayed, uploaded or distributed by this Site or available through lin1s in this Site. 7e reserve the right but are not re;uired to &orre&t any errors or omissions in this Site. 9D<+ 0an1 may ma1e improvements and$or &hanges to Site provided therein at any time.

)b- /lthough 9D<+ 0an1 will ta1e serious steps to prevent the introdu&tion o' viruses, vandals, worms, I(ro:an horses= or other destru&tive materials to this Site, 9D<+ ban1 does not guarantee or warrant that this Site or the materials that may be downloaded 'rom this servi&es do not &ontain su&h destru&tive 'eatures. 9D<+ 0an1 is not liable 'or any damages or harm attributable to su&h 'eatures. I' you rely on this Site and any materials available through this Site, you do so solely at your own ris1. )&- 9D<+ 0an1, ea&h o' its o''i&ers, dire&tors, shareholders, parents, subsidiaries, a''iliates, agents, or li&ensors shall not be liable 'or in&idental indire&t, &onse;uential spe&ial, punitive, e8emplary damages or any damages whatsoever, in&luding but not limited to damages 'or lost revenues or pro'its, loss o' business or loss o' data arising out o' or any way related to the use and per'orman&e o' this Site or 'or any &laim, loss or in:ury based on errors, omission, interruptions or other ina&&ura&ies in arising out o' the use o' the Site, whether based on &ontra&t, tort, negligen&e, stri&t liability or otherwise. I' you are dissatis'ied with any portion o' the Site your sole and e8&lusive remedy is to dis&ontinue using the Site and the related servi&es. G. /s a &ondition o' your use o' the Site you warrant that you will not use the Site 'or any purpose that is unlaw'ul, or prohibited by these terms and &onditions. Lou may not use the Site in any manner that &ould damage, disable or impair the Site or inter'ere with and other party=s use or en:oyment o' the Site. . 9D<+ 0an1 shall not be &onsidered in de'ault o' its obligations hereunder i' per'orman&e o' su&h obligations is prevented or delayed by &auses beyond its reasonable &ontrol, in&luding without limitation, Internet 'ailures, &omputer e;uipment 'ailures, tele&ommun&iation e;uipment 'ailures, other e;uipment 'ailures, ele&tri&al power 'ailures, stri1es, virus, other mali&ious &omputer &ode, ha&1ing, a&ts o' God or government, war, riots, a&ts o' &ivil disorder, labour disputes, 'ailure or delay o' transportation, non per'orman&e o' third parties. @. (hese terms and &onditions may be withdrawn$superseded at any time whatsoever, by 9D<+ without any prior noti&e.

B. (he +ourts in #umbai alone shall have e8&lusive :urisdi&tions as regards any &laims ormatter arising out o' dealings with us, and all dioputes will be governed by the laws o' India. C. (hese terms and &onditions are in addition and not in derogation o't eh appli&able terms and &onditions relating to the servi&es that you amy obtain, in&luding without limitation net ban1ing.

O8$er"h#7 R#*h'" +ertain rights that a shareholder in a &ompany en:oys: (o trans'er the shares. (o re&eive the share &erti'i&ates upon trans'er within the stipulated period pres&ribed in the listing agreement. (o re&eive noti&e o' General #eetings, abridged /nnual Report, the 0alan&e Sheet and the *ro'it and >oss /&&ount and the /uditors Report. (o appoint pro8y to attend and vote at the general meetings. In &ase the member is a body &orporate, to appoint a representative to attend and vote at general meetings o' the &ompany on its behal'. (o attend and spea1, in person at general meetings. *ro8y &annot vote on show o' hands but &an vote in respe&t o' poll. (o vote at the general meeting on show o' hands wherein every shareholder has one vote. In &ase o' poll, the number o' votes o' a shareholder depends on the proportion o' e;uity shares held by him with the total paid up e;uity &apital o' the &ompany. (o demand poll along with the other shareholder)s- who &olle&tively hold E!!! shares or is not less than $ ! o' the total voting power o' the total paid up &apital o' the +ompany. (o re;uisition an e8traordinary general meeting o' the +ompany by shareholders holding not less than $ ! o' the total paid up &apital o' the &ompany. (o move amendments to resolutions proposed at meetings. (o re&eive dividend and other &orporate bene'its li1e rights, bonus shares et&. as and when de&lared$announ&ed. (o ta1e inspe&tion o' the various registers o' the &ompany. (o inspe&t the minutes boo1s o' the general meetings and to re&eive &opies thereo' a'ter &omplying with the pro&edure pres&ribed in the +ompanies /&t, HEF. (o appoint or remove dire&tor)s- and auditor)s- and thus parti&ipate in the management through them.

(o pro&eed against the &ompany by way o' &ivil or &riminal pro&eedings.

(o apply 'or the winding up o' the &ompany. (o re&eive the residual pro&eeds upon winding up o' a &ompany. 4indly note that the rights mentioned above are pres&ribed in the +ompanies /&t, HEF and should be 'ollowed only a'ter &are'ul reading o' the relevant se&tions. (hese rights are not ne&essarily absolute.

Tr!"'" Aur trust servi&es provide you with the dual advantages o' a se&ure depository and e''i&ient administration o' your se&urities. Aur solutions help you ma8imi?e returns, meet 'idu&iary responsibilities, and improve operational e''i&ien&y. 4nowing that our &lients needs are &omple8 and varies, we leverage our e8tensive e8pertise and e8perien&e to provide you with a &ustomi?ed set o' bene'it and investment servi&es that wor1 best in assisting your employee bene'its program. /nd whats more, sin&e we ta1e on &ustodian servi&es 'or all types o' se&urities, you &an prote&t your se&urities 'rom loss, the't, damage or destru&tion. In addition to the bene'its o' a se&urities a&&ount, you &an also ta1e advantage o' our other servi&es su&h as pro'essional investment advi&e as well as ban1ing produ&ts. Lou will re&eive important in'ormation &on&erning &hanges in R0I poli&y and au&tions in timely 'ashion. 0ased on your instru&tions, we will bid 'or your in R0I au&tions, settle your pur&hase or sale transa&tions, &onvert your se&urities 'rom physi&al to demateriali?ed mode. /ll the wor1 involved in handling se&urities transa&tions is ta1en &are o'. In&oming &redits will be immediately deposited to your a&&ount and you re&eive regular statement o' interest, redemption and payments. Lou &an also re;uest at a prede'ined interval a &ustody a&&ount or a&&ount statement showing &learly the a&&ount=s &urrent holdings. Aur *hone 0an1ing 'a&ility enables you to stay in'ormed about your a&&ount around the &lo&1.

1./. So!rce o %a'a collec'#o$

OBFECTI6ES (o 'ind out parameters o' &ustomer satis'a&tion. 9elp the ban1 to 1now &ustomer needs 'rom the ban1, so that a&&ordingly they &an e;uip themselves a&&ordingly to the mar1et. (o do the per'orman&e evaluation o' the organi?ation with respe&t to growth, produ&tivity and pro'itability. Re"earch De"#*$B (here are B types o' resear&hes: , , , D8ploratory resear&h Des&riptive resear&h +asual resear&h

<rom the above resear&hes, I de&ided to employ blend o' e8ploratory resear&h and des&riptive resear&h, as it is &on&erned with dis&overing the general nature o' the problem and the variables that relate to it. Da'a Collec'#o$ Me'ho%B Data &olle&tion is done mainly through two sour&es namely 7r#&ar+ and "eco$%ar+. Se&ondary sour&e is nothing but utili?ing somebody else=s earlier e''ort and wor1. *rimary sour&e is when the data &olle&tion is done 'or the 'irst time. I had ta1en up both se&ondary database and to have greater a&&ura&y I de&ided to go in 'or &olle&tion o' primary database.

(o tap "eco$%ar+ %a'a:a"e I went through the bro&hures o' the &ompanies and even through the web sites o' all the &ompanies. (o tap the primary database I de&ided to go in 'or S!r>e+ Me'ho%. Jarious tools &an be used to &ondu&t a survey. (hese tools are very important to trigger a stimulus, whi&h would bring out their attitude and ideas. I have used G!e"'#o$$a#re as a tool 'or the above,mentioned purpose. GUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN / &lose,ended Ouestionnaire has been used in this *ro:e&t to 1now the satis'a&tion level o' the &ustomers o' the 0an1 in order to improve the servi&es in the near 'uture. SAMPLE DESIGN SAMPLE SIHEB !! F! #ales and C! <emales SUR6EY AREAB (he survey was &arried out in North Delhi. Strati'ied sampling te&hni;ue has been used.


TIME FRAMEB (he time 'rame has been si8 to Seven wee1s.

LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY (he main sour&e o' data is primary data, though se&ondary data has not been ignored. !! samples do not re'le&t the opinion o' &ustomers as whole.

(ime limit was another limitation and there may be possibility o' &ommitting a general error. Due to &hange in time, poli&ies may &hange.



*ubli& se&tor has "CK share in the total assets o' the indignity. Ane o' the positive out&omes o' nationali?ation has been that o' empr;uen&e o' bran&h networ1 spread a&ross every noo1 and &orner o' the &ountry. (his &oupled with membership by the state made these ban1s enormous in term o' si?e. *S0=s have a signi'i&ant individual depositor base rendering stability o' the asset base. (he share o' investments o' publi& se&tor a&&ounted 'or "GK o' the industry, indi&ating the dominan&e o' *S0=s. *S0=s ran1 higher in deposits, advan&es and pro'its, due to their vast net wor1 and sheer si?e o' sta''. 0an1ing business measured in deposits is still dominated by the *S0=s. the mar1et share o' IS0 a&&ount 'or "EK mar1et share on the advan&es 'ront too is dominated by the *S0s whose advan&e 'rom "@K o' the mar1et. 2ea3$e""B *S0=s have low &redit to deposit ratio. (hough the *S0=s have huge resour&e base, with &ompetition in&reasing at a 'aster pa&e, *S0=s have a highlevel o' N*/s )bad loans-, huge overhead &oats and high brea1,even

they are li1ely to log behind in the long run. (he &ompla&en&y &ould &ost them heavily. levels. (he la&1 o' &ustomer orientation and low level o' &omputeri?ation too is leading to their ine''i&ien&y. (he produ&tivity is less than the other two se&tions. 0orrowing o' the *S0=s have in&reased more than other two se&tors, whi&h is D8penditure per bran&h is &ontinuously in&reasing as the bran&hes are not properly (he *S0s whi&h &ommand about H K o' the total ban1 bran&hes and about "FK o' the

&ontributing to the losses. managed. ba1ing business in the &ountry are already saddled with huge wor1 'or&e. (his wor1'or&e

operating under the prote&tive umbrellas o' me&hani?ation and &omputeri?ation 'or 'ear o' losses o' employment opportunities. *resent 'or potential. *S0s are very mu&h behind in the te&hnology aspe&t. Servi&es su&h as neatly printed statements o' a&&ounts, automati& and prompt updating o' passboo1s, /(#S et&. are some o' the bene'its that &ustomers are being deprived o' at *S0s. Pr#>a'e Sec'or Ba$3 S're$*'h"B *rivate se&tor ban1s have a high &redit to deposit ratio and they have 1ept their operating 7ith te&hnology and &ustomer orientation, private se&tor ban1s are at the higher level as *rivate se&tor ban1s have a high level o' &apital ade;ua&y ratio. *rivate se&tor ban1s are 'airly advan&ed in the use o' te&hnology. Servi&es su&h as neatly e8penses low. &ompared to *S0s and on the level playing 'ield with 'oreign ban1s.

printed statements o' a&&ounts, automati& and prompt updation o' passboo1 /I#S et& are some o' the bene'its that &ustomers are en:oying at these ban1s. 2ea3$e""e"B *rivate se&tor ban1s unli1e *S0s have less number o' bran&hes to their rea&h and *rivate se&tor ban1s have low growth in average advan&es, this aspe&t is dominated by <or private se&tor ban1s the average N*/s stand at E.E@K. *rivate se&tor ban1s do not e8amine their business with a long term perspe&tive. #any o' these ban1s tend to loo1 at short term opportunities and gains. &overage is not very e8tensive. the *S0s.

Fore#*$ Ba$3" S're$*'h" <oreign ban1s have high &redit to deposit ratio. <oreign ban1s are the leaders in te&hnology and &ustomer servi&es.

<oreign ban1s are the leaders in te&hnology and &ustomer servi&es. <oreign ban1s have high level &apital ade;ua&y ratio. <oreign ban1s show that the in&rease in the borrowings whi&h earlier amounted to losses (he average spread en:oyed by the 'oreign se&tor is higher than that earned by other <or 'oreign ban1s the average N*/ stand at les than !K whi&h is lower than the other

is now signaling pro'its. se&tors. two se&tor. 2ea3$e""e"B <oreign ban1s have very less number o' bran&hes and hen&e their rea&h is very low as <oreign ban1s have &on&entrated on &orporate ban1ing and 'ee based in&ome. (he Re&ommendation. #anagers should re&ogni?e that a &ertain amount o' &on'li&t will almost always e8ist &ompared to *S0s. business 'o&us 'or most 'oreign ban1s must shi't to retail mobili?ation.

between pro'essional and hierar&hi&al authority and &ontrol systems. (he 1ey is to trans'orm this &on'li&t into motivation by stru&turally insulating these wor1ers 'rom organi?ation pressure, while simultaneously ma1ing them aware o' the importan&e that their wor1 holds o' the 'irm=s well being and its &ontinued &ompetitive advantages. (hey should re&ogni?e that managing high,te&hnology and pro'essional employees is signi'i&antly di''erent 'rom managing non,pro'essionals have a di''erent set o' values and &hara&teristi&s, whi&h have been gained through their so&iali?ation in the te&hni&al spe&ialty. #anagers need to be &ogni?ant o' those values and &hara&teristi&s i' they are to anti&ipate tension points and enhan&e the 'it between the individual and the :ob. (hey should attempt to develop 9R pra&ti&es and poli&ies that have had some su&&ess in attra&ting, motivating and retaining the high,te&h wor1 'or&e. (hat re;uires, at a minimum, 1nowledge o' or systemati& diagnosis o' organi?ational pra&ti&es, and mat&hing 9R pra&ti&es to the organi?ations &ulture. It also re;uires that a &adre o' &ompetent 9R manager manage the transition. (he days o' .ready,'ire,aim5 are over 'or high,te&hnology 'irms see1ing &ompetitive advantages in their mar1ets.

(hey should study the &hange pro&ess and learn 'rom their e8perien&es 'rom &hange

owing to internal and e8ternal 'a&tors, in&luding departures 'rom tradition, new leaders with new visions, &risis or other starting events, 1ey de&isions on the part o' senior management or tests o' their in'rastru&ture ability to a&&ommodate &hange. <irm also &hange be&ause o' &hange. 0ut pro'essionals and other high,te&h wor1ers must &learly see the need 'or &hange, otherwise, they may not support the &hange, or they may even sabotage it, there'ore &ommuni&ation must be reemphasi?ed. (hey should design :obs and wor1 relationship to ta1e advantage o' te&hni&al spe&ialties. <or e8ample, rotating pro'essionals through multiple role and :ob responsibilities &an sensiti?e them to new ideas and opportunities. (hey should establish &areer sensitive tra&1ing systems so that &areer development (hey should utili?e a menu o' salient relevant that are relevant 'or high te&h and be&omes an integrated part o' their 'irm pra&ti&es. pro'essional wor1ers. (hese reminders ideally should be lin1ed to per'orman&e, but in some &ultures they might be lin1ed so e''ort, ris1 ta1ing, or other relevant behaviors.



Balance Sheet of HDFC Bank Mar '11 12 mths Capital an !ia"ilities# Total Share Capital Equity Share Capital Share Applicatio !o ey #re$ere ce Share Capital %eser&es %e&aluatio %eser&es $et %orth (eposits )orro*i +s ,otal De"t ,ther -ia.ilities / #ro&isio s ,otal !ia"ilities 465.23 465.23 "."" "."" 24'914."4 "."" &'()79.&7 2"8'586.41 14'394."6 &&&(980.*7 28'992.86 &77()'&.+0 Mar '11 12 mths -ssets Cash / )ala ces *ith %)0 )ala ce *ith )a 1s' !o ey at Call - .ances /n.est0ents 2ross )loc1 Accumulate3 (epreciatio $et Block Capital 4or1 0 #ro+ress ,ther Assets ,otal -ssets Co ti +e t -ia.ilities )ills $or collectio )oo1 5alue 6%s7 25'1"".82 4'568."2 1'9(98&.+7 70(9&9.)7 5'244.21 3'"73.56 &(170.+' "."" 14'6"1."8 &77()'&.+1 559'681.87 28'869.1" 545.53 15'483.28 14'459.11 1&'(8)0.'9 '8(+07.+& 4'7"7.97 2'585.16 &(1&&.81 "."" 5'955.15 &&&(*'8.'+ 466'236.24 2"'94".13 47".19 13'527.21 3'979.41 98(88).0' '8(817.'' 3'956.63 2'249.9" 1(70+.7) "."" 6'356.83 18)(&70.78 396'594.31 17'939.62 344.44 12'553.18 2'225.16 +)(*&+.90 *9()9).'* 2'386.99 1'211.86 1(17'.1) "."" 4'4"2.69 1))(17+.+0 582'835.94 17'"92.85 324.38 5'182.48 3'971.4" *+(9**.78 )0('+*.80 1'917.56 95".89 9++.+7 "."" 3'6"5.48 91(&)'.+1 2"2'126.73 7'211.88 2"1.42 457.74 457.74 "."" "."" 21'"64.75 "."" &1('&&.*9 167'4"4.44 12'915.69 180()&0.1) 2"'615.94 &&&(*'8.'+ Mar '10 12 mths 425.38 425.38 4"".92 "."" 14'226.43 "."" 1'(0'&.7) 142'811.58 2'685.84 1*'(*97.*& 22'72".62 18)(&70.77 Mar '09 12 mths 354.43 354.43 "."" "."" 11'142.8" "."" 11(*97.&) 1""'768.6" 4'478.86 10'(&*7.*+ 16'431.91 1))(17+.+0 Mar '08 12 mths 319.39 319.39 "."" "."" 6'113.76 "."" +(*)).1' 68'297.94 2'815.39 71(11).)) 13'689.13 91(&)'.+1 Mar '07 12 mths Mar '10 12 mths ------------------- in Rs. Cr. ------------------Mar '09 12 mths Mar '08 12 mths Mar '07 12 mths

Source : Dion Global Solutions Limited

Ta:le 9.-B Pro #' lo"" acco!$'

1rofit 2 !oss acco3nt of HDFC Bank ------------------- in Rs. Cr. -------------------

Mar '11 12 mths /nco0e 0 terest Ear e3 ,ther 0 come ,otal /nco0e 45pen it3re 0 terest e8pe 3e3 Employee Cost Selli + a 3 A3mi E8pe ses (epreciatio !iscella eous E8pe ses #reoperati&e E8p Capitalise3 ,perati + E8pe ses #ro&isio s / Co ti +e cies ,otal 45penses 9'385."8 2'836."4 2'51".82 497.41 5'2"5.97 "."" 8'"45.36 3'""4.88 &0(*)'.)& Mar '11 12 mths $et 1rofit for the 6ear E8traor3io ary 0tems #ro$it .rou+ht $or*ar3 ,otal #re$ere ce (i&i3e 3 Equity (i&i3e 3 Corporate (i&i3e 3 Ta8 1er share ata 7ann3alise 8 4arnin9 1er Share 7Rs8 Equity (i&i3e 3 6:7 )oo1 5alue 6%s7 -ppropriations Tra s$er to Statutory %eser&es Tra s$er to ,ther %eser&es #ropose3 (i&i3e 3;Tra s$er to 2o&t )ala ce c;$ to )ala ce Sheet ,otal 997.52 392.64 892.15 6'174.24 8(*'+.'' 8*.*0 165."" 545.53 )(9&+.*0 92.65 4'532.79 8(*'+.'* "."" 767.62 124.53 19'928.21 4'433.51 &*()+1.7&

Mar '10 12 mths

Mar '09 12 mths

Mar '08 12 mths

Mar '07 12 mths

16'172.9" 3'81".62 19(98).'& 7'786.3" 2'289.18 3'395.83 394.39 3'169.12 "."" 7'7"3.41 1'545.11 17(0)*.8& Mar '10 12 mths &(9*8.70 9".93 3'455.57 +(*0).)* "."" 549.29 91.23 +*.*& 12"."" 47".19 935.15 294.87 64".52 4'532.79 +(*0).))

16'332.26 3'47".63 19(80&.89 8'911.1" 2'238.2" 2'851.26 359.91 3'197.49 "."" 7'29".66 1'356.2" 17(''7.9+ Mar '09 12 mths &(&**.9* 9".59 2'574.63 *(818.98 "."" 425.38 72.29 '&.77 1""."" 344.44 641.25 224.5" 497.67 3'455.57 *(818.99

1"'115."" 2'2"5.38 1&()&0.)8 4'887.12 1'3"1.35 974.79 271.72 3'295.22 "."" 3'935.28 1'9"7.8" 10(7)0.&0 Mar '08 12 mths 1('90.18 9"."6 1'932."3 )('&&.1' "."" 3"1.27 51.2" **.87 85."" 324.38 436."5 159."2 352.47 2'574.61 )('&&.1'

6'889."2 1'51".24 8()99.&+ 3'179.45 776.86 727.53 219.6" 2'113.28 "."" 2'59".66 1'246.61 7(01+.7& Mar '07 12 mths 1()8&.'* 9".35 1'455."2 &(8)7.&1 "."" 223.57 38."" *).&9 7"."" 2"1.42 288.38 114.14 261.57 1'932."3 &('9+.1&

Source : Dion Global Solutions Limited

Ta:le 9.9B Ca"h lo8

Cash Flo: of HDFC Bank Mar '11 12 mths $et 1rofit Before ,a5 <et Cash =rom ,perati + Acti&ities <et Cash 6use3 i 7;$rom 0 &esti + Acti&ities <et Cash 6use3 i 7;$rom =i a ci + Acti&ities $et 7 ecrease8;increase /n Cash an Cash 4<3i.alents ,pe i + Cash / Cash Equi&ale ts Closi + Cash / Cash Equi&ale ts '818.++ 9375.83 91122.74 1227.99 -&7).'+ 29942.4" 29668.83

------------------- in Rs. Cr. ------------------Mar '10 12 mths *&89.1* 9389.89 9551.51 3598.91 1&*)'.78 175"6.62 29942.4" Mar '09 12 mths )&99.&' 91736.14 9663.78 2964.66 '+*.7* 14778.34 15343."8 Mar '08 12 mths &&80.+) 3583.43 9619.82 3628.34 +'91.9' 8"74.54 14666.49 Mar '07 12 mths 1+)8.7' 666.63 9311.4" 1637.88 199).11 6188.66 8181.77

CUSTOMERS RESPONCE . Are +o! a8are 'ha' 'he HDFC Ba$3 #" ha>#$* ATM Ce$'er"A Les,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,H!K No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, !K

F#*.9.1 INTERPRETATION . H! K o' the +ustomers are aware o' the 9D<+ 0an1=s /(# &enters. @. !K o' the +ustomers are not aware o' the 9D<+ 0an1=s /(# &enters.

-. Cre%#' Car% o8$e% Les,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,C!K No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,F!K

yes ' 4":

o' 6":


. C!K o' the +ustomers are having 9D<+ 0an1=s +redit +ards. @. F!K o' the +ustomers are not having 9D<+ 0an1=s +redit +ards.

9. Are +o! #$'e$%#$* 'o 'a3e loa$" or #$a$c#$* +o!r A""e'"A Les,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FGK No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BBK

o' 33:

yes' 67:


F#*.9.9 INTERPRETATION . FGK o' the +ustomers are intending to ta1e loans 'or 'inan&ing their /ssets. @. BBK o' the +ustomers are not intending to ta1e loans.

;. Do +o! ha>e a De&a' acco!$'A Les,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,CFK No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ECK

y e s ' 46: o ' 54:

y es

F#*. 9.;B INTERPRETATION . CFK o' the +ustomers have Demat a&&ount. @. ECK o' the +ustomers don=t have Demat a&&ount.

<. A Co$>e$#e$' Bra$ch 'o *e' 'o Les,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GEK No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@EK

o' 25:

yes' 75:


F#*. 9.<B

INTERPRETATION . GEK o' the +ustomers said that the 0ran&h is +onvenient to get to. @. @EK o' the +ustomers said that the 0ran&h is not &onvenient to get to.

=. Bra$ch Ho!r" are co$>e$#e$' D8&ellent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@EK Good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,CGK Satis'a&tory,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@!K *oor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"K

#oor' 8: Satis$actory ' 2":

E8celle t' 25:

2oo3' 47:

E8celle t




F#* 9.=B

INTERPRETATION . @EK o' the +ustomers said that the 0ran&h 9ours are D8&ellent. @. CGK o' the +ustomers said that the 0ran&h 9ours are Good. B. @!K o' the &ustomers said that the 0ran&h 9ours are Satis'a&tory. C. "K o' the &ustomers said that the 0ran&h 9ours are *oor.

?. The Bra$ch la+o!' #" "7ac#o!" a$% !$cl!''ere% D8&ellent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@ K Good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GBK Satis'a&tory,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BK *oor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BK

#oor' 3: Satis$actory ' 4: E8celle t' 21:

2oo3' 73:

E8celle t




F#*. 9.? INTERPRETATION . @ K o' the +ustomers said that the 0ran&h >ayout is D8&ellent. @. GBK o' the +ustomers said that the 0ran&h >ayout is Good. B. CK o' the +ustomers said that the 0ran&h >ayout is Satis'a&tory. C. BK o' the +ustomers said that the 0ran&h >ayout is *oor.

@. I "7e$% >er+ l#''le '#&e 8a#'#$* #$ l#$e 'o *e' "er>#ce ro& 'he 'eller". D8&ellent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,HK Good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," K Satis'a&tory,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FK *oor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,CK

#oor' 4: Satis$actory ' 6:

E8celle t' 9:

2oo3' 81:

E8celle t




F#*. 9.@ INTERPRETATION . HK o' the +ustomers said that the servi&e is D8&ellent. @. " K o' the +ustomers said that the servi&e is Good. B. FK o' the +ustomers said that the servi&e is Satis'a&tory. C. CK o' the +ustomers said that he servi&e is *oor.

/. Co!$'er "'a #" #&&e%#a'el+ a>a#la:le 'o 7ro>#%e co!$'er "er>#ce. Les,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FGK No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BK

o' 33:

yes' 67:


F#*. 9./

INTERPRETATION . FGK o' the +ustomers said that the +ounter sta'' is immediately available to provide &ounter servi&e. @. BBK o' the +ustomers said that the +ounter sta'' is not immediately available to provide &ounter servi&e.

1.. Pho$e call" 'o 'he Bra$ch are ha$%le% J!#c3l+ a$% e #c#e$'l+ D8&ellent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,B K Good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,E!K Satis'a&tory,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, !K *oor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,HK

#o o r' 9 : Sa tis$a cto ry '1 " : E8ce lle t' 3 1 :

2 o o 3 '5 " :

E8ce lle t

2 o o 3

Sa tis$a cto ry

#o o r

F#*. 9.1. INTERPRETATION . B K o' the +ustomers said that the phone &alls attending servi&e is D8&ellent. @. E!K o' the +ustomers said that the phone &alls attending servi&e is Good. B. !K o' the +ustomers said that this servi&e is Satis'a&tory.

C. HK o' the +ustomers said that the phone &alls are not attended properly.

11. The "'a #" >er+ co!r'o!" a$% hel7 !l D8&ellent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"!K Good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, !K Satis'a&tory,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!@K *oor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!"K
# o o r '8 : S a tis $a c to r y '2 : 2 o o 3 '1 " :

E 8 c e lle t' 8 " :

E 8 c e lle t

2 o o 3

S a tis $a c to ry

# o o r

F#*. 9.11B

INTERPRETATION . "!K o' the +ustomers said that the Sta'' is D8&ellent. @. !K o' the +ustomers said that the Sta'' is Good.

B. @K o' the +ustomers said that the Sta'' is Satis'a&tory. C. "K o' the +ustomers said that the sta'' is not help'ul at all.

1-. The "'a #" 8ell #$ or&e% a:o!' 'he :a$3" 7ro%!c' a$% "er>#ce" D8&ellent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@EK Good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,CGK Satis'a&tory,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@!K *oor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"K

o' 25:

yes' 75:


F#* 9.1-B INTERPRETATION . GEK o' the +ustomers said that the Sta'' well in'ormed. @. @EK o' the +ustomers said that the sta'' is not well in'ormed about the *rodu&ts 3 Servi&es.

19. The Bra$ch ha" a 7lea"a$' a$% r#e$%l+ a'&o"7here D8&ellent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"!K Good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, EK Satis'a&tory,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!BK *oor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!@K

#oor' 2: Satis$actory ' 3: 2oo3' 15:


E8celle t' 8":

E8celle t





INTERPRETATION . "!K o' the +ustomers said that 0ran&h atmosphere is D8&ellent @. B. EK o' the +ustomers said that the 0ran&h atmosphere is Good. BK o' the +ustomers said that the 0ran&h atmosphere is Satis'a&tory.


@K o' the +ustomers said that the 0ran&h atmosphere is *oor.

1;. M+ acco!$'" are ha$%le% acc!ra'el+ D8&ellent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FCK Good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@GK Satis'a&tory,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!FK *oor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!BK

#oor' 3: Satis$actory ' 6: 2oo3' 27: E8celle t' 64:

E8celle t




F#* 9.1;B INTERPRETATION . FCK o' the +ustomers said that /&&ount handling is D8&ellent @. @GK o' the +ustomers said that the /&&ount handling is Good.

B. C.

FK o' the +ustomers said that the /&&ount handling is Satis'a&tory. BK o' the +ustomers said that the /&&ount handling is *oor.

1<. I a& 8ell #$ or&e% co$cer$#$* a$+ cha$*e" #$ "er>#ce". D8&ellent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,CFK Good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BCK Satis'a&tory,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HK *oor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,! K

#oor' 1: Satis$actory ' 19: E8celle t' 46: 2oo3' 34:

E8celle t




F#*. 9.1< INTERPRETATION . CFK o' the +ustomers said that they are well in'ormed about any &hanges in servi&es. @. BCK o' the +ustomers said that they almost get in'ormed about any &hanges in Servi&es. B. HK o' the +ustomers said that they sometimes get in'ormed about the &hanges.


K o' the +ustomers said that they are not at all get in'ormed about any &hanges servi&es.



TRAINING 7hen a new employee :oins an organi?ation indu&tion is the 'irst e8posure. 9e$she should be properly wel&omed in the organi?ations. #ade to 1now his $her positive vis a vis others : a&;uired with &ompany=s rules, regulations and wor1ing &onditions. (he employee is also to be trained in relations to the :ob re;uirement very 'rom organi?ation to organi?ation eg, a highly trained person in a&&ount will still re;uire indu&tion training when he or she :oins new organi?ation. In'ormation and non up gradation o' 1nowledge is the 1ey to su&&ess in tourism se&tor and all employees must have updated 1nowledge. <or e8ample, a ti&1eting person must 1now the re&ent operating routes o' airlines and the 'a&e stru&tures et&. 9e or she &annot man the ti&1eting &ounter with obsolete 1nowledge. 9en&e it is she duty o' management 1eep providing in house training to the employees. (hese training programs should be designed 'or maintaining and improving &urrent :ob per'orman&e and at the same time development programs and at the same time development programs should be ta1en up 'or e;uipping the employees should be ta1en up e;uipping the employees with su&h s1ill whi&h are re;uired 'or 'uture :ob. Ne8t stage &omes in the 'orm o' the sele&tion pro&ess. <or this &ertain steps are re;uires. (he &andidates who have applied are put to s&rutiny 3 those 'ul'ill the re;uirements are &alled 'or interviews in 'a&t the sele&tion pro&ess &aries 'rom organi?ation to organi?ation to organi?ation. /n organi?ation may &ondu&t written tests, group dis&ussion problem solving e8er&ise presentations or interviews et& 'or &ompleting the sele&tion pro&ess. Lou must remember here hat the &andidate should be sele&ted on the merit basis in relation to the :ob spe&i'i&ation rather on the basis o' other e8ternal &onsideration or pressures. / wrong sele&tion not only a''e&ts the per'orman&e o' the :ob but also brings a bad image ot those

involved in the sele&tion pro&ess. Jery o'ten employees sele&ted on other &onsiderations do not 'ind re&eptivity among other employees )Seniors, e;uals or subordinates-.

Mo'#>a'#o$ (he ;uality o' servi&e in tourism depends on the :ob satis'a&tion o' the employees. 7e have dis&ussed earlier the &hara&teristi&s o' those organi?ations whi&h are termed as servi&e leaders. 9en&e, it is the mangers rewards and in&entives, this is also related to positive stro1es. <or e8ample, it is very &ash to tell an employee .you have done this wor1 badly5 or you do not 1now how to wor1. (hese are negative stro1e whi&h &an remotivate an employee. (he same &an be said in a positive manner li1e the wor1 you have done &ould be done better by a little more &on&entration or you &an still improve upto by mar1ing 'ull use o' your &apability. .Dmployees e8&eptions should also be 1ept in mind their a&hievement or good per'orman&e should be duly re&ogni?ed. (his also helps in the retention o' good employees in the organi?ation. A77ra#"al S+"'e&" *er'orman&e appraisal is an important but di''i&ult tas1 o' the manger. (his &an be &arried out in two ways: . In'ormal per'orman&e appraisal (his means a &ontinuous pro&ess o' giving 'eedba&1 to sub ordinates about their per'orman&e in the organi?ation. In this pro&ess, a manger spontaneously tells the employee how he or she has per'ormed in relation to a parti&ular wor1. @. <ormal per'orman&e appraisal #any organi?ations adopt 'ormal appraisal methods on a monthly ;uarterly or an yearly basis. (his is done through a *er'orma, whi&h has &ertain set ;uestions regarding the :ob re;uirements. In &ertain &ases, the superior o''i&ers are as1ed to their subordinates. (his e8er&ise helps the management in identi'ying employees, 'or promotion or whether they need additional training. It his also sends a massage to the employees that how their per'orman&e

is being rated by the management. In many organi?ation promotions, rewards and bonus et& are de&ided on the basis o' per'orman&e appraisal.

(he 0an1ing system is an integral Sub system o' the 'inan&ial system. It represents an important &hannel o' &onne&ting small savings 'rom the households and lending it to the &orporate se&tor.

(he Indian 0an1ing system has the Reserve 0an1 o' India )R0I- as the ape8 body 'or all matters relating to the ban1ing system. It is the I+entral 0an1= o' India. It is the ban1er to all other ban1s.

F!$c'#o$" o RBIB . +urren&y issuing authority. @. 0an1er to the Government B. 0an1er to other ban1s C. <raming o' monetary poli&y E. D8&hange &ontrol F. +ustodian o' 'oreign e8&hange and gold reserves G. Development a&tivities ". Resear&h and Development in the ban1ing se&tor. <ollowing is the &lassi'i&ation o' ban1s: . No$ "che%!le% Ba$3"B (hese are ban1s whi&h are not in&luded in the se&ond s&hedule o' the 0an1ing Regulation /&t, HFE. It means they do not satis'y the &onditions laid down by that s&hedule. (hey are 'urther &lassi'ied as 'ollows:


+entral +o,operative 0an1s 3 *rimary +redit So&ieities. +ommer&ial 0an1s

@. Sche%!le% Ba$3"B S&heduled 0an1s are ban1s whi&h are in&luded in the se&ond s&hedule o' the 0an1ing Regulation /&t, HFE. /&&ording to this s&hedule a s&heduled ban1. )a)b#ust have paid up &apital reserve o' not less than Rs. E,!!,!!!$, #ust also satis'y the R0I that its a''airs are not &ondu&ted in a

manner detrimental to the interest o' its depositors. S&heduled ban1s are sub divided as: . State &o,operative 0an1s: @. (hese are &o,operative owned and managed by the state. B. +ommer&ial ban1s. C. (hese are business entities whose main business is a&&epting deposits and e8tending loans. (heir main ob:e&tive is pro'it ma8imi?ation and adding shareholder value. (hese are 'urther sub divided as: . Indian 0an1s: (hese ban1s are &ompanies registered in India under the &ompanies /&t. (heir pla&e o' origin is in India. (hese are also sub divided as: . State 0an1 o' India and its subsidiaries. @. (his group &omprises o' the State 0an1 o' India )S0I- and its seven subsidiaries vi?. State 0an1 o' *atiala, State 0an1 o' 9yderabad, State 0an1 o' (ranav&ore, 9owever, (IDR,II &apital &an not be more than E!K o' (IDR . (IDR,I +apital @. (his re'ert to the &ore &apital that provides the most permanent and ready support against une8pe&ted losses. D;uity investments in subsidiaries, intangible assets, losses in &urrent period and those brought 'ormed 'rom previous years, will be dedu&ted 'rom (IDR I &apital. (ier I &apital &onsists o' the 'ollowing unemployment=s :, . *aid up e;uity &apital @. Statutory reserves &apital.

B. Ather undis&losed resumes +apital reserves representing surplus arising out o' sale pro&eeds o' assets also be added to (IDR I &apital.

B. (IDR,I +apital (his &onsists o' &apital elements that are not permanent and are not readily available to meet un'oreseen &ontingen&ies. <ollowing are its &omponents: . Undis&losed reserves and &umulative perpetual pre'eren&es shares. @. Undis&losed reserves o'ten ta1e the &hara&ter o' dis&losed reserves. /lso when &umulative perpetual pre'eren&es shares are 'ully paid up ". (hese are ban1s that were registered outside India and had originated in a 'oreign &ountry. R0I Norms to be 'ollowed by 0an1s . +apital /de;uate Ratio )+/R@. +ash Reserve Ratio )+RRB. Statutory >i;uidity Ratio )S+RC. 0an1 Rate E. D8posure Norms . +apital /de;ua&y Ratio )+/R-: In India ban1s are institutions where deposits pla&e their hard earned savings on the assumptions that the ris1 shall be borne by the ban1. In su&h a s&enario, the ban1s must have enough &apital to meet un'oreseen &ontinues so that the &on'iden&e o' the deposits is not sha1en. (o 'ul'ill this need the R0I has laid down the norms o' &apital ade;ua&y that need to be 'ul'illed by ban1s. (he ban1s have to maintain the &apital /de;ua&y Ratio )+/R- spe&i'ied by R0I 'rom time to time.


+ash Reserve Ratio )+RR-:, +RR is the minimum reserve deposits whi&h ban1s have to

&ompulsory 1eep with the R0I. (hese are &al&ulated as spe&i'i& per&entage to Resolvable liabilities arrived at in the basis o' net renewal and time liabilities )ND(>-. 9. S'a'!'or+ l#J!#%#'+ Ra'#o (SLR)B /&&ording to Se&. @C)@,/- o' amended 0an1ing Regulation /&t, HCH a s&heduled ban1 and every other ban1ing &ompany, shall, in addition to the &ash reserves maintained by them under Se&. C@ o' R0I /&t, maintain reserves in &ash or gold named at pri&e not e8&eeding the &urrent mar1et pri&e or in unen&umbered approved se&urities valued at pri&e determined. (he ban1s should maintain su&h reserves not e8&eeding C!K and not less than @EK as the R0I may 'rom time to time spe&i'y, o' the total o' its demand and time liabilities )ND(>-, as on last <riday o' the se&ond pre&eding 'ortnight.

;.Ba$3 Ra'e. (he rate o' whi&h R0I lends to &ommer&ial ban1s by redis&ounting bills or eligible paper is &alled the ban1 rate. It is basi&ally the re'inan&ing rate. the ban1s de&ide the interest rates based on the ban1 rate. It is also should be the R0I to &ontrol in'lation. <ollowing &hart shows the <.EC7o"!re Nor&"B (he R0I has stipulated &ertain &eiling relating to advan&es and interest rates whi&h ban1s have to adhere to whi&h &arrying out their lending operations. Some o' them are as 'ollows: a. D8posure to a single borrower should not e8&eeds EK o' advan&es. b. D8posure to a business group should not e8&eeds C!K &. D8posure to sto&1 mar1et should not e8&eed EK o' total advan&es as at the end o' previous year.


Reserve Bank of India

Scheduled Banks


Sched uled

State Co-opBank

Commercial Ba nk

Indian Banks

Forei n Banks

Public sector

Private sector

Private sector Banks

SBI ! its Subordi

"ationali#ed Banks

Re ional Rural Banks

<un&tioning o' a ban1 is among the mere &ompli&ated o' &orporate operations. Sin&e ban1ing involves dealings dire&tly with money, governments in most &ountries regulate this se&tor rather stringently. In India, the regulation traditionally has been very stri&t and in the opinion o' &ertain ;uarters, responsible 'or the present &ondition o' ban1s, where N*/ are o' a very high order. (he pro&ess o' 'inan&ial re'orms, whi&h started in HH has &leared the 66666..somewhat but a lot remains to be done. (he multipli&ity o' poli&y and regulations that a ban1 has to wor1 with ma1es its operations even more &ompli&ated, sometimes bordering on illogi&al. (his se&tion, whi&h is also intended 'or ban1ing pro'essional, attempts to give an overview o' the 'un&tions in as simple manner as possible. 0an1ing Regulation /&t o' India, HCH, de'ines 0an1ing as .a&&epting, 'or the purpose o' lending or investment o' deposits o' money 'rom the publi&, repayable on demand or otherwise and withdrawal by &he;ues, dra't order or otherwise. During 'rom this de'inition and view edsolely 'rom the point o' view o' the &ustomers. 0an1s essentially per'orm the 'ollowing 'un&tions. . /&&epting deposits is one o' the two ma:or a&tivities o' the ban1s, 0an1s are also &alled &ustodians o' publi& money. 0asi&ally, the money is a&&epted as deposit 'or sa'e1eeping. 0ut sin&e the ban1s are this money to earn interest 'rom people who need money. 0an1s shall a part o' this interest with the depositors. 9owever, a&&epting deposits and 1eeping tra&1 o' money involves a lot o' boo11eeping and other operations. >et us see what the ban1s must maintain to provide this servi&e. /n e''e&tive bran&h networ1 to rea&h the targeted &ustomer base. / system o' intra bran&h a&&ounting with separate a&&ounts 'or ea&h &ustomer / system re&on&iliation o' the end o' the study /vailability o' ade;uate 'unds at ea&h bran&h. (rained sta'' 'or e''e&tive &ustomer servi&es. In'rastru&tures inputs li1e spa&e, stationary, &om'ortable environment et&.


>ending money to the publi& >ending money is one o' the two ma:or a&tivities o' any ban1. In a way, the ban1 a&ts as an intermediary between the people who have the need 'or money to &arry out business transa&tions. (his a&tivity pla&es its own re;uirements on the resour&es o' the 0an1. <or e''e&tive 'un&tioning o' this, a ban1 must posses: S1ills to appraise the potential borrowers and the a&tivity. >egal s1ills 'or do&umentation. S1ills to 'ollow up o' monitor the end use o' money lent by it. /n e''e&tive &redit delivery system. Review o' &redit port'olio.


(rans'er o' #oney: /part 'rom a&&epting deposits and lending money, ban1s also &arry out, on behal' o' their &ustomers the a&t o' trans'er o' money both domesti& and 'oreign 'rom pla&e to another. (his a&tivity is 1nown .remittan&e business5. 0an1s issue, demand dra'ts. 0an1er=s &he;ues, money orders et&. 'or trans'erring the money. 0an1s also have the 'a&ility o' ;ui&1 trans'er o' money also 1now as telegraphi& trans'er or little &ash orders. (o delivery this servi&e, a ban1 must have: /n e''e&tive bran&h networ1 or &orrespondent relationships. / system o' inter bran&h re&on&iliation /vailability o' 'unds at allt eh &enter.


(rustee 0usiness 0an1s also a&t as trustees 'or various purposes e.g. whenever a &ompany wishes to issue se&ured debentures, it has to appoint a 'inan&ial intermediary as trustee who ta1es &harges o' the se&urity 'or the debenture and loo1s a'ter the interests o' the debenture holders. Su&h entity ne&essarily have to have e8pertise in 'inan&ial matters and also be o' su''i&ient standing in the mar1et$so&iety to generate &on'iden&e in the

minds o' potential subs&ribes to the debenture. 7hile ban1s must posses the 'ollowing to be e''e&tive and retain that: E. / tra&1 re&ord o' su''i&ient length. <a&ilities 'or sa'e 1eeping. >egal s1ills to ta1e ne&essary steps 'or the trusteeship.

Sa'e 4eeping 0an1ers are in the business o' providing se&urity to the money and valuables o' the general publi&, while se&urity o' money is ta1en &are o' through o''ering various types o' deposit s&hemes, se&urity o' valuables is provided through maiming se&ured spa&e available to general publi& 'or 1eeping these valuables. (hese spa&es are available in the shape o' lo&1ers. (he latter are small &ompartments with dual lo&1ing 'a&ility built into strong &upboards. (hese are stored in the 0an1=s strong room and are 'ully se&ure. >o&1ers &an neither be opened by the hirer or the ban1 individually. 0oth must &ome together and use their respe&tive 1eys to open the lo&1er. (o ma1e this 'a&ility available to its &ustomers, the 0an1 must provide: *hysi&al stru&tures to house the lo&1ers >o&1er &abinets Se&urity arrangements Re&ord o' a&&ess to lo&1ers


Government 0usiness: Darlier Government business used to be e8&lusively &arried out by Government treasures where all type o' transa&tions too1 pla&e. 9owever, now ban1s a&t on behal' o' the Government to a&&ept its tan and non tan re&eipts most o' the Government disbursements li1e pension payments and ta8 re'unds also ta1e pla&e through ban1s. 7hile the ban1s &arry out this business 'or a 'ree to be paid by the Government, providing this servi&e re;uires a lot o' e''ort and organi?ation. (he ban1s must provide: Inter'ere with the publi&. >iaison with lo&al Government departments and Govt. treasury.

/rrangement 'or re&on&iliation with the Government a&&ounts department Ne&essary in'rastru&ture, stationery et&. to &ater to the numbers. FRAME 2ORK FOR ANALYSIS OF BANKS

0an1s &an be broadly analysed on the 'ollowing parameters. . Si?e o' a 0an1 Usually the thumb rule is all other things remaining &onstant bigger than the si?e o' a ban1, the better it is. (his is :udged by 'ollowing. . @. B. Deposits (his in&ludes the demand, time as well as savings deposits 'rom all the sour&es within and outside India. Net pro'its. (his is the 'inal 'ree pro'it available 'or appropriation. (his &an either be ploughed ba&1 or distributed as dividend. @. Aperational D''i&ien&y: (his re'ers to how e''i&iently a ban1 manages its business. /n e''i&ient ban1 will managers its business. /n e''i&ient ban1 will manage the same asset si?e at a lower &ost than an e''i&ient one. . @. Interest In&ome$/verage wor1ing 'unds. (his re'ers to how mu&h interest in&ome, or operating in&ome a ban1 &an earn 'or every rupee spent on the wor1ing 'unds. (he higher the ratio be better. /verage wor1ing 'unds, are the total resour&es )total assets or liabilitiesemployed by a ban1. B. C. Non Interest In&ome$/verage wor1ing 'und. (his re'ers to how mu&h other in&ome or 'ee based in&ome or in&ome 'rom non 'und based a&tivities a ban1 &an earn 'or ea&h rupee spent on the wor1ing 'unds. (he higher the ratio the better. (his also denotes a ban1=s &apability to wor1 on low spreads. E. F. Aperating D8penses$Aperating In&ome. (his ratio denotes how mu&h a ban1 has to spend on operating e8penses 'or every rupee earned.

(he lesser the ratio, the better. G. +ost o' Deposits (his is the ratio o' total Interest D8pnaded$(otal deposits. (his indi&ates the &ost o' 'unds to a ban1. (hus a ban1 that &an obtain 'unds at a lower &ost in a position to earn better pro'its in the 'uture. B. Darnings Ouality: (his parameter lays importan&e on how a ban1 earns its pro'its. (his also e8plains the sustainability and growth in earnings in the 'uture. . @. In&ome spread$/verage wor1ing 'unds. In&ome spread is the di''eren&e between interest in&ome earned and interest e8panded. (his ratio shows how mu&h a ban1 &an earn 'or every rupee o' wor1ing 'und spent. (he higher the ratio o' the better. B. C. Aperating pro'it$average wor1ing 'unds. (his ratio indi&ates how mu&h a ban1 &an earn 'rom its operations net o' the operating e8penses 'or every rupee spent on wor1ing 'unds. (he higher the ratio, the better. E. F. Net pro'it$/ssets. (his ratio measures the net 'ree pro'its earned 'or every rupee o' asset owned. / higher ratio means better in&ome generating &apa&ity o' the assets. / higher ratio indi&ates better earnings potential in the 'uture. G. ". Net *ro'it$Net worth (his ratio measures the return on net worth or the return on e;uity. (his is a very important ratio 'or the shareholders. / higher ratio mans that the shareholders 'unds are utili?ed in a better manner than would have been elsewhere. /lso, only a high return on e;uity :usti'ies retention o' pro'its. H. Ather in&ome$net interest in&ome other in&ome in&ludes 'ee based in&ome, in&ome 'rom non &rore a&tivities, in&ome 'rom non 'und based e8posures and other a&tivities. (his ratio determines the 'uture ability to wor1 on low spreads. (his also indi&ates whether the ban1 is solely reliant on interest in&ome 'or its pro'it or are there other sour&es o' in&ome as well.

C. *rodu&tivity: (his parameter indi&ates how e''i&ient are the ban1s employee and bran&hes in generating business and pro'its. . @. B. C. E. F. G. 0usiness per 0ran&h. 0usiness o' a ban1 is e;ual to sum o' deposits and advan&es. (his ratio indi&ates whether the bran&hes o' ban1 are used optimally or not. 0usiness per employee. (his ratio is used to 'ind out whether a ban1 is relatively over or under sta''ed. (he higher the ratio, the better. Aperating pro'its per employee. (his is also a ratio to &he&1 whether a ban1 is over or under sta''ed. (he higher the ratio, the better. Aperating *ro'its per bran&h. (his ratio is denotes the pro'itability per 0ran&h. (he higher the ratio, the better. E. +apital /de;ua&y: +apital ade;ua&y indi&ates whether the ban1 has enough &apital to absorb une8pe&ted losses. It is re;uired to maintain depositor &on'iden&e and presenting the ban1 'rom going ban1rupt. . @. +apital /de;ua&y Ratio )+/R-. (he ban1s have to maintain the &apital ade;ua&y ratio )+/R- spe&i'ied by R0I 'rom time to time. +apital /de;ua&y Ratio is e;ual to the ratio o' (IDR,I and (IDR,II &apital tot eh aggregate o' ris1 weighted assets )R7/-. (hus +/R P )(IDR Q (IDR II- R7/ higher tighter +/R norms. /lso high +/R denotes high sa'ety against ban1rupt&y. 9owever, a +/R over @, BK above the statutory norms indi&ate that the 'unds are not deployed properly by the ban1s. (he &urrent re;uirements is HK whi&h is to be raised to !K by #ar&h @!!@. B. C. (IDR,I &apital. (his re'ers to the &ore &apital that provides the most permanent and ready support against une8pe&ted losses. D;uity investments in subsidiaries,

intangible assets, losses in &urrent period and those brought 'orward 'rom previous years, will be dedu&ted 'rom (IDR I &apital. E. F. Debt D;uity ratio: (his is &al&ulated as the proportion o' total outside liability to net worth. (hus this ratio is e;ual to )&apital Q Reserves-$Deposits Q 0orrowings Q other liabilities-. (his ratio thus indi&ates the ban1=s 'inan&ial lowerage. G. ". /dvan&es $ /ssets. (his ratio indi&ates a ban1=s aggressiveness in lending whi&h ultimately results in better pro'itability. 9igher ratio o' advan&es$deposits is pre'erred to a lower one. H. !. G,se&s to investments. (his ratio indi&ates a ban1s strategy as being high pro'its high ris1 or low pro'its low ris1. Govt. se&urities are generally &onsidered as the most sa'e debt instrument, whi&h as a result &arries the lowest return. . G,se& to assets: (his ratio again shows whether a ban1 is &onservation or aggressive in its approa&h towards ma1ing pro'it. 9igher ratio indi&ates &onservation and a lower ratio indi&ates aggressiveness. F. /sset Ouality: (his indi&ates what types o' advan&es the ban1 has made to generate interest in&ome. 7hen loans are given to highly rated blue &hip &orporate, the rates atta&hed are lower than that by lower rated doubt'ul &orporate. (hese asset ;uality indi&ates the type o' debtors o' the ban1s. . @. Non per'orming asset. (hese are the assets that are doubt'ul to return the prin&ipal$or interest due in the near 'uture. (his results in huge losses to a ban1. (hus a ban1 with a low pro'it but at the same time low N*/ is pre'erable to the one having higher pro'its and higher N*/. B. +ontingent liabilities $ total assets.


(his is the ratio o' non 'unded e8posure o' a ban1 to the total assets. Su&h e8posures result in high losses in &ases o' de'ault. (hus the lower the ratio, the better.

E. F.

/dvan&e growth. (his indi&ates the in&reases in the lending a&tivity year to year )LAL-.I' this ratio is greater than the average ratio 'or the industry, it indi&ates that the ban1 is aggressively trying to in&rease its pro'its by in&reasing its advan&es. (his may also result in higher losses due to loans turning bad )N*/-.

. /dvan&es yield. @. (his indi&ates the interest in&ome earned by the ban1 'rom its lending a&tivity. Generally, yield in&reases with the in&reases in the li&1 per&eption o' the assets. (hus a high yield indi&ates that the ban1 has invested in more ris1y assets, whi&h may be harm'ul 'or the 'uture pro'itability o' the ban1s. I$>e"'&e$'"KA""e'"B (his ratio indi&ates the proportion o' investments to the total assets o' a ban1. / higher ratio means that the ban1 has &onservatively 1ept a high &ushion o' investment to guard against N*/. 9owever, this a''e&ts its pro'itability adversely. G. #anagement Ouality: (his parameter is used to evaluate management ;uality so as to assign premises to better ;uality ban1s and dis&ounts pooley managed ones. . @. B. C. +redit$deposit ratio. (his indi&ates the total advan&e as proportion o' total deposits. It indi&ates the managements aggressiveness to improve in some by higher lending operation. Return on /verage Net 7orth (his indi&ates the return on shareholders 'unds. It should be reasonably be above the &ost o' &apital to warrant ploughing ba&1 o' the pro'its. (his ratio is very important 'rom share valuations point o' view. /verage net wor1 is the simple average o' opening and &losing balan&es o' net worth. E. /sset growth:

(his is the balan&e sheet growth indi&ating an aggressive attitude towards growth. ". >i;uidity: 0an1s are in a business where li;uidity is o' prime importan&e. /mong assets &ash and investments are the most li;uid o' a ban1=s assets. . @. B. C. E. F. G. ". >i;uid /sset$(otal /sset. >i;uid assets &onsist o' &ash balan&e and investments. (his proportion indi&ates the overall li;uidity position o' a ban1. +ash /ssets$(otal assets. +ash has the highest li;uidity and sa'ely among all assets. Investments$total assets. Investments are the se&ond most li;uid assets. (his ratio measures investments as a proportion o' total assets. G,se& $ total assets. G,se& are the most li;uid and sa'e investments. (his ratio measures G,se&, as a proportion o' a total assets.

Nationalised "anks
. Si?e (he total deposits mobili?ed by national ban1s is Rs. @[email protected] bn that is :ust around @HK o' the deposits mobili?ed by all the s&heduled ban1s together. /lso the growth in deposits areas average at F."GK. (hus inspire o' their sheer number ) H ban1s- they have not been able to mobili?e enough deposits. 9owever, they &ontribute to a third o' the total pro'its earned by all S+0s. 9owever, the growth in net pro'its was :ust BF.@"K. (his shows tiredness in their bottomline, as they have not been able to desire new ways to earn in&ome. @. Aperational D''i&ien&y: Nationali?ed ban1s aearn more interest in&ome per rupee o' assets than they other ban1. (hey earn C.@Cpaise o' interest in&ome and .FG o' paise non iterest in&ome 'or every rupee o' assets. (hus nationali?ed ban1s seem more e''i&ient than other ban1s as 'ar as earnings on assets is &on&erned. 9owever, they are among the least prudent ban1s ne8t only to the 'oreign ban1s, in spending money on operating e8penses. (hey spend almost a 'ourth )@C.HBK- o' every rupee earned as operational in&ome, whi&h is in&reasing rapidly at a rate highest in the se&tor. /lso the &ost o' deposits is highest in the industry 'or them at B."C that has been in&reasing at the rate o' @.CHK. LAU inspire o' the large networ1 o' bran&hes. (hus, though the in&ome generated on assets is high, the spending is also very high indi&ating 'uture trouble, sin&e only the e''i&ient ban1s &an survive the imminent sha1eout. B. Darnings Ouality: Nationali?ed ban1s have an interest margin higher than even the 'oreign ban1s. (his indi&ates that the growth in their assets, the in&ome will in&rease more than that earned by any other ban1 with a similar growth in assets. 9owever one o' the ma:or &on&erns is the low non interest in&ome. 9en&e, the operating pro'it is only .H!K o' the assets ne8t only to the 'oreign ban1s. (hus even though the interest spread is highest, due to lower non interest in&ome, the operating pro'its get subdued. (he net pro'it is however only marginally higher at !.G@K than the industry average o' !.FFK, whi&h has grown at .@"K LAU thus under per'orming the se&tor. (his

re'le&ts higher provisioning due to higher N*/ )Non *er'orming /ssets-. (hus in their aggressiveness to in&rease yield. Nationali?ed ban1s have put in their money into more ris1y assets leading to higher N*/ 3 lower net pro'its. 9owever 'rom the point o' view o' owners, nationali?ed ban1s return the highest rate on net worth at E.G!K highest in the industry. (his is due to very high &apital gearing o' Rs. @!.FG o' debt 'or every rupee o' e;uity, on&e again highest in the industry,. 9owever, a growth rate o' @".!BK in this raises doubts over the sustainability o' su&h returns in 'uture. C. +apital /de;ua&y: (he &apital ade;ua&y ratio o' nationali?ed ban1s is . CK, higher than the statutory re;uirement o' HK. 9owever, it is lesser than that o' all other groups. (his indi&ates that the s&ope o' e8pansion 'or the ban1 in 'uture is very low. /lso the R0I has announ&ed that it would in&rease the +/R to @K in a phased manner. In view o' su&h regulations these ban1s may have to raise &apital either by a rights issue or through subordinated debt. (he debt e;uity ratio is also the highest in the industry at @!.FG times that ma1es these ban1s most dangerous to lend 'unds to. 9en&e, in 'uture these &apital starved ban1s have to raise their e;uity &apital to warrant 'uture growth. 9owever, this ban1 group ahs a diversi'ied port'olio o' assets. /dvan&es &omprises only B".BGK o' the total assets and investments another BF. !K. the advan&es are growing marginally 'aster than the assets at C!."@K however this group is aggressively in&reasing investments deposits have gone into investments. /lso government se&urities &omprise o' GEK o' total investments whi&h are also in&reasing their share in in&remental deposits indi&ating high li;uidity o' ma:ority o' investments. E. /sset Ouality: (he Net N*/ o' this groups was at Rs. GC bn. <orming almost EG."EK o' the total N*/ o' the se&tor. (he high N*/ levels were due to lending at high rates to doubt'ul

borrowers )re'le&ted in the high interest yield-. /lso the 'igure is in&reasing R .EBK annually, mu&h higher than the se&tor average o' F." K. this is the most worrisome aspe&t o' this group and represents a drag on the bottomless o' the ban1s. / &ontrol o' N*/ shall greatly improve the bottom line o' these ban1s. 9owever, nationali?ed ban1s have a very low non 'unded e8posure at @"."GK that is way below the entire industry average at EH.FBK. (his shows limited vulnerability to &redit ris1s on 'uture in&omes. 0ut 'or ea&h rupee o' in&remental asset, C.! " paise worth non 'unded e8posure is ta1en by the ban1 indi&ating an alarming trend. /lso the advan&es have grown at H.! K lower than the se&tor average o' @.!HK. 9owever, the advan&es yield is a whopping B".HF )industry average is @@.CCK- whi&h indi&ates investment in ris1eier assets )indi&ated by high N*/ levels- sin&e yield is inversely proportional to the ris1 per&eption o' an asset. (he bright spot seems to be the redu&ing yield growth at @H.!BK o' the total assets in&reasing at E .C!K o' in&remental assets indi&ating better asset liability management. F. #anagement Ouality: /dvan&es are made at average E!.BE paise 'or every rupee o' deposits mobili?ed in&reasing at EE.F K o' the in&remental deposits. (hus the management is &onservative in its approa&h to lending. *ro'it earned on the average owner &apital is F.HGK se&ond highest in the se&tor. (his indi&ates better management o' the ban1s 'rom shareholder wealth &reation point o' view. /lso the assets have grown at G.FFK indi&ating &onservative attitude towards growth. 9owever, the high N*/ reveal the management till towards pro'itability at the &ost o' sa'ety. G. >i;uidity: (his group has [email protected]" li;uid assets as a per&entage to total assets marginally higher than the se&tor average o' EE.@FK. (hus hal' the assets &an be li;uidated ;ui&1ly to meet une8pe&ted losses. (he ratio o' growth o' li;uid assets to total assets is in&reasing at a de&lining rate o' C!.ECK mainly due to development o' in&remental assets in investments instead o' &ash. 9owever, investments are BF.! K o' total assets and G,se& are at @G.@@K indi&ating a proper mi8 o' assets and balan&ing o' ris1 and return.

(he leadership pro&ess involves in in'luen&ing the individual and group behavior toward a&hievement o' 9D<+ ban1 goals. It is &on&erned with traits, philosophy and behavior o' the leaders the leader, the &hara&teristi&s o' subordinates and the superior. It is obvious that 9RD is a ma:or &omponent o' the broad managerial 'un&tion and has roots and bran&hes e8tending throughout and beyond 9D<+ ban1. It is a ma:or sub,system o' organi?ations whi&h are inter,related and inter,dependent. Dvery personnel manager=s responsibilities in&lude planning 'or people, organi?ing people, sta''ing with people, dire&ting people, gaining the &ommitment, internet and e''e&t o' people and applying &ontrols to people. Internal sour&es are the most obvious sour&es. (hese in&lude personnel already on the pay,roll o' 9D<+ 0an1 i.e. its present wor1ing 'or&e whenever any va&an&y o&&urs. Somebody 'rom within the organi?ation is upgraded, trans'erred promoted or sometimes demoted. (his sour&e also in&lude personnel who were on&e on the pay,roll o' the &ompany but who plan to &hange in the ;uality o' produ&tion, 'lu&tuations in wor1 re;uirements, and &hanges in the organi?ational stru&ture, the introdu&tion o' new lines or redu&tion in the wor1'or&e due to a shortage or a surplus in same se&tion so that lay o''s may be avoided, 'illings in o'' the va&an&ies whi&h may o&&ur be&ause o' separations or be&ause o' the need 'or suitable ad:ustments in business operations su&h trans'ers are 1nown as produ&tion trans'ers, 'le8ibility trans'ers or organi?ational trans'ers. (he purpose o' su&h trans'ers is the stabili?e employment in an organi?ations. (hey are generally &ontrolled &entrally through and by the personnel department. It was 'ound out during the study that the 'ollowing &auses hampered the growth o' the ban1ing se&tor. (hese &auses need to be addressed properly as that the remedial measures adopted prone e''e&tive and a&tually su&&eed in improving the 'un&tioning o' these ban1s. Unrealisti& assumptions have been behind plans and pro:e&tions made in respe&t o' &riti&al aspe&ts o' the ban1=s operations su&h as sedu&tion o' N*/s, re&overy, &reation o' 'resh N*/s, generation o' non,interest in&ome, et&. under most o' these heads the per'orman&e o' the ban1s has been wide o'' the pro:e&tions made.

Inspite o' their wea1 ban1 image, these ban1s are able to garner deposits obviously be&ause o' government ownership, deposit insuran&e and the publi& per&eption that government support would always be available. Investments are repla&ing advan&es, parti&ularly remunerative advan&es and in&ome 'rom non,'und based business is not growing or is growing very marginally. (he &apability o' these ban1s to do 'ull range ban1ing already been happenings. It is obvious that 9RD is a ma:or &omponent o' the broad managerial.


#anagers should re&ogni?e that a &ertain amount o' &on'li&t will almost always e8ist between pro'essional and hierar&hi&al authority and &ontrol systems. (he 1ey is to trans'orm this &on'li&t into motivation by stru&turally insulating these wor1ers 'rom organi?ation pressure, while simultaneously ma1ing them aware o' the importan&e that their wor1 holds 'or the 'irms well being and its &ontinued &ompetitive advantages.

(hey should re&ogni?e that managing high,te&hnology and pro'essional employees is signi'i&antly di''erent 'rom managing non,pro'essionals have a di''erent set o' values and &hara&teristi&s, whi&h have been gained through their so&iali?ation in the te&hni&al spe&ialty. #anagers need to be &ogni?ant o' those values and &hara&teristi&s i' they are not anti&ipate tension points and enhan&e the 'it between the individual and the :ob.

(hey should attempt to develop 9R pra&ti&es and poli&ies that have had some su&&ess in attra&ting, motivating and retaining the high,te&h wor1 'or&e.

(hat re;uires, at a minimum, 1nowledge o' or systemati& diagnosis o' organi?ational pra&ti&es, and mat&hing 9R pra&ti&es to the organi?ations &ulture. It also re;uires that a &adre o' &ompetent 9R manager manage the transition. (he days o' .ready,'ire aim5 are over 'or high,te&hnology 'irms see1ing &ompetitive advantages in their mar1ets.

(hey should study the &hange pro&ess and learn 'rom their e8perien&es 'rom &hange owing to internal and e8ternal 'a&tors, in&luding departures 'rom tradition, new leaders with new visions, &risis or other starting events, 1ey de&isions on the part o' senior management, or tests, o' their in'rastru&ture ability to a&&ommodate &hange. <irm also &hange be&ause o' &hange. 0ut pro'essionals and other high,te&h wor1ers must &learly see the need 'or &hange, otherwise, they may not support the &hange, or they may even sabotage it, there'ore &ommuni&ation must be reemphasi?ed.

(hey should design :obs and wor1 relationship to ta1e advantage o' te&hni&al spe&ialties. <or e8ample, rotating pro'essionals through multiple role and :ob responsibilities &an sensiti?e them to new ides and opportunities.

(hey should establish &areer sensitive tra&1ing systems so that &areer development be&omes an integrated part o' their 'irm pra&ti&es.

(hey should utili?e a menu o' salient relevant that are relevant 'or high te&h and pro'essional wor1ers. (hese reminders ideally should be lin1ed to per'orman&e, but in some &ulture they might be li1ed so e''ort, ris1 ta1ing, or other relevant behaviors.

Bo%+ o 'he re7or' (A" 7er A77e$%#C A)

+9/*(DR , : +9/*(DR @: +9/*(DR B: +9/*(DR,C:

*RA<I>D A< (9D +A#*/NL S7A( /N/>LSIS A< (9D +A#*/NL /N/>LSIS A< <IN/N+I/> RD*AR(S A< (9D +A#*/NL >DSSANS >D/RN(

Re'eren&es 3 0ibliography /ppendi&es


ANN!AL #E$ #T %%%&G GLE&C M



GUESTIONNAIRE *lease help us to please you, but 'irst 6than1 you 'or being our &ustomer. 7e are e8tremely an8ious to ma1e our operation the 'inest possible, but we need your help, prin&ipally be&ause you see us ob:e&tively. 7ill you be 1ind enough to &he&1 o'' some answers on the .sel',improvement5 ;uestionnaireS N/#D: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . 9ow would you rate the overall Ouality o' servi&e you re&eive 'rom (9D 234 0an1S DT+D>>DN( GAAD S/(IS</+(ARL *AAR

@. / +onvenient 0ran&h to get to DT+D>>DN( GAAD S/(IS</+(ARL *AAR B. 0ran&h 9ours are &onvenient DT+D>>DN( GAAD S/(IS</+(ARL *AAR


(he 0ran&h layout is spa&ious and un&luttered. DT+D>>DN( GAAD S/(IS</+(ARL *AAR


I spend very little time waiting in line to get servi&e 'rom the tellers. DT+D>>DN( GAAD S/(IS</+(ARL *AAR


+ounter sta'' is immediately available to provide &ounter servi&e. DT+D>>DN( GAAD S/(IS</+(ARL *AAR


*hone &alls to the 0ran&h are handled ;ui&1ly and e''i&iently. DT+D>>DN( GAAD S/(IS</+(ARL *AAR


(he sta'' is very &ourteous and help'ul. DT+D>>DN( GAAD

S/(IS</+(ARL *AAR H. (he sta'' is well in'ormed about the 0an1=s produ&ts and servi&es. DT+D>>DN( GAAD S/(IS</+(ARL *AAR !. (he 0ran&h has a pleasant and 'riendly atmosphere. DT+D>>DN( GAAD S/(IS</+(ARL *AAR . #y a&&ounts are handled DT+D>>DN( GAAD S/(IS</+(ARL *AAR @. I am well in'ormed &on&erning any &hanges in servi&es DT+D>>DN( GAAD S/(IS</+(ARL *AAR

Signature: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Name: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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