Chapter - 01: "Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited"
Chapter - 01: "Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited"
Chapter - 01: "Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited"
Chapter Overview Introduction Origin of the Report Objectives Methodology of Data Collection Limitation of the tudy
1.0 Introduction
!ith the opening up of the economy of "angladesh# a dramatic change has been observed both in manufacturing and in service sectors$ %his has brought higher employment opportunities# increases in income level# and changes in consumption pattern and conse&uently there emerges a competitive environment in the country$ pecifically# the e'pansion of ban(ing business# along )ith customi*ed services# has created a severe implied competition in this sector$ %his competition has made the service gap )ider as private ban(s offer better services to their internal and e'ternal customers$ %he scenario has created an urge to the ban( policy ma(ers to identify the underlying reasons and brought them into consideration the job satisfaction issue$ It )ill investigate that officer of ocial Islami "an( Limited play the (ey role in manipulating their services through implementing policy$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited prime development financing institution continued its effort to ma(e an effective contribution to)ards e'pansion of industriali*ation process of "angladesh$ It seems to me that in I"L there is a sufficient opportunity to gain practical (no)ledge about the activities of a ban($ %he )or(ing environment is good and the employees are very much cooperative to provide practical (no)ledge about different functions of the ban($ I selected a topic named ,-o$ !ati.#action o# !ocia% I.%a"i )an* /i"ited, On the basis of this topic I have prepare my Internship Report$
1.3 4ethodo%o+'
1.3.1 !ource. o# Data Co%%ection Pri"ar' !ource. :rimary data )ill be collecting by different sources$ Observation of ban(ing activities$ ;ace to face Intervie)s$ -mployee survey data )ere gathering by analy*ing responses to &uestionnaire$ -'periences gained during performing duties for <eneral "an(ing department and 9R department$ Discussion )ith officers of ocial Islami "an( Limited$ 1.3.1.& !econdar' !ource. 1nnual reports of ocial Islami "an( Limited$ =arious documents from <eneral "an(ing department$ Different )ebsites# boo(s$ Internal Records$
1.5 /i"itation
On the )ay of my study in ocial Islami "an( Limited# I faced the follo)ing problems# )hich may be termed as the limitations of the study$ %he major limitations of this study are given as follo)s8 %here )ere some restrictions to have access to the information confidential by concern authority$ ufficient records# publications regarding customer service )ere not available as per re&uirement$ %hree>month is not sufficient time to gain practical (no)ledge and prepare a report$ %he employees of the ban( are so much busy so they cannot provide me to give information$ I have no proper e'perience to do this (ind of report$ o# ine'perience creates obstacle to follo) the systematic and logical research methodology$
Chapter Overview Definition of "an( Objective of "an( 9istorical "ac(ground of the "an( "an(ing Operations in "angladesh
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited facilitating mergers and other corporate reorgani*ation# acting as a bro(er for institutional clients# and under)riting for commercial ac&uisition$ %he main objective of a commercial ban( is to maintain ma(ing money# and they do so in a variety of )ays$ One )ay is to (eep money moving# from person to person# business to business$ ome ban(ing institutions associated )ith credit unions# schools or other entities may not ma(e their primary objective clear$ 9o)ever# commercial ban(s clearly articulate their main objective as profitability$ 1 commercial ban( having lucrative assets positively affects the community it/s in# as )ell as having far reaching positive outcomes$ 1s businesses thrive and gro)# more people are employed# more money is spent in the mar(etplace# and the cycle of generating money repeats to (eep the economy afloat$ %he main objective of commercial ban(s is to maintain higher profitability by maintaining circular and efficient flo) of amount of money deposited by the customers and the lenders$ Commercial ban(s contribute to the economic cycle by (eeping the money circulation among households# government and corporate businesses$ %he commercial ban(s lend money to the economic agents through their various products and services by earning interest income on the borro)ed money$ Commercial ban(s design their short term and long term loans and other products to cater to the need of customers )hile enhancing their o)n returns$ %heir objective is to attract more customers and build profitable relationships )ith the ne) and e'isting customers$ 1lso the main objective of a commercial ban( is to provide high standard facilities for transfer of funds# financing the business operations and purchase of households# security and ade&uate return on savings and earns income from these activities to provide optimum return to its shareholders
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited %he first ban(s )ere the merchants of the ancient )orld that made loans to farmers and traders that carried goods bet)een cities$ %he first records of such activity dates bac( to around 6000 "C in 1ssyria and "abylonia$ Later# in ancient <reece and during the Roman -mpire# lenders )ho )ere based in temples made loans but also added t)o important innovations8 accepting deposits and changing money$ During this period# there is similar evidence of the independent development of lending of money in ancient China and separately in ancient India$ In ancient China starting in the Hin Dynasty 2665 to 607 "C4 the Chinese currency developed )ith the introduction of standardi*ed coins )hich allo)ed the much easier trade across China and led to the development of letters of credit$ %hese letters )ere issued by merchants that acted in )ays that today )e )ould understand as ban(s$ %he development of ban(ing spread through -urope and a number of important innovations too( place in 1msterdam during the Dutch Republic in the 57th century and in London in the 57th century$ During the 60th century# developments in telecommunications and computing resulting in major changes to the )ay ban(s operated and allo)ed them to dramatically increase in si*e and geographic spread$ %he Late>6000s financial crisis sa) significant number of ban( failures# including some of the )orldIs largest ban(s# and much debate about ban( regulation$ %he history of ban(ing is closely related to the history of money but ban(ing transactions probably predate the invention of money$ Deposits initially consisted of grain and later other goods including cattle# agricultural implements# and eventually precious metals such as gold# in the form of easy>to>carry compressed plates$ %emples and palaces )ere the safest places to store gold as they )ere constantly attended and )ell built$ 1s sacred places# temples presented an e'tra deterrent to )ould>be thieves$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited 9o)ever# government control at the )rong sectors prevented these ban(s from functioning )ell$ %his )as compounded by the fact that loans )ere handed out to the public sector )ithout commercial considerations# that ban(s had poor capital lease# provided poor customer services and didn/t have any mar(et>based monetary instruments$ "ut mostly# because loans )ere given out )ithout commercial sense# and because they too( a long time to call a loan non>performing# and once they did so# recovery under the erst)hile judicial system )as so abjectly e'pensive# and their loan recovery )as abysmally poor$ !hile the government made a point of intervening every)here# it didn/t set up a proper regulatory system that )ould diagnose such problems and correct them$ 9ence# ban(ing concepts li(e profitability and li&uidity )as alien to ban( managers# and capital ade&uacy %oo( bac(seat$ In 5GE6# the first reform program )as initiated# )here the government denationali*ed t)o of the si' nationali*ed commercial ban(s and permitted local private ban(s to create competition in the ban(ing sector$ In 5GE7# a Cational Commission on Money# "an(ing and Credit )as appointed to recover the problems of the ban(ing sector and a number of steps )ere ta(en for the recovery targets for the nationali*ed commercial ban(s and development financial institutions and prohibiting defaulters from getting ne) loans# yet# the efficiency of the ban(ing sectors could not be improved$ =irtually all ban(ing services )ere concentrated in urban areas$ %he ne)ly independent government immediately designated the Dha(a branch of the tate "an( of :a(istan as the central ban( and renamed it the "angladesh "an($ %he ban( )as responsible for regulating currency# controlling credit and monetary policy# and administering e'change control and the official foreign e'change reserves$ %he "angladesh government initially nationali*ed the entire domestic ban(ing system and proceeded to reorgani*e and rename the various ban(s$ ;oreign>o)ned ban(s )ere permitted to continue doing business in "angladesh$ %he governmentIs encouragement during the late 5G70s and early 5GE0s of agricultural development and private industry brought changes in lending strategies$ Managed by the "angladesh Krishi "an(# a speciali*ed agricultural ban(ing institution# lending to farmers and fishermen dramatically e'panded$ %he number of rural ban( branches doubled bet)een 5G77 and 5GEF# to more than 3#330$ Denationali*ation and private industrial gro)th led the "angladesh "an( and the !orld "an( to focus their lending on the emerging private manufacturing sector$ cheduled ban( advances to private agriculture# as a percentage
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited of sectorial <D:# rose from 6 percent in ;L 5G7G to 55 percent in ;L 5GE7# )hile advances to private manufacturing rose from 53 percent to F3 percent$ &.(.1 /i.t o# )an*. in )an+%ade.h %he commercial ban(ing system dominates "angladeshIs financial sector$ "angladesh "an( is the Central "an( of "angladesh and the chief regulatory authority in the sector$ %he ban(ing system is composed of four state>o)ned commercial ban(s# five speciali*ed development ban(s# thirty private commercial "an(s and nine foreign commercial ban(s$ %he Cobel>pri*e )inning <rameen "an( is a speciali*ed micro> finance institution# )hich revolutioni*ed the concept of micro>credit and contributed greatly to)ards poverty reduction and the empo)erment of )omen in "angladesh$ &.(.& )an+%ade.h )an* :ursuant to "angladesh "an( Order# 5G76 the <overnment of "angladesh reorgani*ed the Dha(a branch of the tate "an( of :a(istan as the central ban( of the country# and named it "angladesh "an( )ith retrospective effect from 57 December 5G75$ &.(.( Nationa%i9ed Co""ercia% )an* o# )an+%ade.h onali "an(
1grani "an( Rupali "an( +anata "an( &.(.0 Private Co""ercia% )an*. :rivate "an(s are the highest gro)th sector due to the dismal performances of government ban(s 2above4$ %hey tend to offer better service and products$ ocial Islami "an( Limited
Dnited Commercial "an( Limited Mutual %rust "an( Limited "R1C "an( Limited -astern "an( Limited Dutch "angla "an( Limited Dha(a "an( Limited Islami "an( "angladesh Ltd 70
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited Dttara "an( Limited :ubali "an( Limited I;IC "an( Limited Cational "an( Limited %he City "an( Limited CCC "an( Limited :rime "an( Limited outheast "an( Limited
One "an( Limited -'im "an( Limited "angladesh Commerce "an( Limited ;irst ecurity Islami "an( Limited %he :remier "an( Limited "an( 1sia Limited %rust "an( Limited hahjalal Islami "an( Limited
IC" Islami "an( 1" "an( Marcantile "an( Limited &.(.2 :orei+n Co""ercia% )an*. Citiban( 9 "C tandard Chartered "an(
&.(.5 !pecia%i9ed Deve%op"ent )an*. Out of the speciali*ed ban(s# t)o 2"angladesh Krishi "an( and Rajshahi Krishi Dnnayan "an(4 )ere created to meet the credit needs of the agricultural sector )hile the other t)o "angladesh Karmasangsthan "an( "angladesh Krishi "an( Rajshahi Krishi Dnnayan "an( :rogoti Co>operative Landmortgage "an( Limited 2:rogoti "anK4 <rameen "an( %he Dha(a Mercantile Co>operative "an( Limited 2DMC"L4 "angladesh Development "an( Ltd "angladesh omobay "an( Limited2Cooperative "an(4 1nsar =D: Dnnyan "an( "1 IC "an( Limited 2"angladesh Limited4 mall Industries and Commerce "an( hilpa "an( 2" "4 0 "angladesh hilpa Rin angtha 2" R 4 are for e'tending term loans to the industrial sector$ %he peciali*ed ban(s are8
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited %he ban( has ta(en a rene)ed drive aiming at consolidating its business in more focused areas covering M- and 1gro>finance )ith emphasis on searching for alternative delivery channel under )hich M ban(ing and mobile based remittance payment systems that are gradually introduced to disseminate the I"L services to the doorsteps of the customers$ %he ban( has already introduced Internet ban(ing and launched some ne) products to strengthen its business$ %he products are onali Din# ommridhir opan# onchoy :rotidin# )opner hiri# hu(her %hi(ana# abuj Chhya# abuj card$ hayanho# ubarnolata# ubornare(ha# anchaita etc$ and Oamil 1%M Debit I"L is a pioneer in introducing on>line ban(ing among all the Islami "an(s of
the country )ith state>of>the>art ban(ing soft)are# )hich )ill enable the ban( to perform as any branch real time ban(ing service to the clients$ %he state>of>the>art ban(ing soft)are of the ban( )ill enable to perform as any branch real time ban(ing service to the clients$ I"L is supported by core ban(ing solutions and our products 0 services are strongly bac(ed by I% infrastructure# )hich are upgraded 0 e'panded on continuous basis$ I"L has set its strategy to convert all its ban(ing activities from traditional branch> based ban(ing system to an ideal blending of both centrali*ed processing unit 2C:D4 and effective operation of branch that based on modern essence of ban(ing$ %he ban( is running its payment system successfully through "1C: # "-;%C under "1C9 in order to boost up its businesses in multiple dimensions$ 1dopting "1C9 ystem as per guidelines of "angladesh "an(# I"L ensures security# safety and hassle free faster transactions from end to end$ Moreover# the ban( is effectively adopting regulatory guidelines on I% ris( management$ I"L is &uite conscious of its social business responsibilities and is al)ays trying to participate in various social programs in the country under its C R portfolio giving special emphasis on health# habitat 0 education$ %he ban( ensures to provide better integrated idea of formal# informal 0 voluntary ban(ing in the same platform$ I"L has its uni&ue feature to mobili*e capital through C1 9 !1H; program$ I"L lays emphasis on employment generated# environment friendly and green ban(ing based investment (eeping an eye on e&uitable distribution of resources over geographical territory for sustainable gro)th of macro economy of the country$ %he "an(Is continuous effort has been to increase the shareholdersI value# and be valued as 70
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited a compliant organi*ation$ %he Corporate <overnance systems in I"L ensure
transparency and accountability at all levels in conducting business$ I"L in its journey to)ards continuous e'cellence has changed its brand logo recently$ !e ta(e pride in our ne) logo$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited Innovation Our minds and eyes are open to the evolution in &uality of life to innovate further benefits for the service ta(ers$ :%e>i$i%it' ;le'ibility leads to better understanding and greater satisfaction > )e pursue the &uality$ !ecurit' Customers must feel secure )ith all our products and services > )e (eep on ensuring it$ Techno%o+' Modern life is technology dependent > )e (eep loo(ing for the latest development to provide the best in ease to our clients$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited %o the other ta(eholders %o the -nvironment$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited =1% Registration Co Credit Rating 1gency 1uditors 8 G0550F73E0 1rea Code8 G0505 8 -merging Credit Rating Ltd$ 8 MM yful hamsul 1lam 0 Co$ Chartered 1ccountants 21 cooperative firm of D9L4 :aramount 9eights 2level>74 7NM6M5# "o' Culvert Road :urana :altan# Dha(a>5000 :hone8 EE 06 GNNNG5N -mail8 ssacQssacbd$com 8 Md$ 1nisul 9o&ue 8 Md$ hafi&ur Rahman 8 !alid Mahmud obhani# ;CM1 8 Md$ 9umayun Kabir# 1C 8 576N 8 E7 2eighty si'4 8 7E#N53 8 hare Department City Center# Level>5G 503 Motijheel CM1# Dha(a>5000 :hone8 :1"P EE 06 0G756005566 8 Managing Director 2a subsidiary of I"L4 3rd floor# 5N Dil(usha CM1# Dha(a>5000 8 Managing Director 2a subsidiary of I"L4 7th floor# 7E Dil(usha CM1# Dha(a>5000 8 Off hore "an(ing Dnit FE Kamal 1ttatur( 1venue "anani# Dha(a>5653 :hone8 :1"P EE 06 0G756005566 8 D - 2Dha(a toc( -'change48 ymbol8 I"L Listing Date8 5E$55$6000 C - 2Chittagong toc( -'change48 ymbol8 I"L Listing Date8 0F$50$600N Mar(et :rice as on 35$56$6056
Chairman Managing Director Chief ;inancial Officer Company ecretary Cumber of -mployees Cumber of "ranches Cumber of hareholders Investors/ -n&uiry
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited D -8 %a(a 5G$F0 C -8 %a(a 5G$30 Categories8 1 Categories8 1
;IR % 1
HPSM- Ijara
Bill Purchase
Bai-Salam (PC)
(.10.1 Inve.t"ent Product. )ai64ua99a% "ai>Muajjal is a contract bet)een "uyer and eller under )hich the seller sells certain specific goods 2 permissible under hariah and La) of the country 4# to the "uyer at an agreed fi'ed price payable at a certain fi'ed future date in lump sum or )ithin a fi'ed period by fi'ed installments$ %he seller may also sell the goods purchased by him as per order and specification of the "uyer$ In "an(Is perspective# "ai>Muajjal is treated as a contract bet)een the "an( and the Client under )hich the ban( sells to the Client certain specified goods# purchased as per order and specification of the Client at an agreed price payable )ithin a fi'ed future date in lump sum or by fi'ed installments$ HP!46 Hire Purcha.e under !hir*atu% 4e%* 9ire :urchase 2participatory o)nership4 mode both the "an( and the client supply e&uity in e&ual or une&ual proportion for purchase of an asset li(e land# building# machinery# transport etc$ :urchase the asset )ith that e&uity money# o)n the same jointlyB share the benefit as per agreement and bear the loss in
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited proportion to their respective e&uity$ %he share# part or portion of the asset o)ned by the "an( is hired out to the client partner for a fi'ed rent per unit of time for a fi'ed period$ Lastly the "an( sells and transfers the o)nership of its share M part M portion to the client against payment of price fi'ed for that part either gradually part by part or in lump sum )ithin the hired period after the e'piry of the hire agreement$ HP!46 I1ara %he mode under )hich any asset o)ned by the ban(# by creation# ac&uirement or building>up is rented out is called 9: M 2Ijara4$ In this mode# the client pays the "an( rents at a determined rate for using the assetsMproperties and returns the same to the "an( at the e'piry of the agreement$ %he "an( retains absolute o)nership of the assetsMproperties in such a case$ 9o)ever# at the end of the period of 9: M 2Ijara4# the asset may be sold to the client at an agreed price$ 4ura$aha "ai>Murabaha is a contract bet)een a "uyer and eller under )hich the eller sells certain specific goods permissible under Islamic hariah and La) of the land to the "uyer at a cost plus agreed profit payable in cash on any fi'ed future date in lump sum or by installments$ %he profit mar(ed>up may be fi'ed in lump>sum or in percentage of the cost price of the goods$ In case of "ai> Murabaha "an(s procure the goods as per indent of the customer# retain it in its custody and sell the same part by part or at a time to the client )ho gave indent for the goods$ 4u.hara*a Mushara(a means partnership business$ -very partner has to provide more or less e&uity funds in this partnership business$ "oth the "an( and the investment client reserve the right to share in the management of the business$ "ut the "an( may opt to permit the investment client to operate the )hole business$ In practice# the investment client normally conducts the business$ %he profit is divided bet)een the ban( and the investment client at a predetermined ratio$ Loss# if any# is to be borne by the ban( and the investment client according to capital ratio$ )i%% Purcha.e
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited "ill :urchase# in trade finance# allo)s a seller to obtain financing and receive immediate funds in e'change for a sales document not dra)n under a letter of credit$ %he ban( )ill send the sales documents to the buyer/s ban( on behalf of the seller$ )ai6!a%a" ?PC@ %his is e'port finance$ "ai> alam is a term used to define a sale in )hich the buyer ma(es advance payment# but the delivery is delayed until sometime in the future$ Dsually the seller is an individual or business and the buyer is the ban($ Cuard It is a mode to provide financial assistanceM loan )ith the stipulation to return the principal amount in the future )ithout any increase thereon$ (.10.& Product. Mudaraba cheme Deposits Kafela>Mudaraba 9ajj cheme :roshanti>Mudaraba Oa(at avings 1ccount amriddhir opan> Mudaraba Double <ro)th Deposit cheme onali Kabin> Mudaraba Mohorana avings cheme harno i(hor> Mudaraba Kotipoti cheme uborna Diganto>Mudaraba Millionaire cheme achchondo :rotidin> Mudaraba Monthly :rofit Deposit cheme I"L Dipti> Mudaraba -ducation avings cheme I"L Loung tar 1ccount ubarnolota> pecial avings cheme for !omen onali Din> Mudaraba deposit :ension cheme u(her %hi(ana> )or(ers$ )apner iri> Mudaraba La(hopothi Deposit cheme abuj Chhaya> pecial avings cheme for enior Citi*ens abuj ayannho> pecial Deposit cheme for enior Citi*ens anchita> pecial Deposit cheme ubarno Re(ha J pecial avings cheme for !omen$ pecial avings cheme for lo)er>income group
A% <adiah Current Account 1L!1DI19 Current Deposit 1Mc is opened on proper introduction )ith minimum initial deposit fi'ed by the "an($ 1L!1DI19 Deposit is accepted on 1L!1DI19 principles )hich mean al 1manah )ith permission to use$ 1ccording to this principle "an( can use the fund of the account along)ith other funds as per hariah at ban(Is o)n ris($ 1ccount holder2s4 )ill not share any profitMloss$ %he La) and regulation of "angladesh# usual customs and procedures common to ban(s in "angladesh including Islamic "an(ing :rinciples shall apply to and govern the conduct of account opened )ith the "an($ !ithdra)al can be made only through che&ues issued by the ban($ %he 1Mc$ holder2s4 shall preserve the che&ue boo( )ith utmost care so that it might not be lost or stolen$ ;or any misappropriation ta(en place through any such stolen or lost che&ue# the "an( shall not be held responsible$ %he depositor shall ta(e bac( the pay>in>slip after deposit of any money or che&ues etc$ clearly specifying the number and title of account in the slip$ 1ll che&ues# DDM:O etc$ shall be crossed before deposit$ "an(ers shall note ? top payment? of the account holder )ith due care$ :ayment of any such che&ue# the "an( shall not be held responsible$ 1ny change in the address of the depositor should be immediately communicated to the ban($ Co responsibility can be accepted by the ban( for delay# non>delivery etc$ of letters# remittances etc$ sent through :ost office and other agents$ "an( ma(es entry in the account )ith due care$ 9o)ever# for any )rong entry# the "an( reserves the right for adjustmentMcorrection and no responsibility can be accepted by the ban( for any loss caused by the caused by the account holder due to such inadvertentM)rong entry passed by the "an(er$ %he "an( reserves the right to close any account )ithout notice and alter# add any or all of the rules and such alteredMadditional rules shall immediately thereafter be deemed to be binding on the account holder$
4udara$a !avin+. %o open a Mudaraba avings Deposit account in our "an( the follo)ing rules and regulations are applied8 Mudaraba i$e$ Deposit of one party and on the basis of operation by another party this deposit is ta(en$ "y providing Introducer of the account as re&uired by the ban( and by depositing a minimum amount any depositor or multiple depositors can open single or joint account$ 1ny educational institute# Club# 1ssociation or ocial institutes can open this account$ %he ban( may merge amount collected through this deposit and may invest in any shariah allo)ed investments$ 1fter determining the annual profitMloss the depositor )ill get his part of profit$ In case of balance declining belo) ban( stipulated margin in any month profit shall not be provided for that month$ 1ny amount can be deposited in any )or(ing hour but for applying profit the lo)est amount from 7th day till the last day of the month )ill be ta(en as the deposit of that month$ 1mount must be )ithdra)n only by ban( issued instruments li(e che&ues$ 1mount can be )ithdra)n t)ice a )ee( but highest F times a month$ One fourth of the deposited amount or %($ 6000M># the lo)est can be )ithdra)n )ithout notice$ If any amount e'ceeding the above is )ithdra)n )ithout providing 07 days prior notice then no profit )ill be applied for that month$ If an account is closed before the declaration of current year/s profit rate then the depositor )ill have to ta(e profit as per previous years declared profit rate$ %he "an( has the right to deny opening any account or can close do)n any e'isting )ith sho)ing any reason$ %he ban( operates the client accounts )ith utmost attention but still if any miscalculation occurs the ban( holds the right to ma(e adjustments and
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited rectify the problems$ "ut in this situation if any miscreants occur )hich is caused by the client the ban( )ill not be held liable for that$ %he "an( may change M amend M rectify any rules and regulations of this account and the client must abide by the rules$ %he depositor by )ill may contribute a minimal percentage to his selected ocial Development )or(s$ 4udara$a Ter" Mudaraba %erm Deposits are accepted by the ban( )ith a sum of %($ N000 or above 2multiple of 50004 from individuals 2single and joint4# firms 2proprietorshipMpartnership4# limited companies# autonomous bodies# charitable institutions# association# educational institution# local bodies# trusts# etc$# against issuance of non>transferable receipts in ac(no)ledgement of M%D account may be opened in the names of minors jointly )ith their guardians# for e'ample 8 Received from Mr$ P <uardian of MisterMMiss$$$$ 2Minor4 %he mudaraba term deposits are accepted for periods of 56# 6F# 37 months$ !eightage on the rate of return is given to deposits of longer maturity$ %he "an( reserves the right to invest the funds received in mudaraba term deposit accounts# in its sole judgement# in any interest>free ?9alal? business it deems fit$ Mudaraba term deposit account holder )ill share the profit of investment )ith ocial Islami "an( Ltd# at the rate declared by the ban( from time to time$ 1ny loss )hich cannot be covered by the investment loss offsetting reserve )ill be adjusted from Mudaraba fund and in that case the ban( shall not ta(e any remuneration for the service rendered in managing the fund$ %he profit earned on Mudaraba %erm Deposit account )ill be credited as determined by the ban( as its sole direction on the basis of its net)or(ing results at the end of the year# )ithin a reasonable time from the dae of the close of the boo(s of accounts of the ban($ %he ban(s decision in this respect )ill be final 0 binding on the Mudaraba %erm 70
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited depositors$ If the Mudaraba %erm Deposit account is closed before declaration of profit of current year# the depositor shall accept profit at the rate declared in the preceding year$ In that case# both the ban( 0 the depositor )ill relin&uish their claim on difference amount of profit# )hich may accrue at the close of the year$ %he account holder is not allo)ed to )ithdra) the amount before maturity date$ "ut on obtaining the "an(Is prior consent the depositor may )ithdra) the deposit before maturity )ithout any profit i$e$ no profit a loss basis$ M%D account holder may )ithdra) the profit amount annually if he so desires on condition the final adjustment$ If needed# )ill be made at the end of the year$ M%D account holder )ill give an underta(ing to that effect$ If the profit amount is not )ithdra)n it )ill automatically be added to the principal amount annually and the entire amount )ill earn profitMloss$ M%DR is not transferable instrument 0 as such it cannot be endorsed in favor of others$ %he M%DR should be preserved properly$ In case of loss# the account holder should notify the issuing branch immediately by &uic(est possible means so that the ban( can ta(e care of$ Matured deposit if not encashed )ithin one month of maturity# the deposit shall automatically be rene)ed for the period it (ept before$ 1ny change in the address of the depositor should be immediately communicated to the ban($ Co responsibility can be accepted by the ban( for delay# non>delivery etc$ of letters# remittances etc$ sent through :ost office and other agents$ %he ban( retains the right of refusing to accept any deposit from any person in M%D account )ithout assigning any reason$ %he ban( reserves the right to add or alter any or all the rules governing this scheme and such altered or additional rules shall be immediately thereafter be deemed to be binding on all depositors$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited Ca.h <aD#. In the =oluntary ector# I"L has also introduced Cash !a&f Certificate# a ne) product for the first time in the "an(ing history so that a ne) beginning can be made for a participatory economy$ %his scheme has been )ell received by the public in general for its uni&ue features$ I"L as a pioneer of this innovative financial product of social capital mobili*ation has received both local 0 international accreditation$ "y opening a Cash !a&f Deposit 1MC someone can get an opportunity to do )elfare to the man(ind through ada(a>e>+ariah$ I"L urges to all religious 0 affluent persons of the society to come for)ard to mobili*e Cash !a&f Deposit so that the profit may be utili*ed for the )ell> being of man(ind$ %he <uidelines for operation of this scheme are stated belo)8 Cash )a&fs shall be accepted as endo)ment in conformity )ith the hariah$ "an( )ill manage the )a&f on behalf of the )a&if$$ !a&fs are done in perpetuity and the account shall be opened in the title given by the )a&if$ %he 36 purposes under F major fields li(e 254 ;amily Rehabilitation 264 -ducation 0 Culture 234 9ealth 0 anitation 2F4 ocial Dtility and 2N4 Others are considered as <eneral <uidelines for distribution of profit of Cash )a&f 1MCs$ In the case# )here only fields2s4 for distribution of profit are mentioned )ithout specifying the name of the beneficiary2s4 )hether individual2s4 or institution2s4# those Cash !a&f )ill be treated as <eneral Cash !a&f and the profit of those 1MCs )ill be spent for )elfare of man(ind in the field of 254 ;amily Rehabilitation 264 -ducation 0 Culture 234 9ealth 0 anitation 2F4 ocial Dtility and 2N4 Others$ On the other hand# !a&if may choose distribution of the profit to any specific individual2s4M institution2s4$ %hat 1MCs )ill be treated as pecific Cash !a&f# the profit of that 1MCs )ill be sent to the beneficiary2s4 as specified by the !a&if$ %he amount deposited in the Cash !a&f 1MCs )ill be invested as per "an(/s o)n decision in conformity )ith the hariah and the Cash !a&f amount )ill earn profit at the highest rate offered by the "an( from time to time$ %he )a&f amount )ill remain intact and only the profit amount )ill be spent for the purpose2s4 specified by the !a&if$ Dnspent profit amount )ill automatically be added to )a&f amount and earn profit to be gro)n over the time$ Co che&ue boo( )ill be issued in this account$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited !a&if may also instruct the "an( to spend the entire profit for the purpose specified by himMher$ !a&if has the opportunity to create cash )a&f at a time$ Other)ise heMshe may declare the amount heMshe intends to build up and may start )ith a minimum deposit of %($ 5#000MR 2one thousand4 only 2or e&uivalent foreign currency4$ %he subse&uent deposits shall also be made in hundred or in multiple of hundred %a(as$ 9o)ever# <eneral Cash !a&f 1MCs 2)here name of beneficiary )hether Individual2s4 or Institution2s4 are not mentioned4 may be opened by depositing a minimum sum of %($ 5#000MR only$ pecific Cash !a&f 1MCs 2)here name of beneficiary )hether Individual2s4 or Institution2s4 are mentioned4 by depositing a minimum sum of %($ N#000MR 0 above !a&if shall also have the right to give standing instruction to the ban( for regular reali*ation of cash )a&f at a rate specified by himMher from any other 1MC maintained )ith I"L$ Cash )a&f shall be accepted in specified endo)ment Receipt =oucher and a Certificate for the entire amount shall be issued as and )hen the declared amount is built$ 1ccounts of Cash !a&fs are maintained in a separate ledger and necessary charges as per rules may be deducted therefrom$ In case of any change of address of the !a&if or beneficiary# must be informed by the !a&if to the "an( immediately "an( ho)ever reserves the right to regret to open any Cash !a&f 1ccount$ %he rules of Cash !a&f 1ccount are subject to amendment in conformity )ith the hariah at any time by the "an($ (.10.( Card. (.10.(.1 Credit Card A$out !I)/ ;I!A I.%a"ic Credit Card In todayIs modern )orld Credit Card is a very e'tensively used mode of financial transaction and it is )idely (no)n as ,:lastic Money.$ It has created an immense impact in the life of the people all over the )orld$ %he same trend is being follo)ed in
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited "angladesh too$ Co)adays the popularity of Islamic Credit Cards in "angladesh Is gro)ing by leaps and bounds as domestic and foreign ban(s are earning substantial profit through this product$ 1n increased use of both local Dual Currency Islamic Credit Card is ta(ing place side by side )ith the e'pansion of personal ban(ing services$ Cross>border business and travels are also helping the e'pansion$ I"L is al)ays )illing to offer ne) and Islami to complete significantly )ith other issuers$ 1. !I)/ Credit Card. 1s per Islamic "an(ing <uidelines# "ai>Murabha means buying goods and services ans selling it to the customers )ith mar(up profit$ It can be sold to the customers against full payment at the time of sale or installment payment in future date$ I"L =isa Islamic Credit Card )ill be issued under "ai>Murabha mode of Investment$ Learly 67S Mar(>up :rofit )ill be charged )ith the purchase price og <oods and ervices$ Other charges )ill be as per slandered of e'isting Card Mar(et of "angladesh$ T'pe. o# Card. =I 1 Local Classic =I 1 <old Classic =I 1 Classic Dual =I 1 <old Dual :eature. hariah Complaint hariah compliant financial products to its clients$ %hough I"L is ma(ing late entrance in the card mar(et# still )e are planning
Competitive profit charge Dual Currency facility "alanced %ransfer facility up to G0S of Card limit Dsable at all Merchants and 1%Ms that display the ,=I 1. logo International Roaming facility 6FM7 hours customer services help des( upplementary Card ;ree
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited Co hidden charges Huic( Replacement of LostM tolen card Cards dues notification through M 1uto rene)al before e'piry Cash advanced facility up to G0S of Card limit E%i+i$i%it' ?A+e@ ;or :rimary card J 65 years to 7N years ;or upplementary card J 5E years to 7N years /en+th o# !ervice E )u.ine.. EPractice alaried -'ecutives8 1t least si' months employment )ith present employer or case to case basis :rofessional8 Minimum 5 year of practice in the profession "usinessman8 Minimum 5 year of business establishment 4ini"u" 4onth%' Inco"e Minimum %($50#000M> 2<ross monthly income4 Deter"ination o# Inco"e !a%aried <ross Monthly Income 2<MI4 is defined as the total income of an applicant including overtime and other allo)ance received on a regular basis before any deductionsMloan installments as reflected in the salary certificate or pay>slips or the ban( statements$ !here free accommodation is provided by the employer # up to 6N S of the salary and allo)ances as mentioned in the salary Certificate may be added to circulate at <MI$ !e%#6e"p%o'ed <MI is defined as the average monthly income of an applicant after deduction of all business e'penses$ <MI is determined on the basis of income %e't Return 2I% EE4 )hich gross yesrly income before deduction and )hich is divided by t)elve to arrive at <MI and )ill be also calculated on the basis of judgment$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited E>ception. ;or reno)ned businessman# high <ovt$ Officials only visiting card )ill be applicable to support the aforesaid criteria$ Additiona% Inco"e Rental Income# pouse Income ReDuired Docu"ent. ;illed 1pplication ;orm 6 copies of passport si*e photographs alary Certificate
%IC Certificate Lien of M%DR %rade License of businessman "an( tatement 2last 7 months4 Dtility "ill 2<asM-lectricityMMobile :hone "illMLand :hone "ill4 Copy of :assportMCational ID :hotocopy of passport from 5 to 7 pages including endorsement pages if any$ Other ban(Is card bill 2if applicable4 Deed of :artnershipMMemorandum and 1rticle of 1ssociation &. ;i.a I.%a"ic Credit Card ?Dua%@ Local and foreign currency in same plastic$ Is accepted at any =I 1 and H>cash merchant outlets around the country and over 6F million =I 1 outlets )orld)ide$ 1ll foreign currency transactions )ill be converted to D Dollars$ Issued under :ersonal travel Huota# R;CD Huota and -RH entitlement$ 1ny amount up to G0S of credit limit is available to you as cash from any Local and foreign =I 1 1%Ms 1ny amount up to G0S of credit card limit "D% can be transferred to M D account )ith I"L by fund transfer Roaming bill of cell phone is payable through I"L Dual Credit card
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited -commerce transaction can be e'ecuted by I"L =I 1 Islamic Dual Credit Card (. ;i.a I.%a"ic Credit Card ?/oca%@ Is accepted at any =I 1 and H>cash merchant outlets around the country 1ny amount up to G0S of credit limit is available to you as cash from any 1%M displaying the =I 1 logo 0 H>Cash logo$ 1ny amount up to G0S of credit card limit can be transferred to M D account )ith I"L by fund transfer (.10.(.& !I)/ Fa"ee% De$it Card 1 debit card 2also (no)n as a ban( card or chec( card4 is plastic cart that provides the cardholder electronic access to his or her ban( account2s4 at a financial institution$ ome cards have a stored value )ith )hich a payment is made# )hile most relay a message to the cardholder/s ban( to )ithdra) funds from a designated account in favor of the payee/s designated ban( account$ %he card can be used as an alternative payment method to cash )hen ma(ing purchases$ 1n electronic card issued by a ban( )hich allo)s ban( clients access to their )ithdra) cash or pay for goods and services$ %his removes the need for ban( clients to go to the ban( to remove cash from their account as they can no) just go to an 1%M or pay electronically at merchant locations$ %his type of card# as a form of payment# also removes the need for chec(s as the debit card immediately transfers money from the client/s account to the business account$ 1 card issued by a ban( that combines the functions of an 1%M card chec(s$ 1 debit card can be used )ithdra) cash at a ban( li(e an 1%M cart# and it can also be used at stores to pay for goods and services in place of a chec($ Dnli(e a credit card# a debit card automatically )ithdra)s money from your chec(ing account at the time of the transaction$ !I)/ ;I!A E%ectron =isa -lectron cards are issued against customers account maintained )ith any of our branches$ Cards are issued against the follo)ing accounts8 Mudaraba avings Deposit J taff Mudaraba avings Deposit J Client 1l>)adiah Current Deposit J Client 70
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited Mudaraba Cotice deposit J Client I"L Loung tar 1ccount J client
:eature. Round the cloc( transaction facility Directly lin(ed to Cardholders 1ccount at I"L "alance In&uiry :IC Change Mini statement 1ccepted for purchase at all =I 1 terminal Minimi*ing ris( of carrying cash
&uality is better than any other commercial ban(s of "angladesh$ It has a strong net)or( throughout the country and it provides services of good &uality to every level of customers$ <ea*ne.. One of the greatest )ea(nesses for ocial Islami "an( is shortage of manpo)er in every division$ During the )or(ing hour of ban(s the employees cannot provide proper attention to the customers that enhances customer dissatisfaction$ 9igher service charge in some areas of its ban(ing operation discourages customers from opening or maintaining accounts )ith this ban($ ocial Islami "an( is facing some problems from their competitors because competitors are giving a higher interest rate in deposits )ithout any reason )hich )ill deteriorate its position than it )as before$ "ecause of this a lot of depositors are leaving ocial Islami "an($ %here is a very little practice for increasing motivation in the )or(ers by the management$
Opportunit' %here is a great opportunity to ta(e ne) dimension of ban(ing such as Islamic ban(ing# speciali*ed ban(ing$ Other)ise# there are many sectors )here this can give special privileges$ %he credit facility offered by ocial Islami "an( has attracted security and status conscious businessmen as )ell as service holders )ith higher income group$ Threat. %he emergence of several private and foreign ban(s )ithin the past fe) years offering similar services )ith less or free charge for the facilities can be a major threat for the ban($ ocial Islami "an($ ometimes the restrictions impose barrier in the normal operations and policies of the ban($ Rival ban(s easily copy the product offering of I"L$ %herefore# this ban( is in continuous progress of product innovation to gain temporary advantages over its competitors$ ometime political loans are the threat for this ban(ing service$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited from s(illed labor and piece)or( to)ards the more modern of assembly lines and hourly )ages$ %he initial use of scientific management by industries greatly increased productivity because )or(ers )ere forced to )or( at a faster pace$ 9o)ever# )or(ers became e'hausted and dissatisfied# thus leaving researchers )ith ne) &uestions to ans)er regarding job satisfaction$ It should also be noted that the )or( of !$L$ "ryan# !alter Dill cott# and 9ugo Munsterberg set the tone for %aylor/s )or($ ome argue that Maslo)/s hierarchy of needs theory# a motivation theory# laid the foundation for job satisfaction theory$ %his theory e'plains that people see( to satisfy five specific needs in life J physiological needs# safety needs# social needs# self>esteem needs# and self>actuali*ation$ %his model served as a good basis from )hich early researchers could develop job satisfaction theories$ +ob satisfaction can also be seen )ithin the broader conte't of the range of issues )hich affect an individual/s e'perience of )or(# or their &uality of )or(ing life$ +ob satisfaction can be understood in terms of its relationships )ith other (ey factors# such as general )ell>being# stress at )or(# control at )or(# home>)or( interface# and )or(ing conditions$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited Non6:inancia% Incentive. Con>financial incentives are form of children/s school facilities# hospital facilities# employee/s transportation facilities# prayer facilities etc$ 1lso act as an important determinant of employee/s job satisfaction$ -o$ !tatu. %he position of job that is job status is also an important determinant of job satisfaction of employees$ uch job status of an employee influences job satisfaction positively$ Hea%th Care %his factor e'amines the e'tent to )hich an employee is satisfied )ith health care benefits and includes the &uality of the health benefits# the si*e of the employer/s contribution to the plan and the cost to the employee of the health care benefits$ Inco"e Continuation %his factor e'amines the e'tent to )hich an employee is satisfied )ith benefits that provide financial security if the employee is disabled due to an accident or poor health or loses his or her job involuntarily$ !ith the e'ception of long term disability# these are legally re&uired benefits )hich consist of social security# )or(ers compensation and unemployment compensation$ !uperior6!u$ordinate Co""unication uperior>subordinate communication is an important influence on job satisfaction in the )or(place$ %he )ay in )hich subordinate/s perceive a supervisor/s behavior can positively or negatively influence job satisfaction$ Communication behavior such as facial e'pression# eye contact# vocal e'pression# and body movement is crucial to the superior> subordinate relationship$ Converbal messages play a central role in interpersonal interactions )ith respect to impression formation# deception# attraction# social influence# and emotional e'pression$ Converbal immediacy from the supervisor helps to increase interpersonal involvement )ith their subordinates impacting job satisfaction$ %he manner in )hich supervisors communicate their subordinates may be more important than the verbal content Individuals )ho disli(e and thin( negatively about their supervisor are less )illing to communicate or have motivation to )or( )here as individuals )ho li(e and thin( positively of their supervisor are more li(ely to communicate and are satisfied )ith their job and )or( environment$ %he relationship of a subordinate )ith their supervisor is a very important aspect in the )or(place$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited %herefore# a supervisor )ho uses nonverbal immediacy# friendliness# and open communication lines is more )illing to receive positive feedbac( and high job satisfaction from a subordinate )here as a supervisor )ho is antisocial# unfriendly# and un)illing to communicate )ill naturally receive negative feedbac( and very lo) job satisfaction from their subordinates in the )or(place$ E"otion. Mood and emotions form the affective element of job satisfaction$ Moods tend to be longer lasting but often )ea(er states of uncertain origin# )hile emotions are often more intense# short>lived and have a clear object or cause$ %here is some evidence in the literature that moods are related to overall job satisfaction$ :ositive and negative emotions )ere also found to be significantly related to overall job satisfaction$ ;re&uency of e'periencing net positive emotion )ill be a better predictor of overall job satisfaction than )ill intensity of positive emotion )hen it is e'perienced$ -motion )or( refers to various types of efforts to manage emotional states and displays$ -motion management includes all of the conscious and unconscious efforts to increase# maintain# or decrease one or more components of an emotion$ 1lthough early studies of the conse&uences of emotional )or( emphasi*ed its harmful effects on )or(ers# studies of )or(ers in a variety of occupations suggest that the conse&uences of emotional )or( are not uniformly negative$ It )as found that suppression of unpleasant emotions decreases job satisfaction and the amplification of pleasant emotions increases job satisfaction$ %he understanding of ho) emotion regulation relates to job satisfaction concerns t)o models8 -motional dissonance -motional dissonance is a state of discrepancy bet)een public displays of emotions and internal e'periences of emotions that often follo)s the process of emotion regulation$ -motional dissonance is associated )ith high emotional e'haustion# lo) organi*ational commitment# and lo) job satisfaction$ ocial interaction model ta(ing the social interaction perspective# )or(ers/ emotion regulation might beget responses from others during interpersonal encounters that subse&uently impact their o)n job satisfaction$ Re%ation.hip. and Practica% I"p%ication. +ob atisfaction can be an important indicator of ho) employees feel about their jobs and a predictor of )or( behaviors such as organi*ational citi*enship# absenteeism# and turnover$ ;urther# job satisfaction can partially mediate the relationship of personality
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited variables and deviant )or( behaviors$ One common research finding is that job satisfaction is correlated )ith life satisfaction$ %his correlation is reciprocal# meaning people )ho are satisfied )ith life tend to be satisfied )ith their job and people )ho are satisfied )ith their job tend to be satisfied )ith life$ 9o)ever# some research has found that job satisfaction is not significantly related to life satisfaction )hen other variables such as non>)or( satisfaction and core self> evaluations are ta(en into account$ -o$ !ecurit' +ob security refers to the nature of the job that is )hether a job is permanent# temporary or ad hoe$ +ob security acts as an important determinant of job satisfaction$ Duration o# <or* %he )or(ing hour that is the duration of )or( acts an important determinant for job satisfaction of employees$ uch duration of )or( must be reasonable$ In some organi*ations employees has to )or( beyond the normal duration )hich adversely effects of their job satisfactionT Trainin+ :aci%itie. %raining is )idely considered as an important tool for enhancing a person/s attitude# s(ill and (no)ledge$ It is the process of assisting a person for developing his efficiency and effectiveness at )or( by improving updating professional (no)ledge and s(ill$ uch training facilities act as an important determinant for job satisfaction of an employee he more the training facilities the better the job satisfaction and vice and versa$ Paid /eave 1ny leave facility )ith full pay acts as a direct influence on the job satisfaction of employee$ On the other hand leave )ithout pay imposes adverse impact on the job satisfaction of the employee$ <or*in+ Environ"ent It also has a direct influence on the job satisfaction of the employee$ %he )or(ing environment must be congenial to the employees$ 1ny unfavorable )or(ing environments )ill adversely satisfaction of the employee$ Participative 4ana+e"ent !'.te" :articipative management system )here every officer can participate in the decision ma(ing process has a positive impact on the job satisfaction of the employees$ %he more presence of participatory management system in the organi*ation improves job satisfaction and vice versa$ affect to the job
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited Tea" <or* %eam )or( also acts as important determinant of a job
satisfaction of an employee$ In case of team )or( the concerted effort of the employee can be ensured$ !eniorH. )ehavior Cordial behavior of the seniors to)ard their juniors also has positive impact on the job satisfaction of the employees$ %he opposite version is also true$ Participation in Deci.ion 4a*in+ :articipation of the employees in the decision ma(ing process in an organi*ation is another important determinant of a job satisfaction of the employees$ %he more participation of the employees in decision ma(ing process it ma(es job satisfaction high$ Occupationa% !tre.. +ob satisfaction of any employee depends on occupational stress $<enerally the occupational stress has significant adverse impact on their job satisfaction$ Moreover# the employees )ith lo)er occupational stress should have higher job satisfaction and# on the contrary# the employees )ith higher occupational stress should have lo)er job satisfaction$ Nature o# <or* +ob satisfaction of an employee also depends on nature of )or($ If the nature of )or( is more complicated# probably this )ill lead to negative impact on job satisfaction and vice versa$ Retire"ent )ene#it. %his factor e'amines the e'tent to )hich an employee is satisfied )ith the retirement benefits including the &uality of the plan# the si*e of the employer/s contribution to retirement# and the employer/s ability to provide information about the retirement benefits$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited facet$ %o illustrate# if -mployee 1 values autonomy in the )or(place and -mployee " is indifferent about autonomy# then -mployee 1 )ould be more satisfied in a position that offers a high degree of autonomy and less satisfied in a position )ith little or no autonomy compared to -mployee "$ %his theory also states that too much of a particular facet )ill produce stronger feelings of dissatisfaction the more a )or(er values that facet$ 1 significant model that narro)ed the scope of the Dispositional %heory )as the Core elf>evaluations Model# proposed by %imothy 1$ +udge# -d)in 1$ Loc(e# and Cathy C$ Durham in 5GG7$@NA +udge et al$ argued that there are four Core elf>evaluations that determine one/s disposition to)ards job satisfaction8 self>esteem# general self>efficacy# locus of control# and neuroticism$ %his model states that higher levels of self>esteem 2the value one places on hisMher self4 and general self>efficacy 2the belief in one/s o)n competence4 lead to higher )or( satisfaction$ Motivation can be seen as an inner force that drives individuals to attain personal and organi*ational goals 29os(inson# :orter# 0 !rench# p$ 5334$ Motivating factors are those aspects of the job that ma(e people )ant to perform# and provide people )ith satisfaction# for e'ample achievement in )or(# recognition# promotion opportunities$ %hese motivating factors are considered to be intrinsic to the job# or the )or( carried out$ 9ygiene factors include aspects of the )or(ing environment such as pay# company policies# supervisory practices# and other )or(ing conditions$ %he +ob in <eneral Inde' is an overall measurement of job satisfaction$ It is an improvement to the +ob Descriptive Inde' because the +DI focuses too much on individual facets and not enough on )or( satisfaction in general$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited bet)een satisfaction and performance is higher 2U R 0$N64 than for jobs of lo) to moderate comple'ity 2U R 0$6G4$ +ob atisfaction also has high relationship )ith intention to &uit$ It is found in much research that +ob atisfaction can lead to Intention to tay M &uit in an organi*ation 2Kim et al$# 5GG74$ Recent research has also sho)n that Intention to Huit can have effect li(e poor performance orientation# organi*ational deviance# and poor organi*ational citi*enship behaviors$ In short# the relationship of satisfaction to productivity is not necessarily straightfor)ard and can be influenced by a number of other )or(>related constructs# and the notion that ,a happy )or(er is a productive )or(er. should not be the foundation of organi*ational decision>ma(ing$ !ith regard to job performance# employee personality may be more important than job satisfaction$ %he lin( bet)een job satisfaction and performance is thought to be a spurious relationshipB instead# both satisfaction and performance are the result of personality$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited than other ban(s# satisfied )ith the chances of promotion# satisfied )ith the )elfare facilities# and satisfied )ith the chances of income increase$ 9ence# the policy ma(ers in the ban(ing sector in "angladesh should give greater importance on these variables concerning salary# company policies and practices# and chance for promotion to increase job satisfaction of the officers$ %he second important factor is efficiency in )or( that accounts for G$37S of the variance and it broadly covers areas of job satisfaction including job security# supervision# and supportive colleagues$ %he variables are namely# not lose job if )or(ed efficiently# immediate supervisor is reasonable# satisfied )ith the recognition by colleagues# and superior encourages suggestions for improvement$ %he other si' factors are almost e&ual in their ability to account for the variation of level of job satisfaction )ith comparatively lo) e'igent values$
0.5 I"pact o# )an* t'peI wor* e>perienceI a+e and .e> Di##erence. on -o$ !ati.#action
:revious researchers have found relationships bet)een job satisfaction and age# se'# 2:ugliesi# 5GGNB Cheung and cherling# 5GGG4 and )or( e'perience 2 teffy and +ones# 5GG04$ In this section# the impacts of ban( type# )or( e'perience# gender# and age on the attitudes# rather than factors# to)ard job satisfaction of ban( officers is assessed$ %his has been done )ith a vie) to obtaining more insights on the impact$ %he results sho)s that the variables recovery significantly )ith the type of ban( V public and private$ It means that there is a variation in the level of job satisfaction of ban( officers depending on the type of ban( in "angladesh In other )ordsB type of ban( is a significant e'planatory variable for the job satisfaction level$ ;ourteen job satisfaction variables# broadly representing the areas of company policies and practices# salaries and facilities# opportunities for promotion# and relationship bet)een union and management# are significantly related to the ban( type$ !or( e'perience has the second most importance on four variables ta(en in the study 2job gives chances to do things felt best# satisfied )ith increment allocation method# income is higher than other ban(s# and )ould not leave job if similar job offer to other organi*ation4$ %hese variables confirm a significant relationship )ith e'perience of ban( officers$ %hese relationships broadly indicate that e'perience affects the areas of job satisfaction including policies and practices 2job gives chances to do things felt best and satisfied )ith increment allocation method4# salary and facilities 2income is higher than other ban(s4# and to the 70
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited company 2)ould not leave job if similar job offer to other organi*ation4$ It could be e'plained that officers )ith higher e'perience hold higher level of )or( freedom# have more financial and non> financial benefits# are more familiar )ith organi*ational policies and practices# and have greater loyalty to the ban($ e' and age differences have relatively lo)er level of impact on the entire set of variables# )hich are manifested through the significance of Wban( is sympathetic to officer/s vie)s and Wban(s policy is to overdrive )or(ers to get the ma'imum respectively in the test$ e' differences have only impact on the ban(s sympathy to the officer/s vie)s# )hile age differences leave impact on ban(s policy to overdrive )or(ers to get the ma'imum$ e' differences in particular could be described as an interesting issue in the socio> economic conte't of "angladesh$ It is generally vie)ed that female employees are some)hat neglected in their )or( places and conse&uently# they are prone to a relatively lo)er level of job satisfaction$ %his study defies this vie) endorsing almost no se' discrimination in the female ban( officers$ 1ge differences of ban( officers have also negligible impact on the full set of variables of job satisfaction$ Cone of the interactions from these four factors V ban( type# )or( e'perience# se'# and age > )as found significant$
Chapter Overview Methodology Research Design Research 1pproach Research Instruments Data Collection Data Collection :rocedure Data 1nalysis :rocedures
2.0 4ethodo%o+'
Methodology can properly refer to the theoretical analysis of the methods appropriate to a field of study or to the body of methods and principles particular to a branch of (no)ledge$ Methodology has been increasingly used as a pretentious substitute for method in scientific and technical conte'ts$ ,Methodology. is a system of precise rules and procedures on )hich research is based and against )hich claims for (no)ledge and evaluation$ %his method is neither closed nor fla)less$ Rather the rules and measures are constantly being improved 2David Cachmias# 5GG64$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited ;irst of all# survey about 6N employees of the Rampura "ranch of I"L$ econd of all# the e'isting study )as about achievement motivation and employees performance# and employees might felt unenthusiastic to confer these issues )ith an intervie)er$ %he researcher selected the intervie) method not only for in>depth information but to verify the information gather from responses gained from the employees &uestionnaires$
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited e'tremely useful in situations )here either in>depth information is needed or little is (no)n in the area 2Kumar# 5GG74$ Cooper and chindler 25GGE4 noted that if the researcher has sample si*e# a self>administered &uestionnaire )ould be most effective in regard to time and cost$ %he in depth intervie) distant e'ceeds the information secured by self>administered studies$ Cooper and chindler also affirm that intervie)ers can as( additional &uestions# and gather supplemental information through observation$ "oth managers and e'perts are comprised of a small groupB hence# the study has utili*ed the semi>structured intervie) method$ %he most important advantage )as derived from the capability of the intervie) techni&ue to enable discussions of multifarious topics and thus endo) )ith rich and more complete data 2 mith# %horpe# 0 Lo)e# 60064$
5.0 Ana%'.i.
%he present study deals )ith the three issues to analy*e the job satisfaction of ban( officers in "angladesh$ %he issues are8 2i4 %he relative importance of job satisfaction factorsB 2ii4 %he impact of ban( type# )or( e'perience# age and se' differences on the attitudes to)ard job satisfaction$ It also investigates the impacts of ban( type# )or( e'perience# age# and se' differences on the attitudes to)ard job atisfaction$ %he result sho)s that salary# efficiency in )or(# fringe supervision# and co>)or(er relation are the most important factors contributing to job satisfaction$ !or( e'perience is found as the second most important factor affecting job satisfaction$ e' and age differences have relatively lo)er level of impact on it$ %he overall job satisfaction of the ban( officers is at the positive level$
&. A 1o$ where there i. con.idera$%e i. creative and innovative. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 3 N 50 N 6 6N 56 60 F0 60 E 500 56 60 F0 60 E 500 56 36 76 G6 500
(. A 1o$ where 'ou are o#ten reDuired to "a*e i"portant deci.ion.. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S 70
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 3 F 56 N 5 6N 56 57 FE 60 F 500 56 57 FE 60 F 500 56 6E 77 G7 500
0. A 1o$ in which +reater re.pon.i$i%it' i. +iven to tho.e who do the $e.t <or*. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 0 0 50 50 N 6N 0 0 F0 F0 60 500 0 0 F0 F0 60 500 0 0 F0 E0 500
2. A 1o$ in which +reater re.pon.i$i%it' i. +iven to %o'a% e"p%o'ee. who have the "o.t .eniorit'. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 0 6 50 N E 6N 0 E F0 60 36 500 0 E F0 60 36 500 0 E FE 7E 500
5. A 1o$ in which 'ou are not a%%owed an' .a' whatever in how 'our wor* i. .chedu%edI or in the procedure. to $e u.ed in carr'in+ it out. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 0 3 50 E F 6N 0 56 F0 36 57 500 0 56 F0 36 57 500 70 0 56 N6 EF 500
3. A 1o$ where 'our co6wor*er. are not ver' #riend%'. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 60 6 3 0 0 6N E0 E 56 0 0 500 E0 E 56 0 0 500 E0 EE 500 500 500
A. A 1o$ with a .upervi.or who i. o#ten ver' critica% o# 'ou and 'our wor* in #ront o# other peop%e. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 60 6 3 0 0 6N E0 E 56 0 0 500 E0 E 56 0 0 500 E0 EE 500 500 500
B. A 1o$I which prevent. 'ou #ro" a nu"$er o# .*i%%. that 'ouI wor*ed deve%op. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 60 6 3 0 0 6N E0 E 56 0 0 500 E0 E 56 0 0 500 E0 EE 500 500 500
10. A 1o$ with a .upervi.or who re.pect. 'ou and treat. 'ou #air%'. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 0 0 50 0 0 F0 0 0 F0 0 0 F0 70
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 50 N 6N F0 60 500 F0 60 500 E0 500
11. A 1o$ which provide. con.tant new and intere.tin+ opportunitie. #or 'ou to %earn. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 0 0 5N E 6 6N 0 0 70 36 E 500 0 0 70 36 E 500 0 0 70 G6 500
1&. A 1o$ where there i. a rea% chance 'ou cou%d $e %aid o##. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 60 6 3 0 0 6N E0 E 56 0 0 500 E0 E 56 0 0 500 E0 EE 500 500 500
1(. A 1o$ in which there i. a rea% chance #or 'ou to deve%op new .*i%%. and advance in the or+ani9ation. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 0 3 50 E F 6N 0 56 F0 36 57 500 0 56 F0 36 57 500 0 56 N6 EF 500
10. A 1o$ which provide. %ot. o# vacation ti"e and an e>ce%%ent #rin+e $ene#it pac*a+e. 70
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 0 0 5N E 6 6N 0 0 70 36 E 500 0 0 70 36 E 500 0 0 70 G6 500
12. A 1o$ with %itt%e #reedo" and independence to do 'our wor* in the wa' 'ou thin* $e.t. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 0 0 50 50 N 6N 0 0 F0 F0 60 500 0 0 F0 F0 60 500 0 0 F0 E0 500
15. A 1o$ where the wor*in+ condition are avera+e. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 0 3 50 E F 6N 0 56 F0 36 57 500 0 56 F0 36 57 500 0 56 N6 EF 500
13. A 1o$ with ver' .ati.#'in+ tea"6wor*. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 0 0 5N G 5 6N 0 0 70 37 F 500 0 0 70 37 F 500 70 0 0 70 G7 500
1A. A 1o$ which reDuire. 'ou to cha%%en+e co"p%ete%' i.o%ated co6wor*er. to contri$ute. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 0 55 50 F 0 6N 0 FF F0 57 0 500 0 FF F0 57 0 500 0 FF EF 500 500
1B. A 1o$ which a%%ow. 'ou to u.e 'our .*i%%. and a$i%itie. to the #u%%e.t e>tent. ;re&uency :ercentage S =alid :ercentage S Cumulative :ercentage S trongly Disagree Disagree Ceutral 1gree trongly 1gree %otal 0 0 50 50 N 6N 0 0 F0 F0 60 500 0 0 F0 F0 60 500 0 0 F0 E0 500
5.0 :indin+.
+ob satisfaction is the total of the sentiments related )ith the job conducted$ If the )or(er perceives that hisMher values are reali*ed )ithin the job# sMhe improvises a positive attitude to)ards hisMher job and ac&uires job satisfaction 2Mc Cormic and %iffin 5G7F87F4$ I heard a story that Mr$ XP/ )or(ed in a multinational company )ith a good designation$ 1s he )or(s a multinational company so his salary# compensation and benefits are global standard$ 9e get a lot of facilities from rising to bed in the morning to before going to bed at night$ Co) a million dollar &uestion# ,Is he satisfiedT? 1fter analysis and interpreting the data I tried to find that )hy the employees are satisfied and )hy notT I"L is a private ban($ than the nationali*ed o# the employees are getting more salary rather commercial ban(s$ o# from this vie) the
employees of the
I"L are satisfied$ I"L of the entry level is not sufficient )ith the o# from this vie)
they are dissatisfied )ith their salary at the entry level$ %he employees of I"L enjoy much vacation rather than the other uch as female employees enjoy 3 months
maternity leave$ %he male employees also get paternity leave and the length of the leave is 5 month$ %he employees get a big amount of medical convenience t)o times in their )or(ing period$ period$ I"L provides more incentives rather than the other private ban(s$ In this year they provide 7 2seven4 incentives e'cluding the -id bonus on their profit$ %o (eep the employees motivated# incentives# performance re)ard# o# they feel secured of health during their )or(ing
promotion and accelerated promotion etc$ are given on a regular basis by the %he I"L authority$ I"L has introduced a good number of stuff )elfare schemes$
conditions of its employees such as contributory recogni*ed provident fund# gratuity fund# benevolent fund$ %he )or(ing environment of the I"L is very friendly$ %he employees are satisfying )ith their co>)or(er as a )or( in a team$ In ban(ing sector some employees have opportunity to upgrade
themselves in )or(ing period such as the employees of the I%# ;oreign -'change# investment department$ In other side the employees of the cash 0 customer service department have no scope to sho) creativity in )or(ing period$ I thought it/s a boring job$ ;rom this vie) they are
dissatisfied sometimes$ %he accountant/s job is very important to the organi*ation$ %hey do a lot of )or( from the day start to closing$ I thin( one employee )or( on the behalf of t)o peoples$ ometimes they feel stress that is harmful for them$
%he job security of the I"L is very rich$ %he employees never feel an'ious during their )or(ing period$ "ecause the chance of being laid off is lo)# e'cept a major fault no employees can be laid off$ %he employees strongly agree that they feel secured of their job$
!e are the human being$ Our mood and emotions )hile )or(ing are the ra) materials )hich cumulate to form the affective element of job satisfaction$ Moods tend to be longer lasting but often )ea(er states of uncertain origin# )hile emotions are often more intense# short>lived and have a clear object or cause$ %here is some evidence in the literature that state moods are related to overall job satisfaction :ositive and negative emotions )ere also found to be significantly related to overall job satisfaction fre&uency of e'periencing net positive emotion )ill be a better predictor of overall job satisfaction than )ill intensity of positive emotion )hen it is e'perienced -motion regulation and emotion labor are also related to job satisfaction$ In I"L I found that employees got satisfaction in some matters o )e can say that -mployees donIt get
5.1 Reco""endation
%he employees must be motivated )hen they do something good and creative$ %he salary should be revising by the management of I"L$ %heir jobs should be mentioned more fre&uently$ Lin( bet)een Customer ervice Officer/s and Customer ervice Manager
should be easier Dp to date ban(ing soft)are should be used to give batter service to the customers$ In addition# )ith the present services they should include more services$ It is badly needed to provide more services to the customer in order to compete in the mar(et$ Internal conflict among the employees should be mitigating$ Officials )hom are involved in Customer ervices should be trained properly$ "ecause some time they cannot give proper suggestions to the customer &ueries$ %here are some benefit pac(age having I"L but it has no practice in real vie)$ %hat benefit pac(age can be increase the satisfaction of the employee$ o it should be practice earlier$
5.( Conc%u.ion.
%his study )ill finds the overall employees job satisfaction of ocial Islami "an(
Limited$ 9o)ever# the job satisfaction of ban( officers is significantly dependent upon salary# efficiency in )or(# fringe benefit# supervision &uality# and co>)or(er relations$ %he remaining three factors# leadership style# loyalty to ban(# and )or( ability do not have significant statistical evidence to improve the job satisfaction of ban( officers$ "an( type is found to be the most relevant )ith the ban( officers/ job satisfaction in comparison to )or( e'perience# age# and se' differences$ %he happier people are )ithin their job# the more satisfied they are said to be$ +ob satisfaction is not the same as motivation# although it is clearly lin(ed$ +ob design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performanceB methods include job rotation# job enlargement and job enrichment$ Other influences on satisfaction include the management style and culture# employee involvement# empo)erment and autonomous )or( groups$ +ob satisfaction is a very important attribute )hich is fre&uently measured by organi*ations$
9 C8
!ECTION ) -O) !ATI!:ACTION !CA/E Complete the follo)ing &uestionnaire by filling the ans)er that best describes your feelings about each statement$ ;or each item# put your response according to the follo)ing8 N R trongly 1gree 2 14 F R 1gree 214 3 R Ceutral 2C4 6 R Disagree 2D4 5 R trongly Disagree 2 D4 CUE!TION! RAN7IN8! NO. 5 6 3 F N CUE!TION! 1 job )here the pay is very good 1 job )here there is considerable is creative and innovative$ 1 job )here you are often re&uired to ma(e important decisions$ 1 job in )hich greater responsibility is given to those )ho do the best !or($ 1 job in )hich greater responsibility is given to loyal employees )ho have the most seniority$ 1 job in an organi*ation )hich is in to financial trouble>and might have to close do)n )ithin the year$ +obs in )hich you are not allo)ed any say 7 )hatever in ho) your )or( is cheduled# or in the procedures to be used in carrying it out$ 1 job )here your co>)or(ers are not very friendly$ 1 job )ith a supervisor )ho is often very critical of you and your )or( in front of other people$ 1 job# )hich prevents you from using a number N F 3 6 5 !A A ?2@ N N N N N ?0@ F F F F F N ?(@ 3 3 3 3 3 D ?&@ 6 6 6 6 6 !D ?1@ 5 5 5 5 5
G 50
3 3
6 6
5 5 70
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited of s(ills that you# )or(ed develop$ 1 job )ith a supervisor )ho respects you and treats you fairly$ 1 job )hich provides constant ne) and interesting opportunities for you to learn$ 1 job )here there is a real chance you could be laid off$ 1 job in )hich there is a real chance for you to develop ne) s(ills and advance in the organi*ation$ 1 job )hich provides lots of vacation time and an e'cellent fringe benefit pac(age$ 1 job )ith little freedom and independence to do your )or( in the )ay you thin( best$ 1 job )here the )or(ing condition are average$ 1 job )ith very satisfying team>)or($ 1 job )hich re&uires you to challenge completely isolated co>)or(ers to contribute$ 1 job )hich allo)s you to use your s(ills and abilities to the fullest e'tent$
55 56 53
3 3 3
6 6 6
5 5 5
5N 57 57 5E 5G 60
3 3 3 3 3 3
6 6 6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5 5 5
!ebsites8 http8MM)))$ )))$siblbd$com http8MM)))$)i(ipedia$org http8MM)))$google$com Re#erence )oo*. E Report 1nnual Report ;undamental of 9uman Resource Management > David 1$ Decen*o > tephen : Robbins
1O; 1%M "1L "; "I"M " "; "C1 "IL "D%$ CI" CC D: Cote D"R -= 1 -MI ;DR ;CL <": <" M
1ccounting Opening ;orm$ 1utomated %eller Machine$ "an(ing 1rrangement Letter$ "usiness ;inancial ervice "angladesh Institute of "an( Management$ "ranch ales and ervice Manager$ "usiness ;inancial ervice$ "usiness Credit 1pplication$ "usiness Installment Loan$ "angladesh %a(a$ Credit Information "ureau$ Credit Card Demand :romissory Cote$ Debt "urden Ratio$ -'tra =alue avings 1ccount$ -&uated Monthly Installment$ ;i'ed Deposit Receipt$ ;oreign Currency$ <reat "ritain :ound$ <eneral "an(ing$
Over Draft
Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Social Islami Bank Limited O 1 :L :;C :DC :IC RM< %D OD %: %IC Operating avings 1ccount :ersonal Loan :ersonal ;inancial Consultant$ :ost Dated Che&ue$ :ersonal Identification Cumber$ Ready Made <arments$ hort %erm Deposit$ ecured Over Draft$ %ransaction :rofile %elephone Identification Cumber$
Dndated Che&ue$
=1% !-D"