Chapter - 1 Industry Overview: A Brief History of Stock Exchanges

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A BRIEF HISTORY OF STOCK EXCHANGES : Do you know that the world's foremost marketplace New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), started its trading under a tree (now known as ! "all Street) o#er $%% years ago& Similarly, 'ndia's premier stock exchange (om)ay Stock Exchange ((SE) can also trace )ack its origin to as far as *$+ years when it started as a #oluntary non,profit making associationYou hear a)out it any time it reaches a new high or a new low, and you also hear a)out it daily in statements like '.he (SE Sensiti#e 'ndex rose +/ today'0)#iously, stocks and stock markets are important- Stocks of pu)lic limited companies are )ought and sold at a stock exchange- (ut what really are stock exchanges& 1nown also as News on the stock market appears in different media e#ery day- .he stock market or )ourse, a stock exchange is an organised market place for securities (like stocks, )onds, options) featured )y the centralisation of supply and demand for the transaction of orders )y mem)er )rokers, for institutional and indi#idual in#estors- .he exchange makes )uying and selling easy- 2or example, you don't ha#e to actually go to a stock exchange, say, (SE , you can contact a )roker, who does )usiness with the (SE, and he or she will )uy or sell your stock on your )ehalf- 3ll stock exchanges perform similar functions with respect to the listing, trading, and clearing of securities, differing only in their administrati#e machinery for handling these functions- 4ost stock exchanges are auction markets, in which prices

are determined )y competiti#e )idding- .rading may occur on a continuous auction )asis, may in#ol#e )rokers )uying from and selling to dealers in certain types of stock, or it may )e conducted through specialists dealing in a particular stock(ut where did it all start& .he need for stock exchanges de#eloped out of early trading acti#ities in agricultural and other commodities- During the middle 3ges, traders found it easier to use credit that re5uired supporting documentation of drafts, notes and )ills of exchange- .he history of the earliest stock exchange, the 2rench stock exchange, may )e traced )ack to *$th century when transactions occurred in commercial )ills of exchange.he first stock exchange in 'ndia, (om)ay Stock Exchange was esta)lished in *!6+ as '.he Nati#e Share and Stock)rokers 3ssociation' and has e#ol#ed o#er the years into its present status as the premier stock exchange in the country- 't may )e noted that (SE is the oldest stock exchange in 3sia, e#en older than the .okyo Stock Exchange, which was founded in *!6!- .he country's second stock exchange was esta)lished in 3hmeda)ad in *!78, followed )y the 9alcutta Stock Exchange (9SE)9SE can also trace its origin )ack to *7th century- 2rom a get together under a 'Neem .ree' way )ack in the *!:%s, the 9SE was formally esta)lished in 4ay *7%!'ndia's other ma;or stock exchange National Stock Exchange (NSE), promoted )y leading financial institutions, was esta)lished in 3pril *77:- 0#er the years, se#eral stock exchanges ha#e )een esta)lished in the ma;or cities of 'ndia- .here are now $: recognised stock exchanges < 4um)ai ((SE, NSE and 0.9), 9alcutta, Delhi, 9hennai, 3hmeda)ad, (angalore, (hu)haneswar, 9oim)atore, =uwahati, >ydera)ad, ?aipur, 1ochi, 1anpur, @udhiana, 4angalore, Aatna, Aune, Ba;kot, Cadodara, 'ndore and 4eerut- .oday, most of the glo)al stock exchanges ha#e )ecome highly efficient, computerised organisations- 9omputerised networks also

made it possi)le to connect to each other and ha#e fostered the growth of an open, glo)al securities marketBealiDing there is untapped market of in#estors who want to )e a)le to execute their own trades when it suits them, )rokers ha#e taken their trading rooms to the 'nternet- 1nown as online )rokers, they allow you to )uy and sell shares #ia 'nternet0nline .rading is a ser#ice offered on the 'nternet for purchase and sale of shares- 'n the real world, you place orders on your stock)roker either #er)ally (personally or telephonically) or in a written form (fax)- 'n 0nline .rading, you will access a stock)roker's we)site through your internet,ena)led A9 and place orders through the )roker's internet,)ased trading engine- .hese orders are routed to the Stock Exchange without manual inter#ention and executed thereon in a matter of a few are $ types of online trading ser#iceE discount )rokers and full ser#ice online )roker- Discount online )rokers allow you to trade #ia 'nternet at reduced ratesSome pro#ide 5uality research, other donFt- 2ull ser#ice online )rokerage is linked to existing )rokerages- .hese )rokers allow their clients to place online orders with the option of talkingG chatting to )rokers if ad#ice is needed- (rokerage rates here are higher'ndiainfoline-com, '9'9'Direct-9om 'ndia(ulls-9om, Sharekhan-9om,

>D29Securities-9om, are some of the online )roking sites in 'ndia-

ONLINE TRADING PROCESS : .he #arious transactions in#ol#ed in online trading can )e shown from the point of #iew of the

9lient (roker Stock Exchange -


INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY : Share khan is the retail )roking arm of SS1', an organiDation with more than eight decades of trust H credi)ility in the stock market- 't is 'ndia's leading retail financial Ser#ices 9ompany with "e ha#e o#er $+% share shops across **+ cities in 'ndia- "hile our siDe and strong )alance sheet allow us to pro#ide you with #aried products and ser#ices at #ery attracti#e prices, our o#er 6+% 9lient Belationship 4anagers are dedicated to ser#ing your uni5ue needs-Sharekhan is lead )y a highly regarded management team that has in#ested crores of rupees into a world class

'nfrastructure that pro#ides our clients with real,time ser#ice H $8G6 access to all information and products- 0ur flagship Sharekhan Arofessional Network offers real, time prices, detailed data and news, intelligent analytics, and electronic trading capa)ilities, right at your fingertips- .his powerful technology complemented )y our knowledgea)le and customer focused Belationship 4anagers- "e are 9reating a world of Smart 'n#estor- Sharekhan offers a full range of financial ser#ices and products ranging from E5uities to Deri#ati#es enhance your wealth and hence, achie#e your financial goals -Sharekhan' 9lient Belationship 4anagers are a#aila)le to you to help with your financial planning and in#estment needs- .o pro#ide the highest possi)le 5uality of ser#ice, Sharekhan pro#ides full access to all our products and ser#ices through multi,channels-

SHAREKHAN MISSION : IIIto educate H empower the indi#idual in#estor to 4ake )etter in#estment decisions through JK3@'.Y 3DC'9E 'NN0C3.'CE AB0DK9.S and SKAEB'0B SEBC'9E-


E E !*/ 7/

9iti Centures 9apital H 0ther Ari#ate E5uity 2irms 'D29


SHAREKHAN MANAGEMENT TEAM .arun Shah ?aideep 3rora 9E0 Director

: Products Director & -

Technology Shankar Vailaya Operations



0nline Ser#ices to Suit your NeedsL "ith a Sharekhan online trading account, you can )uy and sell shares in an instantL 3nytime you like and from anywhere you likeL You can choose the online trading account that suits your trading ha)its and preferences , the 9lassic 3ccount for most in#estors and Speedtrade for acti#e day tradersYour 9lassic 3ccount also comes with Dial,n,.rade completely free,

which is an exclusi#e ser#ice for trading shares )y using your telephone-

FEATURES OF SPEED TRADE : .hat ena)le you to trade effortlesslyE 'nstant order Execution H 9onfirmation

Single screen trading terminal Beal,time streaming 5uotes, tic,)y,tic charts 4arket summary (most traded scrip, highest #alue and lots of other rele#ant statistics)

>ot keys similar to a )rokers terminal 3lerts and reminders (ack,up facility to place trades on Direct Ahone lines Single screen interface for cash and deri#ati#es

FEATURES OF CLASSIC ACCOUNT : .hat ena)le you to in#est effortlesslyE

0nline trading account for in#esting in E5uities and Deri#ati#es #ia sharekhan-com

'ntegration ofE 0nline trading M (ank M Demat account 'nstant cash transfer facility against purchase H sale of shares 4ake 'A0 )ookings

You get 'nstant order and trade confirmations )y e,mail Streaming Juotes Aersonalised 4arket Scan with your own customiDed stock tickerL Single screen interface for cash and deri#ati#es Your #ery own Aortfolio .rackerL


You'll need access to a computer which has at least the following configurationE

Aentium : A9, 4inimum *$! 4( B34 "indows $%%%GNA 'nternet 9onnection 'nternet Explorer -% ?a#a ena)led in 'E .rade in E5uity )y using your phoneL 2ree with your Sharekhan 9lassic 3ccount, the Dial,n,.rade ser#ice ena)les

you to place orders for )uying and selling shares through your telephone3ll you ha#e to do is dial any one of our two dedicated num)ers (*,!%%,$$, 6%+% or :%:%6 %%), enter your .A'N num)er (which is pro#ided at the time of opening your account) and on authentication you'll )e directed to a tele )roker who will )uy and sell shares for you-

FEATURES OF DIAL-N-TRADE : .hat ena)le you to trade effortlesslyE

."0 dedicated num)ers for placing your orders with your cellphone or landline- .oll free num)erE *,!%%,$$,6%+%- 2or people with difficulty in accessing the toll,free num)er, we also ha#e a Beliance num)er :%:%6 %% which is charged at Bs- *-+% per minute for S.D calls-

3utomtic funds tranfer with phone )anking (for 9iti)ank and >D29 )ank customers)

Simple and Secure 'nteracti#e Coice Besponse )ased system for authentication

No waiting time- Enter your .A'N to )e transferred to our tele)rokers You also get the trusted, professional ad#ice of our tele)rokers 3fter hours order placement facility )etween !-%% am and 7-:% am (timings to )e extended soon)

SHAREKHAN PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT SERVICES PMS Pro-Prime Pro !"# O$$eri%&' : T(e B)*)%"e S"(eme:

'deal for in#estors looking at steady and superior returns with low to medium risk appetite- .his portfolio consists of a )lend of 5uality )luechip and growth stocks ensuring a )alanced portfolio with relat #ely medium risk profile- .he portfolio will mostly ha#e large capitaliDation stocks )ased on sectors H themes who ha#e medium to long term growth potential-

Pro !"# De#)i*' : BeportingE 0nline access to portfolio holdings, 5uaterly repeorting of portfolio holdingsGtransactions 9hargesE $-+/ per annum 349 charged e#ery 5uarter, %-+/ )rokerage $%/ profit sharing after *+/ hurdle is crossed,chargea)le at the end of the fiscal year Arofit withdrawal in multiples of $+%%% after lock in period-

PMS Pro-Te"(: Arotech uses the knowledge of technical analysis and the power of deri#ati#es market to identify trading opportunities in the market- .he Arotech line of products are designed around #arious riskGrewardG#olitality profiles for different kinds of in#estment needs--

Pro#e"( i' +)'e o%:

@ong Short strategies 2ocus on a)solute returns .iming the market

Pro !"# De#)i*': 4inimum 'n#estmentE Bs *% lakhs @ock inE months

349 feesE%/

BeportingE 4onthly reporting of transactions, )rokerage %-%+/ for deri#ati#es, $%/ profit sharing on )ooked profits on 5uaterly )asis-

Arofit withdrawal in multiples of $+%%% after lock in period-


Sharekhan tigers dig meaty Stock 'deas out of the heart of the
market and )ring them to you- .heir skill at identifying their prey,,Stock 'deas,,while keeping your taste for in#estment in mind is reflected in the depth of their research and the performance of the ideas- .he 4arket Strategy reports, on the other hand, identify the hunting,ground for Stock 'deas, i-e- sectors and stock groups that are ripe for performance, discuss the state of the economy and its impact on the stock market as well as ad#ise you on dealing with the impact of socio,political issues on the market-

(uilding and maintaining your ideal portfolio demands o);ecti#e, dependa)le information- Share khan E5uity 3nalysis helps satisfy that need )y rating stocks )ased on carefully selected, fact,)ased measures- 3nd )ecause Sharekhan is not focused on in#estment )anking, it doesn't ha#e the same conflicts of interest as traditional )rokerage firms- .his o);ecti#ity is only one important difference in our ratings-

TYPE OF CATEGORIES : RESEARCH: Besearch home 2undamental research Stock ideas .rading products3ll the a)o#e Besearch Aroducts help the clients in making profits-

A SH !"#H $ OUTLET OFFERS THE FOLLO,ING SERVICES : 0nline (SE and NSE executions ( through (0@. and NE3. terminals)2ree access to in#estment ad#ice from S>3BE1>3N research teamDaily research reports and market re#iew ( >igh Noon, Eagle Eye)Are, market report (morning cuppa)Daily trading calls )ased on technical analysis9ool trading products ( Daring Deri#ati#es, trading ring and market strategy)-

AersonaliDed ad#ice@i#e market informationDepository ser#icesE Demat and Bemat transactions'nternet )ased trading terminalE speed trade and trade tigerAortfolio management ser#ices0ffline and online 4utual 2und Distri)ution0nline and offline 'A0 )idding and also 'A0 fundingDeri#ati#es trading ( future and option)-

SHAREKHAN DEPOSITORY SERVICES : DematerialiDation and trading in the demat mode is the safer and faster alternati#e to the physical existence of securities- Demat as a parallel solution offers freedom from delays, thefts, forgeries, settlement risks and paper work- .his system works through depository participants (DAs) who offer demat ser#ices and the securities are held in the electronic form for the in#estor directly )y DepositorySharekhan Depository Ser#ices offers dematerialisation ser#ices to indi#idual and corporate in#estors- "e ha#e a team of professionals and the latest technological expertise dedicated exclusi#ely to our demat department, apart from a national network of franchisee, making our ser#ices 5uick, con#enient and efficient3t Sharekhan, our commitment is to pro#ide a complete demat solution which is simple, safe and secure-


Dematerialisation is the process )y which a client can get physical certificates con#erted into electronic )alances maintained in his account with the DA-

FEATURES : >oldings in only those securities that are admitted for dematerialisation )y National Securities Depository @td (NSD@) can )e dematerialised Structure of holding in the securities should match with the account structure of the depository account- Now shares in different order of names can also )e dematted'f the shares are in the name of N and Y, the same cannot )e dematerialised into the account of either N or Y alone- >owe#er if the shares are in the name of N first and Y second, and the account is in the name of Y first and N second, then these shares can )e dematerialised in this account 0nly those holdings that are registered in the name of the account holder can )e dematerialised- Ahysical shares which ha#e not )een transferred and are still there with a transfer deed cannot )e dematted- 0nly a few companies ha#e )een gi#en the permission to offer .ransfer,cum,Demat- .he list of these companies can )e #iewed here-

REMATERIALISATION : Bematerialisation is the process )y which a client can get his electronic holdings con#erted into physical certificates- .he client has to su)mit the rematerialisation re5uest to the DA with whom he has an account along with a Bemat

re5uest form- .he physical shares will )e posted )y the company directly to the clients-

TRADES : 2or all sales made )y clients, the shares will ha#e to )e gi#en to the )roker, so that the Aay 'n can )e made )y the )roker to the stock exchange concerned- 2or that it's essential that the shares )e transferred to the account of the )roker well )efore the deadline date- You must confirm with your )roker the settlement date and settlement num)er and then su)mit your instructions to your DA- 3lso it's important to gi#e the instructions to your DA as early as possi)le-

PLEDGE : Aledge ena)les you to o)tain loans against your dematerialised shares- So you get li5uidity without ha#ing to sell your shares- 3 highly simplified procedure may )e a#ailed of for pledging of securities in the electronic mode- .he pledged securities continue to )e reflected in the DA account of the clients (pledgor) )ut the concerned securities are O)lockedO and cannot )e used for any transactions- 3s and when the pledge is to )e remo#ed, )ased on confirmations recei#ed from )oth the pledgor and the pledgee, the )locked securities will )e released to O2ree (alanceO of the account holder- 3 #ery )ig ad#antage of using pledges in the electronic mode is that the securities continue to )e in your account and therefore all )enefits,,#iD Di#idend, (onus and Bights,,accrue to the holder, ie you and not the )ank (pledgee)-


9orporate )enefits are )enefits gi#en )y a company to its in#estors- .hese may )e either monetary )enefits like di#idend, interest etc or non,monetary )enefits like )onus, rights etc- NSD@ facilitates distri)ution of corporate )enefits- 't's important to mention your correct 4'9B No and attach copy of the che5ue leaf with your account opening form- NSD@ is planning to distri)ute all cash corporate )enefits to )ank accounts directly

BROKERAGE : 2ollowing schemes are a#aila)le for trading 3ccountE Pre-)i S"(eme A R' .///0- -er A%%!m
.a)le 3 (rokerage Bate (for 349 Scheme 3ccount) 349 349 Bs- $,%%% pa .a)le ( (rokerage Bate (for non 349 Scheme 3ccount) Nil

Scheme .ype 3

3ccount opening 9harges Speed .rade 3Gc Bs- *,%%% (one time)

Speed .rade 3ccount Bs- *,%%% 9lassic 3ccount Bs- 6+% 0ffline 3ccount 4in- Aaisa

9lassic 3ccount Bs- 6+% 0ffline 3ccount 4in- Aaisa

Aercentage 9ash Segment .rading 2irst @eg Second @eg Deli#ery Deli#ery (rokerage %-8%/ %-%6/ %-%6/


%+p %+p

%-*%/ %-*%/

*% *%




0ther charges 9ash segment (.rading and Deli#ery)

Stamp Duty .urno#er .ax Ser#ice tax





Default (rokerage 2utures H 0ptions Segment 2irst @eg Second @eg (same day) Next day 0ther charges 2H0 Segment Stamp Duty .urno#er .ax Ser#ice tax

%-%6/ %-%$/ %-%6/

%*p %*p %*p

%-*%/ %-%/ %-*%/

*% %% *%





Default (rokerage

Pre-)i S"(eme R' 1///0- -er A%%!m .a)le 3 (rokerage Bate (for 349 Scheme 3ccount) 349 3ccount P 349 Bs- ,%%% pa .a)le ( (rokerage Bate (for non 349 Scheme 3ccount) Nil

Scheme .ype (

opening P Speed .rade 3Gc Bs- P Speed .rade 3ccount Bs- *,%%% *,%%% P 9lassic 3ccount Bs- 6+% P 0ffline 3ccount Aercentage 4in- Aaisa Aercentage 4in- Aaisa P 9lassic 3ccount P 0ffline 3ccount Bs- 6+%

9harges (one time)

9ash Segment .rading 2irst @eg Second @eg Deli#ery Deli#ery (rokerage %-$+/ *%p %-+%/ +% %-%+/ %-%+/ %+p %+p %-*%/ %-*%/ *% *%

0ther charges 9ash segment (.rading and Deli#ery) Stamp Duty .urno#er .ax Ser#ice tax Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Default (rokerage

2utures H 0ptions Segment 2irst @eg Second @eg (same day) Next day %-%+/ %-%$/ %-%+/ %*p %*p %*p %-*%/ %-%/ %-*%/ *% % *%

0ther charges 2H0 Segment Stamp Duty .urno#er .ax Ser#ice tax Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Default (rokerage

3long with these a)o#e schemes many other competiti#e schemes are a#aila)le for customers depending on there #olume of trading2ollowing schemes are a#aila)le for Deemat 3ccountE



S()re4()% Fir'# '#e- Pro&r)m: ,()# i': 'n the complex world of in#esting in shares in 'ndia, interested )eginners didn't ha#e any place they could start out from- .his is why Sharekhan started the 2irstStep program , to assist and guide new in#estors when they take their first steps into the world of in#esting in shares- .his program is explicitly designed for )eginners- You will not feel unintelligent when asking 5uestions like O"ho owns the Stock 4arket&O or O"hat is a stock,split&O since Sharekhan people are trained to assist those taking their first step in the marketCo%'i'# o$: .he Sharekhan 2irstStep program is a special, ne#er,)een,done,)efore program created )y Sharekhan for new in#estors to the stock market- Despite )eing a )eginner with a small amount to in#est, they will still )e a)le to )enefit from Sharekhan experience, technology,)ased tools and research- 'n fact, Sharekhan ha#e created special #ersions of all of these for clients , clear and simple information tools for there understanding, demonstrations to help them get started and research re,written in easier language- See how Sharekhan friendly assistance empowers them to )ecome a 'Stock 4arket ka Sher'-


SHAREKHAN VALUELINE : A mo%#(*5 i%6e'#me%# re-or# +)'e o% $!% )me%#)* re'e)r"( 7i#(

S#o"4 i e)'8 S#o"4 U- )#e'8 E)r%i%& G!i e8 S#o"4 Re"o'8 M!#!)* F!% G!i e 8 M)r4e# O!#*oo48 Se"#or U- )#e'

S()re4()% A7)r : Sharkhan was the proud recipient of the 9N(9 3waaD 3ward for the )eing the most preferred stock )roking company in 'ndiaL (?uly $%%+) S7o# A%)*5'i' :

3 S"0. analysis focuses on the internal and external en#ironments, examining strengths and weaknesses in the internal en#ironment and opportunities and threats in the external en#ironment-

Service Dis ri!" i#$ $e %#r& M'r&e i$( Pr#)"c s

C"s #+er S' is,'c i#$ -r'$)i$( C#+.e i i#$ ,r#+ -'$&s

Ever i$cre'si$( +'r&e I+.r#vi$( ec/$#0#(1 U$,"0,i00e) c"s #+ers2 E)"c' i#$ 0eve0 $ee)s #,

Ne% c#+.e i #rs Tec/$#0#(1 !'se) !"si$ess

PROCEDURE OF CLIENT ACQUISITION : 'n the first phase we are gi#en training and we are explained a)out different things of market, a)out Sharekhan @td, its ,introduction, products and ser#ices offered )y Sharekhan @td- "e ha#e )een trained )y there well experienced Staff 3fter that we are trained to cope up with the customers, through there well experienced Sales Executi#es .hey pro#ide us leads and we make calls- .hree types of leads are pro#ided to usE Aeople who registers themsel#es on Sharekhan we)site willing to )e client of Sharekhan and want to know a)out its product Aeople who ha#e Demat account already with any another )roker(competitors Data) Aeople who are totally unknown to this market-

.hen after that we ha#e to pro#ide details of product and con#ince themAeople who ha#e already Demat account, we ha#e to con#ince them )y gi#ing information a)out Sharekhan ser#ices H )enefits-

3nd people who are unknown to share market, we tell them a)out Sharekhan first step program for fresher-

.hen we ha#e to #isit them and get the formed filled from them"e collect all,important documents from client-

PROCEDURE FOR OPENING A DP ACCOUNT ,ITH SHAREKHAN : You can open a Depository Aarticipant (DA) account, either through a Sharekhan )ranch or through a Sharekhan 2ranchisee center .here is no fee for opening DA accounts with Sharekhan- >owe#er a nominal deposit (refunda)le) is charged towards ser#ices which will )e ad;usted against all future )illings 3ll in#estors ha#e to su)mit their proof of identity and proof of address along with the prescri)ed account opening form-

IN DP ACCOUNT OPENING FORM : *4inor details like name of the )ranch, name of the client H address and other details of the client re5uired to )e mentioned in the form and 3greement$:8Signatures are re5uired on all pages of the agreement3ll the details (Name H address of the client) must )e filledName, 3ddress H signature of the witness are compulsory- (Alease note that * witness is re5uired to sign on )ehalf of the client)


Alease note that if the signature on the form H the proof pro#ided differs, the form will )e lia)le for re;ection- 'n such cases the client has to get his signatures #erified )y the )anker-

Nominee details must )e supported )y $ witnesses (Name, 3ddress H signature)-


4inor accounts, >K2 accounts, 9orporate accounts, and 3ccounts ha#ing : holders cannot ha#e nominees in a DA account-


Alease note that ;oint accounts cannot )e opened in case 4inor accounts and >K2 accounts-


'ncase of any corrections on the application form H agreement holders ha#e to counter sign at place of the correction-


9i: *-

Proo$ o$ I e%#i#5: 9A%5 o%e o$ #(e $o**o7i%&:: Ahotocopy of Calid Aassport (Aage containing the date of expiry also to )e attached)


Ahotocopy of Coters 'dentity cardAhotocopy of Calid Dri#ing @icense (Aage containing the date of expiry also to )e attached)-


Ahotocopy of Aan card Ahotocopy of 43A'N card 'dentity cardGdocument with applicantFs Ahoto, issued )y a) 9entralGState =o#ernment and its Departments, )) StatutoryGBegulatory 3uthorities, c) Au)lic Sector Kndertakings,

d) Scheduled 9ommercial (anks, e) Au)lic 2inancial 'nstitutions, f) Arofessional (odies such as '93', '9"3', '9S', (ar 9ouncil etc-, to their 4em)ersQ and g) 9redit cardsGDe)it cards issued )y (anks-


Proo$ o$ A )

re'': 9A%5 o%e o$ #(e $o**o7i%&: - 9Pro6i e

#(e e%#ire

re'' 7ri##e% o% #(e $orm m)#"(e' 7i#( #(e -roo$:


Ahotocopy of Bation cardAhotocopy of Calid Aassport (Aage containing the date of expiry also to )e attached)- (9opy of expiry date also to )e su)mitted)


Ahotocopy of Coters 'dentity cardAhotocopy of Calid Dri#ing @icense (Aage containing the date of expiry also to )e attached)- (9opy of expiry date also to )e su)mitted)


Ahotocopy of .elephone or Electricity )ill- (=o#ernment entity only H should not )e more than : months old)


Ahotocopy of @ea#e,@icense G Aurchase 3greementAhotocopy of Coters 'dentity cardAhotocopy of (ank Aass)ook or latest (ank statementSelf,declaration )y >igh 9ourt H Supreme 9ourt ;udges, gi#ing the new address in respect of their own accounts-


'dentity cardGdocument with address, issued )y a) 9entralGState =o#ernment and its Departments, )) StatutoryGBegulatory 3uthorities,

c) Au)lic Sector Kndertakings, d) Scheduled 9ommercial (anks, e) Au)lic 2inancial 'nstitutions and f) Arofessional (odies such as '93', '9"3', (ar 9ouncil etc-, to their 4em)ers9iii: P(o#o"o-5 o$ "(e;!e *e)$ o$ +)%4 )""o!%# %!m+er me%#io%e o% #(e $orm #o 6eri$5 #(e B)%4 MICR No3 9i6: L)#e'# -(o#o&r)-( 'i&%e +5 #(e "*ie%#3

FOR H3U3F ACCOUNT OPENING REQUIREMENTS : *$:8+Signed Ahotograph of the 1arta is re5uiredAroof of 'dentity of the 1arta Aan card of >K2 Aroof of 3ddress Ahotocopy of che5ue leaf of )ank account num)er mentioned on the form to #erify the (ank 4'9B No6>K2 Stamp is re5uired where#er the client signs on the agreement@etter from the 1arta operating the Demat account with the two witnesses of coparceners!No ;oint names H nominees allowed for >K2 accounts-


.he account opened in the name of the minor cannot ha#e second and third holders- 2urther there can )e no nominee for minor account- .he =uardian has to sign on )ehalf of the 4inor*$:8+(irth 9ertificate of the 4inor=uardianFs Aroof of 3ddress=uardianFs Aroof of 'dentityAhotograph of the 4inor H =uardianAhotocopy of che5ue leaf

FOR N3R3I3 9NON RESIDENT INDIAN: CLIENT : *$@atest photograph signed )y the clientAhotocopy of Calid Aassport (Aage containing the date of expiry also to )e attached) :8+Aroof of @ocal 3ddress Aroof of 2oreign 3ddress Ahotocopy of che5ue leaf of )ank account num)er (NBE or NB0) mentioned on the form to #erify the (ank 4'9B No-

FOR PARTNERSHIP FIRM : .he account cannot )e opened in the name of a partnership firm't has to )e opened in the name of the partners, as an indi#idual account4aintaining dairy of clients and contacting them at regular )asis- .o get feed)ack from them a)out Sharekhan ser#ices-


PRODUCTS AND SERVICES : 3 product for e#ery needE '9'9'direct-com is the most comprehensi#e we)site, which allows you to in#est in Shares, 4utual funds, Deri#ati#es (2utures and 0ptions) and other financial products- Simply they offer you a product for e#ery in#estment need of yours'9'9' "e) .rade @imited ('".@) maintains '9'9'direct-com- '".@ is an 3ffiliate of '9'9' (ank @imited and the "e)site is owned )y '9'9' (ank ICICIDIRECT.COM @imited


TRADING IN Derivative





TRADING IN SHARES : '9'9'direct-com offers you #arious options while trading in shares-

9ash .radingE .his is a deli#ery )ased trading system, which is generally done with the intention of taking deli#ery of shares-

4argin .radingE You can also do an intra,settlement trading upto : to 8 times your a#aila)le funds, wherein you take long )uyG short sell positions in stocks with the intention of s5uaring off the position within the same day settlement cycle- (0N@Y for intraday)

4argin A@KS .radingE .hrough 4argin A@KS you can do an intra, settlement trading upto $+ times your a#aila)le funds, wherein you take long )uyG short sell positions in stocks with the intention of s5uaring off the position within the same day settlement cycle- 4argin A@KS will gi#e a much higher le#erage in your account against your limits-

Spot .radingE "hen you are looking at an immediate li5uidity option, '9ash on Spot' may work the )est for you, 0n selling shares through Ocash on spotO, money is credited to your )ank aGc the same e#ening H not on the exchange payout date- .his money can then )e withdrawn from any of the '9'9'(ank 3.4s-

(.S. E (uy .oday Sell .omorrow ((.S.) is a facility that allows you to sell shares e#en on *st and $nd day after the )uy order date, without you ha#ing to wait for the receipt of shares into your demat account-

9all n .radeRE 9allN.radeR allows you to call on a local num)er in your city H trade on the telephone through our 9ustomer Ser#ice Executi#es- .his facility is currently a#aila)le in o#er ** ma;or states across 'ndia-

.rading on NSEG(SEE .hrough '9'9'direct-com, you can trade on NSE as well as (SE-


TRADE IN DERIVATIVES: F!#!re : .hrough '9'9'direct-com, you can now trade in index and stock futures on the NSE- 'n futures trading, you take )uyGsell positions in index or stock(s) contracts ha#ing a longer contract period of up to : monthsAresently only selected stocks, which meet the criteria on li5uidity and #olume, ha#e )een ena)led for futures trading9alculate 'ndex and 1now your 4argin are tools to help you in calculating your margin re5uirements and also the index H stock price mo#ements--


.o take the )uyGsell position on indexGstock options, you ha#e to place certain / of order #alue as margin- "ith options trading, you can le#erage on your trading limit )y taking )uyGsell positions much more than what you could ha#e taken in cash segment-


IPO' AND BONDS ONLINE : You could also in#est in 'nitial Au)lic 0ffers ('A0s) and (onds online

without going through the hassles of filling 3NY application formG paperwork=et in,depth analyses of new 'A0s issues ('nitial Au)lic 0fferings), which are a)out to hit the market and analysis on these- 'A0 calendar, recent 'A0 listings, prospectusGoffer documents, and 'A0 analysis are few of the features, which help you, keep on top of the 'A0 markets-


CUSTOMER SERVICE FEATURES : "ith ''9'9'direct 9ustomer .ools H Kpdates' you can trou)le shoot all

your pro)lems onlineT(e ICICI ire"# A 6)%#)&e': 3 Kni5ue :,in,* account that gi#es youE Co%6e%ie%"e : .he :,in,* accounts integrate your )anking, )roking and demat accounts- .his ena)les you to trade in shares without going through the hassles of tracking settlement cycles, writing che5ues and .ransfer 'nstructions, chasing your )roker for che5ues or .ransfer 'nstructions etc-


: You can now get the latest 5uotes of scrips on

'9'9'direct-com and place an order almost instantlyCo%#ro* : You can )e assured that you ha#e in fact placed an order at the price you always wanted to, )ut may not ha#e )een a)le to do so till now- .here)y gi#ing you control o#er your own tradesI% e-e% e%"e : 'nstead of transferring monies to a )roker's pool or towards deposits, you can manage your own demat and )ank accounts when you trade through '9'9'direct-comTr!'# : '9'9'direct-com comes to you from '9'9', the organisation trusted )y millions of 'ndians "e can trade into NSE, (SE, Deri#ati#es, 4utual funds, Aersonal 2inance, 'A0Fs online 4argin plus trading is pro#ided in which customer can )uy share up to $+ times of its margin

ICICI DIRECT3COM : 3G9 opening charges E Bs- 6+% 349 (rokerageS Deli#ery 'ntraday E %-6+/ E %-%6/ E Bs +%%

(Exclusi#e of ser#ice tax for *$-$8/ H Ser#ice .ransaction .ax)

DEAL CLINCHERS VS ICICIDIRECT3COM : *$:8(rokerage is %-6+/(Deli#ery) and %-%6/('ntraday)4argin of BS +%%%G, is necessary to maintain in '9'9'(ank 3G9(.S. facility is pro#ided only on *$6 scrips"hile watching applet, only one,company rates can )e seen and we ha#e to refresh it again and again to update the rates+@imited toll free num)er are pro#ided, on $*st call BS $%G, are charged9ompulsion to ha#e )ank aGc with '9'9'(3N1 and your sa#ing 3G9 is attached with '9'9' trading 3G9- '9'9'D'BE9. has authority to de)it your sa#ing 3G9 directly without customer informing a)out this6!7Demat transaction charges are included in )rokerageBesearch reports are pro#ided at BS 8+%G,p-aAoor online 'nterfaceE Slow we)site interface with no real,time 5uotes creates a dissatisfaction among high fre5uency traders *%4argin trading restrictionE .he margin trading system is a#aila)le up to $E8+ p-m, with outstanding net positions under margin segment automatically s5uared off at any time )etween $E8+ T :E:% p-m- .hus no control of s5uare off price**4orning .rades 'ssueE

(eing one of the we)sites with largest no of after hour orders which are pushed *st thing in the morning, creates a choking of orders to the exchange, causes delay of confirmations for new order placed during the early morning trades *$0nly 'ntraday 4argin exposure E .he margin exposure of : or 8 times is only pro#ided for intraday-

INDIABULLS3COM : 'ndia)ulls is 'ndia's leading retail financial ser#ices company with :%% locations spread across **% cities- "hile siDe and strong )alance sheet allow it to pro#ide you with #aried products and ser#ices at #ery attracti#e prices, its o#er 88%% 9lient Belationship 4anagers are dedicated to ser#ing your uni5ue needs- 'ndia)ulls is lead )y a highly regarded management team that has in#ested crores of rupees into a world class 'nfrastructure that pro#ides our clients with real,time ser#ice H $8G6 accesses to all information and products- 'ndia)ulls Arofessional NetworkTM offers real,time prices, detailed data and news, intelligent analytics, and electronic trading capa)ilities, right at your fingertips- .his powerful technology is complemented )y knowledgea)le and customer focused Belationship 4anagers- 't is creating a world of Smart 'n#estor'ndia)ulls offers a full range of financial ser#ices and products ranging from E5uities to 'nsurance to enhance your wealth and hence, achie#e your financial goals'ndia)ulls' 9lient Belationship 4anagers are a#aila)le to you to help with your financial planning and in#estment needs- .o pro#ide the highest possi)le 5uality of

ser#ice, 'ndia)ulls pro#ides full access to all our products and ser#ices through multi, channels-

9harges 9harge >ead 3ccount with A03 3ccount without A03

S#)m- P)-er C()r&e' 349 9ustody 9harges .ransaction 9harges (uy (4arket G 0ff, 4arket) .ransfers .ransaction 9harges Sell (4arket G 0ff, 4arket) .ransfers Nil Aledge 9reation G 9onfirmation G BsNil Nil Nil


R'32//0Bs-$+%G, Nil Nil


per Bs-




.ransaction Bs-$%G, per instruction-

Bs-$+G, .ransaction Bs-* per

per Bs-$+G, per .ransaction

9losureG'n#ocation D'43.

certificate Bs-$



(max Bs-$+% G,) M (max Bs-$+% G,)M Bs-$+ Bs-$+ courier charges D'43. Be;ections Bs-$% per re;ection M Bs-$+ courier Be'mat 9harges Bs-*+ re5uest courier charges Bs-$% per re;ection M Bs-$+ courier or Bs-*+ re5uest or %-%$ /

%-%$/ whiche#er is whiche#er is higherhigher-

Deli#ery 'nstruction (ook


Bs-*%G, No charges for first )ook-

2ax 'ndemnity (0ptional)




F)"i*i#ie' .his allows you to #iew and print reports for 0NE 40N.> through our we)site.his allows you to #iew and print reports for a full JK3B.EB through our we)site.his allows you to #iew and print reports for 0NE YE3B through our we)site.his allows you to #iew and print reports for 0NE 40N.> through our we)site plus you can get *% BEA0B.S AB'N.ED 3ND DE@'CEBED to your doorstep on re5uest-

"e)(ased,*,4onth, Bs-*%%E


"e)(ased,:,4onth, Bs-$6%E


"e)(ased,*,Year, Bs-*%%%E


ArintBeport,*,4onth, Bs-:+%E


ArintBeport,:,4onth, Bs-7+%E

.his allows you to #iew and print reports for a full JK3B.EB through our we)site plus you can get *% BEA0B.S AB'N.ED 3ND DE@'CEBED to your doorstep on re5uest E39> 40N.>-


ArintBeport,*,Year, Bs-:+%%E

.his allows you to #iew and print reports for 0NE YE3B through our we)site plus you can get *% BEA0B.S AB'N.ED 3ND DE@'CEBED to your doorstep on re5uest E39> 40N.>-

ADVANTAGES OF INDIABULLS : *$:No annual maintenance charges for Demat account@isted company and aggressi#e in )rand promotion9ontrol Stay on top of your investments with convenient access to your account online or by phone. 89onfidence < Support your in#esting decisions with premium in,depth research , 'ndia)ulls E5uity 3nalysis-.4 +Calue < En;oy competeti#e commissions and get the ser#ice and support you need at a fair priceAriority Ser#ice < En;oy priority telephone access that gi#es you direct access to your Belationship 4anager6Aremium Besearch < (enefit from full access to 'ndia)ulls E5uity 3nalysis.4, our o);ecti#e, fact,)ased approach to rating stocks!0nline 3ccounting < Stay on the top of your in#estments with a snapshot of your 3ccount Statements- =et access to Aortfolio statement and access to digital contract notes

DEAL CLINCHERS V' INDIABULLS : *$:8+Besearch reports are paid at BS *%% p-mS4S alert ser#ice is not pro#ided'A0 online is not there- 't is offlineBS +%%G, is )locked )y system as marginA03 for 9lients D43.E

3ll shares held )y client trading with '( are mo#ed to '( Aool 3ccount and the same is shown as a reflection in client DA account- 9harges are le#ied to mo#e shares from '( pool 3ccount to client DA account 63nnual maintenance charges are charged, if power of attorney is signed4argin 2unding hoaxE .he interest on funding starts on le#eraged deli#ery trades from .M* day itself U$*/ p-a, on a daily )asis !.he role of Belationship 4anagerE Each B4 is looked upon as a re#enue generator and he gets a / on )usiness generated from client- .his can lead to o#er le#eraged ('nterest) H high fre5uency ((rokerage) trading, which may not )e in the )est interest of the clientANALYSIS:

S>3BE1>3N '9'9'D'BE9. 'ND'3(K@@S

- 904 3G9 0AEN'N= 6+%G, (we) )ased online), 9>3B=ES *%%%G, (software

- 904 6+%G,(wai#e off if trading *%%%(offline we))ased) *6+%(software) 2BEE 20B *S. YE3B 3ND +%%G, A-3- 2B04 $ND YE3B 0N"3BDS N0 349 H

)ased is more than Bs- * lakh)

online), 8 %G, (offline) DE43. 3G9 9>3B=ES 2BEE (*S. YE3B) 3ND :%%G,A-32B04 $ND YE3B 0N"3BDS .YAE 02 3G9 :(off line,fast trade H "e) )ased

"e) software


speed trade) .B3D'N= .>B0K=> "E(S'.E 0B S02.,"3BE NSEG(SEG DEB'C3, .'CESG 3B('.,B3=EG 4K.K3@ 2KNDS S02.,"3BE 9>3B=ES +%%G,A-4(NE=0.'3(@E 0N (B01EB3=E) D3'@,N, .B3DE KN@'4'.ED 0n $*st call Bs $%G, per call(A-4-) N-3NSEG(SEG DEB'C3.'CESG NSEG(SEG 4K.K3@ (0.> "E(S'.E



90440D'.'ESG'A0FSG 2KNDSG 4K.K3@ 'NSK3B3N9E 2KNDSG Deri#ati#es


B4 NK4(EB AB0C'DED 20B .B3D'N=


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>D29 (3N1,

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YES (K. 0N@Y 0N *$6 S9B'AS 02 NSE


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YES 8 .0 ! .'4ES

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YES 8 0N"3BDS .'4ES



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OB>ECTIVES OF THE STUDY : .he o);ecti#e of my Aro;ect is to gain knowledge a)out how an organiDation works and in particular setup of a stock )roking house-

PRIMARY OB>ECTIVES OF THE PRO>ECT ARE : *$.o learn a)out company routine working .o learn the marketing techni5ues that are used to ac5uire a client-

SECONDARY OB>ECTIVE : *.o study the S>3BE1>3N competitors strengths and weaknesses-

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY : Re'e)r"( Me#(o o*o&5 ? VSystemised 4ethod to gain knowledgeW- .he

techni5ue deployed to analyDe and interpret the data for the purpose of hitting the target o);ecti#e plays a crucial role- .he effecti#e research techni5ue has a significant contri)ution for effecti#e o);ecti#e achie#ement- .hroughout this pro;ect, a com)ination of secondary and primary research was undertaken to undertaken S>3BE1>3N @.DDATA SOURCES : Arimary Data, Secondary Data

PRIMARY DATA : Arimary data is a data that is collected for the first time in the processing of the analysis.he researchers ha#e adopted the contact through telephone for the purpose of collecting Arimary data- .he researchers discuss with .eam 4anager and employees of the company to get information a)out competitors of S>3BE1>3N-com-

SECONDARY DATA : Knder Secondary sources, we tapped information from internal H external sources"e made use of 'nternet (such as search engine and


7773i"i"i ire"#3"om,

7773i% i)+!**'3"om

miscellaneous sources (such as )rochures, pamphlets, li)rary) under external sources-

ANALYSIS : .o make our research pro;ect most effecti#e in a gi#en time period of two months sur#eyed the information of the competitors- "e undertook )oth Explorati#e as well as 9onclusi#e Besearch Design- .he data has )een collected from )oth Arimary as well as Secondary sources and we also did the fieldwork for which utmost care has )een taken to keep pro;ect un)iased from personal opinionSIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY : E#ery research is conducted to fulfill certain o);ecti#e and these o);ecti#es in turn fulfill some purpose- ((3 curricular is designed to gi#e more practical exposes to the student so that he can make use of theoretical knowledge in the real life situation, with this thrust dissertation study has )een included which pro#ides opportunity to research to gain practical insight of the market- .his hand on experience helps him in identifying the critical factor of consumer )uying )eha#ior.his rich experience will )e great help in researcherFs future endea#ors and it also sol#es the purpose for the partial fulfillment of ((3 curriculum' sincerely )elie#e that road to impro#ement is ne#er, ending and one always learns from a new experience- .his pro;ect is a step towards gaining knowledge a)out real world and putting the theory of practice- ' shall look forward to and gratefully acknowledge all suggestion on this small step ' ha#e taken.he report consists of a stepTwise efforts towards meeting the o);ecti#es of the study- 't co#ers the step,wise collection of data collection and the representation of the data together with the analysis- 't also includes some suggestions put forward hoping it would help the company achie#e its #ision-

MANAGERIAL USEFULNESS OF THE STUDY : .he marketing department can use this study to enhance their marketing strategies for )etter sales- .his report helps marketing department in taking decision to what change in distri)ution channels and what should )e done so that marketing pro)lem could )e sorted out and how to sell their range of product in the competiti#e market.he #ery essence of e#ery pro;ect related to marketing is pro#iding a #iew to management for chalk out the organiDation- So that they can maintain a #ia)le fit )etween the organiDation o);ecti#e, skill and resources and itFs changing market opportunities- 3lso gi#e proper shape to the company )usiness target profit and growth- 't pro#ides a feed)ack to the organiDation a)out their sales, sales schemes and what impact dose it has on the retailers and consumer- E#ery market research pro#es useful suggestion to the organiDation- 4arketing research helps the firm in e#ery component of the total marketing task- 't helps the firm ac5uire a )etter understating of the )uyer, the competition and marketing en#ironment- 't also aids the formulation of the marketing mix, product, distri)ution and pricing needs marketing research support- 't also in taking the information of competitorFs strategies and their impact on the )uyer- .he study re#els may fact that ha#e come up during the pro;ect and these facts can either )e used as opportunities in exploring and expending the )usiness as well as can )e used as safeguard against threats )y the competitors to prepare an effecti#e marketing strategy- E#ery market research pro#es usefulness to the organiDation- 4arketing research helps the firm in e#ery component of the total marketing task- 'ts helps the firm ac5uire a )etter understanding of the consumer, the

competition and the marketing en#ironment- 't also aids he formulation of marketing mix, decision on each element of marketing mix, product, distri)ution and promotion and pricing etc need the support of marketing research-

LIMITATIONS OF THE PRO>ECT : Ser#ices of competitors E "e cannot gi#e proper comment on competitorFs ser#ices till we use it- (ut ' try to collect as accurate information as possi)le3s we all know ser#ices are intangi)le and we cannot predict its 5uality, it is a thing to feel not to see No proper assurance of right information E.he main data sources are we)sites, telephonic information and offices #isit .he data on we)sites might )e possi)le, not get updated.he marketing person might )e possi)le, is not through with all concepts to whom ' contacted Sometimes, they try to hide information-

@ack of awareness of Stock marketE ,, Since the area is not known )efore it takes lot of time in con#incing people to start in#esting in shares primarily in 'A0Fs-

4ostly people comforta)le with traditional )rokersE ,, 3s people are doing trading from there respecti#e )rokers, they are 5uite comforta)le to trade #ia phone-

@ack of .echno Sa##y people and poor 'nternet penetrationE Since most of the people are 5uite experienced and also they are not techno sa#y- 3lso 'nternet penetration is poor in 'ndia-

Some respondents are unwilling to talkE ,, Some respondents either do not ha#e time or willing does not respond, as they are 5uite annoyed with the phone call-

'naccurate @eadsE ,, Sometimes leads are pro#ided which had error in it which #aries from only + digit phone num)er to wrong phone num)er

4isleading conceptsE ,, Some people think that Shares are too risky and ;ust another name of gam)le )ut they donFt know its not at all that risky for long in#estors-

SCOPE OF THE STUDY : .hese are some of the following scope of the studyE, *.he present study can )e extended to assess the present marketing condition of stock market$.he study can )e used to design a proper product, price, place H promotional strategy for stock market:2rom the present study we can know the market share of different )y,products and accordingly formulated strategy to enhance it8.he result of marketing success of different )y,product can )e interpreted to assess the rate of employeeFs satisfaction in that department (marketing)+.his study can )e applied to find out an effecti#e distri)ution channel to enhance the sale of )y,product of S>3BE1>3N-


0n sur#eying #arious people who are in#ol#ed in share trading )oth as trader as well as in#estor, we found that )rokerage is the most important factor on which people select G opt a )roking house, followed )y image , con#enience in trading , customer ser#ice, features, tips H suggestion H 349-





"hat is interesting to note is the weighted contri)ution of these factors towards decision making- 3lthough )rokerage leads the pack it has only *7/ contri)ution, and is closely followed )y )roking housesF image with *!/ and con#enience in trade with * /- 349 H tips H suggestions ha#ing only *%/ contri)ution each towards decision making end up the packPIE CHART DEPECTING MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN SELECTING A -RO*ING HOUSE
1?< 1>< 1><

1;< 12< 1=<




0n sur#eying S>3BE1>3N 9ustomer why they opted for same, we got to know it was )ecause of image S>3BE1>3N carries in the market, followed )y its competiti#e )rokerage, con#enience in trade, features, customer ser#ice, tips and suggestions, and 349-





Share1han 9ontinous increases its growth percentage as shown in the =raph H )ecomes one of the indiaFs .opmost 0nline .rading Ser#ice Aro#ider-

CONCLUSION : 'n online trading, S>3BE1>3N ha#e mainly competition with

icicidirect-com, >D29sec-com, +Aaisa-com 'ndia )ulls- S>3BE1>3N comes at no$ retail )roker- 't has an ad#antage of )eing in this industry for more than ! decades't has launched its we)site in $%%% and were among the first player in the online share trading- .he S>3BE1>3N has decided to spend its ad#ertisement )udget through four media i-e- .ele#ision, Arint, "e) and 0utlets- 4r- (oman 'rani was the first )rand am)assador for S>3BE1>3N on tele#ision media- 2rom the a)o#e analysis we can point out some pointsE


S>3BE1>3N account opening charges are little higher than other competitors- S>3BE1>3N is less flexi)le to cut down its account opening charges on the other sideQ some of the )rokers are offering free account opening to >igh Net "orth customers-


.he charges of Demat account are reasona)le at :%% p-a- )ut 'ndia)ulls is offering pool account with no 3nnual 4aintenance charges-


S>3BE1>3N pro#ides trading in NSE, (SE and Deri#ati#es- 't


launched online 4utual 2unds H 0nline 'A0 (idding- 3r)itrage facility is not a#aila)le to customers8S>3BE1>3N is the only one that does not ha#e any Demat transaction charges either on )uying or selling+Knlimited toll free calls ser#ice is pro#ided to customer in

S>3BE1>3N-comS>3BE1>3N accept offline payment from other )anks also )ut icicidirect-com, >D29sec-com clients ha#e compulsion to open an online account6!7'A0 0nline ser#ice is )etter pro#ided in S>3BE1>3N as compared to othersS>3BE1>3N is only )roker in which no margin needs to keepS>3BE1>3N research reports come in client e,mail at free of cost around +, times in a day- (ut some )rokers charged for it and some pro#ide it only at once in a day, while it is paid in 'ndia)ulls, icicidirect-com and +paisa-com*%'n )rokerage, +paisa-com ha#e an edge on others with lowest )rokerage -$+/ on deli#ery and -%+/ on intraday .o sum up, we can say that computeriDation and automation are not to )e a#oided- .echnology has )een a)le to make the stock markets accessi)le to e#ery

indi#idual- 't has also led to positi#e de#elopments in terms of reduced costs and fewer errors- (ut, as some experiences ha#e indicated, '. cannot )e applied as a panacea for all pro)lems- Begulation and knowledge dissemination are still important.he use of technology should )e preceded )y a detailed study and assessment of all other alternati#es- .he key to successful use to technology is the appreciation of its constraints-

RECOMMENDATION : "e suggest following measures, which S>3BE1>3N could take so as to take on hea#y competition from 'ND'3(K@@S and '9'9'D'BE9.-904 *.o identify regions where promotions are re5uired- S>3BE1>3N lacks #isi)ility in northern region where as it is a well known name in western region- E#en then, its promotional campaign focuses on western region where as northern region is still waiting for promotional campaigns$.ry to reduce cost, so that )enefits can )e passed on to customers- Senior managers at S>3BE1>3N keep on telling that it is difficult to reduce cost, )ecause of ser#ices we pro#ide- (ut the fact is, 'ndia )eing a price sensiti#e market, people at times go for monetary )enefits rather than for long term non, monetary )enefits:'f charges canFt )e reduced )ecause of costs in#ol#ed, make the ser#ices customiDed, so that ser#ices are pro#ided to only those customers who are willing to pay the price for ser#ices they are getting and let the other customers en;oy costs )enefits without getting ser#ices-


9oncept of margin funding should )e introduced, as more and more people are asking for it-

BOOKS : 1otler Ahilip, 4arketing 4anagementE $%% ,Arentice >all of 'ndia @td-, New Delhi*:th Edition,

MAGA@INE : (usiness "orld News Aapers


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