Sagar M.P.: Marketing Policies B/W HDFC & Icici Bank

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Project report
For the Partial Fulfillment of Deree of
Mrs. Shikha Urmil Khan Ruchi Choubey
Faculty of BBA Dept. BBA III Sem.

I am pleased to present this project report on preparing marketing policies b/ I!I!I "
#$F! %ank before m& respected readers. It is a humble attempt from m& part to judge
consumer beha'ior for the effecti'eness of e(isting and self designed.
)his stud& deals ith a number of topics that ill help reader understand and learn
ho consumers make consumption decisions regarding I!I!I " #$F!.
)his research starts ith introduction and histor& of I!I!I " #$F! folloed b& the
line of objecti'es* research methodolog& and limitations.
+e(t chapter deals ith the marketing policies and policies of I!I!I " #$F! and
after this* folloed b& the $ata Anal&sis and Interpretation that is related to the
position of I!I!I " #$F!.
)hen come the !onclusions " Suggestions of the research report.
,anguage of the report is simple and lucid. Attempts ha'e been made to arrange the
subject matter in a s&stematic and ell-knit st&le. .fforts ha'e also been made to deal
ith all topics precisel& and gentl&.
Ruchi !hoube&
%.%.A /
I ha'e taken effort in this project* hoe'er * it ould not ha'e been possible ithout
kind support and help of man& indi'iduals and organi0ation . I ould like to e(tend m&
sincere thanks to all of them.
I am highl& indebted to DR$ %$P$N$ PANDE# &Pr'nc'p()1 (n* Dr$ An(n* T'+(r' ,
Dr$ N(-'n G'*'on &HOD. & Mr/$ SHIKHA !RMIL KHAN &f(c0)t1. for their
guidance and constant super'ision as ell as for pro'iding necessar& information
regarding the project " also for their support in completing the project.
I ould like to e(press m& gratitude toard m& parents " member of GO2T$ GIRLS
P$G$ COLLEGE, SAGAR &M$P$. for their kind co-operation and encouragement
hich help me completing in this project.
I ould like to e(press m& special gratitude and thanks of industr& person for gi'ing
me such attention and time.
M& thanks and appreciation also go to m& college in de'eloping the project and people
ho ha'e illingl& helped me out ith their abilities.

)his is to certif& that the Project Report entitled 2 MAR3.)I+G
P4,I!I.S %.)5..+ #$F! " I!I!I %A+36 is an original ork and the same has
not been submitted to an& other institute for the aard of an& other degree or diploma.
Signature of candidate
R7!#I !#47%.8
%%A III Sem.


)he project report titled 3 MARKETING POLICIES BETWEEN HDFC
& ICICI BANK4 has been prepared b& R!CHI CHO!BE# BBA III

/e5. under the
guidance and super'ision of Mrs. SHIKHA !RMIL KHAN for the partial fulfillment
of the degree of %.%.A.
!hapter +o +ame of !ontents Page +4
!hapter 9 9.Introduction of I!I!I " #$F!
:. #istor&
!hapter : 9.4bjecti'e
:.Research Methodolog&
!hapter / 9.5hat is marketing Policies
:.)&pes of marketing Policies
/.marketing Policies of
icici and hdfc
!hapter ; 9.$ata Anal&sis
er <

:. .nclosure
#$F! %A+3 ,)$ as incorporated in August 9==; in the name of >#$F! %ank
,imited>*ith its registered office in Mumbai* India. #$F! %ank commenced
operations as a Scheduled !ommercial %ank in ?anuar& 9==<.
If e'er there as a man ith a mission it as H(/507898(' P(re78, Fo0n*er (n*
C8('r5(n:E5er't0/, of HDFC Gro0p$ HDFC BANK LTD as amongst the first
to set up a bank in the pri'ate sector. )he bank as incorporated on /@th August 9==;
in the name of A#$F! %ank ,imitedB* ith its registered office in Mumbai.It
commenced operations as a Scheduled !ommercial %ank on 9Cth ?anuar& 9==<. )he
bank has gron consistentl& and is no amongst the leading pla&ers in the industr&
#$F! has de'eloped significant e(pertise in retail mortgage loans to different market
segments and also has a large corporate client base for its housing related credit
facilities. 5ith its e(perience in the financial markets* a strong market reputation* large
shareholder base and uniDue consumer franchise* #$F! as ideall& positioned to
promote a bank in the Indian en'ironment In a milestone transaction in the Indian
banking industr&* )imes %ank as merged ith #$F! %ank ,td.* effecti'e Februar&
:C* :@@@.
HDFC is India's premier housing finance company and enjoys an impeccable
track record in India as well as in international markets. Since its inception in
!""# the Corporation has maintained a consistent and healthy growth in its
operations to remain the market leader in mortgages. Its outstanding loan portfolio
co$ers well o$er a million dwelling units. HDFC has de$eloped significant e%pertise
in retail mortgage loans to different market segments and also has a
large corporate client base for its housing related credit
facilities. With its experience in the financial markets# a strong market
reputation# large shareholder base and uni&ue consumer franchise# HDFC was
ideally positioned to promote a bank in the Indian en$ironment.
HDFC 'ank began operations in !!( with a simple mission) to be a World Class
Indian Bank. *e reali+ed that only a single minded focus on product &uality and
ser$ice e%cellence would help us get there. ,oday# we are proud to say that we are
well on our way towards that goal.
As of March /9* :@@E* the %ankBs distribution netork as at FC9 %ranches and
9=FF A)Ms in /:F cities as against CE; branches and 9*C@< A)Ms in /:@ cities
as of March /9* :@@F. Against the regulator& appro'als for ne branches in
hand* the %ank e(pects to further e(pand the branch netork b& around 9<@
branches b& ?une /@* :@@E. $uring the &ear* the %ank stepped up retail customer
acDuisition ith deposit accounts increasing from C.: million to E.F million and
total cards issued Gdebit and credit cards1 increasing from F million to =.:
million.5hilst credit groth in the banking s&stem sloed don to about ::H for
the &ear ended :@@F-@E* the %ankBs net ad'ances gre b& /<.9H ith retail
ad'ances groing b& /E.CH and holesale ad'ances groing b& /@H* impl&ing
a higher market share in both segments.
)he transactional banking business also registered health& groth 5ith cash
management 'olumes increased b& around E@H and trade ser'ices 'olumes b&
around ;@H o'er the pre'ious &ear. Portfolio Dualit& as of March /9* :@@E
remained health& ith gross nonperforming assets at 9./H and net non-
performing assets at @.;H of total customer assets. )he %ankBs pro'isioning
policies for specific loan loss pro'isions remained higher than regulator&
M(rc8 ;<<= M(rc8 ;<<> M(rc8 ;<<?
C't'e* ;;? @A= @;>
Br(nc8e/ B@B =?C >=A
ATM/ A@;@ A=<B AD>>
#$F! %A+3 mission is to be I( Wor)* C)(// In*'(n B(n7I* benchmarking
themsel'es against international standards and best practices in terms of product
offerings* technolog&* ser'ice le'els* risk management and audit " compliance. )he
objecti'e is to build sound customer franchises across distinct businesses so as to be a
preferred pro'ider of banking ser'ices for target retail and holesale customer
segments* and to achie'e a health& groth in profitabilit&* consistent ith the %ank>s
risk appetite. %ank is committed to do this hile ensuring the highest le'els of
ethical standards* professional integrit&* corporate go'ernance and regulator&
compliance. !ontinue to de'elop ne product and technolog& is the main business
strateg& of the bank. Maintain good relation ith the customers is the main and prime
objecti'e of the bank.
HDFC BANK Market Strategy Emphasizes The Following:
Increase market share in IndiaBs e(panding banking and financial
ser'ices industr& b& folloing a disciplined groth strateg& focusing on
Dualit& and not on Duantit& and deli'ering high Dualit& customer ser'ice.
,e'erage our technolog& platform and open scaleable s&stems to deli'er more
products to more customers and to control operating costs.
Maintain current high standardsfor asset Dualit& through disciplined credit risk
$e'elop inno'ati'e products and ser'ices that attract the targeted
customers and address inefficiencies in the Indian financial sector.
!ontinue to de'elop products and ser'ices that reduce bankBs cost of funds.
Focus on high earnings groth ith lo 'olatilit&.
FIJ. 2S6 * PAR) 4F 3AIK.+
54R3 P,A!. )RA+SF4RMA)I4+
Focus on effecti'e ork place organi0ation
%elie'e in
3 S5()) c8(ne/ )e(* to )(re '5pro-e5ent 4
.'er& successful organi0ation ha'e their on strateg& to in the race in the
competiti'e market. )he& use some techniDue and methodolog& for smooth running of
business. #$F! %A+3 also acDuired the ?apanese techniDue for smooth running of
ork and effecti'e ork place organi0ation.
Fi'e ASB Part of K('Een is the techniDue hich is used in the bank For eas& and
s&stematic ork place and eliminating unnecessar& things from
I!I!I %ank is the largest pri'ate sector bank " the second largest bank in the
countr& in terms of assets. It is a pan-India pla&er ith around =<@ branches Gincluding
recentl& acDuired Sangli bank1. )he bank has boosted itBs o'erseas operations in the
last three &ears and no has presence in 9E countries either through subsidiaries or
representati'e offices .)ogether ith itBs subsidiaries * I!I!I %ank offers a complete
spectrum of financial ser'ices " products ranging from commercial banking to
in'estment banking * mutual fund to insurance$
I!I!I has a 'er& compelling groth stor& ahead of it as Indian econom& continues to
boom. )he G$P groth in India has been an a'erage EH for the last / &ears. Although
I think that the market has some more donside left to it* if I ere to build a ne
position in I!I!I* I ould start bu&ing here on dips ma&be in one-thirds or one-
In-e/t5ent R(t'on()e "
I!I!I %ank ill remain a one of the most fancied stocks among the in'estors ho
belie'e in IndiaBs long-term groth stor&.
Retail banking though sloed don ill remain focus area for I!I!I %ank
Massi'e scale up in international banking
Inno'ate approach to tap potential in Rural " SM. sector
Robust non-interest income compensating for sloer groth in +et Interest
Sangli %ank acDuisition ill help the bank to impro'e !ASA deposits .
History Of icici
)he 5orld %ank* the Go'ernment of India and representati'es of Indian industr& form
I!I!I ,imited as a de'elopment finance institution to pro'ide medium-term and long-
term project financing to Indian businesses in 9=<<.
9==; I!I!I establishes I!I!I %ank as a subsidiar&.
9=== I!I!I becomes the first Indian compan& and the first bank or financial institution
from non-?apan Asia to list on the +8S..
:@@9 I!I!I acDuired %ank of Madura Gest. 9=;/1. %ank of Madura as a !hettiar
bank* and had acDuired !hettinad Mercantile %ank Gest. 9=//1 and Illanji %ank
Gestablished 9=@;1 in the 9=C@s.
:@@: )he %oards of $irectors of I!I!I and I!I!I %ank appro'e the merger of I!I!I*
I!I!I Personal Financial Ser'ices ,imited and I!I!I !apital Ser'ices ,imited* ith
I!I!I %ank. After recei'ing all necessar& regulator& appro'als* I!I!I integrates the
group>s financing and banking operations* both holesale and retail* into a single.
International .(pansion
:@@: I!I!I establishes representati'e offices in +8 and ,ondon.
:@@/ I!I!I opens subsidiaries in !anada and the 7nited 3ingdom G731* and in the
73 it establishes alliance ith ,lo&ds )S%. It also opens an 4ffshore %anking 7nit
G4%71 in Singapore and representati'e offices in $ubai and Shanghai.
:@@; I!I!I opens a rep office in %angladesh to tap the e(tensi'e trade beteen that
countr&* India and South Africa.
:@@< I!I!I acDuires In'estitsionno-3reditn& %ank GI3%1* a Russia bank ith about
7SL;mn in assets* headoffice lines.

History Of HDFC
)he #ousing $e'elopment Finance !orporation ,imited G#$F!1 as amongst the
first to recei'e an >in principle> appro'al from the Reser'e %ank of India GR%I1 to set
up a bank in the pri'ate sector* as part of the R%I>s liberalisation of the Indian %anking
Industr& in 9==;. )he bank as incorporated in August 9==; in the name of >#$F!
%ank ,imited>* ith its registered office in Mumbai* India. #$F! %ank commenced
operations as a Scheduled !ommercial %ank in ?anuar& 9==<.

#$F! is India>s premier housing finance compan& and enjo&s an impeccable track
record in India as ell as in international markets. Since its inception in 9=FF* the
!orporation has maintained a consistent and health& groth in its operations to remain
the market leader in mortgages. Its outstanding loan portfolio co'ers ell o'er a
million delling units. #$F! has de'eloped significant e(pertise in retail mortgage
loans to different market segments and also has a large corporate client base for its
housing related credit facilities. 5ith its e(perience in the financial markets* a strong
market reputation* large shareholder base and uniDue consumer franchise* #$F! as
ideall& positioned to promote a bank in the Indian en'ironment.
#$F! %ank is headDuartered in Mumbai. )he %ank at present has an en'iable
netork of o'er </9 branches spread o'er ::E cities across India. All branches are
linked on an online real-time basis. !ustomers in o'er 9:@ locations are also ser'iced
through )elephone %anking. )he %ank>s e(pansion plans take into account the need to
ha'e a presence in all major industrial and commercial centres here its corporate
customers are located as ell as the need to build a strong retail customer base for both
deposits and loan products. %eing a clearing/settlement bank to 'arious leading stock
e(changes* the %ank has branches in the centres here the +S./%S. ha'e a strong and
acti'e member base.
)he %ank also has a netork of about o'er 9@<; netorked A)Ms across these cities.
Moreo'er* #$F! %ank>s A)M netork can be accessed b& all domestic and
international Jisa/Master!ard* Jisa .lectron/Maestro* Plus/!irrus and American
.(press !redit/!harge cardholders.
#$F! %ank operates in a highl& automated en'ironment in terms of information
technolog& and communication s&stems. All the bank>s branches ha'e online
connecti'it&* hich enables the bank to offer speed& funds transfer facilities to its
customers. Multi-branch access is also pro'ided to retail customers through the branch
netork and Automated )eller Machines GA)Ms1.
)he %ank has made substantial efforts and in'estments in acDuiring the best
technolog& a'ailable internationall&* to build the infrastructure for a orld class bank.
In terms of softare* the !orporate %anking business is supported b& Fle(cube* hile
the Retail %anking business b& Finare* both from i-fle( Solutions ,td. )he s&stems
are open* scaleable and eb-enabled.

Marketing policies b/ hdfc " icici life insurance
)o kno about the position of I!I!I bank in market.
)o stud& ho the 'arious products are positioned in the market.
!orporate marketing of products.
S54) Anal&sis of #$F! %ank and I!I!I %ank.
)o stud& the consumer satisfaction ith I!I!I and #$F!
)o stud& of market share in banking sector of I!I!I and #$F!.
)o stud of market share in banking sector of I!I!I and #$F!.
)o anal&0e the decision making process of the consumers.
Research methodolog& is a s&stematic a&* hich consists of series of action steps*
necessar& to effecti'el& carr& out research and the desired seDuencing to these steps.
)he marketing research is a process of in'ol'es a no. of inter-related acti'ities* hich
o'erlap and do rigidl& follo a particular seDuence. It consists of the folloing stepsM-
Formulating the objecti'e of the stud&
$esigning the methods of data collection
Selecting the sample plan
!ollecting the data
Processing and anal&0ing the data
Reporting the findings

Re/e(rc8 De/'n
S(5p)e De/'n
D(t( Co))ect'on
D(t( An()1/'/
Research design specifies the methods and procedures for conducting a particular
stud&. A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and anal&sis of
the data in a manner that aims to combine rele'ance to the research purpose ith
econom& in procedure. Research design is broadl& classified into three t&pes as
.(plorator& Research $esign
$escripti'e Research $esign
!ausal Research $esign
I ha'e chosen the descripti'e research design.
$escripti'e research studies are those studies hich are concerned ith described the
characteristics of particular indi'idual.
In descripti'e as ell as in diagnostic studies* the researcher must be able to define
clearl&* hat he ants to measure and must find adeDuate methods for measuring it
along ith a clear cut definition of population he ant to stud&. Since the aim is to
obtain complete and accurate information in the said studies* the procedure to be used
must be carefull& planned. )he research design must make enough pro'ision for
protection against bias and must ma(imi0e reliabilit&* ith due concern for the
economical completion of the research stud&.
It is a process that can allo an organi0ation to concentrate its limited resources on the
greatest opportunities to increase sales and achie'e a sustainable competiti'e
ad'antage. A marketing policies should be cantered around the ke& concept that
customer satisfaction is the main goal.
Marketing policies is a method of focusing an organi0ation>s energies and
resources on a course of action hich can lead to increased sales and dominance of a
targeted market niche. A marketing policies combines product de'elopment*
promotion* distribution* pricing* relationship management and other elementsN
identifies the firm>s marketing goals* and e(plains ho the& ill be achie'ed* ideall&
ithin a stated timeframe. Marketing policies determines the choice of target market
segments* positioning* marketing mi(* and allocation of resources. It is most effecti'e
hen it is an integral component of o'erall firm policies* defining ho the
organi0ation ill successfull& engage customers* prospects* and competitors in the
market arena. !orporate policies* corporate missions* and corporate goals. As the
customer constitutes the source of a compan&>s re'enue* marketing policies is closel&
linked ith sales. A ke& component of marketing policies is often to keep marketing in
line ith a compan&>s o'erarching mission statement
Marketing policies ma& differ depending on the uniDue situation of the indi'idual brief
description of the most common categori0ing schemes is presented beloM
Policies based on market dominance - In this scheme* firms are classified
based on their market share or dominance of an industr&. )&picall& there are
four t&pes of market dominance policiesM
Porter ener'c po)'c'e/ - policies on the dimensions of strategic scope and
strategic strength. Strategic scope refers to the market penetration hile
strategic strength refers to the firmBs sustainable competiti'e ad'antage. )he
generic policies frameork Gporter 9=E;1 comprises to alternati'es each ith
to alternati'e scopes. )hese are $ifferentiation and lo-cost leadership each
ith a dimension of Focus-broad or narro.
Product differentiation Gbroad1
!ost leadership Gbroad1
Market segmentation Gnarro1
Inno-(t'on po)'c'e/ - )his deals ith the firm>s rate of the ne product
de'elopment and business model inno'ation. It asks hether the compan& is
on the cutting edge of technolog& and business inno'ation. )here are three
!lose folloers
,ate folloers
Gro+t8 po)'c'e/ - In this scheme e ask the Duestion* 2#o should the firm
groO6. )here are a number of different a&s of ansering that Duestion* but
the most common gi'es four ansersM
#ori0ontal integration
Jertical integration
Me(n'n (n* Def'n't'on
Marketing Mi( means to collect and mi( the resources of marketing in the manner that
objects of the enterprise ma& be achie'ed and ma(imum satisfaction ma& be pro'ided
to the consumers. )he term marketing mi( is used to describe a combination of four
elements P the product* price* ph&sical distribution and promotion. )hese are popularl&
knon as 3Fo0r PF/4. A brief description of the four elements of marketing mi( GFour
PBs1 is.
Pro*0ct " )he product itself is the first element. Products most satisf&
consumer needs. the management must* first decide the products to be
produced* b& knoing the needs of the consumers.
Pr'ce " )he second element to affect the 'olume of sales is the price. )he
market or announced amount of mone& asked from a bu&er is knon as
basic 'alue placed on a product.
Pro5ot'on " )he product ma& be knon to the consumers. Firms must
undertake promotion ork-ad'ertising* publicit&* personal selling etc.
hich are the major acti'ities.
P)(ce " Ph&sical distribution is the deli'er& of products at the rights time
and at the right place. )he distribution mi( is the combination of decisions
relating to marketing channels* storage facilit&* in'entor& control* location
transportation arehousing etc.
M(r7et'n M'G
Product 'ariet&
%rand +ame
,ist price
Pa&ment period
!redit cards
Sales promotion
Sales force
Public relations
$irect marketing
Marketing approach in banking sector had taken significance after 9=<@ in estern
countries and then after 9=E@ in )urke&. +e banking percepti'eness oriented toard
market had influenced banks to create ne market. %anks had started to perform
marketing and planning techniDues in banking in order to be able to offer their ne
ser'ices efficientl&. Marketing scope in banking sector should be considered under the
ser'ice marketing frameork. Performed marketing policies is the case hich is
determination of the place of financial institutions on customersB mind. %ank
marketing does not onl& include ser'ice selling of the bank but also is the function
hich gets personalit& and image for bank on its customersB mind. 4n the other hand*
financial marketing is the function hich relates uncongenitalies* differences and non
similar applications beteen financial institutions and judgement standards of their
)he reasons for marketing scope to ha'e importance in banking and for banks to
interest in marketing subject can be arranged as"
C8(ne 'n *e5or(p8'c /tr0ct0re"
$ifferentiation of population in the number and composition affect Dualit& and
attribute of customer hom benefits from banking ser'ices. Intense competition in
financial ser'ice sectorM )he competition became intense due to the groing
international banking percepti'eness and recentl& being non limiting for ne
enterprises in the sector. Increase in liberali0ation of interest rates has intensified the
competition. %ankBs ish for increasing profitM %anks ha'e to increase their profits to
create ne markets* to protect and de'elop their market shares and to sur'i'e on the
basis of intense competition and demographic chance le'els. )he marketing
comprehension that is performed b& banks since 9=<@ can be shon as in folloing
fi'e stagesM
9. Promotion oriented marketing comprehension
:. Marketing comprehension based on ha'ing close relations for customers
/. Reformist marketing comprehension
;. Marketing comprehension that focused on speciali0ing in certain areas
<. Research* planning and control oriented marketing comprehension
Recentl&* banks are in a period that the& earn mone& in ser'icing be&ond selling
mone&. )he prestige is get as the& offer their ser'ices to the masses. ,ike other
ser'ices* banking ser'ices are also intangible. %anking ser'ices are about the mone& in
different t&pes and attributes like lending* depositing and transferring procedures.
)hese intangible ser'ices are shaped in contracts. )he structure of banking ser'ices
affects the success of institution in long term. %esides the basic attributes like speed*
securit& and ease in banking ser'ices* the rights like consultanc& for ser'ices to be
compounded are also preferred.
)he price hich is an important component of marketing mi( is named differentl& in
the base of transaction e(change that it takes place. %anks ha'e to estimate the prices
of their ser'ices offered. %& performing this* the& keep their relations ith e(tant
customers and take ne ones. )he prices in banking ha'e names like interest*
commission and e(penses. Price is the sole element of marketing 'ariables that create
earnings* hile others cause e(penditure. 5hile marketing mi( elements other than
price affect sales 'olume* price affect both profit and sales 'olume directl&. %anks
should be 'er& careful in determining their prices and price P4,I!I.S. %ecause
mistakes in pricing cause customersB shift toard the ri'als offering likeise ser'ices.
)he comple(ities of banking ser'ices are resulted from different kinds of them. )he
most important feature of banking is the persuasion of customers benefiting from
ser'ices. Most banksB ser'ices are comple( in attribute and hen this feature joins the
intangibilit& characteristics* offerings take also mental intangibilit& in addition to
ph&sical intangibilit&. 4n the other hand* 'alue of ser'ice and benefits taken from it
mostl& depend on knoledge* capabilit& and participation of customers besides
features of offerings. )his is resulted from the fact that production and consumption
ha'e non separable characteristics in those ser'ices. Most authors argue that those
features of banking ser'ices makes personal interaction beteen customer and bank
obligator& and the direct distribution is the sole alternati'e. $ue to this reason* like
preceding applications in recent &ears* branch offices use traditional method in
distribution of banking ser'ices.
4ne of the most important element of marketing mi( of ser'ices is promotion hich is
consist of personal selling* ad'ertising* public relations* and selling promotional tools.
$ue to the characteristics of banking ser'ices* personal selling is the a& that most
banks prefer in e(panding selling and use of them. Personal selling occurs in to
a&s. First occurs in a a& that customer and banker perform interaction face to face
at branch office. In this case* hole personnel* bank emplo&ees* chief and office
manager* takes part in selling. Second occurs in a a& that customer representati'es go
to customersB place. !ustomer representati'es are specialist in banksB ser'ices to be
offered and the& shape the relationship beteen bank and customer.
%anks ha'e too man& goals hich the& ant to achie'e. )hose goals are for
accomplishing the objecti'es as follos in a a& that banks de'elop ad'ertising
campaigns and use media.
9. !oncei'e customers to e(amine all kinds of ser'ices that banks offer
:. Increase use of ser'ices
/. !reate ell fit image about banks and ser'ices
;. !hange customersB attitudes
<. Introduce ser'ices of banks
C. Support personal selling
F. .mphasi0e ell ser'ice
Ad'ertising media and channels that banks prefer are nespaper* maga0ine* radio*
direct posting and outdoor ads and )J commercials. In the selection of media* target
market should be determined and the media that reach this target easil& and cheapl&
must be preferred.
B(n7/ /8o0)* c(re (9o0t fo))o+'n cr'ter'( for /e)ect'on of 5e*'($"
9. 5hich media the target market prefer
:. !haracteristics of ser'ice
/. !ontent of message
;. !ost
<. Situation of ri'als
Public relations in banking should pro'ideN
9. .stablishing most effecti'e communication s&stem
:. !reating s&mpath& about relationship beteen bank and customer
/. Gi'ing broadest information about acti'ities of bank.
It is obser'ed that the banks in )urke& perform their on publications* maga0ine and
sponsoring acti'ities.
Another element of the promotion mi(es of banks is impro'ement of selling. Mostl&
used selling impro'ement tools are la&out at selling point* rearding personnel*
seminaries* special gifts* premiums* contests.
Marketing scope de'elops da& to da&. )hese de'elopments carr& special significance
for ser'ice sector in hich customer and ser'ice producer interact closel&.

.speciall& in ser'ice sector like e(ternal relations* internal relations also ha'e
significance. It reDuires finding and keeping successful personnel. For personnel of the
organi0ation to be considered their on goals and ser'ice situation* 'alues of the
organi0ation are sold to them. )he communication techniDues carried out for
customers are also performed for the personnel in internal marketing and this to
techniDues go together. For e(ample* the ads that aim creating firmBs image should be
prepared ith regarding to audience hich is composed of firmBs personnel.
)his approach takes the organi0ation as a seDuence hich in'ol'es producer and
customer that market ser'ices to each other in the organi0ation. In this structure* the
acti'ities of departments that compose organi0ation ould be more focused on market.
)his ill also affect the structure of organi0ation.
It as mentioned that close relationship as established beteen producer and
customer in ser'ice sector. In addition to this* life c&cle of a customer relationship as
also mentioned under the product outline. According to the researchers* maintaining
the relationship for e(tant customer increases the profit of firms. It should be
emphasi0ed that this fact has an importance for ser'ice sector.
)he research project e'aluation of the banking sector in India has primal importance
due to intense competition*

and changing banking reforms. )his research project is
'er& important because in toda& scenario there is strong competition in public and
pri'ate sector banks. ItBs 'er& important for us to kno hich sector is performing
ell and hat are the marketing policies adopted b& banks Gpublic sector or pri'ate
IndiaBs second largest bank
C9; branches and e(tension counters
::@@ A)MBS
%iggest pri'ate sector bank in India
Most 'aluable bank in India in terms of market capitali0ation
$escribed b& the competitors and industr& e(pert in one ord P 3Are//'-e4
First n The n!"stry
Introduced concept of branding in the Indian banking industr&
Process* People and Ph&sical e'idence P brought to life b& I!I!I
Product Inno'ation P Put the Acustomer firstB in the true sense
!ash on the celebrit& fe'er P Introduced the concept of brand ambassadors
Introduction of $SABs and $S)Bs
7nleashed the poer of the internet P introduced the concept of net banking
and e-mail marketing
First bank to focus on retail banking as a dri'er for groth
!omprehensi'e data centre a'ailabilit& " data protection solutions
In effect P changed and shaped the Indian %anking Industr&
Foc0/ Are(/ Of M(r7et'n Effort/
Target marketing and customer acquisition
Share of wallet
Channel strategy and management
Relationship management and database marketing
Product development & innovation
Credit approval
B(/'/ For Se5ent(t'on
! "ifferent products for different occupational segment identified
! $inimum balance serves as a income segment barrier
! Concentrated on Tier & & Tier ' Cities trying to e(tend reach
! "ifferent products like student account.
Di##erentiate! marketing strategy:
Tailors its marketing campaigns to meet the needs of its target
Creates differentiated product offering for different segment
*se of technology in tracking customer segment.
!ore proposition P A#um hain naB P trust* credibilit&* total financial solution
pro'ider Gbrought about through its cross selling effort1
Moderni0ation P process and ph&sical e'idence P technolog& as the backbone
and accelerator
I!I!I bank is absolute appalling. )heir slogan of 2#um hain na6 is 'er& apt*
onl& that it applies to their customers Gi.e. us poor mortals1. #um hain na """
to bank ith I!I!I.
I!I!I bank the most ama0ing bank ith a punch line as 2#um #ain +a6* i
think the& mean 6 #um hain - -na Gnot a'ailable16
G.arlier I as ith I!I!I1 I must sa& the& rockN 'er& good bank ith great
customer support.
Cross selling of products as a ma+or area of focus
Creation of concept of "S) ,"irect Selling )gent-
Creation of concept of "ST ,"irect Selling Team-
.ffort on the part of the bank to reach the customer rather than waiting
for the customer
*se of internet/ mobile/ )T$0s and other technological device to reach
and serve the customers
%e!& '() Bran*h
Bl"e& +,) ATM
-reen . /) Call *enters
0iolet& () nternet
1ellow& ,) C2$S
Self Phone %anking GIJR1 access Mechanisms are as follosM
For Depo/'t/ --)he customer ould need to ke&-in his A)M/$ebit !ard +umber and
its corresponding A)M PI+.

For Cre*'t C(r*/ -)he customer ould need to ke&-in his 9C digit !ard +umber and
its corresponding A)M PI+.

For De5(t Acco0nt Ho)*er/ -)he customer ould need to ke&-in his 9; $igit
$emat Account +umber and its )PI+

For Bon* Acco0nt Ho)*er/ -)he customer ould need to ke& in his %onds holder
+umber onl&.

Some of the ser'ices offered are listed belo
B(n7/ F0nct'on()'t'e/"
Account %alance
Mini Statement
!heDue %ook ReDuest
!heDue Status enDuir&
Stop !heDue Pa&ment
7tilit& %ill Pa&ment
Internet 7serid
Mobile banking Registration
C(r* F0nct'on()'t'e/"
4utstanding %alance
$etails of ,ast Statement
Details of Last Payment
Last five Transactions
Reward Points status

De5(t F0nct'on()'t'e/"
ISI+ Duer&
#olding statement
)ransaction #istor&
Submitting $eli'er& Instructions
ReDuest for Instruction %ooklet
Bon*/ F0nct'on()'t'e/M
Information on Redemption
Information on Interest
Information on $espatch of %onds certificates
,ost/Replacement card
A)M pin re-issue
Standing Instructions
!omplaints and suggestions
InDuire about an& I!I!I %ank product
Re'/ter for P8one B(n7'n
)here is no phone banking registration hich needs to be done for %anks /!ards
/%onds it is gi'en to the customer b& default .
For $emat e just ha'e to fill the form and drop it at the nearest I!I!I %ank %ranch or
I!I!I %ank>s :; #our A)M netork is one of the largest and most idespread A)M
+etork in India. A)Ms are located in commercial areas* residential localities* major
petrol pumps* airports* near raila& stations and other places hich are con'enientl&
accessible to customers.
I!I!I %ank A)Ms features user-friendl& graphic screens ith eas& to follo
instructions. I!I!I ha'e introduced A)Ms hich interact ith customers in their local
language for increased con'enience.
Folloing are the features a'ailable on A)Ms* hich can be accessed from an&here
at an&time.
C(/8 W't8*r(+()M 5ithdra upto Rs. :<*@@@/- per da& from &our account G<@*@@@ for
#+I>s1. Fast !ash option pro'ides the facilit& of ithdraing prefi(ed amounts. 7ltra
Fast !ash option allos to ithdra Rs./@@@/- in one shot.
B()(nce EnH0'r1 M 3no ledger balance and a'ailable balance
M'n' St(te5ent M Get a printout of last E transactions and current balance.
Depo/'t C(/8 / C8eH0e/ M A'ailable at all full function A)Ms* !ustomers can deposit
both cash and cheDues. !ash deposited in A)Ms ill be credited to the account on the
same da& Gpro'ided cash is deposited before the clearing1 and cheDues are sent for
clearing on the ne(t orking da&.
F0n*/ Tr(n/ferM )ransfer funds from one account to another linked account in the
same branch.
PIN C8(ne M !hange the Personal Identification +umber GPI+1 of A)M or $ebit
P(15ent/ M )he latest feature of our A)Ms* this functionalit& can be used for pa&ment
of bills* making donations to temples / trusts* bu&ing internet packs* airtime recharges
for prepaid mobile phones and much more...
Ot8er/ MReDuest for a checkbook from A)Ms and concerned branch ill dispatch it
such that it reaches customers ithin 9@ orking da&s.
C8(re/" )here is no charge le'ied on I!I!I %ank customers for transacting on I!I!I
%ank>s A)Ms. #oe'er for customers not maintaining the minimum Duarterl& a'erage
balance in their sa'ings account* first C transactions in the Duarter ill be free and Rs.
:< per transaction ill be charged thereafter.
I!I!I bank pro'ides folloing internet ser'icesM
I!I!I bank helps to pa& bills for 7tilit& !ompanies G.lectricit& and )elephone1* I!I!I
%ank !redit !ard* Mobile bills* Insurance Premiums and lot more.I!I!I bank offersa
free bill pa&ment ser'ices through Internet %anking Account.
I!I!I %ank facilitates to bu& 'ariet& of products online from more than F< shopping
ebsites. Pa&ment can be made con'enientl& using I!I!I %ank Account.
Recharge Prepaid Mobile an&time* an&here in just a fe minutes b& logging into
Internet %anking on I!I! or b& sending a simple SMS. )he fastest "
easiest a& to recharge prepaid mobile.
ICICI bank
Promotion is a process of communicating in'ol'ing information* persuasion* and
influence. )herefore it is about companies communicating ith customers. Jarious
promotion techniDues of I!I!I bank are as follosN
It implies a face to face contact beteen seller and bu&er. I!I!I bank emplo&s
salesman to gi'e knoledge or sell their products and ser'ices through personal
selling. It is the most important aspect of promotion for I!I!I because there are much
confusion in the minds of people regarding the loans and deposits. Moreo'er* the
demand for there products and ser'ices 'ar& from customer to customer. 5ith the help
of this Dueries of customers can be sol'ed at that point of time
And customers can be con'inced to purchase product or ser'ice. )he biggest
ad'antage of personal selling to customer is that the& do not ha'e to an& branch to seek
information or to purchase product or ser'ice.
It is the paid form of non-personal communication of ideas or products in the prime
media i.e. ).J* radio* maga0ines* etc. Ad'ertising is intended to persuade and inform.
Ad'ertising of I!I!I banking products and ser'ices is mainl& seen through ).J*
nespaper* billboards* internet and maga0ines. )his helps toM
!reate aareness and customer interest
)o boost sales
)o remind and reassure customers
)o build compan& or brand image
)o support sales force
I!I!I %ank spends a reported Rs CE.CE crore I!I!I %ank has once again decided to
resort to the celebrit& endorsement route to promote its brand.
Almost to-and-a-half &ears since superstar Amitabh %achchan endorsed the brand*
the compan& has signed up Shah Rukh 3han as its global ambassador.
)he energ& and inno'ation hich Shahrukh 3han represents coupled ith his
popularit& both in India and abroad make him the ideal choice for I!I!I %ank*
particularl& as the %ank makes its global fora&s.
I!I!I bank does banner ad'ertising at 'arious places like &ello pages* bus stands*
metro stations etc. )his helpsM
4'er 9@@*@@@ business Dueries generates per month.
+e'er ending business opportunities.
%e a step ahead of &our competitors.
Attract right 'isitors to &our site and get a fruitful business.
I!I!I bank also does ad'ertising of its products like loans* credit cards* debit cards etc.
on radio hich helps it in folloing a&sM

5ider acess like in rural areas
!an be understandable to those ho are not able to read
$irect marketing is concerned ith establishing an indi'idual relationship beteen the
business offering a product or a ser'ice and the final customer. It includesM
$irect mail
$irect response on ).J. * radio
Maga0ines inserts
A properl& managed mailing database enables a business toM
Focus on the best prospecti'e customers
!ross-sell related products
,aunch ne products to e(isting customers
I!I!I %A+3
De/cr'pt'on of C8(re/ Per/on() Lo(n/
,oan Processing !harges / Reneal
:S H of loan amount
Prepa&ment !harges <H on the principal outstanding
!harges for late pa&ment Gloans1 :H per month
!heDue Sap !harges Rs. <@@/-
!heDue bounce charges Rs. :@@


L'fe In/0r(nce
%eing aa& from India doesn>t
mean e ha'e to compromise
the safet& and securit& of our
lo'ed ones. In fact* our sa'ings
from time o'erseas can be
easil& channelised to meet our
famil&>s needs - no and in the
Gener() In/0r(nce
I!I!I %ank +RI Ser'ices " I!I!I
,ombard brings insurance ser'ices for
the Global Indian. If e are an +RI*
and our famil& or our parents are in
India* our ke& concerns ould be to
secure our assets back home Ghome /
commercial propert& / motor1 and the
health of our dependents in India.
De/cr'pt'on of C8(re/ Per/on() Lo(n
,oan Processing !harges
7pto a ma(imum :H of the loan
Pre-pa&ment charges
7pto ;H of the Principal
+o $ue !ertificate / +o 4bjection
!ertificate G+4!1
!harges for late pa&ment of .MI
T :; H p.a on amount outstanding
from date of default
Stamp $ut& " other statutor&
As per applicable las of the state
!heDue sapping charges 7pto Rs <@@/- per e'ent
,oan cancellation / re-booking
charges / Re-scheduling
7pto Rs 9@@@/-
%ounce !heDue !harges 7pto Rs ;<@/- per %ouncing
Statement !harges Gper statement1/
Repa&ment Schedule
7pto Rs <@@/-
,egal / incidental charges At actual

#$F! %ank>s Internet %anking ser'ice pro'ides up-to-the-second account
information* +et %anking manage customers account from the comfort of mouse -
an&time* an&here. #$F! leading ser'ice pro'ides a host of features at finger-tipsM
Jie Account %alances " Statements
)ransfer Funds beteen accounts
!reate Fi(ed $eposits 4nline
ReDuest a $emand $raft
Pa& %ills
4rder a !heDue %ook
ReDuest Stop Pa&ment on a !heDue

Internet %anking is the most con'enient and poerful a& to manage account.
+et %anking is Real )ime* gi'ing up-to-the-second details on account.
It can be accessed an&time* from an&here* gi'ing &ou complete control o'er
)here are no Dueues to stand in* or turns to ait for.
#$F! %ank>s +et %anking ser'ice is secure. 7sing industr&-standard technologies
and infrastructures* #$F! ser'ice gi'es peace of mind.
HDFC avail of the following services via Phone Banking:
C8ec7 (cco0nt 9()(nce - Get up-to-the-second details of Sa'ings or !urrent Accounts
and Fi(ed $eposits. 4ne can also get the details of the last = transactions on account*
or ha'e a mini statement fa(ed across to customers.
EnH0're on t8e c8eH0e /t(t0/ - !ustomers can use Phone %anking to check on the
status of cheDues issued or deposited from an&here in India.
Or*er ( C8eH0e Boo7 / Acco0nt St(te5ent - ?ust call Phone %anking and get
!heDue %ook or latest Account Statement deli'ered at doorstep.
Stop P(15ent - Stop pa&ment of a single cheDue or a series of cheDues* :; hours a
Lo(n Re)(te* H0er'e/ - $etails of the outstanding loan amount* enDuire about loan
account* reDuest for an interest certificate and repa&ment schedule* etc.
#$F! Mobile %anking ser'ice pro'ides a host of features at finger-tips through SMSM
Get balance details
4btain last / transaction details
ReDuest a cheDue book
Stop a cheDue pa&ment
.nDuire cheDue status
ReDuest an account statement
Get Fi(ed $eposit details

Mobile %anking orks through a set of te(t messages GSMS1. 5ith SMS one can
perform a ide range of Duer&-based transactions from &our mobile phone* ithout
e'en making a call.

!ustomers can enjo& the folloing benefits at an& of #$F! 9@<; A)M across IndiaM
;C:8o0r (cce// to c(/8 : 5ithdra up to Rs.9@*@@@/- per da& on A)M !ard and up
to Rs. 9<*@@@ on $ebit !ard. )he fast cash option sa'es time b& pro'iding the cash in
denominations of Rs.<@@/-.
2'e+ Acco0nt B()(nce/ & M'n':/t(te5ent/ - $etails of the last = transactions on
customers account ith the mini-statement* along ith balance. 4rder a !heDue
%ook / Account Statement
Tr(n/fer F0n*/ 9et+een (cco0nt/ P !ustomers can also transfer mone& from one of
accounts to another. %oth accounts must be linked to A)M !ard and !ustomer I$. A
ma(imum of < Sa'ing and < !urrent Accounts can be linked.
Ref')) 1o0r Prep('* c(r* : #$F! %ank Account holder and a prepaid customer can
refill their prepaid card ith #$F! Prepaid Refill ser'ice.
P(1 0t')'t1 9'))/ - Pa& cellular* telephone and electricit& bills through the A)M using
%illPa&* a comprehensi'e bill pa&ments solution.
Depo/'t c(/8 or c8eH0e/ - !ustomers can deposit cash or cheDues into account and
the A)M ill immediatel& print a receipt for the same.
#$F! ha'e also partnered ith American .(press to offer their domestic and
international cardholders the benefits of cash ad'ances from an& of there A)Ms.
#$F! %ank offers &ou a orld of choice in insurance.8ou can no a'ail of ,ife -
Insurance plans from #$F! Standard ,ife Insurance " +on - ,ife Insurance plans
from #$F! !hubb General Insurance through an& of our %ank branches.
L'fe In/0r(nce Non L'fe In/0r(nce
For 1o0r c8')*"
Gi'e &our children a head start b&
groing &our sa'ings. In'est in #$F!
Standard ,ife>s 7nit ,inked 8oung Star
Plan that has a double benefit.
Acc'*ent co-er
%u& a Personal Accident Plan and get
financial assistance from injur& arising out
of an accident 8ou can also pro'ide for
hospitali0ation e(penses.
For ret're5ent
.arn a pension for life b& ma(imi0ing
&our returns. In'est in #$F! Standard
,ife>s 7nit ,inked Pension Plan.
Acc'*ent (n* S'c7ne// co-er
3eep medical e(penses at ba& in the e'ent
of an accident or sickness. %u& a )ricare
For t8e )on:ter5
In'est in a sa'ings plan ith a long-term
hori0on and get life co'er too. In'est in
#$F! Standard ,ife>s 7nit ,inked
.ndoment Plan
A0to5o9')e co-er
Get &our 'ehicle insured in the e'ent of a
road accident and also get &ourself "
others co'ered. Appl& for Auto Insurance.

A$ Lo(n R(t'o"
It is the bankBs assets that are financed ith loans and
financial obligations lasting more than one &ear. )he ratio Pro'ides a general measure
of the financial position of a bank* including its abilit& to meet financial reDuirements
for outstanding loans. a &ear-o'er-&ear decrease in this metric ould suggest the bank
is progressi'el& becoming less dependent on debt to gro their business loan ratio U
loans/total assets.
9.)R'117 9.)R'118 9.)R'1&1 9.)R'1&& 9.)R'1&'
#C#C# 1.&53'13&4 1.'344854& 1.'4828&74 1.'5857'1& 1.'848'6&3
:";C 1.365'5338 1.428434'5 1.4545257& 1.4657''84 1.4672'&27
3oan %atio
;$ Cre*'t Depo/'t R(t'o"
It is the ratio of ho much a bank lends
out of the deposits it has mobili0ed. It indicates ho much of a bank>s core funds are
being used for lending* the main banking acti'it&. A higher ratio indicates more
reliance on deposits for lending and 'ice-'ersa. !redit $eposit RatioU)otal
Ad'ances/!ustomer $eposit
9.)R'117 9.)R'118 9.)R'1&1 9.)R'1&& 9.)R'1&'
#C#C# 1.188137 1.&1'1&8 1.18&2&4 1.171212 1.175546
:";C 1.182184 1.&1616& 1.181514 1.17637& 1.185'58
A4is Title
T"rno5er %atio
@$ Tot() A//et/ T0rno-er R(t'o"
)his ratio measures the efficienc& in
utili0ation of the assets. It is arri'ed at b&
di'iding sales b& total assets. )otal Assets
)urno'er RatioUSales/)otal Assets.
C$ Net Prof't R(t'o"
+et profit is obtained hen interest is
e(pandedN operating e(penses and ta(es are deducted from total
income.)his ratio establishes relationship beteen profit and total income.
It indicates management efficienc&.+et Profit RatioU G+et Profit/)otal
B$ C0rrent R(t'o"
!urrent ratio ma& be defined as the relationship
beteen current assets and current liabilities. !urrent assets include cash
in hand* balance ith R%I* balance ith other banks Gboth in India and
abroad1* mone& at call and short notice and stock. !urrent liabilities
include short-term borroings* short-term deposits* bills pa&ables* bank
o'er draft and outstanding e(penses. It is a measure of general liDuidit&
and it is idel& used to make the anal&sis of a short-term financial
position or liDuidit& of a bank. It is calculated b& di'iding the total current
assets b& total current liabilities. !urrent Ratio U !urrent Assets/ !urrent

9.)R'117 9.)R'118 9.)R'1&1 9.)R '1&& 9.)R'1&'
#C#C# &.255365 1.5&2'57 1.5&5'22 1.351274 1.286612
:";C &.&56'85 &.358&76 &.63&214 &.4'58' &.&2853
A4is Title
C"rrent %atio
9. )he a'erage capital adeDuac& ratio of #$F! and I!I!I %ank is 9;.9= per cent
and 9;.=: percent respecti'el&. #ence there is no significance difference beteen the
I!I!I and #$F! %ank and it is more than the %asel Accord norms of 9@per cent.
:. )he )ier I capital ratio of #$F! and I!I!I %ank mean is 9@./@ per cent and 9@.@:
percent respecti'el&.
#ence comparison beteen the selected to banks )ier-I capital are not significant but
it is more than the %asel norms of E per cent.
/. )he a'erage )ier II capital ratio of #$F! is 9.:= per cent and I!I!I %ank is 9.9/
percent. #ence there is no significance difference beteen the #$F! and I!I!I %anks
)ier-I capital but it is less than the %asel norms of ; per cent.
;. )he net non-performing assets to net ad'ances of #$F! and I!I!I %ank are
recorded mean at @.// and
9.;CF per cent G)able-E1 respecti'el&. It clears that I!I!I %ank non-performing assets
are more compared ith #$F! %ank.
<. )he a'erage assets turno'er ratio of #$F! and I!I!I %ank are recorded as @.@EC
and @.@EE times respecti'el& .
As nothing in this orld is perfect* so us the project ith great dedication
and care and a lot of discussion as also gone through hile making the
projections. %ut then also* I do not den& some shortcomings in the report.
)he main reasons for these shortcomings are due to the paucit& of time* an
e(hausti'e anal&sis could not be done. Some reDuired data ere not
a'ailable hich* if used could ha'e presented a better conclusion.

I!I!I %ank and #$F! bank has to impro'e its brand image* i.e. it
has to position itself in the minds of prospects in a better a& in
comparisons to others.
It should pro'ide better career opportunities for the retention of its
potential ad'isors.
Further it has to pro'ide training to its recruited ad'isors b& good and
efficient training methods* hich might be a little bit customi0ed if
It should more emphasi0e in ad'ertising* as it is the most poerful
tool to position ant brand in the mindsets of customers.
It should pro'ide online training and for those ho are in jobs and
ant to become ad'isors I!I!I should pro'ide e'ening training
classes* so that the& can join the training after doing their jobs.
%anking sector outlook is more attracti'e than e'er before. )he go'ernment in the
budget has gi'en se'eral soaps to banking sector. )he banks in the last fe &ears had
an une(pected bount& of great magnitude in the form of capital appreciation on
go'ernment securities and other debt securities. As interest rates plummeted the 'alue
of these securities sk&-rocketed gi'ing them significant hidden profits* this could
absorb +PA losses.
)he retail re'olution has just started for banking sector. )he ne(t fe &ears groth ill
lead b& the retail re'olution as banks aggressi'el& gro assets in this area and signs of
it are around us.
#$F! %ank I!I!I %ank has emerged as the leading pla&ers in the banking industr&
ith sound asset Dualit&* strong risk management practices* inno'ati'e products and
appreciable ser'ice Dualit& in place* the& are shoing 'er& sound prospects for future
3othari* !.R* Research Methodolog&* +e delhi* Jikas Publishing #ouse PJ)
,)$. :@@F
I!I!I and #$F! brochure of ad'isors Recruitment.
%7SI+.SS )4$A8 MAGAKI+..
P#I,IP 34),.RBS MAR3.)I+G MA+AG.M.+)

S(-'n/ Acco0nt/

S()(r1 Acco0nt/

C0rrent Acco0nt/


De5(t Acco0nt

S(fe Depo/'t Loc7er

R0r() Acco0nt/

Per/on() Lo(n

B0/'ne// Lo(n/

Ho5e Lo(n

C(r Lo(n/

T+o W8ee)er Lo(n/

Go)* Lo(n

Lo(n/ A('n/t A//et/

E*0c(t'on() Lo(n

Go-ern5ent Spon/ore* Pror(5/

R0r() Lo(n/


Cre*'t C(r*/

De9't C(r*/

Prep('* C(r*/

Cre*'t C(r* Re+(r*/



5ealth Ser'ices

In'estment Products


,ife Insurance

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Travel Solutions

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Imperia %anking

Preferred %anking

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Discover a wide ran#e of traditional deosits
and accounts.
As our 'alued customer* &ou enjo& added benefits on our traditional
banking products. %etter terms on loans* superior products* easier access
to lockers and accounts P that>s the 5ealth Management differenceV
S(-'n/ Acco0nt
F(5')1 We()t8 Acco0nt
Ho5e Lo(n/
C(r Lo(n/
Fore'n EGc8(ne Ser-'ce/
De5't Acco0nt
At I!I!I %ank 5ealth Management* e
understand &our financial needs. Along ith other
financial products* e offer &ou the facilit& to
in'est in ,ife Insurance and General Insurance.

L'fe In/0r(nce
Gener() In/0r(nce
A dedicated team a'ailable to address
all &our banking needs.
+eed assistance during banking onlineO 5ant Duick access to information on an& of
our productsO 8ou can instantl& speak to our !ustomer !are team on the phone or
simpl& call &our Relationship Manager.
Personali$ed Relationshi %ana#er
&ustomer Service
Team of 'xerts
Re(uest a &all
Online &hat
Dedicated &ustomer
4ur ser'ices and tools help &ou anal&se &our in'estments and arri'e at the
most appropriate mi(
of products to meet &our in'estment needs.
5e follo a s&stematic* step-b&-step approach to assess &our current financial
position* risk appetite and in'estment objecti'es to arri'e at the optimum in'estment
asset allocation that ill help &ou successfull& achie'e &our financial goals.
Model Portfolio
Re/e(rc8 Report/
R'/7 Prof')'n
IMAP R(t'n/

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