Axis Bank of India Final

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MBA is a stepping stone to management career. In order to achieve practical positive and concrete result, the classroom learning needs to be effectively fed to the realities of the situation existing outside the classroom. The practical true for management. Through the project wor s ills li e those of the nown personality are adopted. !ther s ills are also get polished whether they are services, properties, person, events, information, Ideas or organi"ations or others. To develop healthy managerial and administrative s ills in the potential manager it is necessary that theoretical nowledge must be supplement with exposure of real environment. Actually it is very vital for the management and it is in the practical training that the measuring of management is itself reali"ed.

The project on #% &'(d) *+ A,%-)&.& *+ /r 0*-.1.2& *+ %3.& 4%,5 $ %as been given to me as a part of the curriculum in &nd '(M. !f ) years Master *egree of Business Administration. I have tried my best to present this information as clearly as possible using basic terms that I hope will be comprehended by the widest spectrum of researcher, analysts and students for further studies. I am proud and privileged to express my hearty regards to our respected Dr. Pramesh Gautam !OD" De#t $% Ma&a'eme&t Stu() S*NIT" Sa'ar+ for giving me opportunity to prepare this project. I am proud to express my deep sense of gratitude to our respected guide Dr. Pramesh G$utam !OD" De#t. $% Ma&a'eme&t Stu() S*NIT"Sa'ar+ for her content encouragement, guidance and her valuable suggestions as the rendered me all possible help and guidance while reviewing the manual script and finali"ing the report. I specially would li e to than my parents who all the way helped me mentally and emotionally without them I would not have completed my project successfully. I am grateful to all the respondent for their immense and appreciation help who considered my time just and supplied me data. I also than ful to my friends who helped me a lot in the completion of this project. I also than ful to ,!* for giving me courage to complete this project wor . ANUPRIYA JAIN MBA 3nd SEM.

This is to certify that MISS ANUPRIYA JAIN has completed her project report titled A STUDY OF ANALYSIS OF HR POLICIES OF AXIS BANK under my supervision. To the best of my knowledge and belief this is her original work and this, wholly or practically, has not been submitted for any degree of this or any other university. Date: Dr.. Pramesh Gautam Department of anagement study !"#$T, !agar % .&' study Dr. Pramesh Gautam HOD Department of anagement !"#$T, !agar % .&'

$ hereby declare that the project work entitled on A STUDY OF ANALYSIS OF HR

POLICIES OF AXIS BANK submitted to the Swami i!e"anand Institute #$

%e&hn#'#() is a record of an original work done by me under the guidance of ( DR. PRAMES* GAU%AM, )aculty member, (Swami i!e"anand Institute #$ %e&hn#'#() Sa(ar +M.P, and this project work has not performed the basis for the award of any degree or diploma * associate ship *fellowship and similar project if any.


#ame and !ignature of +andidate ANUPRIYA JAIN MBA 3nd SEM.

-.(/A0( A012!34(*,M(2T 0(.TI/I0AT( *(04A.ATI!2 0%A-T(. 5 I2T.!*60TI!2 %I'T!.7 !/ A8I' BA21 MA2A,(M(2T !/ A8I' BA21 MI''I!2 A2* 9I''I!2 !B;(0TI9(' !/ A8I' BA21 %6MA2 .('!6.0(' .('-!2'(BI4IT7 !/ %6MA2 .('!6.0(' *(-A.TM(2T %. -!4I0I(' !/ A8I' BA21 T.AI2I2, A2* *(9(4!-M(2T .(06.I(M(2T .('.(A.0% M(T%!*!4!,7 AB!6T 0!M-(TITI!.' *ATA A2A47'I' A2* I2T(.-.(TATI!2 /I2*I2,' A2* 4IMITATI!2 '6,,('TI!2 A2* .(0!M(2*ATI!2 0!2046'I!2 BIB4I!,.A-%7 =6('TI!22AI.(

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0%A-T(.<I9 0%A-T(. <9 0%A-T(. <9I 0%A-T(. <9II 0%A-T(. <9III

Ban ing is nearly as old as civili"ation. The history of ban ing could be said to have started with the appearance of money. The first record of minted metal coins was in Mesopotamia in about )>??B.0. the first (uropean

ban notes, which was handwritten appeared in5@@5, in 'weden. cheAue and printed paper money appeared in the 5B??Cs and 5D??Cs, with many ban s created to deal with increasing trade. The history of ban ing in each country runs in lines with the development of trade and industry, and with the level of political confidence and stability. The ancient .omans developed an advanced ban ing system to serve their vast trade networ , which extended throughout (urope, Asia and Africa. Modern ban ing began in 9enice. The word ban comes from the Italian word #,a& -$." meaning bench, because moneylenders wor ed on benches in mar et places. The ban of 9enice was established in 55B5 to help the government raise finance for a war. At the same time, in (ngland merchant started to as goldsmiths to hold gold and silver in their safes in return for a fee. .eceipts given to the Merchant were sometimes used to buy or sell, with the metal itself staying under loc and ey. The goldsmith reali"ed that they could lend out some of the gold and silver that they had and charge interest, as not all of the merchants would as for the gold and silver bac at the same time. (ventually, instead of charging the merchants, the goldsmiths paid them to deposit their gold and silver. The ban of (ngland was formed in 5@EF to borrow money from the public for the government to finance the war of Augsburg against /rance. By 5B?E, goldsmith were using ban of (ngland notes of their own receipts. 2ew technology transformed the ban ing industry in the 5E??Cs round the world, ban s merged into larger and fewer groups and expanded into other country.


In todayCs dynamic world ban s are inevitable for the development of a country. Ban s play a pivotal role in enhancing each and every sector. They have helped bring a draw of development on the worldCs hori"on and developing country li e India is no exception. Ban s fulfills the role of a financial intermediary. This means that it acts as a vehicle for moving finance from those who have surplus money to Ghowever temporarily+ those who have deficit. In everyday branch terms the ban s channel funds from depositors whose accounts are in credit to borrowers who are in debit. 3ithout the intermediary of the ban s both their depositors and their borrowers would have to contact each other directly. This can and does happen of course. This is what has lead to the very foundation of financial institution li e ban s. Before few decades there existed some influential people who used to land money. But a substantially high rate of interest was charged which made borrowing of money out of the reach of the majority of the people so there arose a need for a financial intermediate. The Ban have developed their roles to such an extent that a direct contact between the depositors and borrowers in now nown as disintermediation. Ban ing industry has always revolved around the traditional function of ta ing deposits, money transfer and ma ing advances. Those three are closely related to each other, the objective being to lend money, which is the profitable activity of the three. Ta ing deposits generates funds for lending and money transfer services are necessary for the attention of deposits. The


have introduced progressively more sophisticated versions of these

services and have diversified introduction in numerable areas of activity not directly relating to this traditionaltrinity.

.eserve Ban of India

'chedule Ban s

Non-Schedule Banks

'tate co<op Ban s

0ommercial Ban s

0entral co<op Ban s and -rimary 0r. 'ocieties

0ommercial Ban s




-ublic 'ector Ban s -rivate 'ector Ban s A8I', I0I0I etc.

'tate Ban of India and its 'ubsidiaries

!ther 2ationali"ed Ban s

.egional .ural Ban s


The ban ing scenario in India has been changing at fast pace from being just the borrowers and lenders traditionally, the focus has shifted to more

differentiated and customi"ed productHservice provider from regulation to liberali"ation in the year 5EE5, from planned economy to mar et. (conomy, from licensing to integration with ,lobal (conomics, the changes have been swift. All most all the sector operating in the economy was affected and ban ing sector is no exception to this. Thus the whole of the ban ing system in the country has undergone a radical change. 4et us see how ban ing has evolved in the past >B years of independence. After independence in 5EFB and proclamation in 5E>? the country set about drawing its road map for the future public ownership of ban s was seen inevitable and 'BI was created in 5E>> to spearhead the expansion of ban ing into rural India and speed up the process of magneti"ation. -olitical compulsionCs brought about nationali"ation of ban in 5E@E and lobbying by ban employees and their unions added to the list of nationali"ed ban s a few years later. 'lowly the unions grew in strength, while ban management stagnated. The casualty was to the customer service declined, complaints increased and ban management was unable to item the rot. In the meantime, technology was becoming a global phenomenon lac ing a vision of the future and the ban s erred badly in opposing the technology up gradation of ban s. They mista enly believed the technology would lead to retrenchment and eventually the marginali"ation of unions. The problem faced by the ban ing industry soon surfaced in their balance sheets. But the prevailing accounting practices unable ban s to dodge the issue. The rules of the game under which ban s operated changed in 5EE&. 2orms

or income .ecognition, Assets classification and loan loss provisioning were put in place and capital adeAuacy ratio become mandatory. The cumulative impact of all these changes has been on the concept of state ownership in ban s. It is increasingly becoming clear that the state ownership in ban is no longer sustainable. The amendment of ban ing regulation act in 5EE& saw the entry of new private sector ban s and foreign ban s.


11 11 11 A8I' BA21 4T* A8I' BA21 4T* 'TAT( BA21 !/ I2*IA 4T*

11 11 11 11 11 11 111

-62;AB 2AT!I2A4 BA21 4T* BA21 !/ BA.!*A 4T* /(*(.A4 BA21 4T* %*/0 BA21 4T* I2, 97'7A BA21 4T* I*BI BA21 4T* I2*6'I2* BA21 4T*

111 7(' BA21 4T*

Pr$%01e Axis Ban is one of the fastest growing ban s in the country and has an extremely competitive and profitable ban ing franchise evidenced byI 0omprehensive portfolio of ban ing services including 0orporate 0redit, .etail Ban ing, Business Ban ing, 0apital Mar ets, Treasury and International Ban ing. The -osition as on &5st March )??D was as underI < <Balance 'heet 'i"e <Total *eposits <2et Advances <Investments <2etwor of Branches and (xtention 0ounters <2umber of cities and towns covered by networ : 5E? : .s 5,?E>,BBD,FDB (Rs. in Thousands) : .s DB@,)@),)?@ (Rs. in Thousands) : .s >E@,@55,FF@ (Rs. in Thousands) : .s &&B,?>5,??D (Rs. in Thousands) : B?5

<2umber of ATMs <2et 2-A <0apital AdeAuacy .atio

: )D>F : ?.F) J : 5&.B& J

A20s Ba&3 has 0& #1a-e a s$u&( te-h&$1$'0-a1 #1at%$rm 'ound technological platform with centrali"ed database and operations enabling )FKBK&@> LAnywhere Ban ingC, in order to render the best customer service to its >.> million customer base.


0ommercial ban ing services which includes merchant ban ing, direct finance infrastructure finance, venture capital fund, advisory, trusteeship, forex, treasury and other related financial services. As on &5<Mar<)?5), the ,roup has D)B branches, extension counters and &,>E> automated teller machines GATMs+. Axis Ban was the first of the new private ban s to have begun operations in 5EEF, after the ,overnment of India allowed new private ban s to be established. The Ban was promoted jointly by the Administrator of the specified underta ing of the 6nit Trust of India G6TI < I+, 4ife Insurance 0orporation of India G4I0+ and ,eneral Insurance 0orporation of India G,I0+ and other four -'6 insurance companies, i.e. 2ational Insurance 0ompany 4td., The 2ew India Assurance 0ompany 4td., The !riental Insurance 0ompany 4td. and 6nited India Insurance 0ompany 4td. The Ban today is capitali"ed to the extent of .s. &>E.B@ crores with the public holding Gother than promoters+ at >B.BEJ.The Ban Cs .egistered !ffice is at Ahmedabad and its 0entral !ffice is located at Mumbai. The Ban has a very wide networ of more than D>& branches and (xtension 0ounters Gas on &?th ;une )?5)+. The Ban has a networ of over &B)& ATMs Gas on &?th ;une )?5)+ providing )F hrs a day ban ing convenience to its customers. This is one of the largest ATM networ s in the country. The Ban has strengths in both retail and corporate ban ing and is committed to adopting the best industry practices internationally in order to achieve excellence.


5667: The Ban was incorporated on &rd *ecember and 0ertificate of transacts ban ing business of all

business on 5Fth *ecember. The Ban

description. 6TI Ban 4td. was promoted by 6nit Trust of India, 4ife Insurance 0orporation of India, ,eneral Insurance 0orporation of India and its four subsidiaries. The ban was the first private sector ban to get a license under the new guidelines issued by the .BI. 5668: The Ban obtained license to act as *epository -articipant with 2'*4 and applied for registration with '(BI to act as LTrustee to *ebenture %oldersC. .upees 5?? crores was contributed by 6TI, the rest from 4I0 .s B.> crores, ,I0 and its four subsidiaries .s 5.> crores each. 5669: The Ban has )D branches in urban and semi urban areas as on &5 st ;uly. All the branches are fully computeri"ed and networ ed through 9'AT. ATM services are available in )B branches. The Ban came out with a public issue of 5,>?,??,??? 2o. of eAuity shares of .s 5? each at a premium of .s 55 per share aggregating to .s &5.>? crores and !ffer for sale of ),??,??,??? 2o. of eAuity shares for cash at a price of .s )5 per share. !ut of the public issue ),)?,??? shares were reserved for allotment on preferential basis to employees of 6TI Ban . Balance of &,FB,D?,??? shares were offered to the public. The company offers ATM cards, using which account<holders can withdraw money from any of the ban Cs ATMs across the country which is inter<connected by 9'AT. 6TI Ban has launched a new retail product with operational flexibility for its customers. 6TI Ban promising credit card business. 6TI Ban subsidiaries. will sign a co<brand agreement with the mar et, leader, 0itiban 2A for entering into the highly promoted by IndiaCs pioneer mutual fund 6nit Trust of India along with 4I0, ,I0 and its four

5666: 6TI Ban and 0itiban have launched an international co<branded 0redit card. 6TI Ban and 0itiban have come together to launch an international co<branded credit card under the Master0ard umbrella. 6TI Ban 4td has inaugurated an offsite ATM at Asho 2agar here, ta ing the total number of its offsite ATMs to 5&.m :;;;: The Ban has announced the launch of Tele<*epository 'ervices for Its depository clients. 6TI Ban has launch of Li0onnectC, its Internet ban ing -roduct. 6TI Ban has signed a memorandum of understanding with for e<bro ing activities of the site. financial 'ecurities 4td., an e<bro ing outfit is Typing up with 6TI Ban for a ban ing interface. ,eojit 'ecurities 4td, the first company to start online trading services, has signed a Mo6 with 6TI Ban to enable investors to buyMsell demat stoc s through the companyCs website. India bulls have signed a memorandum of understanding with 6TI Ban . 6TI Ban has entered into an agreement with 'toc %olding 0orporation of India for providing loans against shares to '0%0I4Cs customers and funding investors in public and rights issues. I0.A has upgraded the rating 6TI Ban Cs .s >?? crore certificate of deposit programmed to A5N. 6TI Ban has tied up with 4OT for providing customi"ed online trading solution for bro ers. :;;5: 6TI Ban launched a private placement of non<convertible debentures to rise up to .s B> crores. 6TI Ban has opened two offsite ATMs and one extension counter with an ATM in Mangalore, ta ing its total number of ATMs across the country to &>>. 6TI Ban has recorded a @) per cent rise in net profit for the Auarter ended 'eptember &?, )??5, at .s &?.E> crore. /or the second Auarter ended 'eptember &?, )???, the net profit was .s 5E.?D crore. The total income of the ban during the Auarter was up >& per cent at .s &@@.)> crore.

:;;:: 6TI Ban 4td has informed B'( that 'hri B . Barwale has resigned as a *irector of the Ban w.e.f. ;anuary ?), )??). A 0 'hah, formerchairman of Ban of Baroda, also retired from the ban Cs board in the third Auarter of last year. %is place continues to be vacant. M *amodaran too over as the director of the board after ta ing in the reins of 6TI. B ' -andit has also joined the ban Cs board subseAuent to the retirement of 1 , 9assal. 6TI Ban 4td has informed that 'hri -aul /letcher has been appointed as an Additional *irector 2ominee of 0*0 /inancial 'ervice GMauritius+ 4td of the Ban .And 'hri *onald -ec has been appointed as an Additional *irector Gnominee of 'outh Asia .egional /und+ of the Ban . 6TI Ban 4td has informed that on laying down the office of 0hairman of 4I0 on being appointed as 0hairman of '(BI, 'hri , 2 Bajpai, 2ominee *irector of 4I0 has resigned as a *irector of the Ban . :;;:: B -aranjpe O Abid %ussain cease to be the *irectors of 6TI Ban .6TI Ban 4td has informed that in the meeting of the Board of *irectors following decisions were ta enI Mr 7ash Mahajan, 9ice 0hairman and Managing *irector of -unjab Tractors 4td were appointed as an Additional *irector with immediate effect. Mr 2 0 'inghal former 9ice 0hairman and Managing *irector of '0I0I was appointed as an Additional *irector with immediate effect. AB2 Amro, 6TI Ban in pact to share ATM. 6TI Ban 4td has informed B'( that a meeting of the Board of *irectors of the Ban is scheduled to be held on !ctober )F, )??) to consider and ta e on record the unaudited half yearlyHAuarterly financial results of the Ban for the half yearH=uarter ended 'eptember &?, )??). 6TI Ban 4td has informed that 'hri ; M Trivedi has been appointed as an alternate director to 'hri *onald -ec with effect from 2ovember ), )??). :;;7: 6TI Ban 4td has informed B'( that at the meeting of the Board of *irectors of the company held on ;anuary 5@, )??&, 'hri . 2 Bharadwaj,

Managing *irector of 4I0 has been appointed as an Additional *irector of the Ban with immediate effect.< 6TI Ban , the private sector ban has opened a branch at 2ellore. The ban Cs 0hairman and Managing *irector, *r -.;. 2aya , inaugurating the ban branch at ,T .oad on May )@. 'pea ing on the occasion, *r 2aya said. This mar s another step towards the extensive customer ban ing focus that we are providing across the country and reinforces our commitment to bring superior ban ing services, mar ed by convenience and closeness to customers. <6TI Ban 4td. has informed the (xchange that at its meeting held on ;une )>, )??& the B!* have decided the followingI 5+ To appoint Mr. A T -annir 'elvam, former 0M* of 6nion Ban of India and -rof. ;ayanth 9arma of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad as additional directors of the Ban with immediate effect. /urther, Mr. -annir 'elvam will be the nominee director of the Administrator of the specified underta ing of the 6nit Trust of India G6TI<I+ and Mr. ;ayanth 9arma will be an Independent *irector. )+ To issue 2on< 0onvertible 6nsecured .edeemable *ebentures up to .s.5?? crs, in one or more tranches as the Ban Cs Tier < II capital. <6TI has been authori"ed to launch 5@ ATMs on the 3estern .ailway 'tations of Mumbai *ivision. <6TI filed suit against financial institutions I/0I 4td in the debt recovery tribunal at Mumbai to recover .s.D>cr in dues. <6TI ban made an entry to the /ood 0redit -rogrammeP it has made an entry into the >E cluster which includes private sector, public sector, old private sector and co<operative ban s. <'hri Ajeet -rasad, 2ominee of 6TI has resigned as the director of the ban . <Ban s 0hairman and M* *r. -. ;. 2aya inaugurated a new branch at 2ellore.<6TI ban allots shares under (mployee 'toc !ption 'cheme to its employees. <6nveils pre<paid travel card L9isa (lectron Travel 0urrency 0ardC <Allotment of >DE)& eAuity shares of .s 5? each under ('!-. <6TI Ban ties up with 61 govt fund for contract farm in <'hri B ' -andit, nominee of the Administrator of the 'pecified 6nderta ing of the 6nit Trust

of India G6TI<I+ has resigned as a director from the Ban wef 2ovember 5), )??&. <6TI Ban unveils new ATM in 'i im.

:;;<: 0omes out with .s. >?? mn 6nsecured .edeemable 2on<0onvertible *ebenture Issue, issue fully subscribed <6TI Ban 4td has informed that 'hri Ajeet -rasad, 2ominee of the Administrator of the 'pecified 6nderta ing of the 6nit Trust of India G6TI < I+ has been appointed as an Additional *irector of the Ban w. e. f. ;anuary )?, )??F.<6TI Ban opens new branch in 6dupi< 6TI Ban , ,eojit in pact for trading platform in =atar <6TI Ban ties up with 'hriram ,roup 0os <6nveils premium payment facility through ATMs applicable to 4I0 6TI Ban customers :Metal junction GM;+< the online trading and procurement joint venture of Tata 'teel and 'teel Authority of India G'AI4+< has roped in 6TI Ban to start off own eAuipment for Tata 'teel. <*I(B!4* 'ystems -rivate 4td, a wholly owned subsidiary of *iebold Incorporated, has secured a major contract for the supply of ATMs an services to 6TI Ban <%'B0 completes acAuisition of 5F.@J sta e in 6TI Ban for .@ m <6TI Ban installs ATM in Thiruvananthapuram <4aunches .emittance 0ard in association with .emit)India, a 3eb site offering money transfer services :;;=: < 6TI Ban enters into a banc assurance partnership with Bajaj Allian" ,eneral for selling general insurance products through its branch networ . <6TI Ban launches its first 'atellite .etail Assets 0entre G'.A0+ in 1arnata a at Mangalore. :;;>: <6B4 sets up branch in ;aipur <6TI Ban unveils priority ban ing lounge.


Pr$m$ters: Axis Ban 4td. has been promoted by the largest and the best /inancial Institution of the country, 6TI. The Ban was set up with a capital of .s. 55> crore, with 6TI contributing .s. 5?? 0rore, 4I0 < .s. B.> 0rore and ,I0 and its four subsidiaries contributing .s. 5.> 0rore each '66TI < 'hareholding )B.?)J(rstwhile 6nit Trust of India was set up as a body corporate under the 6TI Act, 5E@&, with a view to encourage savings and investment. In *ecember )??), the 6TI Act, 5E@& was repealed with the passage of 6nit Trust of India GTransfer of 6nderta ing and .epeal+ Act, )??) by the -arliament, paving the way for the bifurcation of 6TI into ) entities, 6TI<I and 6TI<II with effect from 5st /ebruary )??&. In accordance with the Act, the 6nderta ing specified as 6TI I has been transferred and vested in the Administrator of the 'pecified 6nderta ing of the 6nit Trust of India G'66TI+, who manages assured return schemes along with @.B>J 6'< @F Bonds, @.@?J A.' Bonds with a 6nit 0apital of over .s. 5F5@B.>E crores. The ,overnment of India has currently appointed 'hri 1. 2. -rithviraj as the Administrator of the 'pecified underta ing of 6TI, to loo after and administer the schemes under 6TI where ,overnment has continuing obligations and commitments to the investors, which it will uphold.


MISSION: 0ustomer service and product innovation tuned to diverse need of individual and corporate clients. 0ontinuous technology up gradation while maintaining human values -rogressive globali"ation and achieving international standards

(fficiency and effectiveness built on ethical practices VISION: To be the preferred financial solutions provider excelling in customer delivery through insight, empowered employees and smart use of technology CORE VALUES: 0ustomer satisfaction throughI providing Auality service effectively and efficiently $'mile, it enhances your face value$ is a service Auality stressed onperiodic customer service audits. Maximi"ation of sta e holderCs value. 'uccess through teamwor , integrity and people. Ban business is divided into F segmentsI< .etail ban ing, corporate ban ing, treasury ban ing and merchant ban ing Apart from this, the ban is also into insurance, investment ban ing, mortgage financing, credit cards and depository services. it is also registered on the following exchanges

!T0(I B'( 2'( 4ondon stoc exchange SERVICES: Reta01 ,a&30&' *eposit schemes 4oans and advances < -ersonal 4oans < %ousing 4oans < 0ards < 0onsumer durables < Auto 4oans Pers$&a1 ,a&30&' Accounts < Terms deposits < /ixed deposits < .ecurring deposits 0ards < *ifferent variants li eI ,old plus cards, silver and silver plus cards C$r#$rate ,a&30&' Accounts < 2ormal current aHc

< TrustH2,! savings aHc

'ervices < -rivate eAuity, mergers and acAuisitions < Advisory services < 0apital mar et funding < (< bro ing


PRIMARY OB/ECTI*E: To find the %. -olicies 'ystem in the organi"ation. To study the process of inta e of employees with relation to (xperience. 0ommunication s ills and =ualification in the organi"ation To study the training and development process of the organi"ation. To study the recruitment and selection process of the organi"ation.

To now the employers stability of the organi"ation. To now about the competitors of the ban .

W!AT IS !UMAN RESOURCE ? #%uman .esource Management function that helps managers recruit, select, train and develop members for an organi"ation. !bviously, %.M is concerned with the peopleCs dimension in organi"ations. 3or force of an !rgani"ation is one of the most important inputs of

components. It is said that people are our single most important assets. Because of the uniAue importance of %6MA2 .('!6.0( and its complexity due to ever changing psychology, behavior and attitudes of men and women at wor , in all business concerns, there is one common element. I.e. %uman personnel function, i.e., manpower management function is becoming increasingly speciali"ed. The personnel function or system can be broadly defined as the management of people at wor < management of managers and management of wor ers. -ersonnel function is particularly interested in personnel relationship and interaction of employees<human relations. In a sense, management is personnel administration. Management is the development of people, and not mere direction of material resources. %uman capital is the greatest asset of a business enterprise. The essential ingredient of management is the leadership and direction of people. (ach manager of people has to be his own personnel man. -ersonnel management is not something you really turn over to personnel department staff.

Res#$&s0,010t0es $% !uma& Res$ur-e De#artme&t.

%.* maintain daily attendance record through branch manager via

(<mail. Ta e decisions for approval regarding leave notes. %e ta es the decision related to the recruitment, selection and training of the candidates. %e tal s to the consultant related to the recruitment of the Aualified candidates. %e also does screening of the candidates, shortlist the candidate and ta es the first round of the interview. %e maintains the database of the candidates to come for an interview. %e also maintains personal file of each employee. %e also completes the joining formalities of each new employee. They are ta ing surprising visit in every branch and collect information about employees. %e is responsible for the monthly salary of the employees as per their attendants and passing to the Branch Manager.


Tra0&0&' a&( De@e1$#me&t $% em#1$)ees M$&0t$r0&' a&( 0m#r$@0&' em#1$)ee #er%$rma&-e C$m#e&sat0$& a&( ReAar( A(m0&0strat0$& Gr0e@a&-e !a&(10&' !uma& Res$ur-e #1a&&0&' This is handled by doing the planning at the beginning of every year. At the end of the year, the %uman .esource department from each Branch receives the reAuirement for the person for whole year. Then the planning of recruitment and training is done by training manager and recruiting manager which is approved from %ead of %. *epartment. RECRUITMENT .ecruitment is a process of searching for prospective candidates for the given job in the industry. As we now it is very important for an industrial concerns to have efficient and effective personnel with right Auality and at right time and at right place available whenever they are needed. (very organi"ation needs employee time by time because of promotion or retirement of an employee. /or this purpose an organi"ation need to search for the right candidate. And so it needs to encourage this type of right candidates whenever they reAuire. S$ur-es $% Re-ru0tme&t -ersonal data of candidates and data ban department. maintain by the %..

0ampus .ecruitment. 0ompanyCs own website. -lacement consultants. Advertisement in the news papers li e Times of India, ,ujarat 'amachar. (mployee reference. Re-ru0tme&t Pr$-ess

A##10-amt #$$1

Pr$%01e Che-3




Se1e-t0$& 'election is the process of ta ing individuals out of the pool of job applicants with reAuisite Aualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organi"ation. It is define as the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire those with a greater li elihood of success in a job. 'election is based on probation base, they are ta ing experienced person for @ monthCs probation and for fresher the probation period is 5 year. 3hile the selection of the senior level post, is ta en by head office at Mumbai.

Tra0&0&' a&( De@e1$#me&t Training aims at increasing the aptitudes, s ills and abilities of wor ers to perform specific job. It ma es employees more effective and s illful. In present dynamic world of business training is more important there is an ever present need for training men. 'o that new and changed techniAues may be adopted. A new and changed techniAue may be ta en as an advantages and improvement affected in the old methods. Training is learning experience that see s relatively permanent change in an individual that will improve hisHher ability to perform on the job. They provide #on the job$ training to their employees in the branch as they select these employees for selling various products of ban by direct mar eting. 3henever they select new candidates for any post, they use to give them on the job wor . In case of sales persons to distribute their various products, in the beginning the person has to wor under the observation of his senior then the have to go in mar et to have their own experience. The time for training program for the candidate is depends up on the relevant position of his wor area. They also provide training related to customer care and communication. A&a1)B0&' Y$ur W$r3#1a-e: To assist you analy"e your wor place to identify recruitment or selection issues for women, we suggest youI .evisit your wor force profile to find where your female employees

are. 0onsult with your employees. (xamine your existing recruitment and selection policies and practices. De@e1$#0&' P$10-) a&( Pr$-e(ures -ut in place a policy reAuiring recruitment and selection processes to select the best person for the job. *evelop a Auality, consistent process for recruitment that delivers diverse recruits. %ave a recruitment strategy that lin s to your business plan, and to a strategy to retain employees. Re@0eA0&' Re-ru0tme&t a&( Se1e-t0$& O##$rtu&0t0es Monitor each stage of the recruitment process to identify any practice that may disadvantage some candidates. Investigate whether women have eAual opportunity in the recruitment and selection process by collecting information on the numbers of men and womenI Applying for positions Being short<listed Being interviewed Being appointed, and 'urvey staff about their perception of eAuity in recruitment procedures. 0onsider collecting diversity information as part of the process. There could be a pool of diverse candidates youCre not reaching or

unnecessarily excluding.

RESEARC! DESIGN A research design is a framewor or blueprint for conducting the mar eting research project. It specifies the details of the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure andHor solve mar eting research problem. !n the basis of fundamental objectives of the research we can classify research design into two general typesI 5+ E4PLORATORY RESEARC! :+ CONCLUSI*E RESEARC! (xploratory research is one type of research design, which has its primary objective the provision of insights into, and comprehension of, the problem situation confronting the researcher. 0onclusive research is designed to assist the decision ma er in determining evaluating and selecting the best course of action to ta e in a given situation. 0onclusive research can be further divided into two typesI< Des-r0#t0@e E2#er0me&ta1 The research design used in this project is a *('0.I-TI9( *('I,2.

*escriptive study as the name implies is designed to describe something<for example the characteristics of users of a given product, the degree to which the product use the varies with income, age, etc. SAMPLING TEC!NICUE USED: Th0s resear-h has use( -$&@e&0e&-e sam#10&' te-h&0Due. 5+ 0onvenience sampling te-h&0Due: 0onvenience sampling 0s use( 0& e2#1$rat$r) resear-h Ahere the resear-her 0s 0&tereste( 0& 'ett0&' a& 0&e2#e&s0@e a##r$20mat0$& $% the truth. As the &ame 0m#10es" the sam#1e 0s se1e-te( ,e-ause the) are -$&@e&0e&t. SELECTION OF SAMPLE SIEE: /or the study, a sample si"e of &? has been ta en into consideration. SOURCES OF DATA COLLECTION: .search will be based on two sourcesI 5. -rimary data ). 'econdary data 5+ PRIMARY DATA: =uestionnaireI -rimary data was collected by preparing Auestionnaire and the people were randomly being reAuested to fill them. :+ SECONDARY DATA: 'econdary data will consist of different literatures li e boo s which are published, articles, internet and websites. In order to reach relevant conclusion, research wor needed to be designed in a proper way. STATISTICAL TOOLS USED The main statistical tools used for the collection and analyses of data in this project areI =uestionnaire -ie 0harts Bar 0harts 4ine 0harts 0olumn 0harts ,ender Area Age Income : MH/ : .ural H 6rban : <

MaF$r #1a)ers 0& ,a&30&' 0&(ustr) A0th Ah$m !R P$10-0es $% a20s ,a&3 0s -$m#et0&' &$A:G




Q1) Do you have HR? Yes No

Q2) Do you sat s! e" o! HR #o$ % es o! a& s 'a()? Yes No

Q* A+e you sat s! e" t+a ( (, #+o%ess o! a& s 'a()? Yes No

Q- A+e you sat s! e" +e%+u t.e(t #o$ % es o! a& s 'a()? Yes No

Q/A+e you sat s! e" sa$a+y #o$ % es o! a& s 'a()? Yes No

Q0 A+e you sat s! e" 'o(es #$a( o! a& s 'a()? Yes No

Q1 A+e u sat s! e" #+o.ot o( #o$ % es o! a& s 'a()? Yes No

Q2 A+e you sat s! e" 3o+) (, %o(" t o( o! a& s 'a()? 7es 2o


3or ing 0apital of the Ban is decreasing year by year which is not a good sign for the ban .

In the year )??B<?D !perating Margin was )&.)>, in the year )??@<?B it was)5.DF.

This shows that !perating profit margin is increasing which is good for the ban .In the year )??B<?D ,ross -rofit Margin was )5.FF, in the year )??@<?B itwas 5E.BE.

This shows that ,ross profit margin is increasing which is good for the ban .

2et profit margin is increasing year by year. *ebt H (Auity is decreasing.

/ixed Assets Turnover ratio is increasing which shows that fixed assets are efficiently utili"ed.

0urrent .atio is increasing which is showing a sound financial position of the company.

=uic .atio of the ban is increasing it shows that position of the ban is improving.

L0m0tat0$&s $% Stu()

The study was based on a very modest sample si"e hence cannot be called as a representation of the views and opinion of the majority. In a rapidly changing industry, analysis on one day or in one segment can change very Auic ly. The environmental changes are vital to be considered in order to assimilate the findings. The conclusion arrived at are based on a very less experience of researcher in this field.

The organi"ation should provide or set up a communication lab for the benefit of the fresher and existing employees that ma es a career development and new opportunity to grow up in the organi"ation. This increases the employee morale and helps to attain the target. 0ommunication classes should be conducted timely to all employees should be followed by organi"ation. .efresher courses may organi"e intermittently for all employees in the ran and file category to relive job fatigue and monotony of every day wor life. 'o employees can gain s ills by 0ommunication. 0andidates who enter into the ;ob Mar et must ma e sure that their efficiency in 0ommunication is up to the expectation of an organi"ation which will ma e them to go through the .ecruitment and 'election system of .oyal 'undaram Alliance Insurance 0ompany. The respondents in the corporate exhibits that communication s ills are necessary for all the employees from different channels. /!' G/leet on street+ Team should be made involved to pass through more communication classes from language experts. The company should allot funds to create a communication laboratory for the beneficiary of all the employees.

5. -sychometric tests have to be conducted to assessing the personality of the applicants : will they fit inQ ). 4oo for different s ills as well as the ideas of the candidate at the time of recruitment and selection process. &. Adopting adeAuate recruitment procedures to employ efficient and talented people. F. ;ob responsibilities have to be clearly explained to the candidate before the joining formality is done. >. 0ampus recruitments, job fairs may attract more s illed and talented employees towards the organi"ation. @. -rovide orientation training to all new employees before their initial wor assignments and to all current employees who receive a different tas or job. B. .eferral scheme has to be encouraged more at times when the reAuirement is urgent.

.ecruitment is essential to effective %uman .esources Management. It is the heart of the whole %. systems in the organi"ation. The effectiveness of many other %. activities, such as selection and training depends largely on the Auality of new employees attracted through the recruitment the recruitment process. -olicies should always be reviewed as these are affected by the changing environment. Management should get specific training on the process of recruitment to increase their awareness on the dangers of wrong placements. (ffective recruitment is important in achieving high organi"ational performance and minimi"ing labor turnover. As of now A8I' Ban 4td. has a team of effective human resource which is efficiently managing the organi"ation at its best. Though the recruitment process adopted by the organi"ation needs to be improved, challenges are ahead for the %. *epartment to recruit people after the effect of recession. In the present competitive O dynamic environment, it has become essential for organi"ation to build and sustainable. In competitive advantage, the 0ommunication s ill set has assumed more importance than even before. *ynamic and growth<oriented organi"ation recogni"es 0ommunication as an important aspect of the .ecruitment and 'election system for managerial function in a rapidly

changing and economic environment. Insurance industries should possess a valuable wor force with good communication s ill sets to get a good deal or business from their customers. In this sector the O#e& Mar3et -ha&&e1 is the main source of revenue for the company for which they should be able to communicate well with their clients. Then the company can reach its profitability and objectives easily. The company should ta e the suggestions and ideas from the employees and can conduct and examine the communication s ill set within the employees. 'o that they can analy"e the need and act accordingly for a better result and the growth of its own and valuable wor force.

REFRENCES BOOKS REFFERED: A'3AT%A--A, 1. G)?5?+, %uman .esource Management *(''4(., ,A.7 G)?55+, %uman .esource Management .!BBI2', 'T(-%(2 -.,G)??E+ #!rgani"ational -rentice %all of India G2ew *elhi+ 0%%AB.A , T. 2.,G)?5?+, %uman .esource Management WEBSITES REFFERED: httpIHHen.wi ipedia.orgHwi iHA8I'RBan httpIHHbusiness.mapsofindia.comHban sHAxis<ban <branchesH httpIHHbusiness.mapsofindia.comHban s<in<indiaHAxis.htmlH httpIHHwww.slideshare.netHvinFaHrecruitment<and<selection<at<Axis REPORTSHARTICLES REFFERED: Annual report of A8I' BA21 )?55 Behaviour$ of

QUESTIONNAIRE 2AM( A,( !006-ATI!2 Q1) Do you have HR? Yes No I I I I20!M( '(8 -%!2( 2!. I I I

Q2) Do you sat s! e" o! HR #o$ % es o! a& s 'a() Yes Yes Yes No No No Q* A+e you sat s! e" t+a ( (, #+o%ess o! a& s 'a() Q- A+e you sat s! e" +e%+u t.e(t #o$ % es o! a& s 'a()

Q/A+e you sat s! e" sa$a+y #o$ % es o! a& s 'a() Yes No

Q0 A+e you sat s! e" 'o(es #$a( o! a& s 'a() Yes No

Q1 A+e u sat s! e" #+o.ot o( #o$ % es o! a& s 'a() Yes No

Q2 A+e you sat s! e" 3o+) (, %o(" t o( o! a& s 'a() 7es -4A0(IRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 2o


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