Agm Minutes January 2014
Agm Minutes January 2014
Agm Minutes January 2014
January 26, 2014 At Clarion Resorts, North Bay, Ontario 1. Call to order 2. Quorum established Attendan e! "usan #ilburn, $eter %oolnou&h, 'aurel " ott, (a)e " ott, Caroline *a+son, #i helle ,raham, Jason #ilburn, "helley -llis, Amanda # Cartney, #ary Ja .son, Judy Co+an, Jose/h #euleman, 'auren ,ledhill 0. A//ro)al o1 A&enda 4. A//ointment o1 s rutineers 2. No on1li t o1 interest 6. Adoption of minutes: Motion; 3hat the minutes o1 the 2010 Annual ,eneral #eetin& 4January 20, 20105 be ado/ted as read #o)ed! Caroline *a+son "e onded! #i helle ,raham Carried Motion! 3hat the minutes o1 the 2010 $lannin& #eetin& 4O tober 16, 20105 be ado/ted as read. #o)ed! #ary Ja .son "e onded! (a)e " ott Carried 7. inancial Report a5. 3he 2010 8inan ial "tatement /ro)ided by our treasurer, Jose/h #euleman, has a balan e o1 916,016.46 in the administration bud&et and a balan e o1 :902.27 in the A+ards and Ban;uet side o1 the bud&et. Motion< 3hat the 1inan ial statement be ado/ted as /resented. #o)ed! "helley -llis "e onded! #i helle ,raham Carried =5 A//ointment o1 Auditor Motion; 3hat 'ine Ri hard be a//ointed as auditor 1or the 2010 1inan ial re/ort. #o)ed! Caroline *a+son "e onded! 'aurel " ott Carried 3he e>e uti)e +as dire ted to arran&e 1or a &i1t 1or 'ine 1or her assistan e +ith our 1inan ial audit. 65 a! "ro#incial THJA $pdate :the /ro)in ial 3*JA has ?ust un)eiled a ne+ +ebsite, +++.trilliumhunter?um/erasso iation. om or sim/ly a . 3*JA membershi/s 1or 2014 are no lon&er a)ailable throu&h O-8 and must be /ur hased se/arately throu&h this +ebsite. :3here is dis ussion at the /ro)in ial le)el about a insuran e /oli y to o)er all o1 the @ones o11i ers and dire tors. :it +as noted that the re&istration o11i e at -#, is o)erloaded and ro+ded at the Cham/ionshi/s. $erha/s more sta11 is re;uired andAor )olunteers ould be sou&ht to assist them. :3here should be a list o1 the Cham/ionshi/ host @one res/onsibilities to &uide them :3he lini s held durin& the Cham/ionshi/s +ere +ell attended and su ess1ul.
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:3he "ho+ "tandards Committee is to de)elo/ their re ommendations. :3here +as dis ussion about the ne+ "ho+ A//li ation $ro ess and the ste/s re;uired 1or it. %! North East Trillium &e#elopment ees Motion; 3hat our 3rillium (e)elo/ment 1ees stay as they urrently are! 912.00 /er entry /lus 9200 1rom ea h sho+. #o)ed! "helly -llis "e onded! #i helle ,raham Carried c! '()* +hampionships +ommittee 3he North -ast is the s/onsorin& @one 1or the 2014 $ro)in ial Cham/ionshi/s. Joe #euleman a&reed to hair the ommittee +ith assistan e 1rom Caroline *a+son. Other )olunteers are needed. %e +ill be 1or s/onsorshi/s 1rom +ithin our @one, ideas 1or s/e ials e)ents and )olunteers to assist +ith or&ani@in& a ti)ities as +ell as assistin& on site durin& the ham/ionshi/s. "ome ideas /ut 1or+ard 1or s/e ial e)ents +ere! /an a.eAma/le syru/ brea.1ast, s a)en&er hunt, sno+shoe ra es, 3erry 1o> Ride. B1 +e &o +ith some ty/e o1 C%interD 3heme to;ues andAor hand +armersA1oot +armers mi&ht ma.e &reat &i1t ba& items. d! 3han.s to the assistan e o1 John 'eonard +e ha)e a +ebsite 1or our @one at +++.neth?a. om %e e>/e t to ha)e the in1ormation on the site u/:to:date by the end o1 8ebruary. 3he /ro/osed 2014 Omnibus and sho+ /ro&ram +as re)ie+ed. Bt +as a&reed that any and all Cmis ellaneous lasses to be o11ered at a sho+ must be listed in the $ri@e 'ist 1or that sho+. Bndi)idual sho+s may de ide to a//ly 1or a Bron@e le)el /ermit 1or su h mis ellaneous lasses. )(! Election of &irectors: 3he 1ollo+in& +ere nominated and a laimed 1or their /ositions Ei e:/resident< Caroline *a+son 4a laimed 1or a 2 year term5
(ire tors at 'ar&e! (a)e " ott 4a laimed 1or a 2 year term5 #i helle ,raham 4a laimed 1or 2 year term5 Other ->e uti)e< $resident< "usan #ilburn 41 year remainin& in term5 "e retary:3reasurer! Jose/h #euleman 41 year remainin& in term5 (ire tor at 'ar&e< "helley -llis 41 year remainin& in term5 Meeting Ad,ourned
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