Worship Course Guide 2020
Worship Course Guide 2020
Worship Course Guide 2020
Course Guide
Bobbie and I are excited you are considering to lead and impact in every sphere of your life. Our
Hillsong College – what a significant step forward heart and mandate is to equip you to reach and
into your glorious future! influence your world in Jesus name.
Integral to the heart and soul of Hillsong Church, We believe this course guide offers you a pathway
Hillsong College embraces and strategically includes to realise your dreams, discover your God-given
its students in every aspect of church-life; from potential and develop a strong platform for a
weekend services to global conferences, providing glorious future in Christ. As you read it through,
first-hand, practical experience alongside world-class we pray you will discover a light to illumine the
leaders. As you journey into the world of Hillsong path before you and that you will embark on the
Church, you will be welcomed to serve alongside beginning of an exciting journey from which you will
some of our pastors and key team who are making never look back.
the name of Jesus famous, and building the church
both locally and globally. We cannot wait to welcome you HOME.
“I see a church with a
world-class college that
raises, equips & empowers
generations of young,
anointed leaders from across
the globe. Graduates who
serve God in all walks of life,
released to salt the earth
with dynamic ministries &
churches throughout the
continents of the world.”
Campus Locations
Sydney Hills
The Hills Campus is known as the
flagship campus of Hillsong Church.
It features brand new facilities and all
of our course options. This campus
is available to all domestic and
international students.
Sydney City
The City Campus is located at the heart
of Sydney, Australia. It is only 15 minutes
away from the centre of Sydney CBD,
the Opera House, and gorgeous local
beaches. This campus is available to all
domestic and international students.
USA Phoenix
Our brand new campus in the USA!
Located in the contemporary town of
Mesa in Phoenix, Arizona. This campus
is available to US residents only.
Campus Locations
Hillsong College
From anywhere in the world, earn your
Bachelor of Theology or Master of Arts
through Hillsong College Online. This
option is available to all domestic and
international students.
Located in Mt. Gravatt, study Pastoral
Leadership alongside key leaders who
will help you engage and grow through
an invaluable hands-on experience.
This campus is available to Australian
residents only.
Discover leadership, theology, (and a
great cup of coffee) in the inspiring and
diverse city of Melbourne. This campus
is available to Australian residents only.
Alumni Testimonials
I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to attend I came to Hillsong College when I was twenty. You can
Hillsong College. It was a defining and pivotal season in go to many colleges and learn a lot academically about
my Christian walk. I gained a theological and practical ministry; you will study a lot and take tests. But the
framework that helped set me up to flourish in life ability to immediately outwork what you’re learning at
and ministry. I met people who have become lifelong Hillsong College is bar none — you can’t beat it. I was
friends and I was exposed to some of the greatest doing ministry the whole time I was in school.
teachers and ministry practitioners in the world. It was
a life-changing and destiny-defining experience.
Learning at
Hillsong College
Hillsong College offers you a transformational education and leadership training experience.
In the heart of Hillsong Church, you learn about life, leadership, and ministry alongside
influential leaders who are changing the world. Within a proven mix of classroom learning,
hands-on ministry experience and a vibrant College community, you are ideally positioned to
develop a life of purpose and impact. Around the world our graduates are making a difference in
ministry and creative endeavours. Come and join in the adventure!
Certificate IV Available streams of study Available campus
of Ministry
Vocational Leadership
and Ministry Training
Certificate IV
in Ministry
1 0 669NAT C RICOS 096715D
Certificate IV in Ministry
Course Structure
Core Subjects: 260 hours Assessment methods include written assignments,
Stream Subjects: 220 hours reports and journals, oral and written presentations,
Practicum: 240 hours ministry observation, performances, portfolios, tests,
Certificate IV: 720 hours and workplace feedback.
Duration: 12 Months
You will be trained with the skills needed to work in
Basic biblical foundations, principles for ministry, a ministry team setting in a local church or Christian
as well as general leadership and ministry skills are organisation, for example:
developed through our core subjects, which all • Small group leader
students complete. In addition, you will choose one • Youth team worker
of our five streams and complete all of the stream’s • Worship team vocalist or musician
subjects to develop specialised ministry skills. • Assistant leader in a kids or student team
You are also given the opportunity to further your • Member of a Christian dance team
competence in weekly practicum as you serve in your • Camera operator
specialised field. • Sound desk operator
Students will learn in a variety of settings including The course also trains you with the skills needed in
lecture-style classes, group-work, presentation, self- marketplace careers in the same field as your chosen
directed learning activities, workshops, tutorials, and stream’s ministry specialisation.
work-based training.
Giving you plenty of opportunities to practice your Practicum is also intimately connected to your
ministry skills and develop real practical ministry Core Subjects, so through consistent involvement
experience is a critical part of our course. In in team ministry you will develop the leadership,
Practicum, you will be involved every week in one communication, and teamwork skills those subjects
of the cutting-edge ministries of Hillsong Church, are teaching.
learning from leaders with a track record of success in
ministry. Practicum will place you in a ministry team relevant
to the kind of ministry you are being trained for in
By being involved on a weekly basis in real- your chosen stream. Futhermore, Pastoral Leadership
life ministry you will get the chance to put your stream students will be allocated to an area of
classroom learning into practice. This ensures that all ministry determined by their choice of Pathway.
students have a chance to fully develop the required
skills for long-term fruitfulness in ministry. If you are from a local church in the Sydney
Metropolitan or Brisbane areas, you can choose to
do your Practicum in your home church.
Certificate IV in Ministry
Core Subjects
Core Subjects build a foundation of the Bible, doctrine, personal leadership, and
ministry teamwork that can be applied in a wide range of life and ministry settings. All
students are required to complete Core Subjects.
New Testament The books, themes, and events of the New Testament in their cultural and historical context
are introduced along with their application and relevance today. (MINBIB401 Complete and
Introduction apply a study based on the Biblical material to own life | 48 hours)
Old Testament The books, themes and events of the Old Testament in their cultural and historical context
are introduced along with their application and relevance today. (MINBIB401 Complete and
Introduction apply a study based on the Biblical material to own life | 48 hours)
This subject identifies and explores a number of the major doctrines of the Bible, with the
Christian Doctrine goal of building a solid foundation of truth for Christian life and ministry. (MINTHY401 Identify
and apply foundational theological concepts of Christianity | 40 hours)
The person and work of the Holy Spirit is introduced including an investigation of the
Spirit-Filled Living baptism in the Spirit, spiritual gifts and ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit.
(MINLED401 Demonstrate Christian disciplines and spirituality | 16 hours)
This subject introduces principles of spiritual leadership and is designed to assist the student
in building godly character into their life as a Christian leader, both spiritually and practically.
Personal Leadership It covers critical issues including, integrity, core values, healthy living, relationships, and
finance. (MINLED401 Demonstrate Christian disciplines and spirituality with MINLED402
Manage personal and ministry priorities holistically | 48 hours)
This subject trains the student with the necessary skills and knowledge to work successfully
in a team setting. It also will be outworked in the practicum component of the course.
Teamwork (MINLED402 Manage personal and ministry priorities holistically with BSBWOR203 Work
effectively with others | 32 hours)
Communication This subject trains the student with the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to
successfully communicate in ministry settings. It will mainly be outworked in the practicum
in Ministry component of the course. (BSBCMM201 Communicate in the workplace | 32 hours)
A wide range of aspects of church ministry and culture are introduced from a biblical basis
including how we make church relevant today. It will mainly be outworked in the practicum
Church and Ministry component of the course. (MINLED405 Describe and contribute to effective local church
ministry | 16 hours)
Worship Music
Stream Subjects
Subjects in the Vocal focus include: The Worship Team, Vocal Techniques, Music Theory for
Vocals Focus Vocals, Principles of Worship, Worship Ensemble
Subjects in the Musicians focus include: The Worship Team, Band Techniques, Music Theory
Musicians Focus for Band, Principles of Worship, Worship Ensemble
Subjects in the Songwriting focus include: The Worship Team, Songwriting Techniques, Music
Songwriters Focus Theory for Songwriting, Principles of Worship, Worship Ensemble
This subject brings our new Worship Music students into the heart and ethos that has built
the Hillsong Creative team and its creative expression. We do this by teaching and training
The Worship Team students the leadership excellence necessary to thrive in a contemporary band-based
worship environment. (MINWMU406 Describe and contribute to effective worship ministry |
32 hours)
In this subject we examine the language and notation of music, and its application for
Music Theory vocalists in various worship music settings. Delivery is catered toward vocal students with a
for Vocals beginner or intermediate level of theoretical knowledge. (CUAMLT301 Develop and apply
aural perception skills | 32 hours)
In this subject we examine the language and notation of music, and its application for
Music Theory musicians in various worship music settings. Delivery is catered toward musician focus
for Band students with a beginner or intermediate level of theoretical knowledge. (CUAMLT301
Develop and apply aural perception skills | 32 hours)
This subject will equip the student with an understanding of how music works in the context
of songwriting. Students will become more informed songwriters as they deconstruct
Music Theory and examine the standard uses, functions, and behaviours of musical elements and their
for Songwriting application for crafting original music. Delivery is catered toward songwriting students with
a beginner or intermediate level of theoretical knowledge. (CUAMLT301 Develop and apply
aural perception skills | 32 hours)
C O N T I N U E D O N N E X T PA G E . . .
Music Development Students have the opportunity to choose to focus their training as a musician in a band, or as
Workshops a vocalist or a songwriter, through weekly practical workshops.
Vocal students learn the basic anatomy of the singing voice and techniques for improving
Vocal Techniques vocal health, production, and performance. (CUAMPF407A Develop vocal techniques | 40
Songwriting Songwriting students learn and apply tools and techniques for building functional songs from
scratch from idea generation, refinement, and polishing, to strategies for writing blocks and
Techniques trouble spots. (CUAMCP301 Compose simple songs or musical pieces | 40 hours)
This subject will train students in biblical and practical foundations for Christian worship. We
Principles of aim to enrich their understanding and practice of worship by giving students a theological
insight to spiritually prepare for, engage with, and evaluate their worship practice in both
Worship private and corporate worship environments. (MINWMU401 Describe and apply a theology
of Christian worship | 40 hours)
This subject is a practical extension of “The Worship Team” and “Principles of Worship”
subjects to develop musicianship and leadership abilities. In this workshop students will
Worship Ensemble actively participate alongside their fellow worship stream students to practically prepare,
perform, and evaluate their worship practice within a contemporary worship music ensemble.
(CUAMPF404 Perform music as part of a group | 56 hours)
Diploma of
1 0 670NAT C RICOS 096714E
Our Diploma program trains you with the skills you need to lead
a ministry team and will take your leadership training to the next
level. By building on what you learned in your first year, your
understanding of the Bible and theology will continue to expand.
You’ll now start adding a team and people leadership to your
ministry skill-set, whilst continuing to grow in your area of ministry.
This accredited course is part of our Vocational Education programs
that trains you with the skills needed for marketplace careers in the
same field as your stream’s ministry specialisation.
Diploma of Ministry
Course Structure
Entry Requirement: Completion of Certificate IV Our Diploma program enlarges your knowledge
Core Subjects: 240 hours of biblical teaching and theology, while starting to
Stream Subjects: 240 hours develop your team and people leadership skills. It
Practicum: 240 hours also allows you to further develop expertise in your
Diploma: 720 hours chosen area of ministry. Put it all together and the
Duration: 12 Months Diploma program trains you with the necessary skills
to lead a ministry team or exert leadership within a
Everyone chooses a stream that further develops local church or Christian organisation, for example:
their expertise in their ministry of passion and • Youth team leader
calling. Practicum is where each student continues • Worship leader,
to grow by turning their classroom learning into real • Music or vocal director
leadership skill through hands-on experience in an • Leader in a kids or student team
area of ministry in Hillsong Church. • Team leader in a church video team
• Leading a discipleship group
Students will learn in a variety of settings including • Leading a community outreach or social justice
lecture-style classes, group-work, presentation, team
self-directed learning activities, workshops, tutorials • Running church events
and work-based training. Assessment methods • Coaching young songwriters
include written assignments, reports and journals,
oral and written presentations, ministry observation, The course also trains you with the required skills for
performances, portfolios, tests, and workplace marketplace careers in the same field as your chosen
feedback. stream’s ministry specialisation.
Get ready for a real step up in your practical ministry And like in Certificate IV, Practicum continues to
experience. In our Diploma program, you will feel be intimately connected to your Core Subjects,
opportunities and responsibilities increase, as you so through your consistent involvement in leading
take on more key roles in the ministries you are and influencing others you will further develop the
involved in. leadership skills these subjects are teaching.
Within the Diploma of Ministry program practicum, If you are from a local church in the Sydney
you will also get to tailor your practical ministry Metropolitan or Brisbane areas, you can continue to
involvement by choosing the ministry area you want choose to do your Practicum in your home church.
to focus on more specifically. As you do this, the level
at which you get to be involved in ministry will rise, as
you get to lead teams or provide leadership through
your growing ministry expertise.
Diploma of Ministry
Core Subjects
These subjects will further strengthen your understanding of the Bible and theology,
while adding key leadership skills to your ministry toolkit, so you can start empowering
others to make a difference.
An in-depth look at key books and genres in the New Testament, focusing on Paul’s letter
to the Romans and The Gospel of Luke. It will delve more deeply into the cultural and
historical settings of both books and help students cultivate some early exegetical skills
New Testament Studies that can be applied to the close study of other books of the New Testament. It will also help
students analyse how one might apply these texts to contemporary Christian life and ministry.
(MINBIB501 Interpret and apply the Bible. | 40 hours)
An in-depth look at key texts in the Old Testament, focusing on Exodus and Psalms,
analysing and interpreting major themes and applying them to a contemporary ministry. This
Old Testament Studies subject builds upon the bible study skills developed in Certificate IV by developing some
basic exegetical skills appropriate for reading Old Testament texts accurately. (MINBIB502
Interpret and apply the Bible. | 40 hours)
This subject equips the student with the skills necessary to identify and effectively deal with
pastoral care issues that arise in a ministry setting. These topics include identifying issues,
effective consultation and referral, an overview of key pastoral issues, such as grief and
Pastoral Care loss, relational issues, and crisis care. Students are encouraged to think through the biblical
and theological dimensions of caring for people so that they can grapple with many of the
difficult issues that come up in pastoral ministry. (MINPST501 Interpret and apply pastoral
theology in a ministry setting | 32 hours)
This subject builds on the concepts and skills developed in Christian Doctrine in Certificate IV.
It discusses and develops major theological concepts, seeing how they developed through
church history, and explores the diversity of theological viewpoints across a range of Christian
Theology traditions. The strengths and weaknesses of different positions will be assessed, along with
their implications for life and ministry in a modern-day church setting. (MINTHY501 Interpret
and apply theological concepts | 40 hours)
The level of leadership responsibility and influence students are trained to carry increases
significantly. In this subject, students will be equipped with a deeper understanding
of leadership dynamics and diverse skills needed to lead and build teams in a ministry
environment. It will help students build their capacity to recruit people into teams, build a
Team Leadership great team atmosphere, manage teams to meet challenging ministry goals, and develop the
people in their teams to fulfil their God-given potential. This subject will also be outworked in
the practicum component of the course. (BSBMGT401 Show leadership in the workplace with
MINLED505 Develop self and others as Christian leaders in an integrated fashion | 30 hours)
C O N T I N U E D O N N E X T PA G E . . .
Focusing on one of the essential foundations for church growth, this subject equips students
to cultivate discipleship growth through a community made of one or several small groups.
Leading a Specific skills covered include growing your own discipleship group, facilitating Bible study
Discipleship Ministry discussions, developing Bible study materials, and developing new leaders who can then
start their own discipleship groups. (MINPST404 Lead and multiply a Christian small group |
40 hours)
Focusing on one of the key responsibilities of modern ministry leaders, this subject equips
Safe Church students with the skills and information needed to assess and maintain safety in a ministry
environment. (MINSAF501 Apply Safe Church policies and procedures | 8 hours)
Worship Music
Stream Subjects
Subjects in the Vocal focus include: Theology of Christian Worship, Performance Ensemble,
Vocals Focus Worship Leadership, plus 2 elective subjects of your choice.
Subjects in the Songwriting focus include: Theology of Christian Worship, Songwriting for
Songwriters Focus Church, Worship Leadership, plus 2 elective subjects of your choice.
Building on Principles of Worship, students will continue to build their understanding and
conviction of worship as it intersects with a number of key themes:
• Worship: Its Theology and Practice – A deeper look into the understanding of Biblical
worship outworked through a life of worship, including worship music expression in the
Theology of 21st century.
• Worship and Creation – A brief excursion into the created world around us and how it
Christian Worship joins with us in God-glorifying worship.
• Worship and Spiritual Growth – Worship is integral to the Christian life and for the
Church. We will explore worship and its role in the development of spiritual formation of
the individual and for the faith community.
Music Development In the Worship Music stream, students have the opportunity to choose to focus their training
Workshops as a musician in a band, a vocalist, or a songwriter, through weekly practical workshops.
C O N T I N U E D O N N E X T PA G E . . .
Building on foundations from Certificate IV, musicians and vocalists will develop advanced
skills to maintain technical control and deliver a confident ‘performance’ standard. Training
focuses on the following areas:
• How to develop controlled technical performance skills
• Methods to care for your voice or instrument
Ensemble Performance • Choosing appropriate warm-up exercises
• Developing of practice techniques
Students will also develop the skills required for planning performances or services in
cooperation with audio production and technical teams. (CUAMPF605 Develop advanced
vocal technique with CUAMPF505 Develop technical skills and expand repertoire | 40 hours)
As songwriters, students you will engage in a workshop experience that will train them in the
Songwriting writing style and process of Hillsong Church and its various songwriting expressions. Studies
include congregational writing, theology and poetry within lyrics, collaborative writing,
for Church coordinating song culture with senior leadership, and building a songwriting culture in your
local church. (CUAMCP402 Develop techniques for composing music | 40 hours)
This subject will develop practical skills for functioning as a team leader for vocalists,
musicans, and as a worship leader in various contexts and scenarios in a contemporary
worship context. We will practically look at developing skills for how to lead worship,
function as a music or vocal director, lead rehearsals, teach new songs, and a range of other
responsibilities that come with leading a worship team. We will build on the principles
Worship Leadership delivered in Certificate IV to develop more advanced concepts of congregational worship,
the role of leadership, spirituality and worship, and the skills and knowledge needed to build
a rich, Christ-centred worship culture across a range of church settings and worship models.
(MINWMU502 Lead worship in a Christian ministry setting with CUAMPF507 Provide musical
leadership in performance | 72 hours)
Worship Elective Students will have the choice of one of the following electives per semester:
Semester 1: Music Arrangement and Producing or Preaching
Subjects Semester 2: Church and Music or Marriage and Family
This subject is designed to grow the student’s understanding of music arrangement, engage
in researching ideas for arrangement, and workshop and arrange original pieces. Students
will also receive technical training for the recording and editing of live instruments and
Music Arrangement vocals, as well as MIDI based arranging and producing. (CUAMCP401 Develop techniques for
and Producing arranging music | 48 hours)
Special note: Students taking this subject are strongly encouraged to provide their own computers,
recording programs (Garage Band minimum), audio interface, and instruments.
In this subject, students can expect to learn about the influences and impact of doctrine,
socio-politics, social relevance, leadership structures, and cultural forces on the development
of music in the church from ancient to modern times, including a historical study of Hillsong
Church music. By understanding these influences both within and outside the church, they
Church and Music can more effectively pre-empt, navigate, and respond to the impact of these influences with
higher leadership capacity. (CUAMLT502 Apply concepts of music and society to professional
practice | 40 hours)
Please note: If you would like private or individual music lessons in addition to your course at Hillsong
College there are options available.
Diploma of
1 0 023NAT CRICOS 077596G
Graduates will leave equipped with the skills they need for a wide
range of key leadership and senior ministry roles. Many of our
graduates have gone on to leadership roles, such as Associate
Pastor, Youth Pastor, and Worship Pastor, where they are using the
leadership, management, and ministry skills they developed in their
third year. Others have gone into key ministry roles, where they
are primarily using their highly developed ministry, pastoral, and
creative gifts to help their churches move forward. This accredited
course is part of our Vocational Education program that trains you
with the skills needed for marketplace careers in the same field as
your stream’s ministry specialisation.
Advanced Diploma of Ministry
Course Structure
Entry Requirement: Completion of Diploma Classes
of Ministry Your classes will further develop your leadership,
Core Subjects: 270 hours ministry and creative skills while challenging you
Elective Subjects: 450 hours to think deeply about your faith and philosophy
Advanced Diploma: 720 hours of ministry for the 21st century. In the Advanced
Duration: 12 Months Diploma, all subjects are electives, so you get to
choose the mix of subjects that align with your
passions and will best develop your ministry
Innovative Learning Environment potential. The subjects are drawn from a range of
The study program takes place in a variety of disciplines, such as bible, theology, leadership,
contexts including practicum, lecture-style classes, management, pastoral ministry, and creative
group-work, presentation, self-directed learning leadership.
activities, workshop, tutorials and work-based
training. Assessment methods include written
assignments such as reports and journals, oral
and written presentations, observation, tests, and
workplace training.
You will train alongside a pastor or key leader at
Hillsong Church or other approved ministry or church
during the week. The College will work with you
to tailor a practicum that will further develop your
leadership or ministry potential, whilst positioning
you to make a significant contribution to the life
of Hillsong Church or your local Sydney church.
Students intending to commence their Advanced
Diploma year of Ministry Training must apply for their
practicum during their Diploma year.
Advanced Diploma of Ministry
Core Subjects
These are the subjects behind your Practicum. Students work alongside an experienced
church leader and are immersed in the week-to-week running of a church department or
ministry, learning what it really takes to make ministry work. Students will be involved in the
Advanced Practicum development of new ministry initiatives, gaining experience managing ministry and exerting
1 and 2 influence in a ministry team environment. This development is guided by key members of the
College faculty through regular coaching sessions. (MINLED603 Demonstrate the integration
of judgement, skills, and ministry ethics and practice in a Christian vocation with MINLED602
Demonstrate influence within a Christian ministry | 240 hours)
You will choose eight elective subjects in your third year that are most relevant to managerial,
Elective Subjects pastoral, creative, or other technical leadership areas.
As a senior leader one of your key roles is to implement vision and organisational ethos to
your church or ministry department, communicating it powerfully to your team, outworking
Leading a Church it with other departments and directing its effective implementation. This subject will equip
students with the practical skills needed to manage human resources within a department,
Department take them through the financial planning process and help you develop the strategic
management skills and disciplines needed to steer a department. (MINLED610 Manage a
church department | 56 hours)
At higher levels of leadership, much of a leader’s time will be spent developing and
managing other leaders. This subject explores the principles, practices, and disciplines of
Managing Leaders those who excel in leading and managing teams of leaders. Content and skills will be drawn
from both the ministry and business worlds. (MINLED604 Manage and develop ministry
leaders | 59 hours)
C O N T I N U E D O N N E X T PA G E . . .
With the recent rise in pluralism and militant atheism, Christian leaders are often required
to give a reasoned defence of their faith. This subject equips students with the background
Apologetics knowledge and skills required to present the case for Jesus Christ in a post-modern world.
Students will develop an understanding of and a response to the key arguments used to
challenge the Christian Gospel. (MINTHY602 Defend the Christian Faith | 58 hours)
Paul’s two letters to the Corinthians provide an ideal opportunity for in-depth study of a New
Testament book in its historical, cultural and social setting. This subject will examine the
Corinthian background to the early church in the first-century Greco-Roman world, and further develop
Correspondence NT exegetical skills. Students will also explore more deeply the process of applying the NT
text into a modern day church setting. (MINBIB601 Interpret and analyse biblical literature |
55 hours)
The prophetic books of the Old Testament give a unique insight into God’s relationship with
ancient Israel. Bringing together Israelite history, Jewish poetry, and Old Testament theology,
this subject will help students grapple with the message of these profound and challenging
Prophetic Literature books. Whilst developing OT exegetical skills, students will also learn to examine the process
of applying the OT prophetic message to the modern world. (MINTHY603 Examine and apply
biblical theology to a ministry setting | 59 hours)
Theology is a continually evolving discipline, with new trends and ideas regularly gaining
Contemporary the limelight in Christian teaching, writing or ministry. This subject equips students for the
challenging task of engaging with and analysing key, modern-day theological concepts
Theologies and their impact on church life and on popular Christian thinking. (MINTHY601 Analyse
contemporary theologies to a ministry setting | 60 hours)
One of the things leaders regularly do in ministry is train people. It is one of the key ways
they multiply their influence and expand ministry. This subject provides the practical skills
Training Skills needed to plan and deliver group-based learning. It will also explore how to assess people’s
acquisition of skills and how to evaluate training effectiveness. (MINPST604 Plan and deliver
ministry training in a local church environment | 56 hours)
This subject practically equips the student to lead a service and deliver some of the key
elements, such as communion, baptisms, altar calls, and offering messages. Students will also
Platform Ministry learn to conduct weddings, baby dedications, and funerals. (MINLED608 Lead a Christian
service or ceremony | 59 hours)
C O N T I N U E D O N N E X T PA G E . . .
Preaching is one of the most effective tools for communicating the gospel, teaching biblical
truth, and impacting lives. In this subject, students will be introduced to the theology,
communication theory, and skills needed to construct and deliver powerful, life-changing
sermons. They will also have opportunity to practice and be coached in their new preaching
Preaching skills.
Please note: This subject is being made available exclusively to students who have
completed a Diploma of Ministry in Worship Music, Production, or Film & TV. (MINPST503
Deliver a sermon | 59 hours)
This subject helps students develop a biblical basis for marriage and family, identifying
relevant current issues encountered in various forms of relationships. Students will be
equipped with the theology and ministry skills needed to help people in a Christian
community build their marriages and families. It will also equip students personally, to build
their own life-giving and exemplary marriage and family, while navigating the challenges of
Marriage and Family life and ministry.
Please note: This subject is being made available exclusively to students who have
completed a Diploma of Ministry in Worship Music, Production, or Film & TV. (MINPST502
Interpret and apply the theology of marriage and family | 60 hours)
This subject equips students who are committed to producing high-level creative
presentations for their local church services and events. They will be equipped with the
understanding and skills needed to produce creative elements of an event (story-telling,
Creative Director concept development, music, video, dance). Students will also develop an understanding
of the necessary technical elements (sound, lighting). This subject will also develop the
management skills needed to oversee such events and presentations. (CUAPPR602
Collaborate in professional creative projects | 56 hours)
In this subject students will further extend what they have learned in their Certificate IV and
Diploma year songwriting subjects. Students will investigate and experiment with various
writing components and music materials for the betterment of their writing, giving them
the ability to fine-tune, rewrite, and evaluate songs to a professional industry standard.
Advanced Songwriting (CUAMCP602 Extend techniques for composing music | 55 hours)
Pre-requisite: you must have already completed the Songwriting focus in either Cert IV or
This subject is for anyone passionate about learning to lead and develop artistic people and
teams. In this class, we specifically focus on discovering the personhood challenges artistic
people on Creative teams face and how they shape them as people and ministers. We will
Creative Pastor also explore how artistic people tend to face unique issues in life, what these issues are and
how one can become a leader who releases them to outwork their creativity, whilst living a
strong, consistent life for longevity in ministry. (MINWMU602 Lead and pastor creative artists
in a ministry setting | 60 hours)
Academic Agreements
The College is committed to providing great website for full details about Australia’s vocational
pathways for our students toward further education. education training sector, the Authority’s jurisdiction
To achieve this we have developed a number and the standards by which it regulates Colleges and
of strategic partnerships with various local and accredits courses.
international universities and colleges. Our
Diploma and Advanced Diploma graduates can The College is also approved by ASQA as a provider
receive generous credit transfers for their Hillsong of education to international students and is listed
studies into a range of impressive Bachelor Degree on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and
programs in Theology, Ministry and other disciplines. Courses for Overseas Students.
These programs can be completed on the partner
campus or online from anywhere in the world. Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Code: 1340
CRICOS Provider Code: 01532G
Our partners include:
Alphacrucis College (Sydney) Credit Transfers
Dallas Baptist University (Dallas, Texas) If you have completed previous study in Australia or
Northwest University (Seattle, Washington) internationally, you may be able to transfer credit into
Southeastern University (Lakeland, Florida) our courses, allowing you to invest more time in the
Life Pacific College (Los Angeles, California) practical dimensions of your course. To qualify for
Indiana Wesleyan University (Marion, Indiana) credit transfer your studies will need to be:
IGW (Zürich, Switzerland) • With an accredited or recognised institution
ISTL (Switzerland) providing high quality training and education
that is recognised by regulators and/or other
Accreditation and Recognition colleges.
The College and its courses are accredited with • In a field equivalent or related to Hillsong
the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), the College’s courses, streams or subjects.
Federal Government agency charged with the • Delivered at an appropriate post-high school
quality and regulation of the vocational education level.
and training sector in Australia. Inspect ASQA’s • Completed within the last 10 years.
Admissions Process
How long do I have to wait to get a response What are the hours like at Hillsong College? Do
from Hillsong College once I have submitted my students have a day off? What does ‘weekend
application? requirements’ mean?
Once we have received your completed application, College runs from 8:00am until approximately
you will receive a response in a few days. If your 3:00-4:00pm, four days per week (daily finish times
application is incomplete, we will contact you may vary depending on your personal timetable).
requesting the submission of the remaining aspects Students are also given the opportunity to serve in
of your application. Please note that incomplete two of the weekend church services as a part of their
applications cannot be processed. course. You will receive one day off in the Mon-Fri
What if I haven’t known my pastor for more than
12 months? Why do stream fees differ from one another?
In this case, we request that you obtain a Pastoral Streams differ with regard to the number of trainers
Reference form from both your current pastor and as well as the type and amount of equipment and
your previous church pastor, or an additional 2 resources required to provide each student with
character references. the best training experience. Fee variation between
streams reflects the higher trainer to student ratio
What is the difference between the Hills and City and more expensive equipment requirements for
Campus? Which is the better of the two? training in certain areas of ministry. Our fees are
Although they differ in location, academically there calculated to allow effective resourcing for each
is no difference between our two campuses. The stream accordingly, thus ensuring the entire learning
courses are identical and our key pastoral and experience is as rewarding for the student as
lecturing staff teach at both campuses equally. possible.
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