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2013-2014 Daily Learning Plan
AP English Language and Composition
Mrs. Babcock Room: P-13 Date: 11/2 !lo"#s: 2! $opi"%s&: TSL DE'()ED )E'*L$' Overarching Year Goals: Understand how authors purposefully use rhetorical devices to convey the purpose of the piece Identify different rhetorical devices and how they are used within a piece Identify the different rhetorical modes and what rhetorical devices are typically seen within those modes. Analyze, in writing, how the author uses rhetorical devices to convey purpose Analyze, in writing, how the author crafts an argument Craft argumentative essays pulling from readings, observations, and experiences to support the central argument. ynthesize sources and information to formulate a cohesive argument Transfer: Students will be able to independently use their learning to !"espond intellectually to the written attempts of others to persuade# $%u&e University 'I(s ) rd *d.+ "hetorical Analysis CONTINUED "hetorical ,uestion-Argumentation $%,"+ ynthesis Analysis: Apply their &nowledge and understanding of persuasive techni.ues to the analysis of persuasive text and to their own writing. $/0'1*I, %,"+ Apply their &nowledge of the time period of the piece to their analysis. $"A+ 2riting: 2rite a multi3paragraph persuasive essay using a combination of any of the following: opposing views, reliable evidence, facts, sound generalizations, trustworthy opinions, and logical arguments. 2rite a multi3paragraph essay synthesizing information together to craft a sound argumentative piece. 2rite a multi3paragraph essay synthesizing information together based upon a particular position that defends, challenges, or .ualifies the prompt4s position. 2rite a multi3paragraph rhetorical analysis essay that analyzes the author4s use of rhetorical devices to craft their purpose. Apply their &nowledge and understanding of rhetorical devices and techni.ues to the analysis of texts by crafting a multi3paragraph rhetorical analysis essay. Essential +uestion%s&: Overarching Essential Questions: 2hat is the paradox of the American %ream5 2hat ma&es language powerful5 1ow is the writer4s time period reflected in his wor&5 1ow is the historical context represented in literature5 1ow does revision result in a clearer message5 Focalized Essential Questions pertaining to the AP Exa: 1ow has rhetoric changed the world5 1ow does an author4s use of rhetoric shape the purpose of their piece5 1ow are sound arguments created5 1ow can my argument be central to my writing and use the sources as supplements5 1ow are persuasive devices employed by an author to achieve a particular purpose amongst his readers5 1ow are the persuasive appeals used throughout literature5 1ow can one incorporate rhetorical strategies within their own pieces5 1ow can one be persuasive5 !opical Essential Questions: 'o what extent do the ideals of the individual conflict with society4s expectations5 1ow can the individual define and live a worthy life5 'o what extent is conformity beneficial to society5 'o what extent is it harmful5 1ow does both the real world and literature demonstrate the theme of individual vs. society5 2hile the American %ream rests on the need for a common set of beliefs or ideologies, its evolution sometimes means that it alienates individuals for real crimes and-or crimes of individuality. Alienation is lin&ed to self3discovery. 'he alienated can ma&e a choice: to endure or to protest. Enduring *nderstandings: ocietal change grows out of individual discontent. 1umans share their view of living a worthy life through various forms of written expression. uccessful societies balance the tension between conformity and individuality. A''E'',E-$ E.(DE-CE Brief Writing HW Check !i" Test #ra$ Re%ie& Pro'ect(R)*T Pai+eia Seminar ,raft Co$$aborati%e Learning Peer Conferencing Pre&riting *ina$ ,raft #ra$ Presentation C$ass &ork Ref$ection Worksheet(Packet /(0$ED !E-C1,A)2' tudents will recognize and empathize with perspectives of a given concept, theme, or issue that is not his or her own. tudents will recognize, empathize, and ma&e connections between the systems of issues and problems occurring in the external world. tudents will analyze influences that shape future trends related to &ey concepts, issues, and themes. tudents will compare and contrast original approaches to discipline3based dilemmas with those of experts in the field tudents will formulate essential .uestions, pose and define problems, and test and improve ideas. This will be done when working to strengthen their writing/planning tudents will evaluate the limitations of generalizations related to ma6or themes, issues and problems. tudents will evaluate the effectiveness of various problem solving techni.ues to a variety of problem3based situations $e.g. mathematical, scientific, literary, and technological+. tudents will engage in problem finding and framing for personal situations, situations in the community, and global issues, in order to apply interdisciplinary principles and processes to propose solutions to problems and complex issues tudents will evaluate the feasibility of various solutions to problems. tudents will identify concepts that cross disciplines as they apply the principles of presenting a defensible argument. tudents will investigate the causes and critical issues of problems $e.g. personal, social, ethical considerations+. tudents will compare their ideas, abilities, and goals to those of practicing professionals. tudents will reflect on their own learning and wor& profiles over time. tudents will extend independent scholarly s&ills and behaviors. tudents will explore opportunities for personal involvement in global issues 'trategies and A"ti3ities Learning Plan Details Do -o4 )s st!+ents enter the room- the fo$$o&ing &i$$ be +is.$a/e+ on the Promethean Boar+: 1. Pick !. H#s 0. Co./ HW +o&n in .$anner 3. When 1 come b/- 1 am checking for2 Seminar !estions CH 13 +ai$/ re4!irements When /o! finish &ith this acti%it/- PLEA'E '($ +*(E$L5. 1 &i$$ gi%e /o! a$$ 15 min!tes from the time the be$$ rings to com.$ete a$$ of the ,# 6#W re4!irements. $'L Paideia 'eminar Seminar on CHs I-IX using questions from previous nights HW Facilitators: Alyssa an !ichael A stuent "ill #e recoring the seminar as to allo" those "ho "ere a#sent to vie" it an complete the reflection as "ell as act as a refresher "hen completing the seminar 1ouse#eeping Review of homework/any other announcements LE''6- ,A$E)(AL' Promethean Boar+ Pen(Penci$ Prom.t Big Stick/ 7 Markers Teacher 1P), 1P),(Ce$$ .hone( etc.. 16,E76)2 A''(/-ED HW: rea CHs X-X$% apply these chapters to the seminar questions that havent #een iscusse yet% nightly requirements% o In& 'ovel ()