Chloes Resume

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Chloe Marshall

1345 Louisiana Street, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 (817) 403 1704 chloec!arshall"#!ail$co!

% &'(ecti)e
*o wor+ in a ,ro-essional en)iron!ent, which will ,ro)i.e !e with the ,otential -or a.)ance!ent an. #rowth in an e.ucational -iel.$

% /.ucation
The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 01 in Mathe!atics with a teacher licensure throu#h the 2Kan*each ,ro#ra!, e3,ecte. #ra.uation .ate is Ma4 5015$

% 1cti)ities an. 6onors

Douthart Scholarship Hall: All Scholarship Hall Representative, Lawrence, Kansas, 5013 Suzanne H. Tholen Scholar, 1u#ust 5011 to ,resent Mount Orea Scholar, 1u#ust 5011 to Ma4 5015

% /3,erience
UKanTeach Stu ent !nternship, Lawrence, Kansas Math Counts Club, August 2013- present Lea. an. or#ani7e a Math Counts Clu' at Central Mi..le School in Lawrence, Kansas$ 8or+ with !i..le school stu.ents on a.)ance. !ath ,ro'le!s$

"ra#for "o$$unity "enter, Lawrence, Kansas Desk Assistant and Tour Guide, August 2013-present Ser)e as a tour #ui.e to ,otential resi.ents o- the scholarshi, hall co!!unit4 at the 2ni)ersit4 o- Kansas$ 6an.le ,hone in9uiries, e9ui,!ent:+e4 chec+out, sort !ail, an. han.le e!er#enc4 crisis res,onse$ ;e,resent K2 Stu.ent 6ousin# in e)er4 as,ect o- the (o'$

%ort &orth Sister "ities, <ort 8orth, *e3as Global Alumni Program, 200 -present =nternational >ro#ra! Coor.inator =nternshi,, Su!!er 5013$ =nternational Lea.ershi, 1ca.e!4 <acilitator, Su!!er 5015 an. 5013$

KU Alternative 'rea(s, Lawrence, Kansas Parti!ipant "or the Tea!h "or Ameri!a Delegation, #anuar$ 2013 Sha.owe. a !e!'er o- the *each -or 1!erica tea! in Chica#o, =llinois -or a wee+ an. wor+ .irectl4 with stu.ents an. sta-- in the classroo!$

Parti!ipant "or the %p&orth Children and 'amil$ (er)i!es, #anuar$ 201*

8ill 'e a !entor -or 4oun# an. teens an. ,ro)i.e ,ositi)e role !o.elin#, e!otional su,,ort an. enrich!ent throu#h one on one acti)ities$

)a#rence *ar(s an Recreation, Lawrence, Kansas Middle (!hool +asketball Coa!h, ,!tober 2012-De!ember 2012 *au#ht the -un.a!entals o- 'as+et'all, -ocusin# on the s+ills nee.e. an. the rules o- the #a!e to ,re,are #irls -or tea! ,la4$

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