CV For Weebly
CV For Weebly
CV For Weebly
[email protected]
Address and Contact Information Available Upon Request
Hampton University, Hampton, VA, 23668. Honors College, William R. Harvey Leadership nstit!te" #rad!ate $ay 2%&'. #.(.A. 3.)6. *+on Hill High ,-hool, *+on Hill, $aryland, 2%.//. ,-ien-e and 0e-hnology (rogram" #rad!ated $ay 2%&%. #.(.A. /.&88.
-Teaching 1*-to2er 2%&33 Created a lesson plan 0a!ght t4o -lasses o5 6nglish &%2 Honors 1!sed an intera-tive lesson !sing pop -!lt!re topi-s to tea-h st!dents a2o!t identi5ying s-holarship that -an 2e !sed 4hen 4riting a resear-h paper3 n-orporated te-hnology in st!dents7 parti-ipation 1-ellphones, laptops, and any devi-e that 4o!ld allo4 them to ta8e pi-t!res o5 the 2oard and !se the internet3
-Researcher at Stanford niversit! 19!ne:A!g!st 2%&33 ,t!died !nder m!si-ologist ;r. Charles <ronengold 5or the ,tan5ord ,R:6 ( 4ith Leadership Allian-e Re5ined resear-h topi-s 0oo8 notes and per5ormed -lose reading 5or ;r. <ronengold7s resear-h o5 Ralph 6llison (resented at LA=, in ,tam5ord, Conne-ti-!t and at ,tan5ord University
-Tutor at Hampton niversit!"s #riting La$ 1April 2%&2 > present3 Aided st!dents in any stage o5 their 4riting pro-ess 0!tored st!dents in grammar, 4riting, and 4riting 5ormats (er5ormed managerial d!ties as dire-tor o5 the 4riting la2 and assist advising pro5essor 1$ay 2%&3 > present3 $aintained proper !sage o5 the 4or8 spa-e
-Volunteer at %o!sdorf &a'' and #ine (estival in %o!sdorf) *ustria 19!ly 2%&23 Assisted the ?a@@ -hoir as a mentor, theory instr!-tor and a g!est vo-alist
-Researcher at Emor! niversit! 19!ne 2%&23 ,t!died in a -ohort led 2y ;r. ;onna A8i2a ,!llivan Harper 5or the U=CA $$UA ,!mmer nstit!te Re5ined resear-h topi-s in modernism
-Volunteer at +etroStage Theatre) *lexandria) V*) 19!ly 2%&&3 ,orted headshots Helped 4ith prod!-tion o5 sho4s 5or ,!mmer Con-ert series A-ted as re-eptionist d!ring a!ditions A-ted as a greeter and an !sher Responsi2le 5or restoration o5 theatre 5ollo4ing per5orman-es
-,amp ,ounselor at -ashim Studios) founded $! %resident.,E/ 0ova Tate) dire-tor, -horeographer, and vo-alist 19!ne:9!ly 2%&&3 A-ted as a yo!th mentor A-ted as a -areta8er 5or toddlers Assisted -oordinators 4ith daily 5ood servi-es ;ire-ted and per5ormed 4arm:!ps 4ith yo!th Assisted yo!th 4ith -reative 4riting assignments
-*ssistant to Entertainment %u$licist ,arla Sims) Arederi- Donnet nternational $!si- #ro!p 1AD $#3" Va-ation Rental Ey *4ner 1VRE*3" Carla7s (!2li- Relations 1C(R3 : Capitol Hill, Washington, ;.C. 1$ay:9!ly 2%&%3 <ept re-ord o5 C; sales ,-hed!led appointments, rehearsals, travel, and per5orman-es $anaged time share property (er5ormed d!ties as 4e2master 5or Arederi- Donnet, pro5essional harmoni-ist $anaged $er-handising 0eam
-1ac2ground Recording Studio Vocalist and %erforming (lautist and Vocalist (er5ormed 5or re-ordings and live sho4s Arranged 2a-8gro!nd vo-als 5or C; pro?e-t
-Leadership *lliance (ello3ship 1Ae2r!ary 2%&33 : 0,( +ellon +a!s ndergraduate (ello3ship 1April 2%&23 -#illiam R. Harve! Leadership 4nstitute 1,eptem2er 2%&% > present3
-V,H, Spring ,onference at Virginia State niversit! 1April 2%&/3 (resented BRe-ordings o5 the nvisi2le $an7s El!esC 1shorter oral presentation3
-,ollege Language *ssociation ,onference 1April 2%&/3 (resented BAive Re-ordings o5 the nvisi2le $an7s El!esC 1oral presentation3
-++ ( Southeastern Regional ,onference 1=ovem2er 2%&33 (resented B(R*96C0 0rio, B(eter and the Wol5C, and C!lt!ral AppropriationC 1(o4er(oint presentation3
- Leadership *lliance5s Summer Research Earl! 4dentification %rogram Research (air at Stanford niversit! 1A!g!st 2%&33 (resented B(R*96C0 0rio, B(eter and the Wol5C, and C!lt!ral AppropriationC 1poster presentation3
-Leadership *lliance 0ational S!mposium 19!ly 2%&33 (resented B0he ;ivideF $odernism and A5ro:$odernismC 1(o4er(oint presentation3
-Hampton niversit! 6u1ois ,onference 1April 2%&33 (resented 4ith University 3%% -ohort to high s-hool st!dents on BE!ilding a Eetter Do!C
-,ollege Language *ssociation ,onference 1April 2%&33 (resented B nspiring n5eriorityC 1oral presentation on 6rnest 9. #aines7s A Lesson Before Dying3
-4ntercollegiate +usic *ssociation ,onference 1Ae2r!ary 2%&&3 (layed 5irst:-hair, 5irst 5l!te
%apers.%resentations.%roposals: 7Recordings of the 4nvisi$le +an"s 1lues8 An analysis o5 6llison7s nvisi2le $an7s 5ive spee-hes as re-ordings o5 his ?o!rney to enlightenment, 5rom a m!si-al perspe-tive. 1$ar-h 2%&/3
74nspiring 4nferiorit!8 An analysis o5 Reverend Am2rose7s negative in5l!en-e on the Eayonne -omm!nity 2y his s!pport o5 -ompla-en-y. 1April 2%&33 7%roviding 9Sound" Evidence: *n *nal!sis of 4$sen"s %eer :!nt) 4ts +usical Translation $! :rieg) and Their Shared S!m$olist Themes8 A -omparative analysis o5 a -lose reading o5 2sen7s 4or8 and a -lose listening o5 #rieg7s 4or8. 1(roposal3 1*-to2er 2%&23 7Tone in Literature and +usic8 An analysis o5 Ravel7s m!si-al interpretation o5 $allarme7s B,o!pirC. 1(o4er(oint presentation3 19!ne 2%&23
S2ills: 6+perien-ed in t!toringGtea-hing, p!2li- spea8ing, per5orming, prod!-ing sho4s, dire-ting, 4or8ing 4ith
#arageEand, -reating 4or8 s-hed!les, per5orming resear-h. (ro5i-ient in $!si-, 6nglishGReading, =at!ral ,-ien-es, World History 1A5ri-a and Asia pre5era2ly3, and $ath.
%rofessional *ffiliations: ;elta ,igma 0heta ,orority, n-orporated ,igma Alpha ota nternational $!si- Araternity ,igma 0a! ;elta 6nglish Honor ,o-iety Alpha <appa $! Honor ,o-iety #olden <ey Honor ,o-iety
Hampton University Eands, 5l!te and pi--olo player and vo-alist 1,ymphoni- Winds, Airst Al!teG(rin-ipal (i--olo Con-ert Eand, (rin-ipal (i--olo" Al!te Choir" 9a@@ 6nsem2le3 1Aall 2%&% > present3 <appa ;elta Chapter o5 Alpha <appa $! Honor ,o-iety 1,pring 2%&33 #amma ota Chapter o5 ;elta ,igma 0heta ,orority, n-., <eeper o5 $!ses and #ra-es 1tea-h rit!al m!si-, tea-h and 4rite per5orman-e m!si-, lead -hapter songs3 1Aall 2%&2 > present3 $! #amma Chapter o5 ,igma Alpha ota, Corresponding ,e-retary 1,pring 2%&23, $iss ,A and Re-ital Chair4oman 1prod!-e -on-erts, organi@e re-itals, s-hed!le and dire-t m!si-al rehearsals, tea-h rit!al m!si- and per5orman-e m!si-, 4rite and arrange vo-al m!si-, dire-t instr!mental and vo-al per5orman-es, s-hed!le and manage ,A 7s !shering servi-es 5or the Hampton University $!si- ;epartment, -oa-h vo-alists and instr!mentalists, aid 4ith stage presen-e and handling mi-rophones3 12%&2:2%&33 Alpha Eeta Heta Chapter o5 ,igma 0a! ;elta nternational 6nglish Honors ,o-iety, mem2er 1Aall 2%&2 > ,pring 2%&33, Vi-e (resident 1assist (resident 4ith organi@ing events and vol!nteer a-tivities 5or the -hapter3 1Aall 2%&3 > present3 Hampton University Renaissan-e ,-holars (rogram 1prepare 5or prestigio!s s-holarships and -omplete appli-ation pro-esses 5or the 0r!man and the Rhodes3 1,pring 2%&& > present3
#olden <ey nternational Hono!r ,o-iety 1Aall 2%&&3 Eer8lee College o5 $!si- ,!mmer (rograms, Vo-al ,!mmit and ,tage (er5orman-e Wor8shops 12%%)3 All Co!nty Eand, 3rd ChairG&st -hair ,e-ond Al!te" A!ditioned 5or (# (hilharmoni- *r-hestra 12%%83 ,al!te to the Eei?ing *lympi-s 12%%83
Volunteer *ctivities: Comm!nity servi-e 4ith $ellon $ays, ,igma Alpha ota, ;elta ,igma 0heta, and $!si;epartment" Adopt:a:,pot visit and -lean:!p 4ith Hampton University7s Honors College" Dashim ,t!dios Camp Co!nselor" $etro,tage Vol!nteer