Weebly Resume

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Danielle M.

Bachelor of Science in Education Graduation June 2010
a!na Cu" #aude
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Major: Earl$ Childhood%iddle Childhood Education &'(%)* Minor: +i,tor$
Overall GPA: 3.7 Major GPA: 3.
.i,con,in #icen,ure/
Earl$ Childhood%iddle Childhood/ Ele"entar$ Education &01%000*
Su""er School Teacher (i"2erl$ Area School Di,trict (i"2erl$3 .i,con,in June 2014 Jul$ 2014
!a"#ht $ea%in# an% Writin# $eco&&en%e% '"&&er 'chool classes for thir% an% fifth #ra%e st"%ents
(esi#ne% an% create% en#a#in# lesson )lans that *"ilt ")on the stren#ths of the st"%ents an% )rovi%e%
a%%itional classroo& e+)eriences to enhance st"%ent learnin#
,&)le&ente% %istrict--i%e P.,' )lan to ens"re aca%e&ic an% e&otional s"ccess of all st"%ents
Su2,titute Teacher (i"2erl$ Area School Di,trict (i"2erl$3 .i,con,in Se5te"2er 2012 to 're,ent
,&)le&ent lesson )lans in all s"*jects create% *y a*sent teacher to st"%ents ran#in# fro& )re-school to
hi#h school
Oversee the safety of all chil%ren -hile effectively e+ec"tin# *ehavioral )lans, incl"%in# P.,', -ithin the
classroo& an% %istrict for all st"%ents
'")ervise st"%ent l"nch, recess, an% *"s arrival an% %is&issal -hen %esi#nate% *y a*sent teacher
#ead Teacher Shoot, and #adder, Iron6ood3 ichi!an 7e2ruar$ 2011 to Au!u,t 2011
Planne% activities an% fiel% tri)s for school-a#e% chil%ren in a s"&&er )ro#ra& settin#
/ns"re% the safety of all chil%ren in vario"s environ&ents
,&)le&ente% an% s")ervise% all activities -ith the assistance of care#ivers
Su2,titute Teacher Iron6ood Area School, Iron6ood3 ichi!an % No8e"2er 2010 to June 2011
/+ec"te% lesson )lans as )rovi%e% *y teachers in their a*sence to st"%ents ran#in# fro& 0 years of a#e to
hi#h school
/ns"re% the safety of all st"%ents *y &onitorin# their *ehaviors an% i&)le&entin# a))ro)riate classroo&
'")ervise% st"%ent l"nch, recess, an% *"s arrival an% %is&issal -hen %esi#nate% *y a*sent teacher
Student Teacher O"ro Ele"entar$ School O"ro3 .i,con,in S5rin! 2010
Provi%e% instr"ction in a re#"lar e%"cation classroo& to 70 st"%ents in a fle+i*le #ro") settin#
,&)le&ente% an% assesse% /very%ay Math c"rric"l"& thro"#h lessons an% vario"s activities
Worke% e+tensively -ith other fo"rth #ra%e an% s)ecial e%"cation teachers
Partici)ate% in fo"rth 1"arter final assess&ent an% )re)are% re)ort car%s
Atten%e% an ,/P &eetin# for a st"%ent -ith a learnin# %isa*ility
'")ervise% st"%ent l"nch, recess, an% afternoon *"s %is&issal
Student Teacher .inneconne Ele"entar$ School .inneconne3 .i,con,in S5rin! 2010
Provi%e% instr"ction in all s"*jects to 2 kin%er#arten st"%ents in a re#"lar e%"cation classroo&
,&)le&ente% an% assesse% en3ision &ath an% 4iteracy 4inks in the classroo& thro"#h lessons an%
vario"s activities
5olla*orate% -ith other kin%er#arten teachers to %isc"ss c"rric"l"& three ti&es )er -eek
Partici)ate% on a tea& that eval"ate% the science c"rric"l"& for the %istrict once )er &onth
Assiste%, create%, an% e+ec"te% for&al assess&ent for thir% 1"arter re)ort car%s
(anielle M. .la%orn, )a#e 6
Atten%e% )arent-teacher conferences
'")ervise% st"%ent recess
're%Student Teacher #a9e,ide Ele"entar$ School O,h9o,h3 .i,con,in 7all 200:
Provi%e% in1"iry instr"ction an% assess&ent in science an% social st"%ies to 07 secon% #ra%e st"%ents in
t-o re#"lar e%"cation classroo&s
!a"#ht an% assesse% &ath lessons "sin# the /very%ay Math c"rric"l"& an% assess&ent syste&
Assiste% coo)eratin# teacher -ith %aily classroo& %"ties s"ch as atten%ance, classroo& &ana#e&ent, an%
're%Student Teacher ar$ #in,"eier School, O,h9o,h3 .i,con,in S5rin! 200;
,&)le&ente% %evelo)&entally a))ro)riate lesson )lans that assiste% chil%ren, a#es 3 to 0, in their
intellect"al, social, an% e&otional #ro-th
Assiste% coo)eratin# teachers -ith %aily classroo& %"ties s"ch as assistin# st"%ents in -orkin# stations
%"rin# free choice an% creatin# *"lletin *oar%s
Teacher<, A,,i,tant O,h9o,h Area =CA O,h9o,h3 .i,con,in a$ 200: to No8e"2er 200:
Ai%e% lea% teachers -ith the care of st"%ents, a#es 2 to 0, incl"%in# areas s"ch as n"trition, c"rric"l"&
%elivery, an% recreational activities
Assiste% in )lannin# an% e+ec"tin# %aily lesson )lans an% activities
>olunteer Teacher<, A,,i,tant O"ro +i!h School O"ro3 .i,con,in 200? to 200@
Assiste% hi#h school science an% &ath teacher -ith classroo& %"ties s"ch as classroo& &ana#e&ent,
#ra%in# )a)ers, an% creatin# classroo& &aterials
!"tore% st"%ents in science an% &ath
5o&)"ters: M' Wor%, M' /+cel, M' Po-erPoint, M' 3isio, M' P"*lisher8 ,nternet, e&ail
'&art .oar% )roficient
!raine% in !ri*es 5o&&"nity classroo& &ana#e&ent
9ational 'cience !eachers of A&erica
o Me&*er 677: Present
9ational 5o"ncil for the !eachin# of Mathe&atics
o Me&*er 677: Present
't"%ent Wisconsin /%"cation Association
o Me&*er 6777 6727
o Atten%e% -orksho)s on &otivatin# st"%ents, s"ccessf"l )arent-teacher conferences, an% hel)in#
/44 st"%ents
University (ean;s 4ist: <all 677=, <all 6777, ')rin# 677, ')rin# 677:, <all 677:
University >onor $oll: <all 677?, ')rin# 677=, ')rin# 6777, <all 677
,n%"cte% into the 9ational 'cholars >onor 'ociety in 6777
3ol"nteer for the Oshkosh Area 'chool (istrict 'A,4 )ro#ra&, <all 677:
3ol"nteer ai%e for a ho&eschoole% s)ecial e%"cation st"%ent, ')rin# 677:
3ol"nteer t"tor for a secon% #ra%e st"%ent at O&ro /le&entary 'chool, <all 677=
3ol"nteer for ')ecial Oly&)ics, ')rin# 6773-677?
'elf-f"n%e% 7?@ of colle#e t"ition

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