This document outlines the course requirements and schedule for a class on comparative politics. It includes the following:
1. Lectures are held once per week for 2 hours and recitations are once per week for 1 hour.
2. Requirements include class participation, current events articles, debates, short writing assignments, a comprehensive final exam, and a pre-test at the beginning of the course.
3. Grades are determined based on the pre-test, writing assignments, final exam, class participation, and debates. Plagiarism is considered a serious academic offense.
This document outlines the course requirements and schedule for a class on comparative politics. It includes the following:
1. Lectures are held once per week for 2 hours and recitations are once per week for 1 hour.
2. Requirements include class participation, current events articles, debates, short writing assignments, a comprehensive final exam, and a pre-test at the beginning of the course.
3. Grades are determined based on the pre-test, writing assignments, final exam, class participation, and debates. Plagiarism is considered a serious academic offense.
This document outlines the course requirements and schedule for a class on comparative politics. It includes the following:
1. Lectures are held once per week for 2 hours and recitations are once per week for 1 hour.
2. Requirements include class participation, current events articles, debates, short writing assignments, a comprehensive final exam, and a pre-test at the beginning of the course.
3. Grades are determined based on the pre-test, writing assignments, final exam, class participation, and debates. Plagiarism is considered a serious academic offense.
This document outlines the course requirements and schedule for a class on comparative politics. It includes the following:
1. Lectures are held once per week for 2 hours and recitations are once per week for 1 hour.
2. Requirements include class participation, current events articles, debates, short writing assignments, a comprehensive final exam, and a pre-test at the beginning of the course.
3. Grades are determined based on the pre-test, writing assignments, final exam, class participation, and debates. Plagiarism is considered a serious academic offense.
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Course Meeting Times
Lectures: 1 session / week, 2 hours / session
Recitations: 1 session / week, 1 hour / session Requirements The following are required of all students: 1. Class participation: Students ust attend weekl! class eetings, "e prepared to discuss all the required readings #appro$iatel! 1%% pages per week&, and acti'el! participate in class discussions. (lease note that we take the class participation coponent of this course seriousl!. )f !ou ust iss a class, !ou ust notif! the instructors in ad'ance. *ore than one une$cused a"sence will o"'iousl! +eopardi,e !our class participation grade. -lso, !ou ust notif! us at the "eginning of the class if, for whate'er reason, !ou are unprepared to participate in class discussion that da!. -gain, ore than one une$cused .unprepared. will +eopardi,e !our class participation grade. )n addition to the regular class eetings, students will eet one hour per week for a recitation with the teaching assistant. (articipation in recitation is essential, and will "e counted toward !our o'erall participation grade. 2. Current e'ents articles. /. Class de"ates #Class 0 and Class 1%&. 0. / short #1 page& writing assignents. 2. - three3hour, closed3"ook, coprehensi'e final e$a. 4. - ap test at the "eginning of the course. Grading 5rades will "e deterined as follows: ap test #26&7 writing assignents #026&7 final e$a #2%6&7 class participation and class de"ates #/%6&. Plagiarism Clause 8hen writing a paper #or an essa! e$a&, !ou ust identif! the nature and e$tent of !our intellectual inde"tedness to the authors who !ou ha'e read or to an!one else fro who !ou ha'e gotten ideas #e.g., classates, in'ited lectures, etc.&. 9ou can do so through footnotes, "i"liograph!, or soe other kind of scholarl! apparatus. :ailure to disclose !our reliance on the research or thinking of others is (L-5)-R)S*, which is considered to "e the ost serious acadeic offense and will "e treated as such. )f !ou ha'e an! questions a"out how !ou should docuent the sources of !our ideas, please ask !our instructors before !ou su"it !our written work. 9ou a! also wish to consult 5ordon ;ar'e!<s Writing with Sources #;ackett, 1==>&, which will "e placed on reser'e with the rest of the course readings. *)T<s acadeic honest! polic! can "e found at the (olicies and (rocedures we"site. Important Dates *ap test: Class 2 :irst (aper: due three da!s after Class 0 Second (aper: due fi'e da!s after Class 1 Third (aper: due three da!s after Class 12 :inal ?$a RSS :eeds (ri'ac! and Ters of @se Site *ap Cite AC8 Content 9our use of the *)T ApenCourse8are site and course aterials is su"+ect to our Creati'e Coons License and other ters of use. Bdi'C Big altD.. "orderD.%. naeD.ECS)*5. widthD.1. heightD.1. srcD.http://statse.we"trendsli'>q=s2ag=$+!w,>l4$/0ik2F4"/t/n+s.gifG dcsuriD/no+a'ascriptH8T.+sDIoH8T.t'D>.%.%. /C B/di'C Readings Required Texts -che"e, Chinua. A Man of the People. Iew 9ork: Eou"leda!, 1=>=. Cornelius, 8a!ne -. Mexican Politics in Transition: The Breakdown of a One-Party o!inant "egi!e. La Jolla, California: Center for @.S.3*e$ican Studies, @ni'ersit! of California at San Eiego, 1==4. ;untington, Sauel (. The Third Wa#e: e!ocrati$ation in the %ate Twentieth &entury. Ioran, AK: @ni'ersit! of Aklahoa (ress, 1==1. Schaffer, :rederic C. e!ocracy in Translation: 'nderstanding Politics in an 'nfa!iliar &ulture. )thaca, I9: Cornell @ni'ersit! (ress, 1==>. Recommended Texts The (ew &o!parati#e World Atlas) ;aond: *aplewood, 1==>. Articles -lond, 5a"riel, and Sidne! Ler"a. The &i#ic &ulture. London: Sage, 1=>=, pp. 1300, /%13/12. -nest! )nternational. .(olic! Stateent on )punit!.. )n Ieil J. Krit,, ed., Transitional *ustice: +ow ,!erging e!ocracies "eckon with -or!er "egi!es. 8ashington, E. C.: @. S. )nstitute for (eace, 1==2, pp. 21=3221. -nderson, Menedict. .Cacique Eeocrac! in the (hilippine.. )n The Spectre of &o!parisons: (ationalis!. Southeast Asia. and the World. Iew 9ork: Lerso, 1==>, pp. 1=23224. Mell, Eaniel -. ,ast Meets West. (rinceton, IJ: (rinceton @ni'ersit! (ress, 2%%%. Menoar, Jaal. .Justice -fter Transitions.. )n Ieil J. Krit,, ed., Transitional *ustice: +ow ,!erging e!ocracies "eckon with -or!er "egi!es. 8ashington, E.C.: @.S. )nstitute for (eace, 1==2, pp. /2301. Mitencourt, ?ilio Luis. .Ci'il3*ilitar! Relations in the -ericas for the 21st Centur!: - Latin -erican (erspecti'e.. )n Eonald ?. Schul,, ed., &onference "eport: The "ole of the Ar!ed -orces in the A!ericas: &i#il-Military "elations for the /0st &entury. Carlisle, (-: Strategic Studies )nstitute, @.S. -r! 8ar College, 1==>, pp. >231%%. Cap, Roderic -i. Politics in Mexico: The ecline of Authoritarianis!. Iew 9ork: A$ford @ni'ersit! (ress, 1===, pp. 11=32%2, 2223222. Col"urn, :orrest E. .Crie in Latin -erica.. issent 02, no. / #Suer 1==>&: 213/%. Colean, Jaes S. (igeria: Background to (ationalis!. Merkele!, C-: @ni'ersit! of California (ress, 1=2>, pp. 1%3 4%. Coronel, Sheila S. .Ca'ite: The Killing :ields of Coerce.. )n Jose :. Laca"a, ed., Boss: -i#e &ase Studies of %ocal Politics in the Philippines. (asig, (hilippines: (hilippines Center for )n'estigati'e Journalis, 1==2, pp. 132=. Eahl, Ro"ert -. e!ocracy and 1ts &ritics) Iew ;a'en, CT: 9ale @ni'ersit! (ress, 1=>=, pp. 2231=. Eahl, Ro"ert -. .Eoes (ol!arch! *atterG. )n Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition. Iew ;a'en, CT: 9ale @ni'ersit! (ress, 1=11, pp. 113/2. Eahl, Ro"ert -. Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition. Iew ;a'en, CT: 9ale @ni'ersit! (ress, 1=11. Eiaond, Larr!. .Eefining and Ee'eloping Eeocrac!.. )n e#eloping e!ocracy: Toward &onsolidation. Maltiore, *E: Johns ;opkins @ni'ersit! (ress, 1===, pp. 131. Eiaond, Larr!. .)s the Third 8a'e of Eeocrati,ation A'erG. )n e#eloping e!ocracy: Toward &onsolidation. Maltiore, *E: Johns ;opkins @ni'ersit! (ress, 1===, pp. 2034/. Eugger, Celia. .8h! Eeocrac! *eans So Little to (akistan<s (oor.. (ew 2ork Ti!es, /% Acto"er 1===, p. ->. ?erson, Eonald K. .Singapore and the <-sian Lalues< Ee"ate.. *ournal of e!ocracy 4, no. 0 #Acto"er 1==2&: =23 1%2. -reedo! in the World, chapters on Mra,il, )ndia, *e$ico, Iigeria, and Singapore. Iew 9ork: :reedo ;ouse. -nnual edition. :reean, *ichael. .;uan Rights, Eeocrac!, ,and <-sian Lalues<.. The Pacific "e#iew =, no. / #1==4&: /223/44. :uku!aa, :rancis. .Confucianis and Eeocrac!.. *ournal of e!ocracy 4, no. 2 #-pril 1==2&: 2%3//. 5al'an, Eennis. .(olitical Turno'er and Social Change in Senegal.. *ournal of e!ocracy 12, no. / #Jul! 2%%1&: 213 42. ;aggard, Stephan, and Ro"ert R. Kaufan. The Political ,cono!y of e!ocratic Transition. (rinceton, IJ: (rinceton @ni'ersit! (ress, 1==2, pp. 22300. ;olston, Jaes. . The *isrule of Law: Land and @surpation in Mra,il.. &o!parati#e Studies in Society and +istory //, no. 0 #Acto"er 1==1&: 4=23122. ;unter, 8end!. .(oliticians -gainst Soldiers: Contesting the *ilitar! in (ost3-uthoritarian Mra,il.. &o!parati#e Politics 21, no. 0 #Jul! 1==2&: 022300/. ;untington, Sauel (. .The (olitical 5ap.. )n Political Order in &hanging Societies. Iew ;a'en, CT: 9ale @ni'ersit! (ress, 1=4>, pp. 13>. )"elea, *ina"ere. .Iigeria: The (olitics of *arginali,ation.. &urrent +istory ==, no. 4/1 #*a! 2%%%&: 2113210. Jung, Ki Eae. .)s Culture Eestin!G The *!th of -nti3Eeocratic Lalues. - Response to Lee Kuan 9ew.. -oreign Affairs 1/, no. 4 #Io'e"er/Eece"er 1==0&: 1>=31=0. Karl, Terr!, and (hilippe C. Schitter. .8hat Eeocrac! is...and is Iot.. *ournal of e!ocracy 2, no. / #Suer 1==1&: 123>4. Kings"ur!, Eaien. .Singapore: The Corporate State.. )n South-,ast Asia: A Political Profile. Iew 9ork: A$ford @ni'ersit! (ress, 2%%1, pp. /223/21. Kohli, -tul. .?nduring -nother ?lection.. *ournal of e!ocracy =, no. / #Jul! 1==>&: 132%. Lande, Carl ;. .The Return of <(eople (ower< in the (hilippines.. *ournal of e!ocracy 12, no. 2 #-pril 2%%1&: >>3 1%2. Languth, -. J. +idden Terrors: The +idden Truth A3out ')S) Police Operations in %atin A!erica. Iew 9ork: (antheon, 1=1>, pp. 1113122, 14%3142. Lanser, Thoas R. .Rights, Respect, and <-sian Lalues<.. -reedo! "e#iew 24, no. 0 #Jul! 1==2&: 02302. Lawson, Chappell. .*e$ico<s @nfinished Transition: Eeocrati,ation and -uthoritarian ?ncla'es in *e$ico.. ,studios Mexicanos4Mexican Studies 14, no. 2 #Suer 2%%%&: 24132>1. Lip+hart, -rend. .The (u,,le of )ndian Eeocrac!: - Consocianational )nterpretation.. A!erican Political Science "e#iew =%, no. 2 #June 1==4&: 22>324>. Lipset, Se!our *artin. Political Man. Maltiore, *E: Johns ;opkins @ni'ersit! (ress, 1=>1, pp. 2134/. *achia'elli, Iiccolo. .The *asses are 8iser and *ore Constant than a (rince.. The iscourses, Mook 1, Chapter 2>. )n The Porta3le Machia#elli) ?dited "! (eter Mondanella and *ark *usa. Iew 9ork: (enguin Mooks, 1=1=, pp. 2>13 2>4. *adison, Jaes. .Iu"ers 1% and 21.. )n The -ederalist Papers 3y *a!es Madison. Alexander +a!ilton. and *ohn *ay. ?dited "! )saac Kranick. ;arondsworth: (enguin Mooks, 1=>1, pp. 122312>, /1=3/22. *alaud3goti, Jaie. .Transitional 5o'ernents in the Mreach: 8h! (unish State CriinalsG. )n -nest! )nternational, .(olic! Stateent on )punit!.. )n Transitional *ustice: +ow ,!erging e!ocracies "eckon with -or!er "egi!es) ?dited "! Ieil J. Krit,. 8ashington, E. C.: @. S. )nstitute for (eace, 1==2, pp. 1>=32%2. *anor, Jaes. .*aking :ederalis 8ork.. *ournal of e!ocracy =, no. / #Jul! 1==>&: 213/2. *ende,, Juan. .-ccounta"ilit! for (ast -"uses.. +u!an "ights 5uarterly 1=, no. 2 #1==1&: 22232>2. *!dans, Seth. .Soap"o$ Arators Stretch the Liits of Eeocrac!.. (ew 2ork Ti!es #Septe"er 2, 2%%%&, p. -0. .Iigeria: Strength Through @nit!.. )n The Atlas of African Affairs) Iew 9ork: Routledge, 1==0, pp. >43=/. Anishi, Ioriitsu. .(olitical Refors Reach Iigeria<s 5asoline (ups.. (ew 2ork Ti!es #= Septe"er 1===&, p. -1. (inches, *ichael. .The 8orking Class ?$perience of Shae, )nequalit!, and (eople (ower in Tatalon, *anila.. )n -ro! Marcos to A6uino: %ocal Perspecti#es on Political Transition in the Philippines. ;onolulu: @ni'ersit! of ;awaii (ress, 1==2, pp. 14431>4. (utna, Ro"ert. Making e!ocracy Work: &i#ic Traditions in Modern 1taly. (rinceton, IJ: (rinceton @ni'ersit! (ress, 1==/, pp. /312, 10>3142. Rial, Juan. .-ries and Ci'il Societ! in Latin -erica.. )n Larr! Eiaond and *arc :. (lattner, eds., &i#il-Military "elations and e!ocracy. Maltiore, *E: Johns ;opkins @ni'ersit! (ress, 1==4, pp. 01342. Ri,,o de Ali'eira, ?lie,er. .Mra,ilian Iational Eefense (olic! and Ci'il3*ilitar! Relations in the 5o'ernent of (resident :ernando ;enrique Cardoso.. )n Eonald ?. Schul,, ed., &onference "eport: The "ole of the Ar!ed -orces in the A!ericas: &i#il-Military "elations for the /0st &entury. Carlisle, (-: Strategic Studies )nstitute, @.S. -r! 8ar College, 1==>, pp. /134=. Rosen"erg, Tina. .A'ercoing the Legacies of Eictatorship.. -oreign Affairs 10, no. / #*a!/June 1==2&: 1/03122. Rustow, Eankwart. .Transitions to Eeocrac!: Toward a E!naic *odel.. &o!parati#e Politics 2, no. / #1=1%&: //13 /4/. Sathe, Lasant. .:or a Eirectl! ?lected (resident of )ndia.. )n -rend Lip+hart, ed., Parlia!entary #ersus Presidential 7o#ern!ent. Iew 9ork: A$ford @ni'ersit! (ress, 1==2, pp. 1>131=%. Schaffer, :rederic C. .Clean ?lections and the <5reat @nwashed<: Class Ei'ide and ?lectoral Refor in the (hilippines.. (aper deli'ered at the 2%%1 -nnual *eeting of the -erican (olitical Science -ssociation, San :rancisco, -ugust /% 3 Septe"er 2, 2%%1. Sen, -art!a. .Eeocrac! as a @ni'ersal Lalue.. *ournal of e!ocracy 1%, no. / #Jul! 1===&: /311. Stepan, -lfred. "ethinking Military Politics: Bra$il and the Southern &one. (rinceton, I.J.: (rinceton @ni'ersit! (ress, 1=>>, pp. 4>3121. Tieran, Jaco"o. Prisoner Without a (a!e. &ell Without a (u!3er. Translated "! Ton! Tal"ot. Iew 9ork: Lintage Mooks, 1=>2. Tordesillas, ?llen. .?ES- Tres.. )n +ot Money. War! Bodies: The ownfall of Philippine President ,strada. *anila: -n'il, 2%%1, pp. 2023222. Larshne!, -shotosh. .8h! Eeocrac! Sur'i'es.. *ournal of e!ocracy =, no. / #Jul! 1==>&: /432%. 8eschler, Lawrence. A Miracle. A 'ni#erse: Settling Accounts with Torturers. Chicago: @ni'ersit! of Chicago (ress, 1==>, pp. 131=. Nakaria, :areed. .Culture is Eestin!: - Con'ersation with Lee Kuan 9ew.. -oreign Affairs 1/, no. 4 #Io'e"er/Eece"er 1==0&: 1>=31=0. Nakaria, :areed. .The Rise of )lli"eral Eeocrac!.. -oreign Affairs 14, no. 4 #Io'e"er/Eece"er 1==1&: 2230/. Nalaquett, Jose. .Malancing ?thical )perati'es and (olitical Constraints: The Eilea of Iew Eeocracies Confronting (ast ;uan Rights Liolations.. +astings %aw *ournal 0/, no. 4 #-ugust 1==2&: 1022310/>. Films / Videos :il: +erod8s %aw) Lideo: Ta3leau -erraille. Senegalese filaker *oussa Sense -"sa<a .Ta3leau -erraille. #Scrap ;eap& is a draa a"out the rise and fall of a !oung politician with two 'er! different wi'es, the de'oted "ut "arren 5agnesiri and the "ored, glaorous Kine. 8hen Eaa "ecoes a inister of de'elopent, his ipo'erished counit! e$pects hi to "e a sa'ior 3 especiall! a corrupt de'eloper eager to "uild an unsafe "ridge. Lideo: &entral Station) ;oe C Courses C (olitical Science C Eeocrati,ation in -sia, -frica, and Latin -erica C Calendar Calendar CLA ! I"#CLA ACTIVITI$ R$ADI"G %"LI"$ R$%&RC$ 1 Housekeeping 2 Map Test Huntington, Samuel P. "What?" In The Third Wave. Pp. 3-26. a!l, Te!!", an# Philippe $. S%hmitte!. "What &emo%!a%" is 'ot." &iamon#, (a!!". "Is the Thi!# Wa)e o* &emo%!ati+ation ,)e!?" -aka!ia, .a!ee#. "The /ise o* Illi0e!al &emo%!a%"." Maps o* the Wo!l# 3 &ahl, /o0e!t. "&oes Pol"a!%h" Matte!?" &iamon#, (a!!". "&e*ining an# &e)eloping &emo%!a%"." Huntington, Samuel P. "What?" Ma%hia)elli, 'i%%olo. "The Masses a!e Wise! an# Mo!e $onstant than a P!in%e." The Discourses, 1ook 1. Ma#ison, 2ames. "'um0e!s 13 an# 41." Huntington, Samuel P. "The Politi%al 5ap." &ahl, /o0e!t. Democracy and Its Critics. Pp. 42-67. Sen, 8ma!t"a. "&emo%!a%" as a 9ni)e!sal :alue." &ugge!, $e%ilia. "Wh" &emo%!a%" Means So (ittle to Pakistan;s Poo!." ,nishi, 'o!imitsu. "Politi%al /e*o!ms /ea%h 'ige!ia;s 5asoline Pumps." < $lass &e0ate= &oes &emo%!a%" Matte!? Freedom in the World. $hapte! on Singapo!e. ings0u!", &amien. "Singapo!e= The MIT W!iting $ente! .!ee#om House CLA ! I"#CLA ACTIVITI$ R$ADI"G %"LI"$ R$%&RC$ Pape! >1 #ue th!ee #a"s a*te! %lass < $o!po!ate State". In South-East Asia: A Political Profile. Pp. 324-341. -aka!ia, .a!ee#. "$ultu!e is &estin"= 8 $on)e!sation ?ith (ee uan @e?." 2ung, im &ae. "Is $ultu!e &estin"? The M"th o* 8nti-&emo%!ati% :alues. 8 /esponse to (ee uan @e?." .uku"ama, .!an%is. "$on*u%ianism an# &emo%!a%"." M"#ans, Seth. "Soap0oA ,!ato!s St!et%h the (imits o* &emo%!a%"." .o! .u!the! /ea#ing B'ot /eCui!e#D= 1ell, &aniel 8. East eets West. Emme!son, &onal# . "Singapo!e an# the ;8sian :alues; &e0ate." (anse!, Thomas /. "/ights, /espe%t, an# ;8sian :alues;." .!eeman, Mi%hael. "Human /ights, &emo%!a%", an# ;8sian :alues;." 8mnest" Inte!national Human /ights Wat%h 5o)e!nment o* Singapo!e 4 Huntington, Samuel P. The Third Wave. Pp. 31-13F. /usto?, &ank?a!t. "T!ansitions to &emo%!a%"= To?a!# a &"nami% Mo#el." .o! .u!the! /ea#ing B'ot /eCui!e#D= ,n E%onomi% &e)elopment Lipset, Se!our *artin. Political Man) (p. 213/%. ;aggard, Stephan., and Ro"ert R. Kaufan. The Political ,cono!y of e!ocratic Transition) (p) 22300. Eahl, Ro"ert -. Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition) (p) >23>%. An Social Clea'ages: Eahl, Ro"ert -. Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition) (p) >1312/. An (olitical Culture: (utna, Ro"ert. Making e!ocracy Work: &i#ic Traditions in Modern 1taly) (p. /312, 10>3142. -lond, 5a"riel, and Sidne! Ler"a. The &i#ic &ulture. (p. 1300, /%13/12. Eahl, Ro"ert -. Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition. (p. 12031>>. :reedo ;ouse 4 :il: +erod8s %aw Lawson, Chappell. .*e$ico<s @nfinished Transition: Eeocrati,ation and -uthoritarian ?ncla'es in *e$ico.. (p. 24132>1. Cornelius, 8a!ne -. Mexican Politics in Transition: The Breakdown of a One-Party "egi!e. (p. 132=, 213=>. Cap, Roderic -i. Politics in Mexico: The ecline of Authoritarianis!. (p. 11=32%2, 2223222. -reedo! in the World) Chapter on *e$ico. Center for @.S.3*e$ican Studies 1 Lideo: Ta3leau -erraille -reedo! in the World) Chapter on Mra,il. Schaffer, :rederic. e!ocracy in Translation: 'nderstanding Politics in an 'nfa!iliar &ulture. (p. i$3$ii, 13 2%, 2031/>. :or :urther Reading #Iot required&: 5al'an, Eennis. .(olitical Turno'er and Social Change in Senegal.. :reedo ;ouse -frican Ee'elopent Mank 8orld Mank *)T 8riting Center > (aper O2 due three da!s after class > Schaffer, :rederic C. .Clean ?lections and the <5reat @nwashed<: Class Ei'ide and ?lectoral Refor in the (hilippines.. -nderson, Menedict. .Cacique Eeocrac! in the (hilippine.. (inches, *ichael. .The 8orking Class ?$perience of Shae, )nequalit!, and (eople (ower in Tatalon, *anila.. Lande, Carl ;. .The Return of <(eople (ower< in the (hilippines.. Tordesillas, ?llen. .?ES- Tres.. = Lideo: &entral Station Coronel, Sheila S. .Ca'ite: The Killing :ields of Coerce.. ;olston, Jaes. .The *isrule of Law: Land and @surpation in Mra,il.. Col"urn, :orrest E. .Crie in Latin -erica.. Transparenc! )nternational 1% Lideo: 9iss of the Spider Wo!an Class Ee"ate: (rosecute and (unish, or :orgi'e and :orgetG ;untington, Sauel (. .The Torturer (ro"le. and .The (raetorian (ro"le.. Stepan, -lfred. "ethinking Military Politics: Bra$il and the Southern &one. (p. 4>3121. ;unter, 8end!. .(oliticians -gainst Soldiers: Contesting the *ilitar! in (ost3-uthoritarian Mra,il.. Langguth, -. J. +idden Terrors: The +idden Truth A3out ')S) Police Operations in %atin A!erica. (p. 14%3 142. -reedo! in the World) Chapter on Mra,il. Recoended Readings #for de"ate&: Transitional Justice: o *ende,, Juan. .-ccounta"ilit! for (ast -"uses.. o Nalaquett, Jose. .Malancing ?thical )perati'es and (olitical Constraints: The Eilea of Iew Eeocracies Confronting (ast ;uan Rights Liolations.. o Menoar, Jaal. .Justice -fter Transitions.. o *alaud3goti, Jaie. .Transitional 5o'ernents in the Mreach: 8h! (unish State CriinalsG. o Rosen"erg, Tina. .A'ercoing the Legacies of Eictatorship.. o -nest! )nternational. .(olic! Stateent on )punit!.. ;uan Rights -"uses @nder *ilitar! Rule: o 8eschler, Lawrence. A Miracle. A 'ni#erse: Settling Accounts with Torturers) (p. 131=. o Languth, -. J. +idden Terrors: The Truth A3out ')S) Police Operations in %atin A!erica) (p. 1113 122. o Tieran, Jaco"o. Prisoner Without a (a!e. &ell Without a (u!3er) Ci'il *ilitar! Relations: o Rial, Juan. .-ries and Ci'il Societ! in Latin -erica.. o Ri,,o de Ali'eira, ?lie,er. .Mra,ilian Iational Eefense (olic! and Ci'il3*ilitar! Relations in the 5o'ernent of (resident :ernando ;enrique Cardoso.. o Mitencourt, ?ilio Luis. .Ci'il3*ilitar! Relations in the -ericas for the 21st Centur!: - Latin -erican (erspecti'e.. -nest! )nternational ;uan Rights 8atch 11 -reedo! in the World) Chapter on Iigeria. -che"e, Chinua. A Man of the People. )"elea, *ina"ere. .Iigeria: The (olitics of *arginali,ation.. :or further reading #not required&: .Iigeria: Strength Through @nit!.. Colean, Jaes S. (igeria: Background to (ationalis!) (p. 1%34%. 12 (aper O/ due three da!s after class 12 -reedo! in the World) Chapter on )ndia. Lip+hart, -rend. .The (u,,le of )ndian Eeocrac!: - Consocianational )nterpretation.. Kohli, -tul. .?nduring -nother ?lection.. *anor, Jaes. .*aking :ederalis 8ork.. Larshne!, -shotosh. .8h! Eeocrac! Sur'i'es.. Sathe, Lasant. .:or a Eirectl! ?lected (resident of )ndia.. *)T 8riting Center 1/ Current ?'ents Eiscussion RSS :eeds (ri'ac! and Ters of @se Site *ap Cite AC8 Content 9our use of the *)T ApenCourse8are site and course aterials is su"+ect to our Creati'e Coons License and other ters of use. Bdi'C Big altD.. "orderD.%. naeD.ECS)*5. widthD.1. heightD.1. srcD.http://statse.we"trendsli'>q=s2ag=$+!w,>l4$/0ik2F4"/t/n+s.gifG dcsuriD/no+a'ascriptH8T.+sDIoH8T.t'D>.%.%. /C B/di'C -ssignents Current $'ents Articles -t the "eginning of the seester, !ou should select one class fro the following classes: 1, >, =, 1%, 11, and 12. )n preparation for that class, !ou should find at least one recent newspaper or aga,ine article dealing with the su"stanti'e topic of that week #e.g., ci'il3ilitar! relations&. 9our article need not co'er the countr! we discuss in class, though it a! do so. @seful sources include the we" sites listed at the end of the s!lla"us and pu"lications like (ew 2ork Ti!es. Washington Post. &hristian Science Monitor. and ,cono!ist !aga$ine) -rticles are due the week "efore the week !ou ha'e selected. Thus, if !ou selected class 11 #on ethnic conflict in Iigeria&, !ou should "ring copies of an article that discusses ethnic conflict and deocrati,ation in the de'eloping world to class 1%. Me sure to "ring enough copies for e'er!one in the class. -lso, "e prepared to suari,e and critique !our article for the "enefit of the class in the week in which !our article will "e discussed. Class De(ates )Class * and Class +,- The class will include two in3class de"ates, one in class 0 and one in class 1%. The first will address the issue of whether deocrac! atters, and students will "e e$pected to present one of se'eral points of 'iew #descri"ed in class /&. -t the "eginning of class 0, we will choose at rando one speaker fro each side, who will ake "rief oral presentations of their position on the de"ate question. ?ach presentation is liited to 2 inutes, and we will strictl! enforce the tie. - general class discussion will take place after each tea has presented its position, and students not chosen to ake foral presentations should direct questions to the different de"aters. -t the end of the de"ate, a 'ote will "e taken to deterine which position seeed ost persuasi'e. The second de"ate will address the issue of transitional +ustice 3 specificall!, whether or not to punish ilitar! officers in Mra,il for 'iolations of huan rights coitted during the period of ilitar! dictatorship #1=4031=>0&. 8e will di'ide the class into three teas #those arguing that Mra,il<s ilitar! rulers should ha'e "een tried in 1=>2, those arguing that the! should "e tried now, and those arguing that the! should not "e tried&. The first speaker fro each tea will ake a two3inute opening stateent la!ing out her tea<s o'erall position. The second speaker fro each tea will then ha'e two inutes to re"ut the arguents ade "! the other teas. The third speaker fro each tea will then "e allowed four inutes to cross3e$aine her counterparts on either opposing tea, who ust defend his tea<s position with "rief and direct replies. The fourth speaker on each tea will then suari,e her tea<s arguents, addressing an! weaknesses that ha'e "een e$posed and pointing out weaknesses in the other tea<s positions. (lease note that we will tie each presentation strictl!, so that !ou should prepare and practice !our coents in ad'ance as uch as possi"le. )n ost cases, this will require anticipating the strengths and weaknesses of each side of the de"ate. -fter the presentations, the +udges will 'ote "! secret "allot for #1& which side ade the "est case, and #2& which indi'idual speaker did the "est +o" presenting her case. :inall!, the whole class will 'ote on which strateg! Mra,il<s ci'ilian leaders should ha'e eplo!ed. Tie peritting, we will then open up the class to general discussion. . /ort )0 page- 1riting Assignments Topics will "e handed out one or two weeks "efore the papers are due. (apers are due "! 0 p.. three da!s after the class for the week the! are listed. (apers should "e t!ped, dou"le3spaced, and full! referenced. Late papers will "e penali,ed one third of a grade #e.g., fro - to -3& for each da! late. 8e prefer to practice "lind grading, so please put !our nae on a separate sheet at the end of the paper. -t the risk of stifling free e$pression, we also ask that !ou use Ties 12 font #or the closest equi'alent on !our coputer&. Atherwise, we learn font st!les after the first paper, which defeats the purpose of "lind grading. ;ints for 8riting (apers #(E:& RSS :eeds (ri'ac! and Ters of @se Site *ap Cite AC8 Content 9our use of the *)T ApenCourse8are site and course aterials is su"+ect to our Creati'e Coons License and other ters of use. Bdi'C Big altD.. "orderD.%. naeD.ECS)*5. widthD.1. heightD.1. srcD.http://statse.we"trendsli'>q=s2ag=$+!w,>l4$/0ik2F4"/t/n+s.gifG dcsuriD/no+a'ascriptH8T.+sDIoH8T.t'D>.%.%. /C B/di'C Related Resources "e2spapers3 "e2s2ires3 and Maga4ines The Iew 9ork Ties The 8ashington (ost The Christian Science *onitor The ?conoist -gence :rance (ress -ssociated (ress 1e( ites )General- Latin -erican Studies (rogra 3 @ni'ersit! of Te$as at -ustin. This site contains links to countr! hoepages, li"rar! collections, Latin -erican newspapers and aga,ines in se'eral languages, other uni'ersit! progras, etc. *)T :oreign Languages and Literature 3 hoepage has 'arious articles fro regional aga,ines and newspapers on3line. Center for @.S.3*e$ican Studies 3 @ni'ersit! of California at San Eiego. Links to a+or sites related to *e$ico. @nited Iations ?conoic Coission on Latin -erica and the Cari""ean #?CL-C& )nter3-erican Ee'elopent Mank #)-EM& @nited States Central )ntelligence -genc! #C)-& 3 The 8orld :act""ook. Contains "asic declassified inforation on countries of the world. Eeocrac! Center )nforation on deocrac! throughout the world. :reedo ;ouse )nforation on political, social and econoic freedos. Latino An3Line Iews Ietwork #Spanish and ?nglish&. Cultural Sur'i'al )nternational *onetar! :und #)*:& Eata and pu"lications on the econoies of countries around the world. )nternational Mank for Reconstruction and Ee'elopent #The 8orld Mank& ?conoic and political inforation on countries around the world. Transparenc! )nternational Cross3Iational inforation on corruption around the world. Coparati'e Stud! of ?lectoral S!stes Cross3national inforation on electoral institutions and processes. 8orld (olic! )nstitute -ericas (ro+ect Eata on deocrac! in Latin -erica. Coittee to (rotect Journalists (ress freedo and +ournalistic practice around the world. -nest! )nternational Leading international organi,ation for huan rights, "ased in the @nited Kingdo. ;uan Rights 8atch -nother a+or huan rights organi,ation, "ased in the @nited States. -erican (olitical Science -ssociation )ncludes electronic 'ersions of ost conference papers. Ee'elopent ?$perience Clearinghouse )nforation fro the @.S. -genc! for )nternational Ee'elopent on deocrac! and de'elopent around the world. ?conoist )ntelligence @nit Countr! )ntelligence Countr! Reports, Countr! (rofiles, and Countr! Coerce. Iational Journal 5roup<s (olic! Central Contains: Iational Journal 3 a weekl! on politics and go'ernent7 CongressEail! 3 twice dail! news ser'ice co'ering Capitol ;ill7 The ;otline 3 a dail! news "riefing on politics and capaigns7 Technolog! Eail! 3 news ser'ice on inforation technolog! politics and polic!7 The -lanac of -erican (olitics 3 data on e"ers of Congress, their states and districts7 and (oll Track 3 a data"ase of pu"lic opinion sur'e!s. A5rica )General- )nde$ on -frica -frica Iews Anline 8ashington (ost on -frica -frican Studies #@ (enn& Asia )General- -sia 8eek :ar ?ast ?conoic Re'iew CII -sia Latin America Latin -erican Studies (rogra 3 @ni'ersit! of Te$as at -ustin. This site contains links to countr! hoepages, li"rar! collections, Latin -erican newspapers and aga,ines in se'eral languages, other uni'ersit! progras, etc. Latin -erican Studies -ssociation 3 #L-S-& hoepage. Ea'id Rockefeller Center for Latin -erican Studies 3 ;ar'ard @ni'ersit!: This site offers up3to3the3inute inforation a"out Moston area e'ents related to Latin -erica #lectures, seinars, concerts, etc.&. )t also pro'ides access to the Latin -erica Eata"ase, a coprehensi'e news onitoring ser'ice sponsored "! the Center. @nited Iations ?conoic Coission on Latin -erica and the Cari""ean #?CL-C& Argani,ation of -erican States )nter3-erican Ee'elopent Mank #)-EM& CII Latin -erica Middle $ast )General- *iddle ?ast Ties *iddle ?$press The ?g!ptian 5a,ette ?g!pt Toda! Cairo Li'e )ran (ress Ser'ice India )ndia ?$press 5roup The ;indu )ndia Eail! ;industan Ties Mexico Refora newspaper Center for @.S.3*e$ican Studies 3 @ni'ersit! of California at San Eiego. Links to a+or sites related to *e$ico. "igeria -frica Iews T/e P/ilippines The (hilippine Eail! )nquirer The (hilippine Star enegal -frica Iews ingapore The Straits Ties RSS :eeds (ri'ac! and Ters of @se Site *ap Cite AC8 Content 9our use of the *)T ApenCourse8are site and course aterials is su"+ect to our Creati'e Coons License and other ters of use. Bdi'C Big altD.. "orderD.%. naeD.ECS)*5. widthD.1. heightD.1. srcD.http://statse.we"trendsli'>q=s2ag=$+!w,>l4$/0ik2F4"/t/n+s.gifG dcsuriD/no+a'ascriptH8T.+sDIoH8T.t'D>.%.%. /C B/di'C