October 2013 DCCAC Minutes
October 2013 DCCAC Minutes
October 2013 DCCAC Minutes
Lisa .ove) to a//rove "ctober a:en)a, Dena secon)e) an) a//rove) unani.ousl%, Lisa .ove) to a//rove Se/te.ber .inutes, Dena secon)e) an) a//rove) unani.ousl%,
Additional Minutes )rom the 'oard Members +ection o) Meetin* Treasurers ,e(ort$
2one )iscusse)
Mic#elle Current &alance is ;<==,6< Se/te.ber IC(** -(>s ? ;6@@A,@3 Bor "utreac# an) Follo' U/ to *FD an) ;<35,A9 Bor Se ual (buse *revention to CI(C, Receive) .e.bers#i/ )ues Bro. Lin)a, Deb, Dena, Ste/#anie, Debb an) Jovanka *ai) ;968 Bor *in'#eels Bor *revention /reor)er 1avenCt receive) an% IC(** rei.burse.ents Bor FD9863
Dena .ove) to a//rove t#e EreasurerCs re/ort, Lisa secon)e) an) a//rove) unani.ousl%, Ste/#anie .ove) to /a% ;9F8 to Dallas Count% Co..unit% Services Bor .atc#in: Bun)s un)er &ock :rant, Lisa secon)e) an) a//rove) unani.ousl%, O(en -orum .lay /0(erience 1or2sho( 3 Lisa .entione) t#ere are still o/en s/ots Bor *la% E /erience on Satur)a% 2ov, 9n) at Livin: Fait# Lut#eran C#urc# in Clive Bro.
Old 'usiness$
+te4ards o) Children Mic#elle #el) in Dallas Center 'it# Lezlie Ellerr.an an) $i)Cs $orner, 9F atten)e), *lan to .ove into sc#ools an) Bait# co..unit%, Discusse) nee) to #ave a reserve oB books G ;68 eac#, C#ar:e ;F//artici/ants an) receive Bun)s Bro. /artners, (:ree) to set asi)e u/ to ;F88 oB DCC(C Bun)s to #el/ su//ort /urc#ase oB 'orkbooks, E /enses an) Bees receive) 'ill be run t#rou:# DCC(C account, 0ill a//l% Bor DC(E .ini?:rant to assist 'it# Bun)in: /lection o) O))icers 2o na.es :iven Bor /resi)ent /osition Discusse) /lacin: a) in *err% C#ieB an) ()el ()visor alon: 'it# c#eckin: 'it# ()el 0o.enCs -rou/ H Ste/#anie 'ill Bollo' u/ on *ro.ote DCC(C as /art oB subcontractor /ro:ra.s 'e oBBer an) t#rou:# .e.ber contacts /arly Childhood Io4a Meetin*s Startin: in Jan 9863 .eetin:s 'ill be #el) )irectl% aBter DCC(C .eetin: at Dallas Count% E tension "BBice, DCC(C Bro. =4@8 a. H 54@8 a. (boar) .eetin: at = a.), ECI Bro. 543F H 66 a., Annual Meetin* *resentation con)ucte) b% ( Mi)? Io'a "r:anizin: Strate:% ((M"S) about t#e (BBor)able Care (ct Market/lace,
5e4 'usiness$
2one )iscusse)
2ove.ber .eetin: 'ill be #el) on Thursday, 5ovember 2"st at 6$#! am in t#e back .eetin: roo. at *atrickCs Restaurant in ()el, Meetin:s 'ill be t#e 3 t# E#urs)a% oB t#e .ont#, E#ere 'ill not be a :eneral .eetin: in Dece.ber,