What Is The Filipino Moral Ideal

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What is the Filipino moral ideal? Explain it. We Filipino have a will to do something for our future.

If that act is can help us to become a better person we should develop it. Man acts and knows his acts. Because he knows he acts, he knows he is responsible for his actions. Man has intellect. His intellect enables him to know, to know what is right or wrong and good or bad actions. Man is free to act or not to act.

What is moral integrity? We should know the differences between past and present. Like the e periences we have toda! because I believe that we Filipinos has a better thinking to think what is good for us for the future. If we know that the things we are working must be in the law or a rules that we have in our institution we have know doubt to work that kind of works. I believe that we Filipino have a big heart to do the things that can make their famil! happ! even though the! can e perience the tiredness and poorness of work as long as the! can give food, shelter and education to their children. I"m proud to be a Filipino. #nd I"m proud to be part of this institution.

What is the value of work? $he value of work is depending on how !ou act and work it. If it is right !our actions done is good and in a harmon! wa! with dictates of right reason. %ou do a thing that is good and not contradiction to the dictates of right reason, which is evil. If we are a good person we can identif! the good and bad actions. We should know how to handle a thing in which can affect our personalit! or those things, which is, can make as human. In terms of being a good person.

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