The Johari Window Model
The Johari Window Model
The Johari Window Model
Effective learning is facilitated by good interpersonal communication. The Johari window model focuses on the balance of these exchanges between the parties. It was devised by Joseph and Harry Ingham, hence its name. It illustrates the effects of self-disclosure and feedbac in increasing personal and interpersonal awareness. !n understanding of the model can help you facilitate relationships in either group or one-to-one contexts. The four panes of the window are as follows" !rea I is the information that you and I both share and is called the arena. !rea II contains things I am aware of and have not disclosed to you, the facade. !rea III, the blind spot, consists of things you have noticed about me, about which I am unaware. #or both of us, !rea I$ the is un nown,. me aware unaware
blind spot
un nown
%elf-disclosure is being yourself& recognising and owning your opinions, values and feelings& understanding that these are no more valid than anyone else's. (e can share these with others remembering that they are only our 'map of the world'.
#eedbac is about getting to now other people's )map of the world) their opinions, values experiences, expectations etc.
Effective relationships
Effective relationships occur if there is a fair balance between selfdisclosure and feedbac . !s we self-disclose, !rea I *the !rena+ extends into !rea III *the facade+ !s we gain feedbac about how others perceive us, !rea I extends into !rea II *the blind spot+ ,ften by enlarging both these areas, !rea I can extend into !rea I$ *the un nown+.