All Things Current - Feb. 12, 2014

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All Things Current: What you'll find in your Feb.

12, 2014, edition

D.C. COUNCIL Deal Middle School student leaders successfully lobbied at a D.C. Council roundtable for a Nebraska Avenue bus shelter. (all editions D!"!LO#M!N$ %esidents &ho &ant to testify on the 'ro'osed D.C. (onin) re&rite no& have until A'ril *+ to do so, an e-tension of about a .onth and a half. (all editions A /oard of 0onin) Ad1ust.ent decision to allo& a front roo. on a 2esley 3ei)hts teardo&n 'ro1ect has rankled so.e residents. (all editions !DUCA$ION $he ne& librarian at 3ardy Middle School is &orkin) to add .ore e4books and 'o'ular titles to hook students on readin). (North&est Current, 5eor)eto&n Current, Du'ont Current LI6UO% LIC!NSIN5 A ne& Du'ont Circle )rou' is 'ushin) for )reater enforce.ent a)ainst ni)htclubs it clai.s e-ceed D.C. noise standards. (Du'ont Current, 7o))y /otto. Current #OLI$ICS Muriel /o&ser &on last &eek8s 2ard 9 De.ocrats .ayoral stra& 'oll, but her .ar)in &asn8t enou)h for the )rou'8s endorse.ent. (all editions %eta :o Le&is &ants to brid)e the District8s ;di)ital divide,< she said in an intervie& &ith $he Current as 'art of a series on 'olicy 'ositions of .ayoral candidates. #%!S!%"A$ION $he 3istoric #reservation %evie& /oard recently re1ected a 'lan to de.olish t&o s.all but historic buildin)s in Chinato&n &ithout discussin) the .onu.ental 'ro1ect drivin) the re=uest. (all editions #lans to turn a )rand stand4alone Mount #leasant ho.e into condo.iniu.s &ere recently re1ected by the 3istoric #reservation %evie& /oard, &ith the debate hi)hli)htin) broader concerns about out4of4scale additions and continued condo conversions. (all editions A 'ro'osed historic district for the Meridian 3ill area has broad su''ort but so.e 'ro'erty o&ners on its ed)es are lookin) to o't out. (Du'ont Current, 7o))y /otto. Current #U/LIC SA7!$> A recent death outside a Northeast fire station could be sy.'to.atic of a 'roble.atic culture &ithin the D.C. 7ire and !.er)ency Medical Services De'art.ent, Chief ?enneth !llerbe told residents at a co..unity .eetin). (all editions 2orkers cleanin) u' a troubled S'rin) "alley 'ro'erty recently re.oved a sealed container and conta.inated soil that contained the blisterin) a)ent le&isite, but the U.S. Ar.y Cor's of !n)ineers said these finds did not 'ose a threat. (North&est Current, 5eor)eto&n Current $%ANS#O%$A$ION #lanned revisions to 2isconsin Avenue in 5lover #ark that reverse controversial lane chan)es &ill likely be in 'lace by the end of March, accordin) to a local advisory nei)hborhood co..issioner. (5eor)eto&n Current O$3!% N!2S $he Safe&ay store in /ri)ht&ood closed for a day last &eek after the 3ealth De'art.ent found five ;critical< violations includin) evidence of rodents. (all editions 3o.eo&ners do not need to kee' 'ayin) interest after 'ayin) their delin=uent 'ro'erty ta- bills, the D.C. Court of A''eals has ruled @ a s.all coda to a scandal in &hich the fir. Aeon sei(ed .any local 'ro'erties over .inor debts. (North&est Current, Du'ont Current, 7o))y /otto. Current

/USIN!SS $he #instri'es bocce and bo&lin) bistro o'ened in 5eor)eto&n on 7riday, 'ro.isin) ;)ood, clean =uality fun.< (all editions ON $3! MA%?!$ A Sheridan4?alora.a Colonial ho.e has a .odest a''earance but a.'le s'ace and a rit(y location, and is available for AB,+CD,DDD. (all editions O#INION (all editions

!ditorialE $he D.C. Council acted &isely to decri.inali(e 'rivate use of .ari1uana, and should no&
study &hether le)ali(ation is also a''ro'riate.

!ditorialE $he D.C. De'art.ent of $rans'ortation .ust coordinate &ith nei)hbors before re'lacin)
their streetli)hts &ith ne& L!Ds.

Sher&oodE D.C. Council .e.ber Michael /ro&n .i)ht shed so.e interestin) li)ht on the
investi)ations of local 'oliticians. S#O%$S (North&est Current, 5eor)eto&n Current Several North&est tea.s stood out at the St. Albans Invitational &restlin) tourna.ent. Coolid)e boys basketball to''ed %oosevelt FG4FB in a re.atch of last seasonHs DCIAA cha.'ionshi' )a.e. $he St. :ohn8s Lady Cadets sto.'ed "isitation8s basketball tea. des'ite an in1ury4'la)ued roster. DIS#A$C3!S Annunciation8s seventh4)raders e-'eri.ent &ith .oss, 2ashin)ton Latin sho&s off its dance .oves, and other re'orts fro. local schools. (all editions ALSO IN $3! CU%%!N$ Cri.e re'ort Advisory nei)hborhood co..ission re'orts and a)endas %e'orts fro. local citi(ens associations Calendar of the &eek8s events Classified ads and service directory Email us to receive this newsletter every Wednesday. $he Current out in 'rint every 2ednesday and is 'osted online on $hursdays at currentne&s'a''h' and'a'ers. $o reach $he Current &ith a ne&s ti', correction, advertisin) in=uiry, or other =uestion or co..ent, e.ail ne&sdeskJcurrentne&s'a' or call BDB4B994+BBK.
$he Current Ne&s'a'ers C*LC MacArthur /lvd. N2, Suite *DB Mailing address: #ost Office /o- 9D9DD 2ashin)ton, D.C. BDD*C4D9DD Co'yri)ht M BD*9, $he Current Ne&s'a'ers, all ri)hts reserved

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