All Things Current - Feb. 12, 2014
All Things Current - Feb. 12, 2014
All Things Current - Feb. 12, 2014
/USIN!SS $he #instri'es bocce and bo&lin) bistro o'ened in 5eor)eto&n on 7riday, 'ro.isin) ;)ood, clean =uality fun.< (all editions ON $3! MA%?!$ A Sheridan4?alora.a Colonial ho.e has a .odest a''earance but a.'le s'ace and a rit(y location, and is available for AB,+CD,DDD. (all editions O#INION (all editions
!ditorialE $he D.C. Council acted &isely to decri.inali(e 'rivate use of .ari1uana, and should no&
study &hether le)ali(ation is also a''ro'riate.
!ditorialE $he D.C. De'art.ent of $rans'ortation .ust coordinate &ith nei)hbors before re'lacin)
their streetli)hts &ith ne& L!Ds.
Sher&oodE D.C. Council .e.ber Michael /ro&n .i)ht shed so.e interestin) li)ht on the
investi)ations of local 'oliticians. S#O%$S (North&est Current, 5eor)eto&n Current Several North&est tea.s stood out at the St. Albans Invitational &restlin) tourna.ent. Coolid)e boys basketball to''ed %oosevelt FG4FB in a re.atch of last seasonHs DCIAA cha.'ionshi' )a.e. $he St. :ohn8s Lady Cadets sto.'ed "isitation8s basketball tea. des'ite an in1ury4'la)ued roster. DIS#A$C3!S Annunciation8s seventh4)raders e-'eri.ent &ith .oss, 2ashin)ton Latin sho&s off its dance .oves, and other re'orts fro. local schools. (all editions ALSO IN $3! CU%%!N$ Cri.e re'ort Advisory nei)hborhood co..ission re'orts and a)endas %e'orts fro. local citi(ens associations Calendar of the &eek8s events Classified ads and service directory Email us to receive this newsletter every Wednesday. $he Current out in 'rint every 2ednesday and is 'osted online on $hursdays at currentne&s'a''h' and'a'ers. $o reach $he Current &ith a ne&s ti', correction, advertisin) in=uiry, or other =uestion or co..ent, e.ail ne&sdeskJcurrentne&s'a' or call BDB4B994+BBK.
$he Current Ne&s'a'ers C*LC MacArthur /lvd. N2, Suite *DB Mailing address: #ost Office /o- 9D9DD 2ashin)ton, D.C. BDD*C4D9DD Co'yri)ht M BD*9, $he Current Ne&s'a'ers, all ri)hts reserved