Running Head: A NEW RESOURCE 1: INTASC Standards For Beginning Teachers

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Running head: A NEW RESOURCE

A New Resource Ashley Jordan Ivy Tech Co uni!y" College

INTASC Standards for Beginning Teachers

A NEW RESOURCE Standard # 10: Leadership and Collaboration The Teacher see$s a%%ro%ria!e leadershi% roles and o%%or!uni!ies !o !a$e res%onsi&ili!y 'or

s!uden! learning !o colla&ora!e wi!h learners( 'a ilies( colleagues( o!her school %ro'essionals( and co uni!y e &ers !o ensure learner grow!h( and !o advance !he %ro'ession)

Name of Artifact: A New Resource Date: Nove &er *( #+1* Co rse: Educa!ion #,+ Brief Description: -or !his assign en!( I descri&ed how I can incor%ora!e The Ru!h .ily /eal!h Educa!ion Cen!er0s di''eren! sec!ions in!o y 'u!ure !eaching lessons or as a 'ield !ri% 'or y

s!uden!s) I will e1%lain how a cou%le o' !he sec!ions !ha! is in !he cen!er can a%%ly !o heal!h and %hysical educa!ion in !he classroo ) 2iven !his s!andard( I &elieve !ha! I can hel% e !ha! ysel' wor$ing wi!h 'a ilies( o!her %ro'essionals( or even co y s!uden!s ge! !he os! o' going !o !he Ru!h .ily Cen!er) uni!y y s!uden!s &y

e &ers !o ensure

!ationale: To docu en!( S!andard 31+( .eadershi% and Colla&ora!ion( I included how I can use !he o%%or!uni!ies a! The Ru!h .ily /eal!h Educa!ion Cen!er !o colla&ora!ion wi!h o!her %ro'essionals( colleagues or even co I also discussed how uni!y y s!uden!s(

e &ers !ha! volun!eer !o go on !he 'ield !ri%)

y s!uden!s can use wha! !hey learned a! !he cen!er !o s!ay %hysically ac!ive e reali4e how &ene'icial i! would &e 'or y s!uden!s !o go !o !he

daily) This assign en! hel%ed

cen!er) The Ru!h .ily /eal!h Educa!ion Cen!er !ruly %ro o!es grea! heal!h and %hysical ac!ivi!ies)

A NEW RESOURCE While( visi!ing The Ru!h .ily /eal!h Educa!ion Cen!er I discovered all !he use'ul resources and in!erac!ions !ha! going !o !he cen!er y 'u!ure s!uden!s can go !hrough &y going !o !he cen!er) A'!er( learning

y s!uden!s will &ene'i! 'ro

ore a&ou! how !o &e heal!hy and s!ay

heal!hy) They will also !a$e away !he idea !ha! %hysical 'i!ness is i %era!ive when !rying !o ain!ain a heal!hy li'es!yle) The Ru!h .ily /eal!h Educa!ion Cen!er is now a new resource !o !ha! I will gladly !a$e y s!uden!s !o in !he 'u!ure) ainly on how s!uden!s can &e!!er !heir heal!h in e

The heal!h educa!ion cen!er 'ocuses

various ways) 5y seeing !he hu an" li$e 'igure TA6 s!uden!s can see !he di''eren! organs( nerves( and sys!e s in !he &ody) S!uden!s can see such ideas as !he develo% en! o' a &a&y( di''eren! heal!hy 'ood grou%s( how !o a&s!ain 'ro !ools) I can %ersonally !a$e har 'ul su&s!ances and any o!her hel%'ul

y s!uden!s !o !he cen!er and la!er in class discuss wha! 'oods !hey y classroo I could have !o s!uden!s

can ea! such as 'rui!s or veggies !ha! are good 'or !he ) In

&uild !heir own organ in !he &ody each s!uden! wi!h a di''eren! organ( and !hen !he s!uden!s can share !heir organ &y including !he 'unc!ions o' each one) These are 7us! a 'ew e1a %les o' how I can use wha! ha&i!s) 6y s!uden!s 'ro ay have also go!!en !he idea o' how i %or!an! i! is !o s!ay %hysically ac!ive uscles in !he &ody The Ru!h .ily y s!uden!s saw in The Ru!h .ily /eal!h Educa!ion Cen!er !o ain!ain heal!hy

conce%!s seen in !he cen!er) 5y %resen!ing !he di''eren!

Cen!er sugges!s !ha! s!uden!s can wor$ ou! !heir

uscles !o aid in s!aying 'i!) The cen!er also

sugges!s !ha! s!uden!s can avoid o&esi!y &y wal$ing( running( or even %laying wi!h o!hers) I will use !he uscles in !he &ody &y having !he s!uden!s ove each uscle I %oin! !o !his aids in

ove en!) I can even have s!uden! run in %lace or 7og in %lace !o %ro o!e how !o e1ercise) 6y

A NEW RESOURCE s!uden!s will !a$e away a grea! a oun! o' how !o s!ay %hysically ac!ive &y going !o The Ru!h .ily /eal!h Educa!ion Cen!er) The Ru!h .ily /eal!h Educa!ion Cen!er has really an eye o%ening e1%erience 'or can i %le en! di''eren! heal!h ideas shown a! !he cen!er in &e reco ended &y !he uscle sys!e e) I

y classroo ) 8hysical 'i!ness can

or how !o avoid o&esi!y) This e1%erience was so e!hing

!ha!( I can wai! !o have

y s!uden!s e1%erience !he selves9

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