K Todd Journal-Childhood Obesity
K Todd Journal-Childhood Obesity
K Todd Journal-Childhood Obesity
Journal: Childhood Obei!"
#arri Todd
Ah$ord Uni%eri!": ECE 1&1
Jul" '() '&1*
Journal: Childhood Obei!"
An e+erging iue !ha! i o$!en di,ued in earl" ,hildhood edu,a!ion i ,hildhood
obei!" and ho- i! ,an be .re%en!ed/ Obei!" i 0-hen a .eron1 le%el o$ bod" $a! i grea!
enough !ha! i! i li2el" !o ha%e an ad%ere e$$e,! o$ heal!h and li$e .an3 4E!e 5 #rogh) '&1'6/
The !ronge! ri2 $a,!or -ould be .o%er!" and 0a,,ording !o !he CDC) one in e%en lo-7in,o+e)
.re,hool7aged ,hildren i obee3 4E!e 5 #rogh) '&1'6/ Along -i!h .o%er!") 0die! and
.h"i,al a,!i%i!" are +odi$iable ri2 $a,!or !ha! ,on!ribu!e !o obei!"3 4Da%i) 8i!9:erald)
#eane) Cana,a) 5 ;ol2er7Re,!or) '&1<6/
So+e o$ !he .h"i,al e$$e,! o$ obei!" in ,hildren -ould in,lude 0high
,hole!erol) high blood .reure) diabe!e) lee. a.nea) and bone and =oin! .roble+3 4E!e 5
#rogh) '&1'6/ No! all e$$e,! o$ obei!" are .h"i,al and in,lude being bullied and 0!he ob=e,! o$
!ereo!".ing3 b" .eo.le around !he+ 4E!e 5 #rogh) '&1'6/ 8ro+ !hee o,,urren,e) ,hildren
,an be,o+e de.reed) de%elo. lo- el$7e!ee+) and ha%e bod" i+age ,on$li,! 4a ,i!ed in E!e
5 #rogh) '&1'6/ There i alo a ,orrela!ion be!-een .oor ,hool .er$or+an,e and ,hildren !ha!
are o%er-eigh! 4a ,i!ed in E!e 5 #rogh) '&1'6/
A an earl" ,hildhood edu,a!ion +a=or) I -ould no! -an! an" o$ +" !uden! !o $eel
bullied or aha+ed o$ -ha! !he" loo2 li2e/ >hile -or2ing in a Head S!ar! .rogra+) I learned !he
i+.or!an,e o$ edu,a!ing ,hildren and !heir $a+ilie abou! nu!ri!ion/ I -a al-a" !old !ha! 0i!
,an !a2e be!-een ?71& !i+e3 $or a ,hild de!er+ine i$ !he" -ould li2e !o !r" !he $ood i!e+ and i$
!he" li2e or dili2e i! 4a i!ed in E!e 5 #rogh) '&1'6/ E%er" da" -e er%ed !he $ood $a+il"
!"le -hi,h allo-ed +e !o !al2 -i!h !he ,hildren abou! -ha! $ood -e are ea!ing) -hi,h $ood
grou. !he" belonged !o) -ha! er%ing i9e -e hould er%e !o ourel%e) and ho- !o er%e i! $ro+
!he bo-l !o our .la!e/ I en,ouraged .aren! !o =oin u $or +eal !i+e !o ho- !he+ ho- !he
,hildren er%ed !he+el%e) !he .or!ion i9e) and ho- .ro%iding $ood $ro+ di$$eren! $ood grou.
i i+.or!an!/ I alo hare -i!h $a+ilie !ha! -e er%e onl" -hole grain bread) lo-7$a! +il2) and
%arie!" o$ $rui! and %ege!able/
Beide edu,a!ing $a+ilie abou! nu!ri!ion) I $eel !ha! i! i alo i+.or!an! !o edu,a!e
$a+ilie on e@er,ie/ One -a" !o edu,a!e $a+ilie i !o .ro%ide 0!a2e ho+e +a!erial3 li2e
heal!h" re,i.e) ugge!ion on $a+il" $riendl" e@er,ie) or in$or+a!ion abou! ho- !o read label
4a ,i!ed in Da%i e! al/) '&1<6/ I -ould end ho+e a ho+e learning lin2 4ho+e-or26 !ha!
in,luded a $a+il" $riendl" a,!i%i!" !ha! in%ol%ed +o%ing and learning -i!hou! being in $ron! o$ a
!ele%iion or i!!ing and learning a! !he !able/ I en,ouraged $a+ilie !o hare an" a,!i%e a,!i%i!ie
!he" en=o" doing !oge!her o I ,ould hare !he idea -i!h o!her/
Sin,e I ha%e -or2ed in an earl" ,hildhood ,laroo+) I 2no- !he i+.or!an,e o$ edu,a!ing
$a+ilie on ho- !o be heal!h" and a,!i%e !o .re%en! obei!"/ I !r" !o !a" heal!h" and a,!i%e in +"
o-n li$e o I ,an be a role +odel !o !he $a+ilie and ,hildren I -or2 -i!h/
Da%i) S/A/) Sander) S/:/) 8i!9:erald) C/A/) #eane) B/C/) Cana,a) :/8/) 5 ;ol2er7Re,!or) R/
4'&1<). Chile: An evidence-based preschool intervention for obesity prevention in head
start. Journal o$ S,hool Heal!h) (<4<6) ''<7''C/ Doi:1&/1111D=oh/1'&1(/
E!e) L/S/ 5 #rogh) S/L/ 4'&1'6/ Pathways to teaching young children: An introduction to early
childhood education. San Diego) CA: Bridge.oin! Edu,a!ion) In,/