Lesson Plan in MAPEH VII
Lesson Plan in MAPEH VII
Lesson Plan in MAPEH VII
Music of Cordillera
I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Analyzes an example of Philippine music from the Highlands of Luzon. 2. Explains the distinguishing characteristics of representative Philippine music from the Highlands in relation to history and culture of the area. 3. Analyzes the relationship of functions of Philippine music from the Highlands of Luzon, to the lives of the people. . II. Subject Matter A. Topic: Music of Cordillera Subtopic: Vocal Music Hudhud (chanted epic poetry) B. References: Deped MUSIC Grade 7 Learners Material (Units 1 and 2) http://www.cpaphils.org/cordillera.htm http://www.intangible.org/Features/kalinga/pages/page1.html http://folklore.philsites.net/stories/heroism1.html http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?RL=00015 http://www.unesco.org/bpi/intangible_heritage/phillipines.htm B. Materials: Computer, youtube videos, flash drive, visual aids, pictures, audio/speaker D. Concepts: The lesson is an overview on the music of the Cordillera, or the Highlands of Luzon, where several ethnolonguistic groups in the mountains of the Cordillera live. Through the lesson, one will discover how the Cordillerans express their feelings towards each other and the environment, their history, and their supernatural beliefs through the medium of the voice and/or musical instruments. A group performance inspired by examples of Cordillera music will culminate the educational experience.
E. Skills: identifying, describing, comparing and correlates Philippine music to Philippine culture F. Values Integration: awareness of the meaning of culture, tradition , lifestyle of the Cordilleran G. Time Frame: 120 minutes H. Strategy Applied: Inductive Method and 4As
III. Teaching Procedure A. Recall Identify the elements of music. (Timbre, dynamics, rhythm, pitch & form)
B. Motivation Have you ever traveled out of town? Where have you been? Lets review your Aral Pan. I have here a picture and I want tell me what place is it. . C. Lesson Proper 1. Activity a. K-W-L Chart: Write what you currently know about the music of Cordillera under column 1 and what you want to know about the music of Cordillera under column 2. Music of Cordillera 1
L i s t e
2. Discussion Listen to the Cordilleran music and described and analyze the music listened. a. What instrument was used in this particular music? What is the function of the music in the society? b. Describe the instruments used. What is the instrument made of? How was it played? What instrumental substitutes can be used using environmental materials present in the classroom? c. How were the varied musical elements (timbre, dynamics, rhythm, pitch, form) employed bring about the message of the music? 3. Generalization The music of the Highlands of Luzon (Cordillera) helps us discover the way of life of the Cordillera people through themes about nature, family life, and work in the field as well as the spiritual matters. In addition to songs and chanted poetry, Cordillera music is distinctively made up of two sound characteristics of instruments based on their respective materials - the first, made of bamboo ( (flutes, percussion instruments), and the second, made of metal (gongs). These traditions are on their way to extinction due to the modernisation of the way of life among the youth of the Cordillera region. Less and less of the young generation are taught/learning the traditional music of their forefathers. Other threats to their music and most especially, their way of life are the conflict between state policies and their ancestral rights on land ownership, megatourism, militarization, and the shift from manual farming to machine-processed farming. Despite all these, several non-governmental organizations and international organizations like UNESCO ensure the protection not only of the rich culture and tradition of the Cordillera region but also of their people. 4. Valuing/ Application The music of Cordillerans simply depicts the nature and the way of living of such tribe their customs and traditions.
IV. Agreement 1. Create a poem of 8 lines. It may be about: love, honor, peace efforts or bravery. Compose a melody to your poem. 2. Research on the different kind of instruments used by the Cordilleran people.