Itm Portfolio

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Assessment Brief

Submission and feedback dates

Submission deadline: Completed by attending listed sessions.

Marks and Feedback due on: This is pass fail assignment but will be notified throughout
term of engagement.

Submission details

Module title and code: Introduction to Management Introduction UMCDMX-15-1

Assessment type: Portfolio
Assessment title: See description below for each component.
Assessment weighting: 35% of total module mark
Size or length of assessment: See description below for each component.
Module learning outcomes assessed by this task:
MO1 Contextualise the purpose and process of Management in contemporary contexts.
MO2 Have a thorough understanding of contemporary business and organisations, and an
overview of the main disciplines and functions of business.
MO3 Be able to describe and understand the nature of contemporary organisations and
business activities, i.e. their management structures and challenges; and the changing
environment in which these organisations operate.
MO4 Develop an awareness of what it means to be a management professional and start to
build their professional identity through the use of reflection and planning.

Completing your assessment

What am I required to do on this assessment?

These are pass or fail in that you are expected to come to class and engage with classmates
and an exercise.
In doing so you will be awarded a mark and receive feedback to support your final

Where should I start?

The first is linked specifically to the third lecture on self-reflection. The next two will instead
reflect the work and learning required for the literature review. There are specific hints in
the below discussion of each component.

What do I need to do to pass?

Come to a defined session with an accessible copy of the work you can show to both the
tutor and other students and complete the exercise as required.
You must complete at least one to pass this portfolio overall.
Each element engaged with will increase your mark.

 1 Exercise = 40%
 2 Exercise = 70%
 3 Exercise = 100%

How does the learning and teaching relate to the assessment?

Week three will teach reflection. The literacy exercises will be drawn from the reading list,
and therefore be linked to the content of every week.

What additional resources may help me complete this assessment?

We will use a mixture of resources to support you. Written documents such as an FAQ. Videos
online. Then also drop in sessions.

On top of this you can use access to staff members, alongside all our support services, to help you
plan this paper and develop the skills required.

What do I do if I am concerned about completing this assessment?

UWE Bristol offer a range of Assessment Support Options that you can explore through this
link, and both Academic Support and Wellbeing Support are available.
For further information, please see the Academic Survival Guide.
How do I avoid an Assessment Offence on this module?
Use the support above if you feel unable to submit your own work for this module. UWE
Bristol’s UWE’s Assessment Offences Policy requires that you submit work that is entirely
your own and reflects your own learning.
Since the last year we have seen an increased use in the use of AI. This is an emergent tool,
and we are excited to see the impact it will have on academia. However, it is worth being
aware that it can barely produce a passable piece at this point - and certainly would not
include references. We accept AI can be a tool, just please do not use it to write your own

Part One

The first is a self-reflection on an example of decision making from your life, and critically
analyse it to identify how you can further develop it in the future.
This should be 1000 words.

What am I required to do on this assessment?

Drawing on academic literature on decision making and reflection you need to engage in
self-reflection on an example from your life and identify how your skills it could be
It is essential that you use a model of self-reflection in this piece, we will advise you two in
the lectures and workshops, Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle and Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle.
SELECT ONE and use this to structure your work.

Similarly, ensure you focus on just one single event not a general instance. The most
common problems students face engaging well with reflection is focusing on a broad
example rather than a singular event.


 Introduction
o This should be approximately 200 words and should clearly indicate your
reflective model and provide an overview of your conclusions. Tell the reader
what you are including and clearly set the scene for what will follow.
 Main Body
o This will be three to four paragraphs, totalling approximately 700 words.
Throughout this you should complete your self-reflection on a single example
in full.
o This should include providing an overview of your example, briefly, and
engaging in analysis using academic literature.
o Your analysis should identify positives and negatives of your current
approach and use this to identify a way to improve.
 Conclusion
o To finish off your paper briefly provide a summary of your key theoretical
point in approximately 100 words and highlight any overall issues you found
with the reflective approach you used – and if you would maintain the
approach in the future.

You are expected to use between five and ten academic sources.

Where should I start?

Pick an example of decision making in your life.
This should be a single event where you have an understanding and an opinion of the
outcome and why it happened.
Identify a theory through the slides for lecture three and reading list to identify a theoretical
approach to understanding your example.

What do I need to do to pass?

In the class you will reflect on how you did engaging in a piece of academic writing, and
identify core feedback on:

 Your academic skills.

 How you felt reflection impacted your insights.

Part Two

The second is a summarisation of a journal article to be discussed in class. This must be

picked from the reading list
You will be given a template and don’t need to write more than an A4 page. The focus of
this will be:

 Identify the key points of the paper.

 What key literature debates it is situated in?
 Describe how it reached these conclusions, what was the method and the results?
 Briefly provide any thoughts you have about the paper, and if possible, one or two
papers you thought may be useful to follow up on.

This journal summary will need to be brought to class as the basis of two exercises:

 Creating a list of reading and summaries for the class.

 Reflection on reading academic material.

Part Three

The third is an overview of three journal articles which agree and/or disagree.
This aim of this is to identify three short summaries and provide clearer discussion of the
connections between the three pieces. The first source you want to add context to must be
from the reading list.
You will be given a template and don't need to write more than two A4 pages. The focus of
this will be:

 Agree
 Disagree
 Why

Throughout your are expected to try and find a single “point” within the first piece and
follow it – this could be the entire arguments conclusion or it could be a single point from its
own literature review. But the point is to consider different perspectives on an issue.

This needs to be brought to class as the basis for two exercises:

 Proving a side…
 Reflection on critical analysis.

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