Update On Slot Antennas in Different Size Waveguides (30 May 2002)
Update On Slot Antennas in Different Size Waveguides (30 May 2002)
Update On Slot Antennas in Different Size Waveguides (30 May 2002)
Paul Wade W1GHZ With help from Chuck Swedblom, WA6EXV, and Chip Angle, N6CA Some experimental work by WA6EXV and N6CA has uncovered some discrepancies in the waveguide slot antenna calculations when using small waveguide sizes as described in Section 7.2.9. Results were particularly bad using WR-284 waveguide at 2304 MHz, where it is very close to cutoff and far below the recommended frequency range of 2.60 to 3.95 GHz. Most of the slot antenna literature is based on experimental work by R.J. Stegen in WR-90 guide at 9.375 GHz, well within the recommended 8-12 GHz range. Others have demonstrated that successful slot antennas are possible in WR-75 at 10.368 GHz, at the very low end of the 10-15 GHz recommended range. At the other end of the waveguide recommended range, we have calculated radiation patterns for WR-112 guide at 10.368 GHz, just above the recommended 7.05-10.0 GHz range. These patterns, in Figure 7-25, are inferior to the WR-75 and WR-90 patterns in the same figure. Thus, we may infer that the useful range of waveguide for slot antennas designed using the published equations (and software) is probably close to the recommended frequency range in the books. The useful frequency range as transmission line can be stretched a bit. Therefore, I have added checks and warnings to the slotantenna.xls spreadsheet, and W6OYJ has done the same with his BASIC program. Please download the latest version. The design recommendation in Section 7.2.9 still stands: Use the standard waveguide size with the design frequency near the center of the recommended frequency range for the guide. Following this guideline will keep the dimensions in a range where the calculations have been shown to work. WA6EXV is working on empirically designing a slot antenna in WR-284 waveguide. When enough data is available to improve the design calculations, further updates will be added.