Antena Saw

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Wireless Wideband SAW Sensor - Antenna Design

M.W. Gallagher, B.C. Santos, D.C. Malocha

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816-2450

AbstractWireless SAW RFID sensors offer several advantages over similar silicon technology that include passive operation, radiation hardness, and the ability to operate in extreme
temperatures. Due to these unique material and device properties,
NASA has shown considerable interest in passive, wireless SAW
sensors for ground and space flight operations. Several embodiments of SAW sensors have been well established in literature,
but often the limiting factor on device size and performance is
the tag antenna. Therefore, in order to develop a unified sensor
target, a discussion of design principles and tradeoffs for both
the SAW device and antenna will be presented in this paper.
Antennas designed and fabricated will be presented, including
a simple disk monopole, a planar open-sleeve dipole, and an
on-wafer meandered dipole, with a discussion on gain, size,
and bandwidth. The evolution of the antenna design is toward
smaller antennas that minimize tradeoffs. The eventual wafer
level integration of the antenna allows the sensor application
to exploit some of the known SAW substrate advantages and
has application in high temperature or strain sensors. Example
orthogonal frequency coded (OFC) temperature sensors on YZLiNbO3 for use at 250 and 915MHz will be used as device
examples. By properly designing the combined antenna/SAW
target matching, insertion loss can be minimized and range
increased. Experimental results on the integration of several
sensor targets will be presented. Work presented is a foundation
for a realizable wireless, multi-sensor platform.

occupied by an electrically small antenna dictates its bandwidth and radiation efficiency, as described by Wheeler [4].
Wheeler described the radiation quality factor, Q-factor, of an
electrically small antenna as being inversely proportional to
the volume in which it occupies. Therefore, as the physical
size of the antenna is decreased the bandwidth of the antenna
will also decrease as more reactive energy is stored. The
antenna radiation efficiency also benefits from a decrease
in stored energy and therefore an increase in gain is also
expected. Accordingly, a tradeoff must be made in the design
of the antenna based on the gain, bandwidth, and size. The
following discussion will first outline the design considerations
for the OFC SAW transducer, including bandwidth and input
impedance, which relate to the antenna design. The design
of the SAW device is important for conjugate impedance
matching to the antenna for a lower overall sensor insertion
loss. Sample antennas will then be presented in order of
decreasing physical size, concluding with an example antenna
integrated directly onto the SAW substrate. The goal of the
paper is to illustrate the progression of the research toward
a more implementable sensor through decreased tag size and
insertion loss.



SAW devices have become an established platform for

sensor and RFID tags due to their completely passive operation
and resilience to harsh environments, such as high radiation
and extreme temperatures. Due to these innate advantages
over similar silicon devices, NASA has shown considerable
interest in their use for space flight and ground operations.
The orthogonal frequency coded (OFC) SAW sensor embodiment is the focus of the following paper. The OFC platform
is a spread spectrum, multi-sensor environment that allows
for simultaneous identification and environmental sensing.
Previous work has demonstrated the functionality of these
devices at both 250 and 915MHz, with a concurrent 4 sensor
transceiver system demonstrated at 915MHz [1], [2], [3]. Due
to the primary component limiting the SAW tag size being the
antenna, the purpose of this paper is to explore the sensors
antenna and its interaction with the SAW device design.
In order to realize a powerful SAW RFID platform a
reasonable tag size is necessary. However, the overall volume

An orthogonal frequency code is implemented on a SAW

device by distributed Bragg reflectors, called chips, at center
frequencies whose peaks align with the nulls of each adjacent
chip frequency. For reference a schematic representation of an
OFC SAW device is shown in Fig. 1. The power of the OFC
SAW implementation lies in the near transparency of incoming
waves that are asynchronous with a chip and high reflectivity
for frequencies that are synchronous with a chip. By shuffling
the orthogonal chips in time, or location on the substrate, a
level of coding can be achieved. The code can be implemented
in a match filter for extraction of a compressed pulse. The OFC
platform has been presented extensively in literature previously
[1]; however, the focus of this section is on the performance
of the SAW tag as it relates to an integrated sensor target
for both impedance matching and antenna specifications. The
OFC SAW device is essentially a one-port network that can
be fully characterized by its S11 response, and optimizing this
reflection from the antenna/tag combination will return the
highest level of signal energy.
The bandwidth of the SAW device is an important factor in
determining available antenna designs and dictates much of the
target optimization. The number of chip frequencies as well

This work is partially supported by a NASA Graduate Student Researchers Program (GSRP) fellowship and NASA KSC STTR-II contract

978-1-4244-6401-2/10/$26.00 2010 IEEE


as their individual lengths dictate the necessary bandwidth of

the SAW transducer. As shown in [5] there exists an optimum
tradeoff between device insertion loss, which increases with
shorter reflectors, and intersymbol interference between chips,
which increases when reflectors become long and increase
energy storage. The first order reflectivity of each chip, at
synchronous frequencies, from transmission and coupling of
modes models is given as:
= ( )


where r is the reflectivity per electrode and is the number

of electrodes in the reflector. Keeping 0.6 1.5 the
loss of the reflectors will be kept to 1 < > 6.
A reflector loss less than 6dB is a reasonable tradeoff between
pulse distortion and intersymbol interference that can occur
with long reflectors, or when >> 1. For = 1.5%
a reasonable bandwidth for a 5 chip OFC code, at 915MHz
center frequency, is 10%, or an of approximately 45.
With the range of optimal bandwidths now set by the loss
of the reflectors and the diversity of the coding, a discussion
on the impedance tuning of the transducer is necessary. The
devices throughout this paper use simple wideband bidirectional interdigital transducers with a constant aperture beam
width. For these transducers the 1 order impedance model is
presented in [6]. At center frequency the transducer acoustic
conductance is given by:
= 2 2 0 2


where 2 is the coupling coefficient of the SAW substrate,

is the static capacitance, is the beam width, and is the
effective number of electrode pairs. The transducer capacitance
is calculated from:
0 =

Given that
, the above equation shows that for
a given bandwidth the impedance of the transducer is fixed
along a constant Q-factor arc on the Smith chart. In order to
manipulate the impedance of the transducer the only parameter, 1 order, that can be manipulated is the beam width. In
order to minimize the reflection at the SAW/antenna interface,
without external matching, the transducer will ideally lie at
the point on the Q-arc 90 from 0 , assuming the antenna is
matched directly to 0 .


Initial proof-of-concept designs were carried out at a low
center frequency of 250MHz for characterization of the wireless OFC sensor itself. In order to demonstrate a working
wireless interrogation system at this frequency an antenna
and matching network with a large fractional bandwidth of
approximately 28% were necessary. The design principles
presented in [7] were followed to design a disk monopole
antenna for use as both the sensor and interrogation antennas.
A picture of the fabricated antenna is shown in Fig. 2.
The antenna was designed to have a diameter of 350,
or /4, at the lowest OFC chip frequency of 215MHz. The
disk was cropped at a 20 angle near the feed to reduce
the capacitance of the input impedance. A parametric sweep
in Ansoft HFSS aided in the optimization of the antenna
structure. The dimensions of the antennas ground plane are
450 304, which slightly alters the overall radiation
pattern due to its shorter width.


where N is the number of overlapping finger pairs. The

first-order admittance of the packaged transducer, at center
frequency, is therefore:
0 = + 20 (0 + )


where is the parasitic capacitance of the package. All

devices in this paper were fabricated on YZ-LiNbO3 , having

, for equal line-to-space ratios.

2 = 0.046 and = 4.6
The electrical quality factor of the transducer can be calculated
from the above equations as:
2 1 1

Fig. 1.
Schematic diagram of a 5 chip OFC tag with relative grating
periodicity shown for each chip. The two identical reflector banks are used
to extract a differential delay for various sensing applications.

Fig. 2. Fabricated disk monopole antenna for use with 250MHz OFC SAW
devices. The antenna is 350 tall, and has a ground plane that is 450

Initial measurements as shown in Fig. 3 demonstrated a

wideband antenna, but the lower frequencies of the OFC code
were poorly matched to 50. Lumped element matching for
wide bandwidth, as outlined in [8], was utilized to help closely
match throughout band. The structure used first matched the
device at center frequency to a real impedance slightly less
than 50 using a simple inductor and capacitor matching
network. The outer bands were then folded to a real impedance
slightly higher than 50 using a parallel LC resonate structure,
the final antenna S11 response is also shown in Fig. 3. After
matching, the antenna gain was experimentally found to be
2dB or more throughout the band of interest.


Magnitude (dB)

Unmatched Antenna Response

Matched Antenna Response





Frequency (MHz)



Fig. 3.
S11 frequency response of the disk monopole antenna before
matching, solid line, and after matching, dashed line. Antenna gain measured
after matching was experimentally found to be > 2 throughout the band
of interest.

The same techniques described above were used to conjugately match the SAW device directly to the matched
monopole antenna. The relatively low center frequency of
the system allows for easier lumped element tuning of the
impedances. The same antennas were also employed as the
transmit/receive antennas for a transceiver system used to
wirelessly extract temperature. Results from a temperature
extraction performed at a transmit antenna to sensor separation
of 3 are shown in Fig. 4. As shown the SAW sensor is
able to accurately track the ramp up and gradual decrease of

Fig. 5. 915MHz dipole antenna that utilizes an open-sleeve to broaden the

bandwidth. A CPW to microstrip feed transition is also shown for use as a
balun and matching network. The sleeve, excited dipole, and CPS are on one
layer of the substrate and the microstrip lines are on the other.


Temperature (C)



After a 250MHz system proved the OFC sensor system
was feasible, a move nearer the ISM band at 915MHz was
a logical step to help lower the size restriction on the antenna.
Typical 915MHz OFC devices have a fractional bandwidth of
8-15%, the devices utilized in this paper have a bandwidth of
10%. The eventual goal is the ability to interrogate multiple
sensors simultaneously that are distributed randomly in space;
therefore, there is a need to develop a compact, planar antenna
with a wide impedance bandwidth and a gain 0. In [9]
it was shown that a dipole antenna in close proximity to an
open-sleeve can achieve a 1.8:1 frequency ratio, compared to
a 1.25:1 frequency ratio of a conventional dipole of equal
dimensions. The open-sleeve dipole was adapted to fit onto
a planar, 32mil FR-4 substrate with an effective permittivity
of 4.7 and loss tangent of 0.02. Fig. 5 shows that the antenna is
composed of a radiating structure, dipole and parasitic sleeve,
and a feed that integrates a balun and microstrip matching
circuit. The balun is used to transition from the balanced
coplanar stripline (CPS), connected to the antenna, to the
unbalanced microstrip matching network. The entire structure
is composed of two layers, with the radiating dipole and CPS
on one layer and the coupling microstrip network on the other

Temperature from SAW Sensor (Frequency Shift)

Actual Temperatur e


Reading Number



Fig. 4. Wireless temperature extracted from a 250MHz OFC SAW sensor,

dashed line, compared to a measurement made by a thermocouple, solid line.
The disk monopole antennas described in this paper were used for transceiver
and sensor antennas with a separation of 3.

Initially the dipole, without the sleeve, was designed for an

overall length of /2 at 800MHz in an effort to cover the
lower part of the sensors bandwidth. The dipole was bent to
decrease the overall antenna length and the feed was tapered
in an effort to reduce capacitance. Using IE3D its dimensions,
including the angle used to taper the feed, were optimized
for low VSWR between 800MHz and 900MHz. After which
the parasitic sleeve was added with an initial length of /2
at 1GHz, to cover the upper band. IE3D was again used to
optimize the length of the sleeve and separation from the
excited dipole for a minimum VSWR between 800MHz and
1GHz. A trace width of 5 was used for both the dipole
arms and open-sleeve.
Since there was a desire to utilize these antennas as single
ended devices, for use with a transceiver system or for
additional microstrip matching, a balun was necessary to
transform the differential input of the dipole antenna. Printed


Marchand and double-y baluns that provide a wideband transition between balanced and unbalanced transmission lines
were reviewed in [10]. In [11] the balun was simplified and
used as a matching network to match a dual-band antenna to
50. These design guidelines were used to implement a good
transition between CPS and microstrip lines, while maintaining
fractional bandwidth. The width of the CPS was chosen to be
wide for use as the ground plane for the microstrip line and
for use as an extended microstrip matching network for the
sensor. Final gap and width of the CPS were fixed at 0.5mm
and 25mm, respectively. The microstrip feed and open stub
were then designed to match the antenna to a 50 load at
Fig. 6 compares the antenna reflection coefficient of the
IE3D simulation to that of the fabricated antenna. There
exists a slight shift in the center frequency of the fabricated
antenna that can likely be attributed to IE3D simulating an FR4
substrate that is infinite in length and width. The shift should
not adversely affect the application performance as the 2:1
VSWR bandwidth is 16%. Maximum gain measurements were
performed, along the antenna boresight, outside of an ideal
anechoic chamber and found to vary between 1dB and 3dB
throughout the band of interest based on Friis transmission
equation. A slight increase in the directivity of the antenna, as
compared to a typical dipole antenna, is expected due to the
parasitic sleeve acting as a small reflector.
Simulated Response
Experimental Response

Magnitude (dB)

X: 870.6
Y: 9.995


X: 1019
Y: 9.993



Fig. 7. Fabricated antenna and SAW device presented for size reference.
The opaque LiNbO3 substrate is bonded inside the gold SMA package. The
microstrip network is facing up in this picture.

the reflection coefficient between the open-sleeve dipole and

the OFC device. The reflection coefficient at the plane of the
antenna balun, , and SAW microstrip matching network,
, can be calculated as:

Maximum power is transmitted between the antenna and
the SAW transducer when the impedances are conjugately
matched, or when = 0. A second harmonic 915MHz OFC
device was fabricated with a 200 beam width, and matched
to the discussed dipole antenna. The calculated reflection coefficient at the reference plane mentioned previously is plotted
below in Fig. 8. As shown there is significant attenuation of the
lowest chip at approximately 865MHz. Improvements could be
made by matching at around 900MHz and then both the lowest
and highest chips would experience only slight attenuation, or
by using a different transducer structure. Overall the antenna
demonstrated performs quite well for the application, and can
also be used as the transceiver antenna.



Frequency (MHz)



Fig. 6. Antenna reflection coefficient comparison between the IE3D simulation, dashed line, and experimental results, solid line, for the open-sleeve
dipole antenna. The overall 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of the antenna is 16% at
a center frequency slightly higher than 915MHz. The shift shown should not
affect the intended sensor application.

After fabrication the overall antenna footprint is 55

125. As an illustration on the relative size of the antenna
and SAW device, Fig. 7 presents a view of a packaged tag
next to the fabricated antenna.
Various techniques were attempted to match the SAW
device to the antenna structure. As an example, a simple openstub microstrip matching network was utilized to minimize

In order to fully utilize the unique characteristics of the

SAW platform, fully integrating the antenna onto the SAW
substrate would be beneficial for not only size reasons. A
wireless high temperature sensor, for example, will be limited
in temperature range by the antenna material and bonding
techniques utilized. Therefore, preliminary work has begun on
integrating a planar antenna directly onto the sensor substrate
of YZ-LiNbO3 . The following section will outline a first
iteration meandered dipole that was designed and fabricated
for use with a 915MHz OFC SAW sensor.
Using YZ-LiNbO3 as a microwave circuit substrate is
a difficult task, especially for an antenna. The anisotropic
nature of the substrate makes the antenna response difficult
to predict analytically or through simulations. Therefore, for
simplicity, designs conducted assumed a constant substrate


Magnitude (dB)


Frequency (MHz)


lengths. However, there is a price for decreased footprint and

this is evident in the small radiation resistance of the antenna
which gives a lower gain than a standard dipole.
As shown in Fig. 9, a meander line dipole antenna was
fabricated on YZ-LiNbO3 and differentially connected directly
to a SAW transducer with a 1000 beam width. A trace width
of 0.5 was chosen for the dipole. The initial metalization
of the dipole traces used a relatively thin, 0.35, layer of
copper. Since the skin depth of copper at 915MHz is closer
to 2, the conductor losses were quite high on this antenna.
However, for this first iteration optimizing the range of the
antenna was not the primary concern, but rather proving the
ability to implement an antenna with a 50 input impedance
on a SAW substrate. Future iterations will optimize the metalization thickness and trace width for an optimum impedance
and efficiency when connected to the SAW transducer.

Fig. 8. Calculated reflection coefficient at the interface between the matched

OFC SAW device and open-sleeve dipole antenna. The variations in the
response are indicative of the relative reflections off the individual OFC chips.
As described there exists significant attenuation at the lowest chip frequency
of 865MHz.

of 43.9. Due to patch antennas having an intrinsically narrow

bandwidth on high permittivity materials a dipole structure was
chosen for the first iteration design [12]. Other structures, such
as a loop antenna, may be more conveniently matched to the
capacitive input of the SAW transducer and will be explored in
future designs. For an infinitely thick substrate the wavelength
of an antenna on the surface of the wafer would be given by:


where is the average permittivity of air and the antenna

substrate, lithium niobate. However, for a thin substrate with
a high permittivity the ends of the dipole arms add significant
capacitance that decrease the effective length of the dipole. For
example, the at 915MHz of an antenna, on a 0.5 thick
substrate with an of 43.9, is 190, and when compared
to the free space wavelength of 330mm this gives an
of approximately 3. Although the antenna may be smaller
on a higher permittivity material the radiation efficiency will
decrease as more reactive energy is stored. From simulations,
as the permittivity increases from that of FR4, 4.7, to 43.9 the
radiation efficiency drops approximately 30%.
Since the length necessary for a simple dipole antenna
on YZ-LiNbO3 was determined to still be longer than the
76.2 wafer used, a means to decrease the resonant frequency of a physically shorter dipole was necessary. Meander
line dipole antennas are commonly used with silicon RFID
tags due to their decreased antenna footprint. The structure
of the antenna can be viewed as a transmission line with the
meanders serving as stub tuning elements that inductively tune
the antenna [13]. At lengths less than the resonant length of
/2 a regular dipole antenna has a large capacitive reactance,
and by inductively tuning the antenna with meandered sections
the resonance of the antenna occurs at shorter conductor

Fig. 9. Meander line antenna fabricated on a 76.2 YZ-LiNbO3 substrate.

An OFC SAW device with a 1000 beam width transducer is connected
differentially to the antenna, as shown in the inset.

A separate antenna, without the SAW device, was fabricated

for extraction of input impedance and gain. A differential
VNA was employed to extract the S1 1 response shown in
Fig. 10. The bandwidth of the antenna is around 10%, which
is sufficient for the designed OFC device. The shift in center
frequency between the simulation and experimental responses
is likely due to the anisotropic nature of the substrate and
the necessity to trim the wafer footprint for connection to the
VNA. Simple gain measurements, at a separation of 76,
were made outside of an anechoic chamber using the on-wafer
antenna and the previous open-sleeve dipole. As discussed
previously the antenna is currently an inefficient device, with
a gain of approximately -4dB. The thin copper metalization
and meander sections contributed the bulk of the losses.
However, the high permittivity of the substrate also decreased
the radiation efficiency and will always limit the gain of the
antenna. The maximum efficiency that can be achieved after
a redesign will still be sufficient for most sensor applications.
In order to verify the ability of the wafer to operate as an
OFC sensor, a simple VNA S21 measurement was performed at
a separation of 25 for chip verification in the time domain.
The open-sleeve dipole was used as the transmit and receive
antenna with an output power of 20dBm. The plot in Fig. 11



Magnitude (dB)


Simulated Response
Experimental Response


Frequency (MHz)




Fig. 10.
Antenna reflection coefficient comparison between the IE3D
simulation, solid line, and experimental results, dashed line, for the on-wafer
meander line dipole antenna.

shows fairly constant chip amplitude through all five chips.

These results indicate that through continued optimization the
on-wafer integrated SAW-antenna sensor could be used in a
multi-tag transceiver system.


Example 915MHz antennas were presented that included a

wideband open-sleeve dipole on FR4. The progression of the
research is toward more efficient small antennas, including
a preliminary attempt at integrating the antenna directly on
the SAW substrate. Future iterations will improve the onwafer antenna concept by optimizing the tradeoff between the
antenna impedance, efficiency, and size. By fabricating the
antenna directly on the sensor substrate the application of the
device is no longer restricted by the antenna embodiment.
Applications of the integrated SAW/antenna device include
wafer level packaging and wireless high temperature or strain
sensors. The demonstrated 915MHz antennas are currently
being employed in a multi-sensor transceiver system, and
continued work is being done to improve the systems read

f3f5f2 f4

Fig. 11. S21 measurement of the integrated sensor, with on-wafer antenna, interrogated at a separation of 25. The device chip sequence is 1 3 5 2 4 .

In this paper several example antennas were presented for
use with wideband SAW sensors at center frequencies of 250
and 915MHz. Orthogonal frequency coded SAW sensor design
guidelines were discussed, and example devices at both center
frequencies were utilized for use with the designed antennas. A disk monopole antenna was used with a transceiver
system for extraction of temperature at a distance of 3.

The authors wish to thank continuing support from NASA,

and especially Dr. Robert Youngquist, NASA-KSC.
Temperature extraction plots at 250MHz were conducted
using a transceiver system designed and implemented by
Nikolai Kozlovski.
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