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Firefly Magic: Heart Powered Marketing for Highly Sensitive Writers

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Lauren Sapala coached Highly Sensitive Writers for years before she discovered one of the biggest obstacles holding them back in their writing a rock-solid resistance to marketing. Regardless of the wealth of book marketing tools and resources available to writers and artists today, most highly creative people still feel suspicious, confused, or just plain turned off by marketing and sales. The hidden reason behind this resistance is a deeply rooted fear that marketing always results in a loss of integrity for the writer. Almost all highly creative people are also Highly Sensitive People, many of which are INFJ or INFP personality types. These Highly Sensitive Writers feel any possible threat to their integrity intensely. The fear they feel around marketing for writers takes root in limiting beliefs that shut them down before they even begin. Lauren Sapala shares stories and strategies to help Highly Sensitive Writers shift their mindset and open up to new ways to promote their work. She helps all writers realize that—due to their Highly Sensitive nature—they might just make the best salespeople of all.

186 pages, Paperback

First published April 30, 2018

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About the author

Lauren Sapala

12 books374 followers
Lauren Sapala is a writing coach who specializes in coaching introverted, intuitive writers. She founded the WriteCity writing groups in Seattle and San Francisco and currently blogs about writing and creativity at www.laurensapala.com.

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Profile Image for Ty.
Author 13 books33 followers
June 18, 2018
DISCLOSURE: The author and I have over the years had friendly chats via Twitter.

I am most certainly the target audience for this unique sort of book marketing book. I am introverted, a HSP (highly sensitive person) and I am generally put in the INFJ temperament.

Not to mention, I am also on the "high functioning Autism" Spectrum.

All this means that I am not only terrible at standard marketing techniques like cold calling, hard sells and general pushiness, but I am made sick by the mere thought of same.

Fortunately, Sapala feels much the same way, and provides advice for those of us in the same boat who are aware that all writers must also be marketers these days.

Well paced, highly readable and refreshingly practical, this is a book that I, (and perhaps you) will reference again and again in the writer/entrepreneur journey.
Profile Image for Bara.
Author 3 books36 followers
January 23, 2019
This is the law of the universe. The more you do anything, the more you will get all the results, desired or undesired.

The feeling when the book has been written just for you. :)
No kidding, even if the line above looks cheeky, this book has been literally written to help people like me. I'm not quite as distrustful of marketing as the author used to be but nevertheless I'm a klutz when it comes to the marketing side of writing industry so I needed someone who had to solve similar psychological blocks and conquered them. See, me and the author are both HSP, INFJs, both are curious to a fault and love writing.

It's not the very basic stuff so this book is better handled as an add-on. When you already acquired some basic knowledge but you have to change your personal attitute towards the business side of creative writing next.

There are mentions of a loveably bizarre bookstore. Geez, I'd like to visit that place myself. (Just this thought itself cements the fact that me and Mrs. Sapala share personality type.)
Profile Image for Jennifer Worrell.
Author 15 books118 followers
February 13, 2019
As someone who hates the idea of shoving my work down readers' throats, who thinks more than three FB posts a week is pushy, and worries about bombarding people and losing their interest before they even get to know me, this book spoke to me. I was perceiving 'marketing' all wrong, thinking inside the box. There's other ways to market without being an irrit.

At the end of each chapter, there are questions and exercises to get you thinking about these different techniques and how they work for your art. And after reading Firefly Magic, I want to tell everyone I know and get my hands on Sapala's novel.

Very sneaky, Lauren ;)
Profile Image for Lynne Fisher.
Author 2 books38 followers
May 14, 2018
As an INFJ writer and artist who has read Lauren Sapala’s 'The INFJ Writer' and found it of immense value in my creative practice, I was naturally drawn to read her recent release of this book, 'Firefly Magic'. The subtitle phrase of 'heart powered' perfectly sums up just why this book on marketing is so different from the others out there and why it serves so well as a companion book to The INFJ writer. But in my view this book can help any sensitive creative, artists and well as writers, who find marketing so difficult, and where we have such entrenched, self-limiting beliefs, preconceptions and expectations about selling our work and what it takes. Well, Lauren tackles these issues head on. Now although I knew this book would take a different approach to marketing if Lauren wrote it, I was still a little dread-filled before reading it, exactly because of these ingrained assumptions we have. But I needn’t have worried. The alternative perspectives and mindsets presented and the many tips which Lauren generously shares had me hooked from the beginning. They are truly refreshing and innovative. Her giving you plenty of probing questions to ask yourself also helps to clarify your own unique aims, hopes and practical possibilities for increasing or making more viable your creative wares and taking them to market.

As Lauren kindly shares her very own writer’s journey and demonstrates just where her new perspectives have come from, it is a compelling and enlightening read, making you want to make some changes in your own marketing strategies immediately. Who would have thought that marketing could be exciting, caring, a way of helping others get what they may need, even a form of spiritual practice? Well, I’m a convert now. It feels right, and by the time you get to the end of this book, if you give it a go, I’m confident that you will feel the same way. As Lauren points out, it’s very much about ‘getting comfortable with our very natural writer’s vulnerability’ which sensitive creatives have in abundance, but it’s very much about making this sensitivity work for you instead of against you.

As Lauren says: ‘Marketing can also be a value mindset that helps you become open to and actively interested in participating in an ongoing service of exchange with your community.’

And this book on heart powered marketing is sure to be my definitive guide to writing and creative work marketing from here on in.
Profile Image for Beth Gea.
Author 2 books42 followers
December 16, 2020
Segunda lectura diciembre 2020
Considero que un libro es bueno cuando, cada vez que lo leo, me da nuevas ideas y me hace repensar las cosas.

Y esto es lo que me ha pasado con este libro. He llenado páginas en mi diario con nuevas ideas y cosas que quiero probar para promocionar y hablar sobre el libro que voy a publicar en 2021, Expecto Patronum. Una lectura de Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal a través de las gafas de media luna del coaching. ¡Estad atentas!


How do you google the answer to something when you don't even know what it is you need to google?

En Firefly Magic, Lauren Sapala aborda el tema del marketing editorial desde el punto de vista de una persona introvertida, altamente sensible y INFJ. Lo cual, lo convierte en el libro perfecto para mi, porque reúno todas las características.

Me ha gustado mucho su estilo y la manera en que ha dividido el libro, explicando cuáles son las piezas necesarias para hacer tu propio marketing para tu libro. Y, sobretodo, la manera que tiene de enfocar desde otro ángulo todo el tema de la autopromoción que, si eres introvertida+altamente sensible+INFJ como yo, sólo de escuchar la palabra te provoca náuseas. Ella lo expone desde un punto de vista que lo humaniza y que ha picado mi curiosidad hasta el punto de querer jugar un poco con las recomendaciones que da.

Como buena coach, cada capítulo acaba con una serie de ejercicios/preguntas que, en mi afán de terminar el libro, todavía no he respondido. Cuando lo haga y ponga en práctica sus recomendaciones con el lanzamiento del libro que tengo en proceso, puede que vuelva a revisitar la valoración y vea si se merece la quinta estrella.

Muy muy recomendado para todas aquellas personas que estén en el proceso de autopublicar un libro (o ya lo tengan publicado y quieran darle un empujón) y que sienten que las fórmulas "estándar" estilo "¡gana 70.000 euros con tu libro!" no son para ellas.
Profile Image for Dominic De Souza.
49 reviews16 followers
October 31, 2019
The #1 thing I enjoyed about this book was 'permission'. The permission to be myself as a highly-sensitive-writer.

As a voracious reader and researcher, there's always another video or download or webinar to ingest. But they each promote a path that has worked for them. And introverts usually struggle to incorporate the high-octane energy of extroverts. Or even the mental processes of other personality types.

This book was brilliant for its humanity,and its stories. And the sense of freedom that it brings to find your own marketing approach. It is written for writers, someone trying to put out their own book, but it can work well for small business owners too.

Key to it all is the recognition of your self, and the unique magic you could bring the world. Learning how to see marketing through that lens opens up new possibilities - that could excite you to keep going.

I'll be reading this again; it really dissolved the inner struggles I had, and opened up new paths to explore.
50 reviews26 followers
July 10, 2018
Blown away.

I stumbled across Lauren’s website one day and subscribed to her newsletter. When I learned that she was having a 99 cents ebook sale I thought I’d give her books a go! This book was amazing. I blew through it. She was honest, genuine, and informative. It felt like she actually cared about the reader and wanted to help. This book felt like a personal letter written to me. I recommend it for all sensitive writers!
Profile Image for T.A..
Author 14 books73 followers
December 27, 2018
I am an INFP, a highly sensitive person, and an independent author, and one of the hardest things for me about being an independent author has always been marketing my books. As much as I want people to read my books, actually asking them to do that just feels really uncomfortable for me. But I know it's important, so marketing is something I've been trying to learn more about over the past year. When I saw this book, it looked like it could be just what I needed. And in many ways, it was exactly that.

Through personal anecdotes and life experiences, Sapala helps writers learn to overcome some of the biases and fears we have about marketing as a business practice, then gives good, concrete examples of how writers can market their books from a more intuitive place that actually feels good. It tended to get pretty spiritual at times, which didn't always resonate with me, and I do wish there had been more specific examples or ideas given, especially for fiction authors. A lot of the advice felt like it would work really well for nonfiction and memoirs and things of that nature, but as someone who writes sci-fi and fantasy, I had a harder time wrapping my head around exactly how to apply some of the ideas here to my own work. It's definitely something I need to think on more, and I'm sure as I revisit some of the exercises in the book, I'll be able to come up with things that will work for me. The book definitely validated some of the things I am already doing as an author that I had never really thought of as marketing, but that I can now see might be just that if I put a little more intention into them. So that was helpful.

I think this is a great book that any author can take valuable lessons from, whether you are an INFJ/INFP or not. If nothing else, it might shift your perspective on marketing so you can start to see it as a joy rather than a dreaded chore.
Profile Image for Russell Holbrook.
Author 29 books85 followers
March 21, 2021
I love this book! I am so, so grateful for this author and this book! I feel like this book was written just for me. I just finished it this morning and there are so many thoughts flying around in my head that it's not easy to just sit down and write about it. I might come back and amend this review later on but, for now, I just want to express my gratitude for this book coming into my life. I've always felt an aversion towards marketing for as far back as I can remember. Even when I was in a band in the 90s and we were signed on a record label, I disliked all the promotional shit that we were supposed to do. It always felt slimy and icky. However, it's not the 90s, and since I do want to be a full-time author, I've been reading loads of books on marketing, being an indie author, tips, tricks, etc, etc... It seems like all those books were stepping stones that lead me to this, the one book that I really needed, the book with the message that my heart and soul needed to hear. Since there are exercises in the book, I'm going back to start reading it again tomorrow morning. I feel that this is a book that will be with me for life. I am so, so thankful for the new perspective this wonderful book has given me! If you're a sensitive, emotionally oriented writer like me, I can't recommend this book enough. It's so beautiful and compassionate and full of goodness. It's helping me immensely and it may help you too! Thank you, Lauren! :D
Profile Image for Janine.
430 reviews73 followers
December 25, 2018
I’m an INFP and in real life, I fit into what Lauren Sapala calls a Highly Sensitive Person, or a HSP. These people tend to be more sensitive and connect to people in an emphatic way more than most than the population. To be honest, while marketing and selling myself and my books didn’t sound like a complete slime ball thing to do, it felt a bit pushy/slimy in that I had to change myself to be more extroverted in order to get sales and detached to my audience with loud and over the top promotion. I’m planning to take a lot of steps in 2019 to get myself out there, so this book came at the right time for me. The prose itself is very easy to read and I got through it in a few hours with a skim read, not thinking about it super deeply, though I’m planning to read it again to get the full experience out of the book.

Sapala integrates her own experiences with some thoughts about marketing in general as each chapter covers a different topic in an easy to read/digest way, with exercises to do at the end of the chapter to bring it home. Sapala’s personal stories really bring some of the lessons home as she tackles the typical and (some) outdated principles of marketing. Authors don’t have to play the marketing game like it’s back in the pre internet days where it was about competing with every other product out there and trying to beat them all. Or chase the current Amazon marketing trend of the week, which is probably outdated by the time you read about it. Or copy someone else’s personality or tactics to succeed or find an audience. It’s about being vulnerable and grabbing people in your own way and being compassionate to others as you connect to them. And the tips given are all practical, no complex steps needed, though some do take some time to implement. It connects the most to INFJ’s, INFP’s and HSPs writing books, but I think anyone can take home some of these tips to market themselves in a more effective and satisfying way and dispel some of the myths that are out there.

As a side note, while not referenced in this book, The Pursuit of Perfection: And How It Harms Writers by Kristine Kathryn Rusch is another book to look at based on Chapter 3 of Part III of the book (third chapter from the end), as it hits on the myth of needing perfect stories, especially in a world where there are millions of reading options, as compared to even 30 years ago where it was just bestsellers and little else.
Profile Image for William Munn.
61 reviews26 followers
September 15, 2018
An Insightful Look At The Journey To Understanding Marketing Why and How

Lauren Sapala does a fantastic job of breaking down barriers moving past the ideas of inauthentic and impersonal sales and marketing of creative work. This book speaks to me on a level I needed to hear. I don’t have to be a machine or a soulless person to market effectively. If I’m authentic and work on projects that fit my purpose, the marketing will feel natural and good. There’s a lot more here, and the book is certainly worth your time. Thank you, Lauren!
Profile Image for Lisa.
Author 20 books199 followers
August 7, 2018
When I first started reading "Firefly Magic" by Lauren Sapala, I thought she had written it personally for me. Yes, I'm a writer. Yes, I'm sensitive. Inside the guide, she address so many of the fears and common misunderstandings that I had about marketing and sales. The writing style is conversational and easy to understand, and the exercises at the end help get the reader involved and clarify where he/she stands in the process.

I had an "ah ha" moment while reading "Firefly Magic." I was at a author reading and signing and there was a book blogger/reviewer moderating. Normally, I never would have gone up and spoke with the reviewer, but I did after reading about finding my tribe and like-minded people in "Firefly Magic." He turned out to be extremely friendly and interesting.

Chapter 8 titled Deep Listening was one of my favorites. The author wrote, "...people opening their hearts and sharing what makes them blossom and what shuts them down, to me, is more valuable than gold." As a writer, I get that, and the fact that I can use it to go beyond writing and learn more about marketing and sales is truly helpful.

This book is amazing. If you are a writer, you need a copy whether or not you struggle with marketing and sales. There is so much wisdom written in the pages.
Profile Image for Michael.
Author 3 books10 followers
September 6, 2018
"I want to write books, not sell them" has always been my motto. But Lauren Sapala has done the impossible. She's made me EXCITED to pour more energy into marketing my art. If you're an author who dislikes marketing, it's because you're doing it wrong. Lauren will show you the way.
Profile Image for Hannah Vanderpool.
94 reviews2 followers
July 18, 2018
This book held some good takeaways for me. Sapala reminds us that marketing is about helping people in effective ways, not trying to manipulate them into buying something they don't want. She believes the very character traits that make a good artist (intuition, sensitivity, thinking outside the box) can and should be leveraged to spread the artist's message.

The book sometimes gets a little "woo-woo." If you're not the New Age-y, meditation, yoga, hippie type, don't let that scare you away from the core message of the book--that marketing is human, like creating art is human. The two can go hand-in-hand without an artist feeling like she has to "sell out" in order to make money.
2 reviews
August 30, 2018
Firefly Magic is a wonderful tool in the toolbox for writers that find marketing their work a daunting task. Each chapter offers a useful take home message that is immediately applicable for promoting your book. The author reminds the sensitive writer to slow down, follow your intuition, and start off with small, creative marketing efforts so as no not feel overwhelmed. Lauren reassures her readers that marketing doesn’t have to be daunting and she explains how it can actually be fun! Along the way, she also debunks some very widespread misconceptions that writers have.
15 reviews
May 23, 2018
Must read for any highly sensitive person looking to market their craft!

Lauren Sapala understands the weirdness and can help you use it to your advantage! Don’t hesitate, just buy. $3 is a steal for such priceless insight.
8 reviews1 follower
May 24, 2018
If you are INFJ, INFP, HSP, or even just an introvert creative struggling through the muddy waters of marketing, buy this book today. No joke, it puts so much into perspective and makes the idea of marketing seem enjoyable and much less stressful!
Profile Image for Phil Halton.
Author 21 books20 followers
August 31, 2018
I came across Lauren Sapala’s book, “Firefly Magic: Heart Powered Marketing for Highly Sensitive Writers,” while looking for material on marketing for authors. While I don’t identify as a “Highly Sensitive Person,” I am an introvert – albeit one trained by 26 years in the Army to act like an extrovert – and self-marketing doesn’t come naturally to me. I connected with Lauren on Twitter, and she sent me a copy of her work to read. I’m very glad that she did.

I think that it is a common misconception among unpublished writers that either a) marketing is someone else’s problem or b) it’s someone else problem as long as you have a traditional publisher. Both ideas are wrong – writing and marketing are two sides of the publishing coin. Writers who want to make a living as writers need to be adept at both, regardless of how they are published.

Perhaps self-promotion comes easily for some people, though I suspect that blowhards and braggarts don’t necessarily sell a lot of books. For the rest of us, who thought that being a writer meant a life time of quietly tapping away at our stories, with the occasional cocktail party to break up the solitude, we just need to get over ourselves and get on with it. No one will read our book unless it is marketed, and no one has a more vested interest in marketing our books than ourselves.

Lauren’s book is a very nice blend of encouragement and explanation, ranging from high level concepts to delving into the nitty-gritty of things like pricing and finding your micro-niche. She has a practical approach to writing as work, and so doesn’t shy away from things like finding ways to diversify your income.

While aimed at introverts in particular, I think that the approach Lauren advocates for would work well for most writers – rather than “selling” your work at every juncture, she talks about building community and connection, and getting your message across in a more sensitive way. Finding your marketing voice is as important as finding your writing voice, and Lauren’s work should get you thinking along alternative lines about what that might sound like.

At times, Lauren’s writing takes a New Age/Spiritual turn, which might be your cup of tea or might not. I don’t think it detracts from the book at all, and is an example of Lauren writing with her own authentic voice. I don’t think it hurts for anyone to get in touch with that side of things from time to time in any case.

As a bonus, she has included a very detailed bibliography that should point you in the right direction as you explore other aspects of marketing as well.

“Firefly Magic” is a good place to start if you’ve written a book and wonder “Now what?” Particularly if the idea of self-marketing makes you at all uncomfortable, introvert or not, this may very well be the book for you. While aimed at writers, much of what is included could apply equally to other artists as well.

I appreciate that Lauren took the time to put these ideas out into the world, where I know they will find a receptive audience.
Profile Image for Travis.
2 reviews2 followers
May 26, 2018
As soon as I saw that Lauren wrote this book I ordered off Amazon pronto. I have Lauren's other two books, Between the Shadow and Lo, and The INFJ Writer, both of which I highly recommend. The INFJ Writer and Firefly Magic are written in a similar style where there are exercises at the end of each chapter for the reader to reflect upon. In The INFJ Writer Lauren states that you have to actually do the exercises in the book for it to do you and good,. Being a self-help book junkie I am totally guilty of reading self-help books and not doing the exercises, and now thinking about that, I might go back and re read some books on my book shelf.. That all changed a few years ago when I read the INFJ Writer. I would read a few chapters, and then go back over the questions posed at the end each section. Some of the questions take a bit of pondering, it may take a day or two for my brain to come up with something. I will open up a blank word document, write down the question and write out what comes to mind, at then when I finish the book I will have quite a bit of information out there where I can review it.

Firefly Magic is no different, if you are an intuitive HSS/HSP writer like myself, Lauren knows how your brain works. Its like she opens up your head, looks at all the programming , neurons and connections in there, takes pictures of it and then puts in all into words that we can actually understand. I have taken a marketing class, and read several other books about it, but none of them really worked for me. They all seemed a bit scammy or like they were aimed at the used car salesman type. A lot of those other books have a few things in common, they say you need to change your personality and become more extroverted, and while that is partially true, an introvert cannot become an extrovert. Now I am not saying these other books and blogs do not have good information, because they do, but their targeted audience is not the Intuitive HSP type of person that many writers are.

Lauren knows that you have a book that you are working on that is partially finished or on its 3rd re-write that you have been working on for a while. I am totally guilty of this, I have been working on my novel for about 4 years and its still in rough shape. Firefly Magic comes for Lauren's experience as a writing coach, she helped me out with my novel a few years ago, her book is the combination of hundreds (maybe thousands ?) of coaching sessions put into actionable bits for the reader. If you are an Intuitive writer you cannot skip this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
209 reviews17 followers
November 11, 2021
As a writer myself, "Firefly Magic" has been one of those books I've been looking for for a long time. Lauren Sapala really hits the nail on the head with several points when it comes to marketing. It's especially helpful to the four I's: intuitive and introverted and to those who fall under the Myers-Briggs spectrum of INFJ and INFP.

It took me a long while to read "Firefly Magic". I first tried it last year and only read the first two chapters before I put the book away. Yet something was tugging at me and starting in late August, I took it off the shelves with a new perspective, and I'm glad I did.

Since "Firefly Magic" has 24 chapters (and three sections), I divided it into thirds. One for reading, highlighting and scribbling my thoughts and underlining and circling the important words. Two, for answering the questions at the end of each chapter. And finally, three, to type the questions and my answers onto a Word document. (Still have to write and type in my answers for Chapters 22 and 23; there aren't any questions to ponder over in the last chapter.)

Sometimes I'd skip ahead a few chapters and highlight important details or even answer a question or two when it was still fresh in my head. I felt it helped want to press on reading Lauren's book. I recognized certain points she made in the book that not many people would either go through or understand. Lauren mentions how our concepts and products don't need to be perfect--just "pretty damn good". That is one of a few ideas she tells us.

Lauren Sapala tells us about her trials and tribulations (and triumphs) as she plodded through to accomplish her dream to become an author who has plenty to offer her readers. She also has number of recommended readings listed in this book. I know that I'll be looking for a couple of those books soon at my local library. I've already recommended "Firefly Magic" to both Write Clubs I belong to and will try to push myself to finish a couple of books I presently have in the works.

Thank you, Lauren, for publishing "Firefly Magic". I can't wait to read more of your books.

Rating for "Firefly Magic": *****
December 8, 2019
Marketing and Selling is Spiritual and Emotional also!

I’ve been somewhat hesitant to be marketing and selling anything, even though I know it’s important. As a Sensitive Intuitive, I realized in reading this book what’s been holding me back from putting myself and my work out there in the marketplace.

I’m a deeply spiritual and emotional person, as well as intelligent. But as an intuitive feeler in a sensing thinking dominant world, I’ve had a hard time complying with the pushy, sales-y, aggressive kind of marketing. I’d rather not be around a lot of people, noise, and competition. And now I don’t have to be to market and sell my stuff.

Why? Because Lauren Sapala, the author of this book, has found another way, another reason, to market and sell her books and writing services: it’s combining her heart and intuition to sort through the known and logical ways of marketing and sales in order to listen to what draws her, pulls her to go and do for her target readers.

Yes, it may take longer and it might not be efficient enough to sell more books right away. However. this approach lends itself towards helping the book get onto the right hands through unusual yet effective channels.

I will take the advice of this book to heart as I write and market my own products and services. So please read this book if you want a more heart-powered approach to get your stuff out there so the right people will buy it.

Thanks, Lauren, for sharing this with us!
Profile Image for Katherine Turner.
Author 8 books38 followers
December 27, 2019
Lauren hits it out of the park with this book by making it everything your typical marketing book isn't. If you're looking for tactics that focus first on the sale, are motivated solely by making money, purport to help you get rich fast, or tout a tried-and-true step system that you just plug into your business, you've got the wrong book.

If, however, you're looking for a book that talks compassionately about how you can find ways to help people, how to establish rapport by first figuring out what you can do for someone else, how to truly listen to what someone needs and be willing to walk away if that isn't what you have to offer, then you've definitely picked the right book.

Lauren walks you through the inner struggles that sensitive writers face when we even think about the word marketing, demonstrating a true understanding of what we experience. And then she expertly guides you out of your fear, illuminating the ways in which you can actually help people rather than just try to sell something to them. If the thought of trying to market yourself makes you feel like a slimy, sleazy car salesman, do yourself a favor and buy this book. It will forever change the way you feel about marketing and about yourself.
Profile Image for Matthew Samuels.
Author 5 books13 followers
March 1, 2020
I’ve been a fan of Lauren Sapala for some time; she’s an excellent writer and has absolutely found her niche in helping INFJs and HSPs through life. Firefly Magic is no different. It looks at how highly sensitive individuals can often recoil from marketing, finding it ‘distasteful’ to hawk your wares, and how to reframe this so that you see promotion as part of a higher purpose in life.

It’s a mix of theory and processing, practical tips and personal anecdotes – as an INFJ, Sapala has an intimate understanding of the pain, shame and frustration that other INFJs can feel – as well as the joy and wonder. She guides you through these points, giving you a solid starting point for making the most of your strengths (and reminding you not to beat yourself up for your shortcomings) as a highly sensitive content creator.

It’s a vastly helpful guide that provides some really handy advice for remembering that it’s ok to be weird and that you – as a highly sensitive individual – do have something unique to offer the world, and that promotion doesn’t have to be a dirty word. Thanks again Lauren!
Profile Image for Beth.
304 reviews
April 2, 2020
I read _Firefly Magic_ because Lauran Sapala's _The INFJ Writer_ was so useful to me (and to my INF writing students) and because I actively ignore marketing my own writing, reading this book was a no brainer. In it, Sapala helps the marketing averse writer look at the business end of her craft with a new perspective from a heart-centered--instead of head-centered--vantage point. Each chapter covers a different topic with nuggets of wisdom, useful examples, and exercises to help the reader tap into what is holding her back. Chapters include topics like: relationships to money and how that relates to relationships to marketing, finding your own tribe to market to instead of attempting to market to the whole world, networking, etc. all with a more emotional/intuitive approach. This is a useful book that will help those who are resistant to see new ways to tackle the business end of writing. It will appeal to writers who are INFJs, INFPs, highly sensitive, or empathic, as well as fans of Lauren's blog or books.
Profile Image for Kim Harrison.
18 reviews
October 25, 2021
I recently discovered Lauren Sapala’s work thanks to a good friend of mine, and immediately fell in love with her writing and approach. As Lauren states at the start of her book, Firefly Magic will “give you incredibly powerful thought tools that you can use if (and when) you’re interested in changing your own mind about marketing and the way you feel about it.” This was one of those books that felt like it was written exclusively for me – everything made sense and I love her approach that values intuition, deep connection, and trusting ourselves in this work. The book is well researched and blends Lauren’s personal stories that relate to the topics with gentle ‘how-to’ sections and exercises that give us space to explore our own limiting beliefs, deepen our understanding of what marketing does – or could – mean to us, and move forwards with intentions that feel good on all levels (heart/full body and head). I’d highly recommend this book to any writer who identifies as introverted or sensitive, or who struggles with marketing or has tried other approaches without success.
Profile Image for Jessica Donegan.
Author 1 book8 followers
August 10, 2019
Loved this book so much and found it so helpful, I bought it after reading through Kindle Unlimited (no longer available in unlimited). This is a great book for an emotional, creative mind looking to share whatever they are expressing.

Personally, I read a little at a time highlighting and responding to the questions or thoughts. I recommend anyone use this book to help motivate them in their journey and Spurr themselves forward in their endeavor. I don't know if this book will help me sell my book. I don't know if all the work I've done will show up in more readers or in dollars. But I don't think I'd be here on the precipice of self publishing a book with a professional copy editor and a professional cover artist working with me to deliver the best package I can for readers. Just having the thing and knowing I did it all and could do it all again adds value to my life. If the book's suggestions help me reach an audience, that's a bonus at this point.
Profile Image for Clarissa.
Author 4 books169 followers
December 15, 2018
I am a huge fan of Lauren Sapala's books. I loved The INFJ Writer, but I loved this book even more. Firefly Magic spoke deeply to me and I wish I'd read it before publishing my books: it would have allayed many of my fears and concerns about marketing. While this book does contain practical suggestions for creative marketing, Sapala also goes deep into the heart of writers' misguided beliefs about marketing and what it should look like. This book is a balm to the soul of anyone who dislikes the "hard sell" technique or who hates even the thought of marketing his or her work. You don't have to be an INFJ or an HSP to benefit from this book, though if you are, it will certainly make you feel less alone. Brilliant, timely, and wise advice for artists of all types who want to make a meaningful connection with their audience.
Profile Image for Abigail.
94 reviews12 followers
January 21, 2019
Quick Review:
Presented new approach to marketing that felt more doable and comforting to someone who finds it overwhelming and out of their comfort zone; Sapala gives excercises to do at the end of every chapter which have pros and cons (personally, since I'm not currently trying to publish a book I did not take the time to do them and skimmed most of them but I can see where they would be useful for someone using this book as a guide on where to start with marketing their new novel); towards the end it felt repetitive and there were some shameless plugs throughout the books.

Overall, it was useful for marketing techniques but lost stars for the workbook exercises and my desire to just be done with the book.
Profile Image for Julie.
Author 13 books35 followers
January 30, 2019
I was pretty leery about reading any book on marketing. My eyes tend to glaze over, and I get squirmy and cynical. This book cured that. I read one chapter at a time, and then worked on the journal questions at the end of each one as I felt comfortable. It took me a while at this pace because each chapter had heavy things to consider and absorb. I did skip a few journal questions that were too triggering and would have been counter-productive for me at this time (maybe I'll go back someday).

Since reading this book, my opinions on self-promotion and marketing for my work has shifted to a healthier place. I appreciated the mindfulness at the center of this book's message.

Highly recommend for anyone who hates the very idea of (but needs to) market their work.
Profile Image for Rasmenia Massoud.
Author 9 books78 followers
August 25, 2020
There's a lot to like about this book. Like most self-help books, it's up to the reader to sort out what is useful and what to leave behind. There are sections I'll leave behind only because it's not my first rodeo. I've had a website and social media for several years, etc. But there's still some great tips and advice here. The parts that are useful are valuable indeed. Several parts of this book felt like the author opened up compartment inside my head and showed me what was in there and asked me to take a good look at the contents. Where she shares personal anecdotes about how she herself made mistakes, I often found that I related. Oh, man... I related. I'm glad I came across this book. I really didn't know how much I needed it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews

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