406 books
750 voters
currently-reading (3)
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young-adult (179)
fiction (116)
2019 (115)
children (94)
young-adult-fantasy (86)
2018 (82)
contemporary (72)
book-of-the-month (71)
currently-reading (3)
to-read (175)
did-not-finish (18)
young-adult (179)
fiction (116)
2019 (115)
children (94)
young-adult-fantasy (86)
2018 (82)
contemporary (72)
book-of-the-month (71)
by-and-about-women (63)
2021 (62)
2020 (61)
audiobook (57)
2023 (52)
historical-fiction (50)
fantasy (48)
poetry (47)
2022 (45)
world-literature (45)
mental-illness (38)
by-and-about-women (63)
2021 (62)
2020 (61)
audiobook (57)
2023 (52)
historical-fiction (50)
fantasy (48)
poetry (47)
2022 (45)
world-literature (45)
mental-illness (38)
Working with limiting beliefs is a process of intense personal growth, and personal growth is always highly individual and must be embarked on by choice. No exceptions.
“Two huge questions keep dangling in front of you, like proverbial carrots in front of the donkey. One: Do you want love? And two: Are you able to give it? Either you're terrified of the emotion or you're a sociopath.”
― People Kill People
― People Kill People
“The teens whom [danah boyd, director of the research institute Data & Society] interviewed insisted they prefer hanging out in person to messaging on smartphones, but adults have restricted their mobility so thoroughly that they have few alternatives. The Internet has become young people's core social infrastructure because we've unfairly deprived them of access to other sites for meaningful connection. If we fail to build physical places where people can enjoy one another's company, regardless of age, class, race, or ethnicity, we will all be similarly confined.”
― Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life
― Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life
“Janine had a dozen of responses, all of which were variants of the fact that Joy had made her choice; that she didn't deserve to grieve. She wanted to tell Janine that yes, she had gotten what she wanted, but she also felt the pain of loss, and they were not mutually exclusive.”
― A Spark of Light
― A Spark of Light
“Despite every claim otherwise, he's a coward. And a coward with a gun is treacherous.”
― People Kill People
― People Kill People
“Democracy must begin at home, and its home is the neighborly community.”
― Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life
― Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life
Abigail’s 2024 Year in Books
Take a look at Abigail’s Year in Books, including some fun facts about their reading.
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